


PENEGOS - Gazetteers


The National Gazetteer of Great Britain and Ireland - 1868

National Gazetteer, 1868

"PENEGOS, a parish in the hundred of Machynlleth, county Montgomery, 1 mile W. of Machynlleth, its post town, and 16 miles from Llanidloes. It is situated among the hills on the river Dulas, and contains the townships of Isycoed and Uwchycoed. There are mineral springs, lead mines, and woollen-mills, the latter employing a large number of hands. The living is a rectory* in the diocese of Bangor, value £250, in the patronage of the Bishop of Llandaff. The church is an ancient structure, dedicated to St. Cadvarch. R. Wilson, the painter, was born here in 1714. Llywarch Hên, the bard, resided at Dolguog."

"IS-Y-COEDD, a township in the parish of Penegos, county Montgomery, 2 miles N.E. of Machynlleth. It is situated in a fertile valley near the river Dovey."

"UWCHYCOED, a township in the parish of Penegos, county Montgomery, I mile E. of Machynlleth. It is situated among the hills, and has some lead mines."

[Description(s) from The National Gazetteer of Great Britain and Ireland (1868)
Transcribed by Colin Hinson ©2003]

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A Topographical Dictionary of Wales by Samuel Lewis, 1833

PENEGOES, or PENEGWEST, a parish in the hundred of MACHYNLLETH, county of MONTGOMERY, NORTH WALES, l 1/2 mile (E.) from Machynlleth, containing 826 inhabitants. This parish is said to derive its name from one of the petty sovereigns of Wales, named Egwest, who was beheaded near the church : it is situated in a very mountainous district in the western part of the county, and is intersected by the river Dovey, which flows within little more than half a mile of the parish church, and by the turnpike road from Welshpool to Machynlleth, which passes through the village. The mountains afford pasturage to numerous flocks of sheep, and in the lower grounds the soil is favourable for the growth of corn. The manufacture of flannel is carried on in the parish, affording employment to a portion of the inhabitants ; and in the mountains of Dylivau and Esgair Galed lead-ore is found, of a good quality. The surrounding scenery, though rather dreary, is of a bold and striking character; and the adjacent country, though not greatly diversified, is still in some points interesting and romantic. The living is a rectory, locally in the archdeaconry, and in the diocese, of St. Asaph, rated in the king's books at £7. 19.7., and in the patronage of the Bishop of St. Asaph. The church, dedicated to St. Cadvarch, is an ancient edifice, in the early style of English architecture : a considerable portion of the outside is overspread with ivy, which in some places has found its way into the interior. There are places of worship for Baptists, Independents, and Calvinistic and Wesleyan Methodists. An unknown benefactor left £40 to the poor of this parish, the interest of which sum is annually divided among them, according to the intention of the testator. In a field near the church there is a spring, the waters of which are esteemed efficacious in rheumatic complaints : it was formerly covered over by a building, part of the walls of which still remain : the well has been formed into a bath, about seven yards in length and three in breadth, divided in the middle with steps leading down into each part : the average depth is about four feet. Dolguog, an ancient residence in this parish, is said to have been the retreat of the celebrated Llywarch Hen, who retired to this place in order to soothe with his harp the griefs occasioned by the misfortunes with which the Saxon invaders had overwhelmed his country at large, and his family in particular., Richard Wilson, the celebrated landscape painter, was born in this parish, in the year 1714, his father being then rector here. Mrs. Hughes, wife of the present rector, and sister of Mrs. Hemans, is distinguished for her musical skill, and for having set to music some of the poetical compositions of her sister. The average annual expenditure for the support of the poor amounts to £326. 18.


ISCOED (IS-COED), a township in the parish of PENEGOES, hundred of MACHYNLLETH, county of MONTGOMERY, NORTH WALES, 2 miles (E. N. E.) from Machynlleth, containing 880 inhabitants. The road from Machynlleth to Mallwyd, along the left bank of the Dovey, which here receives the Dulas and other tributary streams, passes through this township, and is for a few miles skirted with thriving hedge-rows, and rich meadows and corn-fields, backed by verdant hills. This hamlet contains several neat cottages and respectable villas, amongst which is Dolgiog, on the left bank of the Dovey, an ancient retreat of the Welsh poet, Llywarch Hen, where, by the strains of his harp, he soothed the remembrance of his misfortunes : the parochial church is situated within its limits.


UWCH-COED, a township in the parish of PENEGOES, hundred of MACHYNLLETH, county of MONTGOMERY, NORTH WALES, 5 miles (E. by S.) from Machynlleth, containing 446 inhabitants. It forms the upper part of the parish, where the mountains are lofty, and consist of extensive wastes. In those of Dylivau and Esgair Galed lead-ore is obtained, and the mines formerly afforded employment to many families, but are at present only partially worked. The road from Newtown to Machynlleth passes through it.

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