




"LLANGYNOG (LLAN-GYNOG), a parish in the upper division of the hundred of LLANVYLLIN, county of MONTGOMERY, NORTH WALES, 8 miles (N. W.) from Llanvyllin, containing 499 inhabitants. This parish derives its name from the dedication of its church to St. Cynog, the eldest of the sons of Brychan, Prince of Brycheiniog, who suffered martyrdom in the fifth century, was buried at Merthyr-Cynog, in the county of Brecknock, and was canonized after his death. The village is beautifully situated in a pleasing but narrow vale, watered by the river Tanat, and sheltered by lofty mountains, in the northern part of the county, bordering upon Denbighshire, and on the turnpike road from Llanvyllin to Bala. The parish is nearly four miles in length, and the same in breadth, and comprehends a large extent of country, abounding in mineral wealth. ..." [A Topographical Dictionary of Wales by Samuel Lewis, 1833]



Bick, David E. Old metal mines of Mid-Wales : West Montgomeryshire, Aberdovey, Dinas Mawddwy and Llangynog. Newent, Glos. : Pound House, 1990. 52p Llangynog village workshops = Gweithdai pentref Llangynog. Welshpool : Montgomeryshire District Council, [1987] 12p

Williams, R A. The old mines of the Llangynog district (North Powys, Mid Wales). Sheffield : Northern Mine Research Society, 1985. 128p



Victorian Powys for schools site - Census figures for Llangynog  parish 1841-1901


Church History

Church and chapel data from The Religious census of 1851 : A Calendar of the returns relating to Wales, Vol 11, North Wales. Ed. by Ieuan Gwynedd Jones, UWP,   1981. The names given towards the end of each entry are those of the informants.

Parish statistics; Area 3223 acres; Population 293 males, 275 females, total 568

  •  Llangynog Parish Church                      Attendance - morning 40, evening 35 + 20 scholars      Services in Welsh       Richard Jones, Minister
  • Wesleyan Chapel, Wesleyan Methodists            Erected 1804           Attendance - morning 90, afternoon 106, evening 120             Rich. Prichard, Llanfyllin
  • Ebenezer, Independents               Erected 1834                 Attendance - afternoon 21, evening 21                    Robert Thomas, Independent Preacher
  • Penuel Chapel, Calvinistic Methodists                Erected 1826               Attendance - morning 69, afternoon 57 scholars, evening 120              Edward Morris, Superintendent
  • Bridge Chapel, Wesleyan Methodists              Erected c 1805             Attendance - morning 75, evening 94               Thomas Thomas, Steward

    Church of St Cynog, Llangynog on the Montgomeryshire Churches Survey site

    Wesleyan churches on the Montgomeryshire Genealogical Society site - Carmel

    Calvinistic Methodist (Presbyterian) churches on the Montgomeryshire Genealogical Society site - Penuel

    Rees, Thomas & John Thomas. Hanes Eglwysi Annibynnol Cymru (History of the Welsh Independent Churches), 4 volumes (published 1871+). Here is the entry from this book for Llangynog  chapel (in Welsh ) - with translation


    Church Records

    Detailed information on deposited registers and transcripts for this parish is given on the Powys Archives page Montgomeryshire parish registers

    As a guide only, the principal extant parochial church records for this parish span the dates shown below (as detailed in Parish Registers of Wales, NLW 2000) but exact current holdings should be confirmed with the individual Archives;

    • Baptisms 1720-1870; Marriages 1720-1761, 1763-1971; Burials 1720-1885; Banns 1824-1866
      Parish Registers, or copies, for all or part of these dates are held at the NLW, and/or Powys Archives.  
      Bishops Transcripts for various periods are held at the NLW, Denbighshire Archives and/or Flintshire Archives 

    Description & Travel

    Historic Landscape Characterisation  - The Tanat Valley - Llangynog on the Clwyd-Powys Archaeological Trust site

    Llangynog - on Wikipedia

    Various landscape photographs of the area and surrounds - on the People's Collection Wales site

    You can see pictures of Llangynog which are provided by:





    Map of Montgomeryshire parishes on Montgomeryshire Genealogical Society's site - shows dioceses

    Victorian Powys for schools site - Map of Llangynog in 1840, and 1902

    You can see maps centred on OS grid reference SJ020257 (Lat/Lon: 52.820211, -3.4552), Llangynog which are provided by:



    Llangynog Slate Quarry c1921  - on the People's Collection Wales site

    Details of extant records on Archives Network Wales for the following;

    • Llangynog lead-silver and copper mines, plans  1850-1877     "The area of Llangynog, Montgomeryshire, was known for its lead-silver and copper mines. By far the most important mine was the Llangynog Lead Mine, which in the 18th and early 19th centuries was mined by the Chirk Castle and Powis Castle estates and their lessees........................ The mine was sold to the Llangynog United Mining Company in 1859. This went into liquidation in 1869 but was replaced with the New Llangynog Mining Company, which survived until 1885. ........................."   
    • Mines and Quarries Inspectorate Montgomeryshire records  1868-1938         Including  ".............West Llangynog Mine............"