Milford Haven: waterway & town
Compiled by Ken McKay & George Springer; Images of Wales series, Tempus, 1999.[0-7524-1589-1]
Indexed by Mary Bryceland Oct 2000
The entries relate to photographs unless stated otherwise.
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- Groups; mainly unnamed
- Groups ; mainly named
- People in photographs
- Visiting Dignitaries in photographs
- People named in the text
- Places
- Ships
Groups: mainly unnamed
"Arthur Cavanaugh", skipper & crew,1935,55 | |
"Gerbordina Johanna" & Dutch crew,ca 1942,72 | "USS Pharris", crew with Milford Haven dignitories,1990,125 |
1st Battalion (TA),The Welch Regt,Salisbury Plain,1906,63 | Alfred Barrett with children & workmates,Kimberley Public House,1920s,81 |
Bethel, laying foundation stone,1907,78 | Ceremony,St Thomas a Becket Chapel, The Rath,early 1990s,13 |
Choirs,Town Hall,bicentenery,1990,124 | Church fete, Hamilton House,early 1900s,109 |
Esso construction site,councillors & officers of UDC with visiting journalists,1958,98 | Farrow,--,Mr,with staff,early 1900s,78 |
Fire Brigade,1925,87 | Fire Brigade,1939,87 |
Fish Market, 1933,54 | Francis Shipbuilding & Repair Yard, apprentices,1908,109 |
Girl Guides,6th Milford Haven company,Central School,mid 1930s,116 | Gulf Refinery,Royal family & others,opening of Waterston Ol Refining complex,1968,123 |
Hakin Bridge toll-abolishment parade,1909,82 | Hakin National School,pupils & staff,1929,112 |
Haven Club, opening ceremony,1962,122 | Herring girls, undated,51 |
Ice Factory staff,1930,53 | Milford Haven County Intermediate School,male pupils,1910,107 |
Milford Haven Dock, laying foundation stone,,1874,32 | Milford Haven Urban District Councillors,new Town Hall,1940,117 |
North Road Board School pupils,1895,105 | Priory Mission Sunday School,Priory Hill,1910,107 |
Royal Naval Armament Depot,construction site workers,1936,119 | Royal Naval Armament Depot, canteen staff,1941,119 |
Special Constables,1914/18,69 | St Peter's Church, funeral of Dutch seaman,1943,73 |
St Peter's Church, Sunday School,1914/18,108 | St Katharine's Mother Union Outing,outside vicarage,1927,110 |
St Katherine's Operatic Society,1910,106 | Territorial Regt, Milford Co.,4th Battalion,Drill Hall, Charles St,1908,64 |
Territorial army bicycle patrol,Steynton crossroads,1914,64 | Territorials, Welch Regiment,Black Bridge,1914,65 |
Town Hall, visit of HM the Queen,1955,120 | Trafalgar Institute,concert audience,1919,110 |
Unloading ice,late1800s?,43 | War memorial, laying foundation stone,,early 1920s,67 |
War memorial,unveiling,1924,69 | WH East with sons & staff, fish market,late1890s,45 |
Women & children,Point Street,Hakin,late 1880s,77 |
Groups ; Mainly named see main list for individual names
"Astorians" orchestral group,1951,121 | Cosalt Employees,1970s,52 |
Council road repair workers,1920s,111 | Hakin dock gate operators,undated,114 |
Milford Athletic Football Club,1925/6,115 | Milford Haven County School,soccer team,1936,115 |
Milford Haven County School, cricket team,1939,116 |
People in Group photographs
Acornley,Matt,[Chief fire officer],87 | Adams,Jack,ice factory worker,1930,53 |
Alford,S [British Legion],1935,118 | Allen,Kay,[Mrs],[Quaker],1990,124 |
Austin,W,[British Legion],1935,118 | Avery,Norman,[schoolboy]1936,115 |
Baker,G,[special constable],1914/18,69 | Banner,Victor,Milford Athletic FC,1925/6,115 |
Barrett,Alfred,[brewer's drayman],1920s,81 | Becket,Eric,[ice factory worker],1930,53 |
Belton,GS,[British Legion],1935,118 | Bevan,--,[road repair worker],1920s,111 |
Bowen,Harold,[schoolboy]1910,107 | Brand,E,[special constable],1914/18,69 |
Brown,Stanley,Milford Athletic FC,1925/6,115 | Burley,B,[British Legion],1935,118 |
Calderwood,H,[British Legion],1935,118 | Carter,E E,[special constable],1914/18,69 |
Clark,Cecil,Milford Athletic FC,1925/6,115 | Cleaver,V,[British Legion],1935,118 |
Cleaver,Victor, [schoolboy]1910,107 | Cleaver,Victor,Milford Athletic FC,1925/6,115 |
Cole,William,[schoolboy],1910,107 | Davidon,Jeff,Commander USS Pharris,1990,125 |
Davies,Cliff,teacher,Milford Haven County School,1936,115/6 | Davies,Jack,fish market worker,1933,54 |
Davies,John,[schoolboy],1910,107 | Davies,L,[special constable],1914/18,69 |
Davies,Valerie,[netmaker],1970s,52 | Davies,W,special constable,1914/18,69 |
Day,Hubert,[schoolboy],1910,107 | Devonald,--,[road repair worker],1920s,111 |
Donnelly,Desmond,MP,1962,122 | East,W H, fishmerchant,1890s,45 |
East,Ivor,Milford Athletic FC,1925/6,115 | Elder,MMR,[British Legion],1935,118 |
Evans,H,[road repair worker],1920s,111 | Evans,J,[road repair worker],1920s,111 |
Evans,Kenny,[schoolboy],1936,115 | Farmer,Reg,dock-gate operator,early (?)1900s,114 |
Farrow,--,[Mr][shopkeeper],early1900s,78 | Finney,R,[British Legion],1935,118 |
Finney,Roger,[schoolboy],1936,115/6 | Folger,Timothy,Quaker whaleman,early 1800s, 17 |
Foster,Barclay,[schoolboy],1910,107 | French,Joyce,[Mrs],[RNAD canteen staff],1941,119 |
Galvin,Walter,[schoolboy],1910,107 | Garnish,Yvonne,[net maker], 1950s, 52 |
Garrett,Morgan,[schoolboy],1939,116 | Gaskell,J B,[special constable],1914/18,69 |
Gibby,William,[schoolboy],1910,107 | Gilbert,Norman,[schoolboy],1939,116 |
Goddall,Tom,[petroleum worker],1978,101 | Greville,Charles Francis,late1700s,14 |
Grice,Hubert,[fish market worker],1933,54 | Griffith,Stephen,[Quaker],1990,124 |
Gwilliam,Albert,CGM,[sailor RN],c1939,70 | Hamilton,William,Sir,late 1700s,14 |
Hancock,Leslie,[dock-gate operator],early (?)1900s,114 | Hancock,P,[special constable],1914/18,69 |
Hancock,T G,[special constable],1914/18,69 | Harries,Eric,[Mayor],1990,125 |
Harries,Joyce[Mrs],[Mayoress],1990,124/5 | Hastings,Frank,[construction worker],1936,119 |
Heath,Harold,[schoolboy],1910,107 | Hewitt,James,[trawler skipper],1935,55 |
Hopton,H,[special constable],1914/18,69 | Howarth,--,[Mr],[Town Clerk], Town Hall,1940,117 |
Howell,Esme,[Mrs],[RNAD canteen staff],1941,119 | Howells,J,[special constable],1914/18,69 |
Hughes,Billy,[musician],1951,121 | Hughes,T,[special constable],1914/18,69 |
Hughes,W,[special constable],1914/18,69 | Hughes,William,[schoolboy],1910,107 |
Hunt,David,MP,1990,89 | Hunt,J,[British Legion],1935,118 |
Hyatt,George,[dock-gate operator],early (?)1900s,114 | Jay,Mike,[PEFA general manager],1998,62 |
John, David,ice factory worker,1930,53 | John,Ronnie,[schoolboy],1939,116 |
Johns,BH,[British Legion],1935,118 | Johnson,Billy,[schoolboy],1936,115 |
Johnson,F,special constable,1914/18,69 | Jones,Glyn,1939,116 |
Jones,J,special constable,1914/18,69 | Joyce,R,[British Legion],1935,118 |
Kennedy,A,[British Legion],1935,118 | Kilby,Percy,[schoolboy],1910,107 |
Kilby,Walter,[schoolboy],1910,107 | King,John,1936,[schoolboy],115/6 |
Lamb,J,special constable,1914/18,69 | Lambswood,Sanders,[schoolboy],1910,107 |
Laugharne,--,road repair worker,1920s,111 | Laugharne,Ira,netmaker,1970s,52 |
Lewis,--, Police Inspector,1914/18,69 | Lewis,'Bosun Jack',dock-gate operator,early (?)1900s,114 |
Lewis,Harold,headmaster Hakin National Sch,1929,112 | Lewis,Henry,[schoolboy],1939,116 |
Lewis,Hubert 'Stokey',Private,VC,1916,66,67,69,118 | Lewis,J,special constable,1914/18,69 |
Lewis,Tom,1910,[schoolboy],107 | Lewis,Vivian,[Chairman Milford Haven UDC},Town Hall,1955,120 |
Lewis,William,[schoolboy],1939,116 | Liddle,Olive,[Mrs][RNAD canteen staff],1941,119 |
Limbrick,OIwen,[schoolboy],1910,107 | Little,Oliver, [schoolboy],1910,107 |
Llewellyn,--,[Miss],[RNAD canteen staff],1941,119 | |
Lowther,Bert,[schoolboy], 1910,107 | Lowther,Russell,[schoolboy],1910,107 |
Lucas,F,special constable,1914/18,69 | Mathias,--,road repair worker,1920s,111 |
Mathias,Andrew,1990,88 | Mathias,Beverly,1990,88 |
Mathias,Henry,dock-gate operator,early (?)1900s,114 | Mathias,T,special constable,1914/18,69 |
Mayne,Sarah,schoolgirl,1990,89 | McKay,B,[British Legion],1935,118 |
McKay,J,special constable,1914/18,69 | Mclean,Derek,[schoolboy],1936,115 |
Medway,John,[schoolboy],1939,116 | Meyler,--,Councillor,c1939,70 |
Miles,Dillwyn,1962,122 | Miller,Dorothy,1962,122 |
Miller,Maurice,[schoolboy],1910,107 | Moris,T D,special constable,1914/18,69 |
Morris,Cyril,[schoolboy],1936,115 | Narbett,Richard,[musician],1951,121 |
Oswald,Arthur,[schoolboy],1910,107 | Oughton,Fred,[RNAD worker],1960,122 |
Owen,Jimmy,RNAD worker],1960,122 | Packman,Elwyn,[schoolboy],1936,115 |
Payne,Charles,[schoolboy],1910,107 | Payne,Elliot,dock-gate operator,early(?)1900s,114 |
Payne,William,[schoolboy],1910,107 | Petrie,John,[schoolboy],1936,115 |
Phelps,H,special constable,1914/18,69 | Phillips,Ivor,Councillor & Headmaster,c1939,70,117 |
Phillips,Jim,Jnr,dock-gate operator,early (?)1900s,114 | Phillips,Jim,Snr,dock-gate operator,early (?)1900s,114 |
Phillips,Mary 'Mollie',WRNS,1940s,71 | Poole,Matt,construction worker],1936,119 |
Poole,Tom,construction worker],1936,119 | Price,Edwin,construction worker],1936,119 |
Price,Sid,Milford Athletic FC,1925/6,115 | Prickett,Jack,restauranteur,mid 1900s,59 |
Prickett,Kenny,restauranteur,mid 1900s,59 | Ramage,Ron,RoundTabler,1990,88 |
Reed, Edward James, MP, 1874, 32 | Rees,William'Billy',pupil,Milford Haven County Sch,1936,115/6 |
Roach,Herbert,petroleum worker,1978,101 | Roberts,--,Major (later Colonel),1906,63 |
Roberts,G,[British Legion],1935,118 | Roberts,Harry,[schoolboy],1910,107 |
Roberts,Harry,fish market worker,1933,54 | Robson,Eric,[Musician],1951,121 |
Rolston,Rose,1962,122 | Rotch,William,Snr,,whaleman,early 1800s,17 |
Rotch,William[Mr & Mrs],visiting Quakers,1990,125 | Rowlands,Tommy,[musician,1951,121 |
Russell,Benny,[schoolboy],1936,115 | Russell,Christina,1990,88 |
Russell,Sheila,councillor,1990,88 | Sandy,Ruby,[Mrs],[RNAD canteen staff],1941,119 |
Sheriff,H,[British Legion],1935,118 | Skone,Gilbert,[schoolboy],1910,107 |
Smith,Chris,dock-gate operator,early (?)1900s,114 | Smith,H,[British Legion],1935,118 |
Smith,Margaret, netmaker, 1970s, 52 | Stephens,H,[British Legion],1935,118 |
Stevens,Sonia,teacher,1990,89 | Stokes,--,[Major],[British Legion],1935,118 |
Stokes,--,[Mrs],[British Legion],1935,118 | Summers,F,Chief constable,1914/18,69 |
Sweeney,William,[schoolboy],1939,116 | Taylor,T,[British Legion],1935,118 |
Thomas,Bill,RNAD worker],1960,122 | Thomas,Robert,PEFA network manager,1998,62 |
Thomas,T,special constable,1914/18,69 | Thomas,V,[British Legion],1935,118 |
Toms,C,[British Legion],1935,118 | Treharne,--,PoliceSergeant,1914/18,69 |
Utting,Bob,fish market worker,1933,54 | Vaughan,'Pop',ice factory worker,1930,53 |
Vaughan,Tommy,ice factory worker, 1930, 53 | Venables,Harry, ice factory worker,1930,53 |
Venables,W,ice factory worker,1930,53 | Walters,Wally,[schoolboy],1939,116 |
Warlow,--,road repair worker,1920s,111 | Warlow,Gilbert,ice factory worker,1930,53 |
Warlow,T,special constable,1914/18,69 | Warlow,Wilfred,[schoolboy],1936,115 |
Warr,Trevor,manager Cosalt,1970s,52 | Watson,--,Miss,Royal Nat. Mission to Deep Sea Fishermen,1900s,114 |
White,'Ocky',early 1920s,112 | White,Eric,[schoolboy],1939,116 & [musician],1951,121 |
Whittow,W C,special constable,1914/18,69 | Williams,Hefn,PEFA auctioneer,1998,62 |
Williams,TV,[British Legion],1935,118 | Williams,Winston,[schoolboy],1936,115 |
Wood,--,Miss,Royal Nat. Mission to Deep Sea Fishermen,1900s,114 | Young,Guy,[schoolboy],1910,107 |
Visiting dignitaries in Group Photographs
Philip,Duke of Edinburgh,1960,97,120 | Alexanda,Princess,1990,88 |
Phillips,Ivor,Sir,General,1924,69 | Thatcher,Margaret,Prime Minister,1990,89 |
Haig,--,[Lady],[British Legion Dinner],1935,118 | HM Queen Elizabeth, Town Hall,1955,120 & Gulf Refinery,1968,123 |
Kelway,GT, Colonel,[Lord Lieutenant of Pembs.),Town Hall,1955,120 | HRH Prince Charles,Gulf Refinery,1968,123 |
HRH Princess Anne,Gulf refinery,1968,123 | HRH Duke of York,marina, Milford Docks,1991,91 |
Lloyd-George,Mrs David,1907,78 |
People named in the text
These are people from Milford Haven
Attwood,JR,artist,1776,16 | Barrallier,Jean Louis,supervisor & dockyard manager,early1800s,19 |
Brett,Oswald,artist,1973,18 | Chenery,Jack,trawler skipper,late 1950s,60 |
Clarke,--,Mrs,1855,112 | Clayton,TF,artist,56 |
Cory,John,shipping magnate,1907,78 | Dare,--,Admiral, Naval Base Commander,1914/18,67 |
Greville,Robert Fulke[,-1824],23 | Greville,Robert Fulke Murray,Colonel,mid 1800s,23/24 |
Hackett,Bryan,sculptor,1992,2 | Harvey,Arthur,trawler skipper,1960s,60 |
Holt,David,modelmaker,18 | Holwell,John Zephaniah,gentleman,1770s,29 |
Hughes,Anne,Mayor,1998,93 | Ingram, Fred Jnr,trawler owner,1960s,60 |
Jernigan,--,architect,early 1800s,19 | Keates-Wilson,--,army Captain,1914,65 |
Lake,Samuel,builder,1880s,35 | Milnes,John,railway builder,1872,30 |
Morgan,WJ"Bill",Mayor,1992,2 | Pearson,S,builder,1880s,35/36 |
Prickett,Tom,"Doctor Tom",Restauranteur,early 1900s,59/68 | Rendel,AlexanderMeadows,consultant engineer,36/37 |
Rickard,Bob,artist,73 | Roche,Adam de [or de Rupe],1170,13 |
Sanders,WE,VC,Lt Cdr,New Zealander recorded on War Memorial,1914/18,69 | Smith,Alex,trawler skipper,late 1940s,56 |
Starbuck,Samuel,{Quaker, whaleman],1792,17 | Thomas,Hugh,Major(later Sir),1920s,29 |
Toler,JM,engineer,1870s,30 | Walters,Edmund"Wally",composer & conductor,1990,124 |
Ward,JC,manager of Docks Company,c.1920,67 | Warlow,John,Marine House,1928,53 |
Wehnert,Frederick,artist,24/25/26 | Williams,TG,Town Clerk,early 1930s,83 |
All in Milford Haven unless otherwise stated
Amoco Refinery,Robertson,under construction,1971,100 | |
Belgian Monument,Hamilton Terrace,68 | Castle Hall,pre-1939,29 |
Charles Street/Market Square,ca 1910,80 | Charles Street/Market Square,1990s,90 |
Customs Bondage Store,undated,21 | Esso Refinery,Herbrandstone,tribute plaque to the building workers,1960,97 |
Farrow's General Produce Store,Charles Street,early 1900s,78 | Foster Powell's Store, Charles street,1920/30s,81 |
Friends Meeting House,Priory Road,21 | Grammar School,[later the Comprehensive School],Steynton Road,1960s,86 |
Gulf Refinery,1980,101 | Hadfield's Fancy Goods Store,Charles Street,1920s,80 |
Hakin Bridge & Toll House,1931,82 | Hakin Bridge,new,under construction,1933,83/113 |
Hakin Bridge, replaced 1998,under construction,92/93 | Hakin Point,1996,104 |
Hamilton Terrace,late1800s,79 | Hubberston Priory,ruins,13 |
Hubberston Fort,68 | Kimberley Public House,1920s,81 |
Lord Nelson Hotel,Front Street,[formerley New Inn],undated,19 | Lower Hill Street/Spikes Lane,Hakin,ca 1900,79 |
Milford Haven War Memorial,69 | North Road Board School,early 1900s,86 |
Observatory, Hakin,ruins,20 | Point Street,Hakin, undated,ca1890s,77 |
Priory Mission,Priory Hill,1910,107 | Priory Sawmills,Hubberston,13 |
Smoke houses,50/53 | St Thomas a Becket Chapel,The Rath,ruins,13 |
St Katharine's Church,exterior,undated sketch,20 | St Peter's Church,exterior,1943,73/108 |
St David's Church, Hubberston,exterior,85 | Swimming Pool, The Rath,undated,83 |
Tabernacle Chapel, Charles Street,exterior,1910,85 | Tesco's Store,1990s,94/95 |
Torch Theatre,post 1970,93 | Town Hall,1970s,84 |
Also general views of Milford Haven and Hakin from various directions and at various dates. |
Alexandros,supertanker,1991,90 | Argo of Pembroke,trawler,early 1960s,60 |
Arthur Cavanaugh(M184),1935,55 | AsgardII,Irish brigantine,Tall Ships Race,191,90 |
Astrid,brig,Tall Ships Race,191,90 | Aurora,model of whaleship,1790s,18 |
Cassard(LO244 844,)foreign trawler,1990s,62 | Dartmouth(M80),1913,48 |
Eendracht,Dutch schooner,Tall Ships Race,191,90 | Esso Pembrokeshire,1961,99 |
Esso Scotia,Very Large Crude Carrier,early 1970s,102 | Gaspesia,transatlantic steamer,1898,39/40 |
Gerbordina Johonna,Dutch minesweeping trawler,1940/43,72 | Great Eastern,1875,34 |
Henryk Rutkowski,Polish brigantine,Tall Ships Race,191,90 | Her Majesty,paddle trawler,ca1900,42 |
HMS Adventure,minelayer,1940s,74 | HMS Apollo,minelayer,1940s,75 |
Iska, Polish barquentine,Tall Ships Race,1991,90 | Kirkland,trawler,1913,47 |
Landing Craft LCG14,1940s,76 | Malcolm Miller,topsail schooner,Tall Ships Race,1991,90 |
Mikasa,trawler converted to minesweeper,1939,70 | Milford Viscount,trawler,launch at Selby 1947,56 |
Norrard Star(M44),trawler,launch at Pembroke Dock 1956,60 | Pheneas Beard,trawler,56 |
Sea Empress,shipwreck,1996,103 | Sir Winston Churchill,Topsail schooner,Tall Ships Race,191,90 |
Surprise,Frigate,Milford naval dockyard,1812,19 | Sybil,steam trawler,1881,38 |
Tharald Brovig,Norwegian tanker,mid 1960s,99 | Their Merit,trawler,56 |
U112, captured German U-boat,1914/18,67 |
Mentioned in text - no photo Landing Craft(LCG 14 & 15),wrecked off Pembroke coast,1943,76 Milford Countess,1937, Spithead Review,55 |