




"LLANDRINIO (LLAN-DRINIO), a parish in the upper division of the hundred of DEYTHUR, county of MONTGOMERY, NORTH WALES, 9 miles (N. E. by N.) from Welshpool, containing 863 inhabitants. This parish is situated at the eastern extremity of the county, on the road from Shrewsbury to Bala through Llanvyllin, in an angle near the confluence of the rivers Severn and Vyrnwy, over the former of which, near the church, is a stone bridge of three arches. ... The church, dedicated to St. Trinio, an ancient structure in the early style of English architecture ..." [A Topographical Dictionary of Wales by Samuel Lewis, 1833]



A Llandrinio Deed, 1595         Collections historical & archaeological relating to Montgomeryshire   Vol 35  1910   Welsh Journals Online  

Griffiths, W A          Parish of Llandrinio: Additional Notes on the Griffithses of Trederwen         Collections historical & archaeological relating to Montgomeryshire   Vol 35  1910   Welsh Journals Online  

Griffiths, W A    Lay subsidy rolls for the hundreds of Deythur and Pool, 39 Elizabeth and 3 James 1        Collections historical & archaeological relating to Montgomeryshire   Vol 38  1917   Welsh Journals Online  

Griffiths, William Arthur        A short account of the family of Griffiths       Collections historical & archaeological relating to Montgomeryshire   Vol 40  1923   Welsh Journals Online

Parish of Llandrinio; Lay subsidies        Collections historical & archaeological relating to Montgomeryshire   Vol 38  1917   Welsh Journals Online  

Thomas, Archdeacon             Llandrinio, 1809-1846          Collections historical & archaeological relating to Montgomeryshire   Vol 33  1904   Welsh Journals Online

Thomas, David. Crosswood Camp, Llandrinio, Powys. Archaeology in Wales 32 (1992), p. 18-19

Thomas, David R. History of the parish of Llandrinio. London : Printed at the Bedford Press, 1895. 292p. "Reprinted from the Montgomeryshire Collections."



Victorian Powys for schools site - Census figures for Llandrinio parish 1841-1901


Church History

Church and chapel data from The Religious census of 1851 : A Calendar of the returns relating to Wales, Vol 11, North Wales. Ed. by Ieuan Gwynedd Jones, UWP,   1981. The names given towards the end of each entry are those of the informants.

Parish statistics; Area 3832 acres; Population 467 males, 458 females, total 925

  • Llandrinion Parish Church               Attendance - morning 115 + 52 scholars, afternoon 13 + 29 scholars      Services in English               J Russell, Rector
  • Ebenezer or Rhose Comon Chapel, Primitive Methodists             Erected 1835                Attendance - afternoon 30, evening 40                     Evan Evans, Class Leader
  • Baptist Chapel, Sarnwen, Baptists                  Erected 1815                Attendance - general congregation 20             "Sir, I confess myself ignorant of many things but this I know that God hath exalted one to the British Throne of a true protistant spirit. May the Lord evermore preserve her royalty that truth may appear and Error flee away"          John Evans, Baptist Lay Leader

See John Ball's site Welsh Churches and Chapels Collection for a photograph/data re Tabernacle Methodist Chapel, Arddleen

Church of St Trinio, St Peter & St Paul, Llandrinio on the Montgomeryshire Churches Survey site

Church, Llandrinio  - on the People's Collection Wales site


Church Records

Detailed information on deposited registers and transcripts for this parish is given on the Powys Archives page Montgomeryshire parish registers

As a guide only, the principal extant parochial church records for this parish span the dates shown below (as detailed in Parish Registers of Wales, NLW 2000) but exact current holdings should be confirmed with the individual Archives;

  • Baptisms 1662-8, 1674-1993; Marriages 1664-5, 1675-86, 1688-1971; Burials 1662-7, 1687-97, 1709-1718, 1728-74, 1781-1993
    Parish Registers, or copies, for all or part of these dates are held at the NLW, and/or Powys Archives.
    Bishops Transcripts for various periods are held at the NLW, Denbighshire Archives and/or Flintshire Archives

St Asaph Notitiae; Deanery of Pool, parish of Llandrinio 1684 - on the NLW site


Description & Travel

Llandrinio - on Wikipedia

Various landscape photographs of the area and surrounds - on the People's Collection Wales site

You can see pictures of Llandrinio which are provided by:




Land & Property

Details of extant records on Archives Network Wales for the following;

  • Bryn-y-Pys [Flintshire?]  manuscripts  1726-1968    "The Bryn-y-Pys estate was held by the Price family for many generations but was sold by Francis Richard Price to Edmund Ethelston in about 1850..............The Ethelston family also acquired an estate in Llandrinio, Montgomeryshire"  
  • Sales Particulars, Montgomeryshire  1919-1922     "Sales particulars for: New Hall Farm and Penymaes, Llandrinio ......................."


Map of Montgomeryshire parishes on Montgomeryshire Genealogical Society's site - shows dioceses

You can see maps centred on OS grid reference SJ282167 (Lat/Lon: 52.743537, -3.065614), Llandrinio which are provided by:


Public Records

Details of extant records on Archives Network Wales for the following;

  • Llandrinio Parish Council Records  1910-1915      "..............including electoral registers, 1910-1911"