Slaters Commercial Directory, 1858-1859.
Swansea, With the villages of Mumbles, Sketty, Morriston,
Llangefelach, Llansamlet and Neighbourhoods
Transcribed by Phil Mustoe
SWANSEA is a seaport, a market town, and a borough, both corporate and parliamentary, in the hundred of its name, county of Glamorgan; 216 miles w. (by rail) from London, 140 w. (via Gloucester, by rail), and about 67 by sea from Bristol, 28 3/4 N. E. from Carmarthen (by rail), 8 s.w. from Neath, and 61 s.w. from Monmouth. Situated at the mouth of the river Tawe, on the line of the South Wales Railway, near the centre of a beautiful bay, on an angle between two hills, which shelter it from the north-west and north-east winds; and being open to those from the south, the air is rendered mild; and a gravelly soil, which prevails for a considerable depth, also conduces to the healthfulness of its situation. The name of this populous and flourishing town was said, by Camden to have been derived from the number of porpoises that frequented this part of the coast and bay, and was called Swine sea, since altered to Swansea, but more recent investigations tend to shew that its real derivative was Swezn's Eyc, or Swegn's Inlet; its Welsh name is Abertawe. The town, upon the whole, is well-built; the streets are wide and clean, well-paved, flagged, and gas lighted. Most of the houses are handsome modern buildings; and the greater proportion having been much improved within the last half cetury, the appearance of the place is pre-possessing, while its business is lively and well sustained, and its inhabitants generally are of great respectability. Swansea, amongst other advantages, enjoys that of being the resort of company for sea-bathing. The tide ebbs and flows a considerable way over a flat sandy shore, and up the river - the latter being navigable for vessels of large burden, for more than two miles; along the river's banks are numerous coal wharfs and potteries, and its metalliferous manufactures are carried on on a gigantic scale in copper, iron, zinc, silver, and tin-plate. Ship building and bewing, and the making of an artificial coal, called patent fuel, add largely to the staple trades of the place; and to these important products are added the export of oysters and limestone. The best situation for obtaining a view of Swansea, its beautiful bay, and the surrounding picturesque scenery, is from the summit of either Kilvey hill, or the Graig; and the pier and dock embankment furnish delightful promenades. The smelting of copper ores is carried on here to an immense extent, and a large number of vessels are employed in bringing the ore from Cuba, South America, Spain, Ireland, and Cornwall. The number of tons smelted annually in the kingdom is estimated at about two hundred thousand, - nineteen twentieths of which are said to be manufactured in Swansea. The mines of steam, bituminous, stone coal and culm, are very numerous and prolific throughout the whole district; limestone is also found in great abundance, and brick and fire clay, rotten-stone, iron-ore, and other mineral productions are met with, and extensively worked. Additional employment is furnished to many by the yards, in building and repairing ships; there are also tan-yeards, roperies, and breweries, some of which are large establishments. Swansea enjoys a considerable trade with London, Bristol, Cornwall, and Ireland, as also with the Baltic, the West Indies, and indeed all parts of the World. Of late years the harbour has received improvements of great magnitude, under various acts of parliament, giving powers to trustees for that purpos; and it is now one of the most safe and beautiful havens in the kingdom. A lighthouse is erected on the western pier, with a fine platform, whence there is a beautiful view of the town and country round the bay. In the town are several good hotels, amongst which we may particularly notice 'the Castle,' in Castle square, as affording every accommodation for commercial gentlemen, families, and others. Floating docks are being constructed upon a large scale, and other improvements are being accomplished, and projected. The Swansea canal, upwards of sixteen miles in length, extends to Hennoyadd, county of Brecon; and the Neath and Swansea canal terminates at Port Tenant. The South Wales railway, a very extensive line both on the east and west, includes important stations and towns on its route, and furnishes additional means of transmission for merchandise and passengers, while the Vale of Neath railway opens up the important coal and iron districts of Aberdare and Merthyr; the Swansea Vale line too, is formed as far as Graigola, but it is almost finished as far as Pontadawe - its present traffic is derived from the colleries and works up the valley, but it is intended as the line progresses to open it for general traffic. The town is governed by a mayor, six aldermen, and eighteen councillors, assisted by the usual officers. The spring assizes for the county are held here, as are quarter sessions con jointly with Cardiff; a court-leet twice a year, under the Duke of Beaufort, who is lord of the borough; and Swansea is included in the thirtieth circuit of towns under the County Court Act, for the recovery of debts to any amount not exceeding £50 - this court is held monthly in the town hall. Swansea in conjunction with Neath, Aberavon, Kenfig, and Loughor, returns one member to parliament. The mayor of Swansea is the returning officer, and the present representative is Lewis Llewellyn Dillwyn, Esquire
There are five churches and numerous other places of worship for various religious denominations - of which a list is appended, with their situations and ministers. Saint Mary's church is a convenient building, with a large square tower: the living is a vicarage, in the gift of the lay impropriators. The church of Saint John's is a small edifice, situated near the upper end of the town: it was formerly a chapel to the Knights of Jerusalem, and curiously enough is not in its own parish. Trinity is a neat structure, opened towards the end of 1843. Kilvey is a church built amongst the copper works, and Saint Paul's at Sketty is a beautiful structure. The principal charitable institutions consist of an excellently conducted infirmary and dispensary, several public schools open free to the humbler class of children, and well sustained by contributions and subscriptions. The grammar school was founded in 1682, by Hugh Gore, Lord Bishop of Waterford and Lismore, and has recently been restored on a new site at Mount Pleasant, and is actively and well conducted, under an improved scheme of education, The other public buildings include the Royal Institution and Museum, the Guildhall (a spacious and handsome edifice), a commodious well supplied market-place, a house of industry, a theatre (in front of which is erected a bronzed statue of the late John Henry Vivian, Esq. of esteemed memory, who represented in parliament this borough (for a number of years), assembly rooms, and the gaol - the last named has been converted into a prison for the county, and it is now being rebuilt at a cost of £30,000. The Royal Institution is considered one of the most graceful edifices in the principality; and to the Town Hall is now added a commodious Council Chamber and Nisi Prius Court. There are news and reading rooms well supplied with periodicals and standard works, and several libraries. The Savings' bank in this town is most admirably conducted. The police court and new post office are structures that do infinite credit to the active spirit of the town council, while a publi cemetery of thirteen acres, situated at Dan-y-graig, evince the care taken in this particular. The Oddfellows' hall in High street, is a fine commodious room, and well adapted for the purpose of holding meetings by members of that order. Three weekly newspapers are issued from the Swansea Press, viz.: the 'Cambrian' (the oldest paper of Wales), on Friday; the 'Swansea Herald,' on Wednesday; and the 'Swansea Journal' which is published Saturday morning. The markets are held on Wednesday and Saturday. Fairs on the second Saturday in May, July 2nd, August 15th, October 8th, and the town following Saturdays. In 1841 the town, franchise and borough of Swansea (including the hamlet of Saint Thomas contained 16,797 inhabitants, and in 1851, 23,607; at the last named period the population of the parish of Swansea (including the borough and town) was 24,902 - but including certain suburban parts, villages and hamlets, which were taken to form an integral part of Swansea, the number was then estimated at about 35,000.
POST OFFICE, Castle Bailey street, John Davies, Post Master
Arrivals. Letters from the North of England, all parts of Ireland and Scotland, every morning at half past-eleven. - Letters from Carmarthenshire and Pembrokeshire, including letters from Waterford (via Pembroke Dock, if specially directed), at half past three in the afternoon, and twenty minutes past seven in the evening. - Letters from London and all parts every morning at sixDespatches. Letters for London and all parts every evening at five minutes before seven. Box closes at a quarter before six. - Letters for the North of England, Ireland and Scotland every afternoon at a quarter before three. Box closes at two. - Letters for Carmarthenshire and Pembrokeshire, including letters for the South of Ireland (via. Pembroke Dock daily, if specially directed), every morning at a quarter before six, South Wales aloneat half past ten.
Letters from Morriston, Clydach, Pontadawe, Ystal-y-fera, Ystradgynlais, Mumbles, Black Pill, Parkmill, Reynoldston, Penclawdd, Sketty and their neighbourhoods, arrive at Swansea every eveing at a quarter before six, and are despatchedthereto every morning at half-past seven.
There are three deliveries in Swansea as follows :-
First Deliery - London and all parts . . . . . at half past seven . . . . . . . in the morning.
Second Delivery - North, Irish, and Scotch at a quarter past twelve in the afternoon
Third delivery - Carmarthen & Pembroke, four . . . . . . . . . . . . . . in the afternoon
Money Order Office open from nine in the morning till five in the evening. Saturdays till six in the evening
There are also Money Order Offices at Mumbles, Pontardawe, and Ystradgynlais
Gentry and Clergy
Allen Mr. John, Mount PleasantAndrews Mill Caroline, Norton Villa
Andrews Mr. John, 9 Picton place
Anson Mr Rolley, Graigue House
Attwood Thomas Esq., Mount st
Aubrey Richard, Esq. J. P. Bellevue
Barker Mrs. Mary, Herbert place
Baron Rev. John, 11 Bellevue st
Baron Mr. William, Sketty
Barree Mrs. Elizabeth Ann, Grove pl
Bath Mr. Charles, Richmond Villas
Bath Henry, Esq., Longland place
Bath Mr. Hy. Jas. Rose hill, Mumbles
Bath Mrs. Sarah, Marine Cottage, Kilvey
Beer Mrs. Mary, 7 Wassail st
Beer Mr. Philip Jones, Garnlase, Sketty
Bennett Mrs. Elizabeth, 16 Camden place
Benson Starling, Esq. J.P., Fairy Hill, Gower
Beor R. White, Esq. Longland place
Berrington Arthur Davies, Esq. J.P. & D.L. Woodland Castle
Berrington Jenkin Davies, Esq. J.P. & D.L. Woodland Castle
Berry Rev. Evan, 4 Rutland place
Bevan Mrs. Grace, 14 Gower st
Bevan Mrs. Mary, 14 Bellevue st
Bevan Mr. Thomas, Sketty
Bevan Mr. Wm., 7 Nelson terrace
Biddulph Jno. Esq., J.P. Dderwenfawr
Bird Geo. Glynn, Esq. J.P., Burrow's pl
Bonreoud Mrs. Sarah, Bowman's Ctge
Bowen Mrs. Rachel, Herbert place
Bowen Miss Winifred, 4 Bellevue st
Brown Mr. Edward, Kilvey house
Budd James Palmer, Esq. J.P. Ynis-y-daren House
Byers Mr. Robt. Wm. Mansel terr
Cadwallader Mrs. Ellen, 11 Union st
Campbell Mrs. Mary Ann, 22 Park st
Carmichael Mrs. Sarah, McKenzie, Rosebank, Mumbles
Chapman Mrs. Eleanor, 18 Bellevue st
Chapman Mrs. Matilda, 4 Dynevor pl
Clarke Mr. Fredk., Mount Pleasant
Clarke John Wm. Esq., 12 Picton pl
Coles Mr. William, 6 Camden pl
Collins Mr. Samuel H., Marine Villa, Mumbles
Cook Mrs. Margaret, 1 Upper Herbert Pl
Cooke Rev. Chas. Trinity Parsonage
Coombe Mrs. Mary, 22 Union st
Cowen Mrs. Catherine, 17 Nelson st
Cox Richard H. Esq., Ynispenllwch
Coxon Mrs. Isabella, Pen-y-Bryn, Sketty
Craig Mrs. Agnes, 4 Melbourne pl
Crewreade Captain Malcom Offley, R.N. 3 Brunswick place
Dalton Arthur, Esq., 4 Cambrian pl
Dance Mr. Sampson, 15 Picton pl
Daveridge Mr. Wm., Caerdellyn House
Davey Mr. Thomas, 1 Prospect pl
David David, Esq., 1 South Hill pl
Davies Mrs. Anna Maria, 23 Dillwyn st
Davies Rev. David, Dinis, near Landore
Davies Evan, Esq., M.A. Principal of Normal College
Davies Miss Jane, 22 Garden st
Davies Rev. John G., Llangyfelach
Davies Mrs. -, 13 Heathfield st
Davies Miss Margaret, 16 Mansel st
Davies Mrs. Mary, Brunswick st
Davies Miss Mary, 6 Dillwyn st
Davies Mrs. Mary, Christina st
Davies Mr. Richard, 28 Gam st
Davies Rev. Samuel, J.P., Grange Cottage, Oystermouth
Davies Rev. Thos., Bath nr. Morriston
Day Mr. Robert, Portland st
Dillon John Master, R. N., Mumbles
Dillwyn Lewis Llewellyn, Esq., J. P., & M. P., Hendrefoilan
Dillwyn Mrs. Mary, Sketty Hall
Dive Col. Hugh, SHortlands, Mumbles
Eaton Robert, Esq., Bryn-y-Mor
Eden Mrs. Francis, The Boyn, Bryn
Edmond Wm. Esq., Windsor Lodge
Edwards Miss Elizabeth, Mumbles
Edwards Mr. John, Pier st
Elford Mr. Thomas, 6 Brunswick pl
Essery T. E. Esq., J.P., Gloster place
Evans Rev. David, Bryn Villa, near Morriston
Evans Rev. Geo. Prichard, 3 Northampton pl
Evans Rev. J., Newton
Fear Mrs. Eliza, 34 Bellevue st
Foster William, Esq., Bryn-Newdd, Sketty
Foster Capt. William, Brynnewydd
Francis David, Esq., Mount pleasant
Francis Mrs. Eliza, Dynevor place
Francis Geo. Grant, Esq., J.P. Cae Bailey
Gauntlett Rev. J. G., M.A., Vice Principal, Normal College
Godbeer Mr. Geo, Mount Pleasant
Gorvin Mr. Henry, Oxford st
Gough Mr. Richard Douglas, Yniscedwin House
Green Mr. David, Mt. Pleasant, Norton
Grenfell Pascoe, St. Ledger, Esq. J.P., Maestg House
Griffiths Mrs. Mary, 50 Waterloo st
Grove Miss Catherine, 14 Heathfield st
Grove Misses -, Mayalls
Grove Thomas, Esq., 227 High st
Groves Mr. Thos., Underwood Lodge
Grumby the Misses, Mumbles
Haines Mrs. Elizabeth, 6 Northampton place
Hall Mr. Sydney, Norton House, Mumbles
Hallam Mr. William, the Forest, Llansamlet
Hammett Mr. Edwd., 14 Nelson st
Hargrave Mrs. Hannah, Mansel st
Harmann Mr. G. B., Mount Pleasant
Harris Mrs. Elizabeth, 13 Union st
Hazel Mr. Thomas, 6 Quay Parade
Heeley Rev. Thomas, 2 Nelson st
Hewson Mrs. Ann, 2 Cambrian pl
Nigginson Rev. Edwd., 2 Gloster pl
Hill Mrs. Amelia, Brunswick st
Hill Rev. J. H., 13 Dynevor place
Holmes Mr. Thomas, 146 High st
Hoskins Mrs. Jane, 30 Langdon pl
Howell Rev. David, Portland st
Howell Miss Margaret, 1 Calvert terr.
Hughes Mr. Edward, 13 Gower st
Hughes Rev. Evan, Morriston
Hughes Major Michael, Boneybane House
Hughes Mr. William, Glyn-y-Mor
Jacob Rev. Elijah, Ael-y-Bryn Cottage, Mount Pleasant
James Christopher, Esq. J.P., Bellevue
James Rev. Edward K., Penmaen
James John Williams, Esq. J.P., 9 Cambrian place
James Mrs. Louisa, 49 Oxford st
James Mr. Owen, 4 Clarence terrace
James Miss Sarah, 3 Nelson terrace
Jenkin John Trevillian, the Mirador
Jenkin Mrs. Mary, Allbank, Mumbles
Jenkins Mrs. Catherine, 16 St. Mary st
Jenkins Mrs. Mary, 13 Bellevue st
Jenkins Mr. Samuel, Brunswick st
Jenkins Mrs. Susan, 8 Cambrian pl
Jenkins Mr. William, Church Park House, Mumbles
Jenkins Mr. William, Admiralty House, Mount Pleasant
Johns Mrs. Jane, 20 Dillwyn st
Johns Mr. Thomas, 34 Singleton terr.
Johns Mr. William, 8 Brunswick pl
Johnson Mr. Wm., 1 Fynone terr.
Jones Mr. Benjamin, 13 Picton pl
Jones Rev. Calvert Richard, J.P., Heathfield House
Jones Mrs. Catherine, 14 Picton pl
Jones Rev. David, Bishopston
Jones Mrs. Harriet, 17 Bellevue st
Jones Mr. Henry, 11 Madoc st
Jones Mr. Llewellyn, 22 Singleton st
Jones Mr. Richard, Brunswick st
Jones Miss Sophia Ann, 14 Mansell st
Jones Rev. Thomas, Morriston
Jones Rev. Thos., Kilvey Parsonage
Jones Rev. Thomas, Cradock st
Jones Mr. William, Kilvey Cottage
Jones Mr. William, Maddocks Hall
Jones Mr. William, 4 Nelson terr.
Jones Rev. William, 26 Gower st
Jones Captain William, Glanbran
Jordan Mr. J., Craig-y-Pall
Joseph Mr. Jacob, 8 Heathfield st
Kynaston Mrs. Louisa, 6 Dynevor pl
Lambe Rev. David, 1 St. David's pl
Lawrence Miss Mary Ann, Mumbles
Leach Miss Eliza, Harolds Moor
Levy Mrs. Rebecca, 5 Singleton st
Lewis Rev. Peter, 1 St. David's pl
Llewellyn Mrs. Hannah, Foxhole
Llewellyn John Dillwyn, Esq., J.P., Penllergare
Llewellyn Llewellyn, Esq., Ynispenllwch
Llewellyn Mrs. Mary, 7 Caer st
Lloyd Mr. David, Alpine Cottage, Mumbles
Lloyd Mr. Frederick, Sketty
Long Mrs. Mary, 11 Picton place
Lucas Col. J.P. D.L., Greenfield, Gower
Lucas Mrs. -, Melbourne place
Maber Mrs. Mary M., 2 Prospect pl
Mackay Mrs. Ann Thomasin, 7 Dillwyn st
McLean Mr. Jacob, Clifton terrace
Mansfield C. B. Esq., Cambrian pl
Mansfield Mr. W. Jno., 32 Bellevue st
Marriott Joseph Esq., Yniscedwyn
Matthews Mrs. Jane, 2 Melbourne pl
Matthews Mr. Robert, 4 Kilvey terr
Matthews Mr. Wm., 18 Bellevue st
Melhuish Mrs. Elizh., 5 Heathfield st
Melhuish Miss Elizath, 12 Dillwyn st
Michael Michael John, Esq., J.P., Picton House
Michael Wm. Henry, Esq., 230 High st
Moggridge Matthew, Esq. J.P., the Willows, Mount Pleasant
Moore Mr. Charles, Rose Hill
Morgan Lieut. Col. Evan, J.P. D.L., St. Helens
Morgan Mrs. Francis, 19 Park st
Morgan Rev. Morgan, Parsonage, Llansamlet
Morgan Morgan, Esq. J.P., Sketty
Morgan Rev. Philip, Morriston
Morgan Rev. R.H. Ystal-y-fern
Morris Mrs. Elizbth, 36 Bellevue st
Morris Geo. Byng, Esq. J.P., Sketty Prk.
Morris Mr. Thomas, 4 Dillwyn st
Nichol Miss Mary, 7 Pier st
Nicholl Mrs. Mary, Mumbles
Nicholls Miss Ann, Mumbles
Nicholson Mr. Wm., Sketty Villa
Noon Dr. Thomas, M.A. Grammar School, Mount pleasant
Oakshot John, Esq. J.P., 14 High st
Orchard Rev. Paul, Brunswick st
Owen Rev. Owen, Morriston
Paddon Mr. Wm. H., Norton Lodge
Padley Silvanus, Esq., Burrow's pl
Pearson Mr. Chas. James, 16 York st
Pegg Wm. Esq., Birch Grove Park
Penrose Mr. Frederick, Herbert Villa, St Helens road
Penry Mr. Henry, 44 Oxford st
Phipps Capt. Wm. R.N., Church Park
Pilditch Mrs. Mary, 17 Dillwyn st
Pittman Mr. Frederick, Montpelier Villa, Sketty
Pooley Mrs. Grace, 9 Northmapton pl
Powell Mrs. Elizbth., Devonshire Villa
Powell Mrs. Margaret, 14 Dillwyn st
Price Mrs. Elizabth, 3 Langdon pl
Price Mrs. Henrietta, 13 Northampton place
Price Mrs. Margaret, 9 Goat st
Pryce Capt. Joseph, 5 Picton place
Rees Mr. David, 6 Picton place
Rees Rev. John, 2 Kilvey terrace
Rees Miss Lettice, 35 Goat st
Rees Rev. William, Greenfield
Richards Evan Matthew, Esq. J.P., Northampton place
Richards Mrs. Sophia, Boneymane
Richards Mr. William, 211 High st
Richardson Mr. James, the Laurels, Mount pleasant
Richardson Mr. Jeremiah Clarke, 1 Russell place
Richardson Mr. John Crow, Uplands
Roberts Mrs. Jemima, 5 Brunswick st
Roberts Mrs. Margaret, Devonshire House
Rotely Major, May hill
Row Mr. George, Newton
Short Rev. Charles, 9 Grove place
Sibbering Mrs. Elizabeth, 6 Wassail st
Sims Mr. James, Brunswick st
Smith Charles Henry Esq. J.P., Gwernllwywith
Smith Mr. Paul, 12 Heathfield st
Smith Mrs. Shirley, 7 Rutland st
Spiro Rev. Marcus, 45 Oxford st
Squire Rev. Edward Burnard, the Vicarage
Stephens Mr. James, Kintall House
Stephens Mrs. Mary, 4 Heathfield st
Stockdale Miss Mary, 2 Fynone terr
Strick Mrs. Ann, 18 York st
Strick Mr. George B., Westcross
Strick Mr. James, 4 Gloster place
Strick Jno Joce, Esq. J.P., Ynystanglws
Strick Thomas, Esq. Castle Cottage
Stroud Capt. Hy. R.N., Mount pleasant
Swan Mrs. Ellen, Ashburnham Cottage, Sketty
Symons Mrs. Sarah, 26 Oxford st
Tennant Mrs. Ann, Pant-y-Gwydir
Terry Mrs. Mary Elizabeth, Sketty
Tew Mr. Edward, 38 Oxford st
Thomas Mrs. Elizabeth, Mansel terr
Thomas Ilted, Esq. J.P., Mill House
Thomas Miss Margaret, 13 Mansell st
Thomas Mrs. Mary, 16 Northampton place
Thomas Mrs. Mayzod, Mumbles road
Thomas Rev. Thomas, Brynhyfryd House
Thomas Rev. Thos., Brynhyfryd
Thomas Thos. Edwd. Esq. J.P., Glanmor
Tissington Mr. Geo., Northampton pl
Tregoning Mrs. Grace, 10 Bellevue st
Tremellan Mrs. Sarah, 17 Cradock st
Treweeke Mr. Francis, Brunswick st
Troughton Mrs. Ann, Lee Mayalls
Tunnicliffe Mr. Joseph, 3 Trinity pl
Vidall Mrs. Elzth, 14 Northampton place
Vivian Arthur P. Esq., Singleton & Glen Afon Taibach
Vivian Henry Hussey, Esq. J.P. & M.P., Parkwern
Vivian Mrs. Sarah, Singleton
Wakefield Mr. Wm. Hy., Langdon Pl
Walford Miss Mary Ann, 1 Kilvey st
Walters Mrs. Annie Wilkinson, Walter's st
Walters Mr. Griffith, Brunswick st
Walters James, Esq. J.P., Fynone
Walters Mr. Philip, Tynagraig Cottage, Fynone
Walters Thos. Esq., 3 Picton Place
Ward Mrs. Elizabeth, Acacia Cottage
Waring Mr. Richard, 3 Dynevor pl
Waters Mr. Edward, 8 Picton pl
Webb Mr. Joseph, Mumbles
Webber Miss Caroline, Sketty
Weir Mrs. Catherine, Herbert pl
Welby Rev. Montague Earle, Penlan
Whitby Rev. John Daniel, 10 Grove pl
Wilkinson Mrs. Mary, 10 Picton pl
Wilks Mrs. Lucy, 23 Waterloo st
Williams Mrs. Ann, 1 Melbourne pl
Williams Miss Anna Sophia, 8 Nelson terrace
Williams Rev. Edmund G. Beaumont Villa
Williams Rev. E. G., Beaumont Villa
Williams Mr. Edwd., 18 Madoc st
Williams Miss Emily, Elm Cottage
Williams Mrs. Harriet, 5 Worcester st
Williams Rev. Henry, Lanedy
Williams Mr. Henry, Herbert place
Williams Mr. John, Mumbles
Williams Rev. John, 9 Dynevor pl
Williams Mrs. Mary Ann, Brunswick st
Williams Miss Mary Ann, 2 Picton pl
Williams Mr. Thos., 5 Brunswick pl
Williams Rev. Thomas J.P., near Ystradgynlais
Williams Rev. Wm., 15 Dillwynn st
Withecombe Mrs. Jane, 4 Rutland st
Wood Edward R. major, J.L. D.L., Stouthall
Wood Townsend, Esq., Bloomfield House
Young Capt. Wm., 2 Calvert terrace
Academies and Schools Not otherwise described are Day Schools
Marked thus * are Boarding and Day
Bennett Henry (infant), MorristonBennett Susan (boarding), 11 Dynevor place
Brettell Louisa (boarding), 12 Dynevor place
British and Foreign School, Langyfelach st - William Ivey, master
British and Foreign School, Mumbles - James Ovin, master
British and Foreign School (girls), Queen st - Mary Elizabeth Fricker, mistress
British and Foreign School, Goat st - John Adams, master; Elizabeth Fricker, mistress
Butler Edw. (boarding) Thistleboon
* Colston John, 19 York street
* D'Austein Amelie, 13 Nelson st
Davies David, Morriston
* Evans Rev. George Pritchard, 3 Northampton place
* Evans the Misses, 2 Upper Herbert place
Free Grammar School (Bishop Gore's) Mount Pleasant - Thos. Noon, PH.D. M.A. head master
Free School (girls), York place - Eleanor Hall, mistress
Gething Elizabeth (and boarding), Beaufort place, Strand
Glaish Schools (tin works), Glaish - Thomas L. Evans, master
* Habakkuk Ann and Mary, 13 Cradock st
Hafod School, (Vivian & Sons) Hafod - John Carr, master; Cecilia Carruthers, mistrss
Harrison Harriet and Louisa Amelia (boarding), Brunswick st
* Huggin the Misses, Mount st
* Hunnam Eliza, 256 Bellevue st
Independent School, Clarence st - Thomas Kneath, master; Ellen Lewis, mistress
Infant Schools :-
Hafod - Eliza A. Finlay, mistress
Kilvey (Copper works) - Ada Jones, mistress
Kilvey - Charlotte Gwynne, mistress
Oxford street - Elizabeth Halling, mistress
Richard's place - Edward Williams, master; Elizabeth Williams, mistress
Sketty - Mary Matthews, mistress
York Place - Jane Simon, mistress
Jones the Missus, Gowen st
Kilvey Schools (Copper Works), Kilvey - Richard Gwynne, master; Sarah Bailey, mistress
Lobbett Elizabeth, 11 Cradock st
Middleton Mary, 19 Singleton terr
National Schools :-
Bishopston - William Edward Kent, master; Elizabeth Kent, mistress
Llangyfelach - David Edwards, master
Mumbles - Roger M. Bennett, master; Catherine Bennett, mistress
Oxford street - Frederick Cole, master; Elizabeth King, mistress
Sketty - John Tugwell, master; Mary Gwyn, mistress
Normal College, Nelson terrace. Evan Davies, M.A. Principal; Rev. J. G. Gauntlett, M.A., vice principal
Ragged School, Back street
Ragged School, Mydydd street
Roman Catholic School, Saint David's place - Catherine Hennessey, mistress
* Rosewalk Grace, 38 Bellevue st
Savage Elizabeth, 52 Oxford st
Smith Anne and Matilda, 7 Rutland street
Smith Eliza, 8 Rutland street
Thomas Catherine and Anne, Harold's Moor
* Watkins Georgina, Fynone road
Williams David, Bethesda st
Curry Arthur (for South Wales Railway Co.), 229 High stEvans Evan, 1 Bellevue st
Hopkins Thomas, 23 Union st
Hore John, 81 Strand
Marten Thomas Arnold, 27 Fisher st
Michael Francis David (and secretary to the First and Second Glamorganshire, and the First and Second Provident Building Society, and Secretary to the Christian Mutual Provident Society), 10 Rutland st
Stroud Geo. Turton, 6 Heathfield st
Agents See also Agents under their various heads, as Fire, &c. Offices; Gunpowder; Copper Ore; Manure; Brick and Tile; likewise Coal Proprietors and their Agents, & also Agents - Commission.)
Bevan George Ace, the QuayBevans Richard (shipping), 11 Fisher street
Cavill Robert (flour), 1 Somerset pl
Clutton Valentine & Son (mineral), 87 Strand
Edwards John (to the Liverpool steamer), Liverpool wharf
Evans David, Beaufort place, Strand
George Richard (for H. & T. Proctor's agricultural manures), 9 Castle Bailey st
Glover & Squirrell (for manures & agricultural implements, and Harris & Co.'s patent cattle feed), 16 Strand
Gower Brothers (for Law's superphosphate of Lime), 70 and 71 Oxford st
James William (for the Liverpool Line of Australian Packets), 8 Fisher street
Jenkins William (shipping), 59 Strand
Jones M. and Brother (to the Glasgow Steam Packet Co.) 5 Somerset place
LeBoulanger John, 12 Dilwyn st
Leeder John M. (land) Brunswick st
McAdam Christopher (to the Aberdeen Sail Cloth Company) South Prospect
Marten Thomas Arnold (estate and treasurer and secretary to the Swansea Canal Co.) 27 Fisher st
Melville William (for Long's non-poisoning sheep and cattle dressing), 9 College st
Moore Charles (French shipping), 79 Strand
Morris John William (for Milners' fire-proof sales), 9 Castle Bailey st
Price Francis (land and estate), 91 Oxford street
Rees Jacob D. (estate), 7 Heathfield street
Rees Thomas (manure), 7 Oxford street
Rees William (for the Mersey Line of Australian packets; for Perreaux's Indian rubber pump valves, and for Haggie Brother's hemp and wire ropes), 16 Somerset place
Roberts John (land), 171 High street
Simpson Joseph H. (shipping), 59 Strand
Strick James (to Lloyds'), Bath la
Williams David (canal), Port Tennant
Williams James (for Day's cattle medicines), 15 Fisher st
Williams John (to the Governor & Company of Copper Miners in England), 48 Waterloo st
Young Howell Gwynne (to the London Gutta Percha Co.), 55 Wind st
Agents - Commission (See also the preceding head and likewise ship Brokers and Commission Agents)
Andrews John & William, 14 StrandChammius William, 5 Quay
Day Henry, 5 Ferry Side
Glover & Squirrell, 16 Strand
Harvey Benjamin R., Padley's Yard
Hill John, 54 Wind st
Hore John, 81 Strand
Ingram Philip, Fynone place
Jenkins William (& shipping agent)
Perkins C. H. & Co., 10 Quay
Walsh John, Strand
Agricultural Implement Makers
Glover & Squirrell (for Fowler & Fry Bristol), 16 StrandJones Lewis, 55 Oxford st
Ale & Porter Merchants
Jeffrey Francis, Waterloo stRees Thomas, Waterloo st
Anchor and Ship Smiths
and Chain Cable Manufacturers
Davies George, Inkerman Foundry, StrandDavies Shadrach (chain maker), 46 Strand
Gething William, Strand
Griffiths John, 119 Strand
Hopkins Evan, Upper Strand
Jones Isaac, Vulcan Factory, Strand
Jones Thomas (and galvanised chains, winches, and patent windlasses, &c.) Anchor and Chain Works, Strand
Lewis & Thomas (chain makers & general ship smiths), Cambrian Factory, Strand
Tidley John C., Strand
Architects (See also Surveyors.)
Baylis John Henry, 12 Wind stHarman George, 2 Rutland place
Penson Richard K., 51 Wind st
Richards William, 12 Grove place
Ritchie Archibald, 31 Langdon pl
Arsenic Manufacturers
Jennings Joseph & Co. Clyne Wood, near Swansea
Butler William, Brunswick stGorvin Henry, 34 Oxford st
Harris James, Mumbles
Johns Alfred, 5 Dillwyn st
Lewis -, Oxford st
Strick James (L. Lloyd's), Bath la
Ternon Frederick, 9 Heathfield st
Attorneys Marked thus * are Commissioners for taking affidavits in all the Courts.
Attwood Thomas (and clerk to the magistrates of the hundreds of Swansey [sic] and Llangyfelach and borough of Swansea, and clerk to the commissioners of assessed & income taxes of Llangefelach), 1 Worcester place* Beor Richard White (and vestry clerk to the parish of Swansea, and clerk to the Gower board of guardians), St. Mary st
* Brown Washington Hamilton, 1 Worcester place
Collins Charles (& coroner), 5 Fisher st
Collins Samuel H., Marine Villa, Mumbles
* David David, 13 Castle Bailey st
* Essery Richard Aubrey (and in chancery), 57 Wind st
Gaskoin John, 13 High st
* Jenkin John Trevillian (and perpetual commissioner and in chancery), 17 High st
Jenkins Richard, 9 Goat st
Jones John (and deputy registrar of the county court), 3 Fisher st
* Mansfield Charles Basil (& town clerk and clerk to the board of health & burial board), Guildhall
Smart John Naish, 10 Quay parade
Strick Edward, 31 Fisher st
Thomas Lewis (and clerk to the harbour trustees), 5 Mount st
* Tripp John Rolley, Somerset place
Auctioneers & Appraisers
Edwards David, SkettyEdwards Joseph Evan, 20 Orange st
Ellery John Morris, 93 Oxford st
Glover Thomas, 28 Castle Bailey st
Howard Edward, 11 Somerset place
Leeder John M., Brunswick cottage
Roberts John H., Wind st
Roberts William Ellis, 17 Singleton st
Stroud George Turton, 6 Heathfield st
Bakers & Flour Dealers
Ackland John, 8 Caer stAnning Charles, 22 Oxford st
Ballinger George, 52 High st
Ballinger William, 38 High st
Biddle William, 43 Wind st
Birt Thomas, 9 Williams' terrace
Brooks James, 79 Oxford st
Brooks William C., 65 High st
Brown William, Sketty
Burgess James E., 38 Strand
Burgess William, 218 High st
Goldsworthy William, 2 strand
Jones David, 12 Calvert st
Jones Mary, Mumbles
Knapman Edward, 43 Williams st
Knapman William, 81 High st
Martin Thomas, 9 St. Mary st
Mogridge Richard, Waterloo st
Parrott James, 1 Little Wind st
Pearse & Trews, (biscuit) 12 & 13 Strand
Price Charles James, 6 College st
Rogers John, Mumbles
Spring William Henry, 5 Caer st & 59 Wind st
Stevens Samuel, 178 High st
Thomas William H., 19 Rutland st
Wimbush John, Foxhole
Bank of England (Branch), Temple street - Frederick Ritchie, agent; Charles Nicholson, sub-agentGlamorganshire Banking Company, High st (draw on Jones, Loyd & Co. London) - George Young, manager
West of England and South Wales District Bank, 25 Wind st (draw on Glyn & Co., London) - John Dester, manager
Savings' Bank, Heathfield st (open every Wednesday and Saturday, from half-past 10 till 1) L. L. Dillwyn, Esq. M.P., chairman; T. Edward Thomas, Esq., treasurer; Joseph Williams Jones, actuary
Basket Makers
Benson Henry, 13 St. Mary stMatthews James, 22 Orange st
Preece J. 15 Cross st
Berlin Repositories
Candy Charles B., 12 Wind stHullin Mary Ann, 13 Dillwyn st
Jenkins Eliza & Georgiana, 24 Wind st
Bill Broker
James Eli, 8 Fisher st
Abel Daniel, 4 Welcome stAce Thomas, Sketty
Allwood James, Sketty
Clement George, Mumbles
Davies George (general) Inkerman Foundry, Strand
Davies Shadaach (general), 46 Strand
Edwards William, Bishopston
Evans David, Glaish
Germain John, 1 Cross st
Gething William, strand
Griffiths John (& whitesmiths), 29 Waterloo st
Griffiths John, (general) 119 Strand
Hopkins Henry, Thomas st
Hughes Richard, Upper strand
Hughes William, 123 High st
James Thomas, 21 Goat st
Jenkins William, Orchard st
Jones Isaac, Vulcan Factory, Strand
Jones Lewis, 55 Oxford st
Jones Philip, Llansamlet
Jones Thomas (general) Chain and Anchor Works, Strand
Lewis & Thomas (general) Cambrian Factory, Strand
Morgan David, Blackpill
Morris Joseph, Plymouth st
Owen William, New cut
Phillips John, Hafod wharf
Rogers William, Waterloo st
Rowland Daniel, Llangyfelach st
Thomas John, Morriston
Thomas Theophilus, Greenhill
Williams & Phillips, Morriston
Williams Daniel, Llangyfelach
Wollacott Robert, 112 Strand
Block, Pump, & Spar Mkrs
Clements John, the QuayEvans William, Narrow quay, Strand
Luff George, Tram road, Strand
Robinson George, Tram road, Strand
Boiler Makers (See also Engineers, under the head of Iron and Brass Founders)
Davies Shadrach (& chain maker), 46 StrandHopkins Evan, Cambrian Foundry, Strand
Jones Isaac, Vulcan Factory, Strand
Lewis & Thomas (& manufacturers of land and marine boilers, railway girders, &c. &c.) Cambrian Factory, Strand
Millbrook Iron Co., Landore
Richards Thomas, Morriston
Strick John Joce, Clydach
Wollacott Robert, Globe Foundry, Strand
Bonded Store Merchants
Chapman Richard, 37 Wind stHammett Edward, 7 Quay parade
Williams Charles & Co., Strand
Bookbinders (See also Booksellers & Stationers)
Bluett William Henry, 40 Oxford stBruster William Mathias, 38 Goat st
Jones Herbert, 81 Oxford st
Pearse and Brown (& machine rulers), 22 Wind st
Townsend Robert, 29 Oxford st
Booksellers & Stationers Markers thus * are also Binders, and thus ~ are Printers.
(See also Printers)
Baker Henry (Periodical), 12 Castle sqBater William, Orchard st
*~ Blackie & Son (publishers), 10 Nelson st - Robert Sutherland, agent
* Bluett William Henry (second hand), 40 Oxford st
*~ Bruster Wm. Matthias, 36 Goat st
Clougher Thomas, 4 Wind st
~ Davies Thos. Robt., 13 Castle Bailey st
Francis John (periodical), 8 Castle Bailey st
Gammon Thomas, Mumbles
~ Griffiths Evan, 11 High st
Jenkins Eliza. & Georgiana, 24 Wind st
John William (& depot of the British and Foreign Bible Society), 16 Heathfield st
*~ Jones Herbert, 81 Oxford st - (See advertisement) *~ Morris William, 228 High st
*~ Pearce & Brown (& copper-plate and lithographic printers), 22 Wind street
~ Price Herbet Aubrey, 20 Caer st
~ Rosser Joseph, 214 High st
Turtle George (periodical), 64 High st
~ Williams Howell Walters, 58 Wind st
Boot & Shoe Makers Marked thus * are also Dealers
Abbott Alfred (closer), 11 Williams terrace* Adams Edward, 18 Castle Bailey st
* Anstey Charles, 17 Wind st
Anthony David, 90 High st
Arkell Charles & Fredk., Wind st
Bennett Benjamin, 6 St. Mary st
Bennett Chares, 24 Madoc st
Bennett William, 10 William st
Birch Richard, 26 Waterloo st
Butt Arthur, 10 Goat st
* Chapman Richard, 28 College st
Cutcliffe George, 1 Greenfield st
Dalling William, Carnarvon road
* Davies Evan, 149 High st
Davies Mary, 30 Frog st
* Davies William, 104 High st
Evans John, 8 Llangyfelrch
* Fisher John, 223 High st
Fox Charlotte, Waterloo st
Fulford Philip, 28 Goat st
Gordon William, 27 Oxford st
Hammett John, 32 Goat st
Harris Sarah, 6 Caste Bailey st
Harris Thomas, Morriston
Hearding Henry, 18 Little Wind st
Hone James, 7 Nelson st
Isaac David, 35 Strand
Jenkins William, Dyvatty st
John Griffith, Carmarthen road
Jones Evan, 30 Madoc st
Jones George, Mumbles
Jones John, 38 Garden st
Lee Henry, 36 Castle Bailey st
* Legge William, 10 College st
* Lewis Roland, 79 High st
Lewis Thomas, 21 Little Wind st
* Loxon Henry, 181 High st
Matthews Edmund, 50 Williams st
May William, 2 Park st
* Morgan David, Heath road
Morgan Francis, Mumbles
Nott John, 7 Calvert st
Parminter James, 16 Singleton st
* Payne Maria (wholesale), 4 Wassail st
* Randles Thomas, 241 High st
Reed Richard, 2 Orange st
Rees Thomas, Morriston
* Roderick Thomas, 71 High st
* Roderick William, 61 High st
Rosser David, 19 Calvert st
Rosser David & Thomas, 31 High st
* Scott William, 8 College st
Simon William, 35 Mysydd
Stephens Edmund, 13 College st
Tittle John William, St. Mary st
* Tittle Philip, 8 Quay parade
Tittle William, 22 Gam st
* Williams William, 5 High st
Wright Richard, 6 Salubrious place
Braziers & Tin Plate Workers Marked thus * are also Coppersmiths
* Arnold Hy. Townsend, 7 Temple st* Boden & Slaney, 17 Strand
Crabbe Edmund, 5 Goat st
Crabbe William, 222 High st
Crowther Thomas Leyshon, 25 High st
Cummins John, 30 Goat st
* Edwards Charles, 113 Strand
* Morris Henry H., Tram road, Strand
Rees Henry, 31 Frog st
Scantlebury Thomas, Castle sq
* Stevens Edward (& Zinc), 40 Wind st
Taylor Henry E., 21 High st
Williams John, 24 Orange st
Andrew Philip, Orange stBallinger William, 38 High st
Bydder George, 14 St. Mary st
Evans Robert, Pontardawe
Hattel, Foll & Co. (Bristol), Padley's yard - William Rose, agent
Hoare & Co. (late Rolls & Hoare), The Old Brewery Jenkins Evan, 17 College st
Pinchin & Co. (Bath), Padley's yard, Peter Anthony, agent
White Thomas, Gam st
Yorath, William, 217 High st
Brick and Tile Makers and Agents
Eaton Henry K. (for Perrin and Harrison, fire bricks, Stourbridge), Ferry sideEdwards Edwin (fire brick), 241 High st
Gregor & Davies, New Dock Timber yard, Oystermouth road
Hayward Charles, Black Pill
Jones William Evans (for Doulton's drainage pipe and fire brick, &c.), Oystermouth road
Moody J.M. & H. (fire bricks, &c), Clydach
Moore Charles (for Gibbs, Canning & Co. fire brick, Tamworth), 79 Strand
Sneyd Benjamin & Co., Morriston
Strick George B. & Co., 22 Wind st
Williams Charles (fire bricks, &c), Strand - (See Advertisement).
Builders (See also Joiners and Carpenters, likewise Stone Masons)
Clement William, MumblesDavies David, 24 Gower st
Davies Owen, 132 High st
Dyer William, 19 Cradock st
Griffiths John, 1 Rutland place
Halse William, Oystermouth road
James John, 18 Heathfield st
James Philip, Sketty
Jenkins Thomas, 30 Greenhill st
Jones David, 4 Goat st
Morgan Thomas, Mansel st
Prater Thomas, 3 York st
Prickett Edward, Mumbles
Raynor William, Waterloo st
Rees Thomas, New cut
Richards Joseph, 32 Cradock st
Richards Richard, 21 Bellevue st
Thomas John, Christina st
Walters John, 4 Calvert st
Williams Philip, 12 Nelson st
Abraham William, 169 High stBall Sarah, 50 High st
Davies John, 23 High st
Evans Ann, 102 High st
Francis Jesse, 154 High st
Franks John, Sketty
Jones William, Bathurd st
Lewis Mary (pork), 7 Cross st
Mabe William, 18 Strand
Millward Edward, 9 Wind st
Morris William, Mumbles
Moulding George, 46 Castle Bailey st
Paddison George, 33 Williams st
Richings Stephen (pork), 3 Caer st
Roe Thomas, 25 Goat st
Thomas David, 44 Greenhill st
Uglow John, 188 High st
Vaughan Hugh, 49 Wind st
Wheatcroft Thomas, Mumbles
Williams Evan, Mumbles
Williams Rees, 39 High st
In the Market with the Number of their Stalls.
5 Abraham Geo. | 6&7 Hopkins Jn. | 32 Rees Cornelius |
110 Abraham Jn. | 19 Howell Ann | 25 Rees William |
99 Abraham Wm. | 92 Jeremy Thos. | 35 Richards Mary |
105 Davies Ann | 28 Jones Elias | 61 Scanlan Ann |
54 Davies Esther | 106 Jones Mary | 11 Simmonds Jas. |
44 Davies Evan | 90 Lewis John | 96 Thomas Ann |
91 Davies John | 1&2 Lewis John | 86 Thomas Danl. |
50 Davies Llewen | 9 Lewis Mary | 100 Thomas Danl. |
15 Davourix Ths. | 95 Lewis Sarah | 84 Thomas David |
93 Edwards Jhn. | 101 Mabe William | 38 Thomas Marth |
82 Edwards Mar. | 31 Matthews Wm. | 94 Thomas Mary |
14 Evans John | 30 Morgan Cath. | 34 Thomas Richd. |
39 Evans Mary | 8 Morgan David | 4 Vaughan Geo. |
53 Francis Hanh. | 89 Morgan Eliz. | 98 Watkins Thos. |
21 Francis Jesse | 29 Morgan John | 108 Wilkes John |
104 Gammage C. | 97 Morgan Morgn | 102 Wilkins Eliz. |
103 Griffiths David | 107 Morgan Watk. | 23 Williams David |
22 Griffiths Wm. | 16 Millward Ed. | 10 Williams David |
20 Harris Richd. | 109 Owens John | 12 Williams David |
3 Hartley Cath. | 24 Paddisson -, | 51 Williams Jas. |
36 Haulin Ann | 16 Poole William | 52 Williams John |
13 Hervey J. | 17 Price William | 18 Wilson Ann |
Cab and Coach Owners For Hire and Livery Stable Keepers.
Barnes Henry, 12 Rutland stBarter Charles, 3 Wassail st
Bustin Richard, 96 Oxford st
Rosser James, 47 Wind st
Williams David, 49 Wind st
Cabinet Makers. (See also Upholsterers)
Bennett John & Son, 19 High stBidder James, Newton
Downs John, 221 High st
Dutton Israel, 207 High st
Hacche William, Langdon place
Harding Walter (chair maker), 37 Goat st
James James, 46 High st
Michael David, 17 Fisher st
Michael Henry William, 20 Nelson st
Michael James, 89 Oxford st
Parnell George, 27 Pleasant st
Tuck James William, 22 Craddock st
Carpet Warehouses
Boff & Son (Kidderminster, Brussels, mats, hearth rugs and upholstery, &c.), 244 High stTucker & Goodall, 23 Castle Bailey st
Carvers & Guilders
Jenkins John, 10 Park stJohnston James Stanley, 242 High st
Tinker Thomas James, 7 Pell st
Chain Makers. See under the head Anchor and Shipsmiths.
Chemists and Druggists
Andrew Leyshon, 14 Castle squareBrend Thomas, 40 High st
Briggs Frederick, 225 High st
Dawe & Son. 5 Castle Bailey st
Evans Thomas, 12 High st
Glover Wm. P., 33 Castle Bailey st
Goulstone John G., Morriston
Griffiths William, 77 Oxford st
Morgan John, Mumbles
Nott William, 2 Wassail st
Shum Henry, 44 Wind st
Wilson Charles Thomas, 66 Wind st
Rowen Thomas & Sons, Morriston Chemical WorksJennings & Co. (arsenic & alcali), Dan y Graig and Clyne Wood Works, near Swansea
Lewis & Pollard (of vitriol, acetates, &c.), Landore and Pontardawe Chemical Works
Richards & Jones, Black pill
Thomas David, Pentreboth Chemical Works, Morriston
Ystal y Fera Iron Company (naphtha and acetate of lime), Ystal y fera
China, Glass, &c. Dealers (See also Earthenware Dealers.)
Barnett Samuel, 6 Wind stCapus Peter, 30 High st
Cawker John, 94 Oxford st
Chals Brothers, Gendros Colliery
Crapper William, 26 Castle Bailey st
Martella Benedetto, 231 High st
Mitchell Henry (general dealer in Birmingham and Sheffield Ware, and Dresden China), 39 Castle Bailey st
Owen John, 53 High st
Civil Engineers
Cousins Edward, GuildhallJones David J., 1 Cambrian place
King Thomas John, Brunswick st
Shanks Augustus jas. Brunswick st
Struve William Price, M.I.C.E. (& mineral), Northampton place
Williams William, 62 Oxford st
Coach Builders
Burchell Joseph William, 9 York stClarke Frederick, Morriston
Holloway John, 25 Fisher st
Rosser James, 47 Wind st
Simmonds Henry, 38 Singleton terr
Ward James T., 234 High st
Coal and Culm Proprietors and Merchants With their agents
Marked thus * are Stone, Coal, and Stone Coal Culm Proprietors and Merchants, and thus ~ are Bituminous Coal
Banfield James (factor), 2 the QuayBevan G. A. (steam, coal and agent for Warlcih's patent fuel), the Quay
Cory Yeo & Co., 18 Somerset place
Davis David (steam), 10 Cambrian place - Ricard Thomas Samuel, agent
Davies Thomas, Kilvey Colliery
Fothergills Aberdare (steam), Bath lane - James Strick, agent
Foxhole Coal Company, Foxhole - Henry Whitehead, agent
Francis & Strick, 22 Wind st
Francis George G. (steam), 5 Quay parade
Gellia Steam Coal Company, 16 Somerset place - George Thomas, managing partner; William Rees, agent
Graigola Coal Company, New cut - John Williams, agent
Insole George & Son (steam), 17 Somerset place - Robert Unsworth, agent
* James & Aubrey, Hafod Stone Coal Wharf - John Slowcombe, agent
Langstaff henry Anthony, Wernfawr
~ McAdam Christopher K. (house coal), South Prospect
~ Moore Charles (steam), 79 Strand
Morgan & Bowen (house coal), 19 Strand
Morice Hartwell (factor), 3 Prospect place
Morris & Co. (house coal), 113 Strand
Mynydd Bach y Glo Colliery Company, 228 High st - William P. Struve, managing partner
~ Neath Abbey Coal Company, Somerset place - M. Jones & Brother, agents
~ Padley & Sterry, 1 & 2 Adelaide st - Daniel Griffith, agent
Pegg William & Co. (steam), Birchgrove Colliery, offices, New Cut, and 59 Strand
* Penrose & Starbuck, Port Tennant - Thomas Thomas, agent
Pockett James W. (house coal), Padley's Wharf
Powell Thomas & Son (steam), 11 Cambrian place - George T. Harper, agent
~ Primrose Coal Company, Haford wharfs, Strand - Richard Elliott, agent
~ Resolven Coal Company, Port Tennant - Townsend, Wood and Co. agents, Strand
~ Rhydydefed Coal Company, Strand - Samuel H. Collins, managing partner
Richard & Glasbrook, Landore and Gorse Coal Wharfs, Strand - Thomas Glasbrook, jun. agent
Sguborwen Merthyr (steam), G. G. Francis, 5 Quay parade
Strick James, Bath lane
Strick John Joce (culm), 22 Wind st - G. B. Strick, agent
Swansea Coal Company, Tyu Canol - Edward Daniels, manager; and 4 Mount st - J. E. Morrice, agent and cashier
* Walters Thomas (steam and lime burning), 65 Wind st
Wayne & Co. (Aberdare steam), Ferry side - David Toms & Co., agents
Williams Trevor Addams, Login Coal Wharf, Strand
Winchcombe Henry P. (factor), 6 Somerset place
Commission Agents. See Agents - Commission.
Adams James, 38 Castle Bailey stBarton Jane, 53 Wind st
Biddle William, 43 Wind st
Brooks James, 79 Oxford st
Courtney Richard (wholesale), Waterloo st
Derrick Joseph (wholesale), 33 High st
Hulland William, 23 Wind st
Latey Samuel, 238 High st
Leyshon Francis, 159 High st
Millard William, 9 Castle square
Powe John, 1 Orange st
Snowsell Edwin, 30 College st
White Thomas, 56 High street, and Oxford st
Consuls - Vice
America, U.S. - Hartwell, Morice, 3 Prospect placeBelgium - G. A. Bevan, the Quay
Chili (consul) - Henry James Bath, Tyrllandwr wharfs
Denmark - Henry James Bath, Tyrllandwr wharfs
France - Le Page des Longchamps, 1 Gloster place
Hamburgh - Henry Bath, senr. Tyrllandwr wharfs
Hanover (consul) - G. A. Bevan, the Quay
Hanseatic - Hy. Bath, Tyrllandwr
Honduras (Republic of) - Cory Yeo and Co., 18 Somerset place
Mecklenburgh Schwerin - G. A. Bevan, the Quay
Monte Video - G. A. Bevan, the Quay
Netherlands - Thomas Grove, High st; George Turton Stroud, Deputy, Heathfield st
Portugal - Jens Theodore Salvesen, 14 Adelaide st
Prussia - G. A. Bevan, the Quay
Russia - G. A. Bevan, the Quay
Spain - Henry James Bath, Tyrllandwr wharfs
Sweden and Norway - Michael John Michael, 34 Wind st
Two Sicilies - Hartwell Morice, 3 Prospect place
Ace Samuel & George, 48 StrandBeard Jesse Brampton, 24 Fisher st
Davies John Vaughan, 39 Goat st
Howell William, Morris lane
Merchant Joseph, 57 High st
Morrish James (and white hoop and lath maker), Castle Cooperage, Strand
Radford William M., the Quay
Thomas Mansell G., 107 Strand
Copper Ore Agents Marked thus * are Silver and other Ores
* Bath Henry & Son (merchants), Tyrllandwr wharfsCobre Mining Company (merchants), Cobre wharf - James Petrie, agent
* Richardson *amp; Co. Copper Ore Wharfs, Tyrllandwr
Townsend, Wood & Co., Strand
Williams & Sons, Morfa Copper Works - Thomas Elford, agent
Copper Smelters and Manufacturers
Freeman & Co., White Rock Copper Works - Edward Brown, agentGrenfell, Pascoe & Sons, Middle & Upper Bank Works
Jemmings, Nicholas & Co. (general smelters), Dan-y-Graig Works, near Swansea
Lambert Charles, Port Tennant Copper Works
Stephens James, Black Vale Copper Works
Vivian & Sons, Hafod Copper Works - John Allen, agent
Williams, Foster & Co., Morfa Copper Works - Thomas Elford, agent
Coppersmiths See under the head Braziers and Tin-Plate Workers
Corn & Flour Merchants and Dealers
Bindon Frederick, 1 StrandCardell John, the Quay - Robert Salmon, agent
Chammins William (flour), the Quay
Glover & Squirrell (corn factor), 16 Strand
Gower Brothers, 70 & 71 Oxford st
Harvey Benjamin R., Padley's yard
Howell Margaret, 9 Caer st
Hughes Thomas, 12 the Quay
Michael Michael John, 34 Wind st
Pearse & Trews (flour), 12 & 13 Strand
Reed William, 16 Madoc st
Rees David Hill, 27 High st
Spiller & Browne, 15 Somerset pl - Robert Caville, agent
Walters David, 62 High st
Walters James, Wind st
Watts Henry, 15 Madoc st
Curriers and Leather Cutters
Burleigh George, 5 Calvert stBuse Nicholas, 95 Oxford st
Johns Joseph, 219 High st
Owen & Co., 43 High st
Potter John, 12 Orange st
Jones Henry M., 1 Nelson stScott Frederick C., 9 Fisher st
Elford John, 16 Pleasant st
Poole Charles, 2 Fisher st
Poole Edwin, 8 Wassail st
Earthenware Dealers
Evans David, 31 Greenhill stGeorge Thomas, 34 Strand
Jenkins William, 13 Calvert st
Jones Martha, 176 High st
Rees Elizabeth, 197 High st
Ridler George, 20 Calvert st
Earthenware Manufacturers
Evans, Glasson & Evans, Cambrian Pottery, StrandRickard John Nelson, Dyvatty st
Williams Charles, Ynisymudw Pottery, Office, Strand. - (See advertisement.)
Eating House Keepers
Braddick John, 4 Orange stCampbell Jane, 8 Goat st
Gould William, 205 High st
Hopkins John, 48 Wind st
Ison Robert, 15 St. Mary st
Roe Thomas, 60 High st
Tenby William, 8 Cross st
Thomas Rees, 31 High st
Walker Ann, 20 Fisher st
Engineers-Civil See Civil Engineers
Fancy Repositories. See Berlin Repositories
Fire, &c. Office agents.
Arcchilles - John Morris Ellery, 93 Oxford stAccidental Death - George P. Ivey, 1 Richmond Villa
Alliance - Michael John Michael, 34 Wind st
Atlas - Richard Hughes, 1 Northampton place
Bank of London and National Provincial - Edwd. Roberts, 75 Oxford st
Brimingham (fire) - George Allen, 235 High st
British Empire - Rev. Geo. Pritchard Evans, 3 Northampton place
British Mutual (life) - G. A. Munro, Beaufort timber yard
City of Glasgow (life) - John A. Meager & Co., 9 Quay parade
Clerical, Medical, and General (life) - Thomas Attwood, 1 Worcester place
Corporation of London - Richardson & Co., Tyrllandwr
County (fire) - John Hore, 81 Strand
Crown (fire) - Richard W. Beor, St. Mary st
Eagle (life) - Allen & Ranson, 235 High st
Economic (life) - William Lloyd, 25 Wind st
Equitable (fire) - John N. Smart
General - Richard Lumley, 6 Temple street
General Annuity - Eli James, 8 Wind st
Globe - David Rees, 6 Picton pl
Gresham (life) - William James, 8 Fisher st
Guardian - Thomas R. Davies, 13 Castle Bailey st
Hand-In-Hand - Eli James, 8 Fisher st
Imperial (fire) - Richd. White Beor, St. Mary st
Lancashire - William Thomas Roff, 244 High st
Law Union - W. H. Brown, 1 Worcester place; and George Harry, Town Hall
Law Property and Life - John N. Smart, 10 Quay parade
Leeds & Yorkshire - John Walsh, Strand
Legal and Commercial - J. R. Tripp, 1 Somerset place
Life Association of Scotland - William Griffiths, 77 Oxford st
Liverpool and London - Joshua Griffiths, Strand
London - John Oakshot, 14 High st
London Equitable - John Jones, 3 Fisher st
London & Provincial Law - John Jones, 3 Fisher st
Marine (life) - William Jenkins, 59 Strand
Medical Invalid (life) - John N. Smart, 10 Quay parade
National Alliance (railway and marine passengers), Wm. James, 8 Fisher st
National (life) - Richd. Chapman, 37 Wind st
National Provincial - Samuel Gibbs, 47 Castle Bailey st; H. K. Eaton, Ferry side; and Herbert A. Price, 20 Caer st
New Equitable - Richd. B. Christopher, Penclawdd
Northern - Robert Unsworth, 17 Somerset place
Norwich Union - George Turton Stroud, 6 Heathfield st
Palladium - John Oakshot, 14 High st
Phoenix (fire) and Pelican (life) - Francis David Michael, 10 Rutland st
Protector - George P. Ivey, 1 Richmond villas
Provident (life), and County (fire) - John Hore, 81 Strand
Railway Passengers - William Rees, 16 Somerset place
Reliance - Michael John Michael, Wind st; and Edward Strick, 31 Fisher st
Royal Exchange - Thomas A. Marten, 27 Fisher st
Scottish Provincial - George P. Ivey, 1 Richmond villas
Scottish Union - W. C. Ranson, 235 High st
Solicitors' (life) - Richard White Beaor, St. Mary st; Edward Howard, 11 Somerset place
Sovereign (life) - John Griffiths, 11 High st
Star - Thomas Evans, 12 High st
Sun - William Edmonds, 9 Castle Bailey st
Union (life) - Herbert Jones, 81 Oxford st
Universal (life) - Charles Basil Mansfield, Town Hall
West of England - John Trevillian Jenkin, 17 High st
Yorkshire - R. H. Ritchie, 26 Wind st
Firebrick & Tile Makers See Brick & Tile Makers & Agents
Benson Thomas, 10 High stHill John (wholesale), 54 Wind st
Hill Thomas, 37 High st
Miller Joseph (shell), St. Mary st
Mutters William, Goat st & 7 Caer st
Sparks Robert, 10 Cross st
Flour Merchants See Corn and Flour Merchants
Fruiterers & Greengrcrs.
Beer John, 16 Castle Bailey stBenson Thomas, 10 High st
Derrick Ann, 27 College st
Donnelly Peter, 3 Fruit st
Gordon Susan, Bath lane
Hulland William, 23 Wind st
Jacob Jane, 14 Cross st
Jeffreys Richard, 11 Calvert st
Jeremiah Thomas, 164 High st
Nash Ellen, 3 Wind st
Nott John, 7 Calvert st
Prescott Thomas, 8 Calvert st
Trott James, 23 College st
Tucker Thomas, 216 High st
Furniture Brokers
Banks Richard, 2 College stDavies William, 224 High st
Downes John, 221 High st
Edwards Joseph Evan, 2 Orange st
Michael David, 17 Fisher st
Rowland David, 10 Wassail st
Townsend Robert, 198 High st
Ward Samuel, Castle square
Williams Esther, 7 St. Mary st
Crook Robert, Black PillDavis Charles, Black Pill
Melville William, Gower st
White William, 90 Oxford st
Grocers & Tea Dealers (See also Shopkeepers, &c. )
Birchall Henry Bath, 15 Castle sqBowden John, 7 Wind st
Brown William, Sketty
Cawker John, 94 Oxford st
Christopher Richard B., Penclawdd
Cocks Josiah, 18 Wind st
Constable John, 2 Caer st
Davies George, 12 Castle Bailey st
Davies John, 36 Strand
Evans James, 25 College st
Gregor John & James, 18 High st
Jones Margaret, Mumbles
Lloyd George, 87 Oxford st
Madge Henry Joseph, 16 High st
Matthews Brothers & Co., 6 Castle sq
Phillips Thomas & Son, 3 Castle sq
Rees David H., 26 High st
Richards William, 150 High st
Roberts Edward, 75 Oxford st
Roberts William Ellis (wholesale), 7 Singleton st
Stevens Samuel, 178 High st
Thomas & Co., Landore
Thomas Josiah, Morriston
Thomas Thomas, 40 Castle Bailey st
Walters David (wholesale), 62 Wind st
Walters James (wholesale), Wind st
White Mary, 88 Oxford st, and 39 Strand
Williams Evan, 42 Castle Bailey st
Gun Makers
Brooks Charles, 2 Castle Bailey stDent George, 3 Wassail st
Gunpowder Agents
Chapman Richard (to Curtis and Harvey), 37 Wind stEaton Henry K. (to the Kennel Vale Co.), Ferry side
Munro George A. (for Kame's, Glasgow), Tyrllandwr
Stroud George T. (for Ballincollig Co.), 6 Heathfield st
Arundell Robert, 33 Goat stBurt Margaret, Mumbles
Evans William, 1 Oxford st
Jones John, Mumbles
Jones John M. (hosier & glover), 11 Wind st
Lumley Richard, 6 Temple st
Scourfield James, 82 Oxford st
Arundell Robert, 33 Goat stDalling William, Bath lane
Ferbrache Thos., 45 Castle Bailey st
Ground Edward, 21 Calvert st
Hopkinson Charles, 206 High st
Lewis Stephen, Union st
Mogridge John, 13 Goat st
Oborn John, 7 Castle Bailey st
Pressdee Edwin, Green Hill
Rendell John, St. Mary st
Rose John Wood, 16 Waterloo st
Thomas Thomas R., 212 High st
William William, 12 Cross st
Hardware Dealers (See also Ironmongers)
Aston Alfred, 18 College stBarnett Samuel, 6 Wind st
Capus Peter, 30 High st
Martella Benedetto, 231 High st
Smith Apsley (merchant), 79 Strand
Bynon Owen, 36 Gam stEvans Lewis, 58 Strand
Guy Richard, 14 Somerset place
Hazel James, Ebenezar st
Jenkins John, 9 Wassail st
Pockett Daniel, 2 Quay
Pockett James W., Padley's Wharf
Ridd William, 22 Park st
Hop and Seed Dealers
Evans Thomas (seed) 12 High stHarvey Benjamin R., Padley's yard
Hughes Margaret, 7 Oxford st
Inns and Hotels
Bush, William Sayer, 233 High stCameron Arms (commercial & family), George Tracey, 240 High st
Castle (commercial and family), John Davies, Castle square
Mackworth Arms Hotel (commercial and family), John Viner, 10 Wind st
Mermaid (family and boarding), Richard Knight, Mumbles
Viber's Hotel, John Viner, Mumbles
Iron and Brass Founders (See also Boiler Makers)
Marked thus * are also Engineers
Arnold Henry Townsend (brass), 7 Temple stBoden & Slaney (brass), 17 Strand
Davies George, Inkerman Foundry, Strand
Davies George (iron), Clydach
Evans John, Copper House Foundry, Landore
* Hopkins Evan, Cambrian Foundry, Upper Strand
Jeremiah David, Cwmdu
* Millbrook Iron Company (and shovel and spade manufacturers), Landore
* Richards Thomas, Morriston
* Rogers William, Waterloo st
* Smith Charles Henry, Llansamlet
* Strick John & Joce, Clydach Foundry
Williams & Phillips, Crown Foundry, Morriston
Woollacott Robert, Globe Foundry, Strand
Iron Manufacturers & Merchants
Hallam William & Co. Upper Forrest Tin WorksTownsend, Wood & Co., Strand
Walters Thomas (anthracite pig), 65 Wind st
Yniscedyn Iron Co., Yniscedyn - James Strick, agent, Bath lane
Ystal-y-Fera Iron Co., Ystal-y-fera - George Ace, agent, Hafod
Iron Merchants (See also preceding list)
Beynon John, 5 Prospect placeEdwards Edwin, 241 High st
Forester William H. (and metal broker), 79 Strand
Leyson James, 46 Strand
Smith Apsley (and hardware), 79 Strand
Ironmongers (See also Ship Chandlers and likewise Hardware Dealers)
Arnold Henry Townsend, 7 Temple stAston Alfred, 18 College st
Bevan John, 6 Caer st
Christopher Richard B., Penclawdd
George Richard, 9 Castle Bailey st
Gibbs Samuel, 47 Castle Bailey st
Hughes Margaret, 7 Oxford st
Phillips Henry, 21 Castle Bailey st
Rayner Frederick John, 34 Castle Bailey st
Scantlebury Thomas, 4 Castle sq
Shepherd Richard, 24 and 25 Castle Bailey st
Smith David, Pontardawe
Stevens Edward, 40 Wind st
Taylor Henry Edward, 21 High st
Thomas Griffith Eaton, 91 Oxford st
Thomas William, 1 Caer st
Jewellers & Silversmiths (See also Watch Makers)
Brown Solomon, 16 Nelson stHennessy Bernard R., 5 Wind st
Hutchinson Charles, 46 Wind st
Jones John M. (jeweller), 11 Wind st
Kern Joseph, 495 High st
Moses J. M., 7 High st
Rayner William R., 39 Castle Bailey st
Seline Moses, 215 High st
Tyte Cornelius, 16 Wind st
Joiners & Carpenters
Blatch Henry, 104 StrandBowen Thomas, 1 Princes st
Delve William, Portland st
Evans Thomas, 13 Somerset place
Griffiths John, 1 Rutland place
Hawes Noah James, 8 Singleton st
Jones David, 4 Goat st
Morgan Thomas, Mansel st
Morris Thomas, Morriston
Nott John, 42 Garden st
Perkins & Hopkins, Tram rd, Strand
Rayner William, Waterloo st
Rees David, 23 Clarence st
Richards Joseph, 32 Cardock st
Richards Richard, 21 Bellevue st
Russer William, Bryn
Shepherd Charles, Mumbles
Shepherd Charles, jun. Mumbles
Shepherd George, 42 Oxford st
Thomas Thomas, Llangyfelach
Walters John, 4 Calvert st
Corin Joseph, 15 Castle Bailey stJenkins Eliza & Georgina, 24 Wind st
Rense & Brown, 22 Wind st
Royal Institution, Victoria road
Lime Burners
Jones William Evans, Oystermouth rdLloyd & Pike, Cotshill, nr Mumbles
Linen & Woollen Drapers Marked thus * are also Silk Mercers
(See also Travelling Drapers)
Christopher Richard B., PenclawddDavies Daniel, 1 Castle square
Davies David (woollen draper), 30 Castle Bailey st
Davies Mary Ann, Morriston
* Eaton William Seys, 4 Temple st
Edwards John, 232 High st
Gruar John, 213 High st
* Hurndall Henry & Watkin (wholesale and retail), 1 Temple st
* Jenkins Philip, 5 Castle square
Jones John, 10 Castle Bailey st
Jones Thomas, 35 Castle Bailey st
Jones Wm. G., 3 Temple st
* King Harry James, 2 Temple st
* Lewis John, 32 Castle Bailey st
* Lewis Samuel, 27 Castle Bailey st
Lumley Richard, 6 Temple st
Oakshot John, 14 High st
Richards Jane, 31 Castle Bailey st
* Richmond Thos. Wm., 7 Castle sq
Roberts William, 63 Wind st
Scourfield James, 82 Oxford st
Tucker & Goodall, 23 Castle Bailey st
Walters John, High st
Livery Stable Keepers See Cab and Coach Owners
Locksmiths, Bellhangers and Brightsmiths
Arnold Henry T., 7 Temple stCummins John, 30 Goat st
Davies David, 6 Caer st
Dent George, 3 Wassail st
Legg Henry (and gas-fitter), 64 Oxford street
Taylor Henry Edward, 21 High st
Thomas Evan, Calvert st
Lodging Houses
Ace William, 46 Oxford stAllen William, 37 Garden st
Anthony Mary, 20 Bellevue st
Arnold Jane, 31 Oxford st
Bailey Thomas, Mumbles road
Bawden Robert Bennett, Mumbles
Bennett Roger M., Mumbles
Bevan Ann, 17 Clarence st
Bevan Catherine, 1 Grove place
Bevan Thomas, 15 Singleton st
Bevans Richard, 11 Fisher st
Beynon David Elesmore, Mumbles rd
Bindon Henry, 2 Mansel st
Burch Joseph, Duke st
Burn David, 15 Clarence st
Buttun Richard, Mumbles
Charles Henry, 13 Garden st
Christelow Robert, 2 Little Wind st
Dalling William, Carnarvon road
Damp Mary, 61 Oxford st
Dangerfield Richard Jas., 9 Langdon pl
Davies Charles, Mumbles
Davies David, 2 Langdon place
Davies James, Mumbles
Davies John, Mumbles
Davies John, 1 Langdon place
Davies John, 7 Brunswick place
Davies Mary, 11 Clarence terrace
Davies William, 25 Rutland st
Davies William, 8 Garden st
Dendle Thomas, 10 Clarence terr
Duggan Rebecca, 5 Dynevor place
Edwards Ann, 92 High st
Edwards Catherine, 11 Mansel st
Ellis John, 6 Garden st
Ensor Charles, 20 Langdon place
Evan David, 4 Pell st
Evans Catherine, Mumbles
Evans David, Mumbles
Evans Harriet, Mumbles
Evans Thomas, 13 Somerset place
Evans William, 28 Oxford st
Evans William, Mumbles
Francis Ruth, 28 Orchard st
Frazer James, Beaufort place
Fulcher John, 32 Langdon place
Fuller Charles, Norton, Mumbles rd
Gellendat Mary, Mumbles
Gammon William, Mumbles
Garrett Ann Price, 30 Orange st
Geen William Henry, Trafalgar pl
Gordon William, 27 Oxford st
Griffiths Ann, Mumbles
Griffiths Thomas, 32 Singleton terr
Gwyn Thomas, Garden st
Gwynne John, 48 Mysydd st
Hammett Eliza, 6 Mansel st
Harding Martha, 36 Singleton terr
Hart Sarah, Mumbles
Hencorn Mary, 24 Madoc st
Henshaw Jane, Prospect place
Hockins William, Langland Bay
Hodge Julia, Mansel st
Hooper Henry, 1 Mount st
Hopkins David, 7 Mansel st
Howell Mary, Mumbles
Hughes John, Langland Bay
Hughes Mary, Mumbles road
Isaac David, 20 Camden place
Ison Robert, 15 St. Mary st
James James, 27 Rutland st
Jenkins John, 9 Wassail st
Jenkins Richard, Oystermouth rd
Jenkins William, 36 Langdon pl
Jenman Jane, 16 Clarence st
Jobson Jane, 33 Bellevue st
Jones Daniel, 13 Dynever place
Jones David, 31 Orange st
Jones Evan, 30 Madoc st
Jones John, 38 Garden st
Jones John, Mumbles
Jones John Hansley, Mumbles
Jones Margaret, Mumbles
Joslyn James, 43 Oxford st
Lewis Bridget, 11 Singleton st
Lewis Thomas, Bathurst st
Lloyd Elizabeth, 11 Oxford st
Locke Louisa, 10 Cradoc st
Lodwick David, 4 Langdon pl
Lovering Mary, 35 Langdon place
Marvelly John, 19 Nelson st
Maslen James, Mumbles road
May Mary Ann, Mumbles road
Michael David Evans, Mumbles
Michael Ellen, Mumbles
Monkhouse Mary, 12 Langdon pl
Morgan Mary, 11 Langdon place
Orin James, Mumbles
Parmen Robert, 37 Gam st
Perkins Samuel, 19 Camden place
Phillips William, Orchard st
Popham Grace, 29 Madoc st
Powell George, 23 Williams st
Prickett Edward, Mumbles
Prickett Elizabeth, Mumbles
Pritchard James, 22 Williams st
Pritchard John, 21 Garden st
Prosser John, Mumbles
Prothoroe Ellen, 4 York st
Randall Sarah, 4 Edward st
Rees John, 7 and 8 Little Wind st
Rees William, 3 Pell st
Richards Ellen, 1 Brunswick st
Richardson William, 5 Langdon place
Roberts John, 9 Nelson terrace
Rogers Philip, Coleridge house
Rosser George, 3 Mansel st
Sanders William, 6 Langdon place
Shaddick Jane, 11 Nelson st
Sheer Christopher, 3 Little Wind st
Simmonds Ellen, 19 Dillwyn st
Smith Ann, Beaufort place
Smith Thomas, Trafalgar place
Stephens James, 22 Dillwyn st
Stephens Jemima, 22 Dillwyn st
Tamblyn Mary Ann, 15 Heathfield st
Tenby William, 8 Cross st
Thomas Daniel, Langland Bay
Thomas Evan, 16 Gam st
Thomas James, 10 Garden st
Thomas Mary, 28 Bellevue st
Thomas Sophia, Mumbles
Thomas William, Mumbles
Tucker David, 41 Garden st
Turner Maria, 10 Madoc st
Walker Ann, 20 Fisher st
Walters Edith, 7 Cambrian place
Waters Emma and Mary, 37 Oxford st
Watkins Mary Ann, 12 Cradock st
Wigg James, 33 Orchard st
Williams Catherine, Mumbles
Williams Evan, Mumbles
Williams James, 8 Cradock st
Williams Mary, 2 Brunswick place
Williams Susan, 16 Bellevue st
Andrew Joseph, 14 Fisher stBallinger William, 38 High st
Bydder George, 14 St. Mary st
Edwards Thomas, Bishopston
Glasbrook William, Morriston
Harvey Benjamin R. (agent), Padley's yard
Hughes Richard, Morriston
Squance Robert, 32 Orchard st
Thomas William, Pemwvelen
Yorath William, 217 High st
Manufacturing Chemists See Chemists - Manufacturing
Manure Agents
Christopher Richard B. (for the National Guarentee Manure Company), PenclawddGeorge Richard (for H. and T. Proctor, Bristol), 9 Castle Bailey st
Glover & Squirrell (for the London Company, and Davies, Haverfordwest), 16 Strand
Rees David H. (for West of England Bone and Manure Co.), 26 High st
Rees Thomas (for the Western Counties Manure Co.), 7 Oxford st
Marine Store Dealers
Duggan Morris, 133 High stHanley John & Co. Back st
Johnson & Tullock, South prospect
Molone Esther, 10 Church st
Sheard Charles, Orchard st
Sweeney John, 71 Strand
Sweeney Michael, 85 Strand
Wood John, 54 Strand
Mathematical & Nautical &c. Instrument Dealers & Repairers
Biggs and Bussey (and opticians), 19 Wind stCousens Richard Wm., 20 Wind st
Henessey Bernard R., 5 Wind st
Hutchinson Charles, 46 Wind st
Rayner William R., 39 Castle Bailey st
Merchants Marked thus * are also Ship Owners.
(See also Merchants, under their respective heads).
Bath Henry & Son (copper ore), Tyrllandwr wharfsBeynon John, 5 Prospect place
* Clarke Samuel, 8 Somerset place
Cobre Mining Association (copper ore), Cobre wharf - James Petrie, agent
* Gregor William, 7 George place
* Jenkins William, 59 Strand
Michael Michael John, 34 Wind st
Perkins C. H. & Co., 10 the Quay
* Richardson Brothers, Patent slip
* Simpson Joseph H., 59 Strand
Smith Apsley, 79 Strand
* Strick James, Bath lane
Walters David, 62 Wind st
Walters James, Wind st
Walters Thomas, 65 Wind st
Metal Manufacturers (See also Iron & Tin Manufacturers)
Dillwyn & Co. (silver, spelter, tin, and zinc), Landore & LlansamletFreeman & Co. White Rock Copper Works
Grenfell, Pascoe and Sons, Middle and Upper Bank Copper Works
Jennings Nicholas & Co. (general smelters), Dan y Graig Works
Lambert Charles, Port Tennant Copper Works
Stephens James, Black Vale Copper Works
Vivian & Sons (and silver, spelter and zinc), Hafod copper works
Williams, Foster & Co. Morfa Copper Works
Gower Brothers, 70 & 71 Oxford stPadley William, Pottery Mill
Walters David, Steam Mill, and 62 Wind st
Milliners & Dress Makers
Beadell Phoebe, Esther & Dorcas, 10 Dillwyn stBounsell Elizabeth, 5 St. Mary st
Collier Elizabeth, 27 Clarence st
Davies Ann, 97 High st
Davies Eleanor, 18 Nelson st
Dave Jane, 190 High st
Eatois William Seys, Show Rooms, 4 Temple st
Gardee mary Eliza, 15 Nelson st
George Ann, 31 Rutland st
Groves Maria, Portland st
Harris Mary, 95 High st
Herniman Ann Murrow, 11 Castle Bailey st
Holbrook Rebecca, 6 Castle Bailey st
Hughes Eliza, 1 Northampton place
Hughes Jane (and mercer), Castle Bailey st
Hughes Mary, 30 Cradock st
Hurndall Henry & Watkin (and mantle manufacturers - wholesale and retail), 1 Temple st
Jackson Dennis Phillips, 4 Madoc st
Jenkins Sarah, 19 Union st
Jones Esther, 20 Castle Bailey st
Jones Owen (wholesale), 60 Oxford street
King Harry James, Show Rooms, 2 Temple st
Lang Ellen, 13 Gam st
Lean Eliza Ann, 3 Calvert st
Lever Sarah, 24 College st
Lewis Sarah, 19 Caer st
Lloyd Ann, 20 Waterloo st
Poole Ann, 8 Wassail st
Rendall Catherine, 17 Nelson st
Richard Elizabeth, 3 Madoc st
Rumbelow Grace, 49 Mysydd st
Trick mary, 9 Pottery st
Walters Ann, 17 Calvert st
Williams Elizabeth, Orchard st
Music Sellers & Musical Instrument Dealers
Brader John (piano-forte dealer & tuner, and general music repository), Wind stJenkins E. & G., 24 Wind st
Jones Herbert (piano-forte, harmounium & music warehouse), 81 Oxford st - (See advertisement.)
Nail Makers
Morris William, 140 High stSidway Sergeant, 16 Orange st
Cambrian (Friday) - Williams Howell Walters, proprietor, 58 Wind stSwansea and Glamorgan Herald (Wednesday) - Pearse amd Brown, proprietors, 22 Wind st
Swansea Journal (Saturday) - Robert Aubrey Price, 20 Caer st
Attwood Thomas, 1 Worcester plBeor Richard White, St. Mary st
Tripp John Rolley, 1 Somerset place
Outfitters (See also Tailors and Drapers)
Clutton Valentine, 88 StrandCorrington William, 4 High st
Davies William, 1 High st
Fricker James, 27 Wind st
Higham Benjamin, 22 Castle Bailey st
Hyam & Co., 37 Castle Bailey st
Moses John Moses & Sons, 7 High st
Phipps Samuel, 2 High st
Sutton Abraham, Wind st
Painters and Glaziers
Atkin Joseph, 125 High stBonnett Frederick, 32 Fisher st
Davies Richard Thomas, Angel st
Davies William, 9 Oxford st
Delve Charles, Portland st
Dowdall William, 6 Calvert st
Ellery John Morris, 93 Oxford st
Hopkins George, Black Pill
Hostims John, 68 Oxford st
Jenkins James George, 116 Strand
Jones John Hausley, Mumbles
Jones William, 105 Strand
Lougher William, 21 Gower st
Mitchell John, 16 College st
Neat John (and paper hanger), 80 Oxford st
Roberts James Harris, 27 Unionm st
Smith Joseph, 2 Welcome st
Woodman Charles, Herbert place
Patent Fuel Manufctres.
Patent Fuel Company (Lyon's patent), Port Tennant - William Jones, agentPatent Fuel Company (Warlich's patent), New cut - Sydney Hall, managing partner
Briggs Elizabeth, 226 High stFreedman Barnett, 11 St. Mary st
Goldberg Simon, 17 Goat st
Harris Mordacai & Sons, 41 High st
Jacob Lazarus, 29 Strand
Jacob Louis, 4 College st
Jacobs Simon, 21 Oxford st
Marks Rosetta, 209 High st
Moses Emanuel Fredck. 26 College st
Moses John Moses & Sons, 7 High st
Moses Moses, 106 Strand
Pisar Louisa, 162 High st
Stall Abraham J., 200 High st
Bird George Gwynn, Burrow's plHowell Edward, 2 South Hill place
Nichol David, 2 Russell place, Mount pleasant
Paddon John, 4 Northampton place
Williams Thomas M., 45 Wind st
Plasterers (See also Painters &c.)
Bawden Robert Bennetts, MumblesPoletty John (ornamental), 1 and 2 Garden st
Plumbers & Gasfitters (See also Braziers, &c.)
Arnold Henry T., 7 Temple stBoden & Slaney, 17 Strand
Bonnett Frederick, 32 Fisher st
Davies William, 18 Calvert st
Edwards Charles, 113 Strand
Morgan John, Waterloo st
Morris Henry H., Tram road, Strand
Scantlebury Thomas, Castle Square
Smith Joseph, 2 Welcome st
Stevens Edward, 40 Wind st
Taylor Henry Edward, 21 High st
Potatoe Merchants
Andrews John & William, 14 StrandBider David, 44 Strand
Bindon Frederick, 1 Strand
Edmunds John, 29 Padley's yard
Geen Thomas, the Narrow quay
George William (dealer), 18 Caer st
Hoskins Henry, 17 Pudley's yard
Huxtable Thomas, 34 Pudley's yard
Payne Robert, the Quay
Reed William, 35 Padley's yard
Roberts John, 8 Padley's yard
Savage Robt. (dealer), Padley's yard
Shepherdson George, 19 Padley's yard
Printers - Letter - Press (See also under the head Booksellers)
Bruster William Mathias, 36 Goat stDavies Thomas R., 13 Castle Bailey st
Evans Benjamin, Duke st
Griffiths David, 5 Park st
Pearse & Brown (and copper plate, and lithographic), 22 Wind st
Price Herbert A., 20 Caer st
Rosser Joseph, 214 High st
Williams Howell Walters, Cambrian office, 58 Wind st
Professors & Teachers
Butler Wm. (drawing), Brunswick stDenning Albert (music), 9 Nelson terrace
Fricker Edward (music), Mansel st
Rosewalk Grace (singing & piano-forte), 38 Bellevue st
Ternon Frederick (French, drawing and music), 9 Heathfield st
Wastfield Andrew (music), Christina street
Provision Merchants
Bindon Frederick, 11 the QuayChapman Richard, 37 Wind st
Hammett Edward, 7 Quay parade
Ingum Thomas W., 5 the Quay
Jenkins William, 59 Strand
Perkins C. H. & Co., 10 the Quay
Williams Charles & Co., Strand
Rope and Twine Makers
Rutter Joseph, 52 StrandThomas Stephen, 17 Camden place
Williams Daniel, 45 Waterloo st
Saddlers & Harness Mkrs
Buse John, 3 Oxford stEvans Joseph, Bryn
Parry Griffith, 47 Waterloo st
Young Howell Gwynne, 55 Wind st
Sail Makers
Challicombe Henry, Strand rowCouch George Thomas, the Quay
Couch William K., 9 the Quay
Counden Robert, Morris's lane
Phillips William, 29 Orchard street
Richards William J., Ferry side
Rivers & James, 5 the Quay
Salt Merchants
Davies James, Orange stLewis John & Co., the Quay
Pocket Daniel, the Quay
Walters David, Wind st
Seedsmen Marked thus * are also Nurserymen
Bevan John, 6 Caer stGeorge Richard, 9 Castle Bailey st
Goulstone John G., Morriston
Harris James, 10 Oxford st
* Melville William, Gower st
* Shaw & Co., 243 High st
* White William, 90 Oxford st
Wilson William, 9 College st
Ship & Boat Builders
Bennett Thomas (boat), MumblesBowen William, 134 Strand
Harris David (boat), Tram rd, Strand
Lewis & Thomas (boat), Cambrian Factory, Strand
Meager George B. & Co., Villier's Dry Dock Strand
Meager William, Phoenix Dry dock
Perkins & Hopkins (boat), Tram road, Strand
Richardson Brothers, Patent Slip
Robinson Thomas, Ferry side
Ship Brokers and Commission Agents (See also Agents - Commission )
Banfield James, 2 the QuayBevan George A., the Quay
Corbett John, 42 Strand
Cory, Yeo & Co., 18 Somerset place
Davies Thomas, 2 Somerset place
Day Henry, 7 Quay parade
De La Courneuve Edward Thomas, 3 East Burrows
Evans & Prust, 2 the Quay
Fulcher John, 7 Quay parade
Gill & Co., 1 the Quay
Howard Edward (ship broker), 11 Somerset place
Jones M. & Brother, 5 Somerset place
Knight Richard, Strand
Lewis William, Custom-house
Meager John A. & Co., 9 Quay parade
Moore Charles (& shipping agent), 79 Strand
Morice Hartwell, 3 Prospect place
Rees William, 16 Somerset place
Salvesen Jens Theodore (ship broker), 14 Adelaide st
Strick James, Bath lane
Toms David & Co. (ship broker), Ferry side
Wigdahl Andrew (ship broker), 10 Somerset place
Winchcombe Henry P., 6 Somerset place
Ship Chandlers (See also Ironmongers)
Christopher Ricard B., PenclawddCouch George Thomas, the Quay
Counden Robert, Morris's lane
Darling George C., 25 Strand
Johnson & Tullock, South prospect
Jones Daniel & Co., 93 Strand
Maine Robert, 6 Quay
Meager Richard, 9 the Quay
Rutter Joseph, 52 Strand
Scantlebury Thomas, 4 Castle square
Shepherd R. & D., Strand
Shepherd Richard, 24 and 25 Castle Bailey street
Thomas William, 1 Caer st
Ship Owner See Merchants
Ship Smiths See Anchor and Ship Smiths
Shopkeepers & Dealers in Groceries and Sundries
(See also Grocers.)
Baker mary, 49 High stBarker George, 2 Oxford st
Berry Mary, 3 Union st
Bevan Philip, 187 High st
Bevan Philip, 52 James st
Blethyn Charles, Landore
Bowen George, 5 Orange st
Bowen Philip, Carmarthen road
Brayley James, Norton
Burgess William, 218 High st
Burt John, Mumbles
Butler John, Clarence st
Cawker Richard, 5 Cross st
Clyms Elizabeth, 70 Oxford st
Collins William, Kettle
Commins James, 108 Strand
Crawshay Henry, Langland Bay
Curnow James, 112 High st
Curtis William, Mumbles
Cutcliffe John, 11 Wassail st
Dabb Elizabeth, 31 Strand
Daniel Ann, Foxhole
David Thomas, Morriston
Davies David, Foxhole
Davies David, Morriston
Davies David, Morriston
Davies Evan, 88 High st
Davies John, 10 Mauriner st
Davies Llewellyn, Treboath
Davies Mary, Bishopston
Davies Mary, Llangyfelach st
Davies Mary, Cwmdu
Davies Mary, 58 High st
Davies Owen, Sketty
Davies Rachael, 24 Greenhill st
Davies Rees, Bridge st
Davies Rees, Bryn
Davies William, 36 Garden st
Davis Benjamin, Llangyfelach
Dean Eliza Agnes, 19 Oxford st
Deyonald George, Matthew st
Dodd Henry, 14 Union st
Edwards Mary, 45 High st
Evans David, Ferry side
Evans David, 31 Greenhill st
Evans David, Glaish
Evans Esther, Carmarthen road
Evans Mary, 6 Greenfield st
Evans Thomas, Pentre
Evans Thomas, Morriston
Evans William, 4 Union st
Fisk Jane, 66 Oxford st
Foy Thomas, 74 Oxford st
Francis Evan, Port Tennant
Franks John, Sketty
Gammon Benjamin, 15 Edward st
Gammon John, Newton
Gerrish Simon, Black Pill
Gibbs Ruth, 24 Goat st
Glasbrook Eliza, Landore
Goldsworthy Caroline, 110 High st
Goldsworthy William, 2 Strand
Griffiths David, 5 Park st
Griffiths Elizabeth, 58 Oxford st
Griffiths Evan, Carnarvon road
Griffiths John, Llangyfelach
Griffiths John, 126 High st
Griffiths William, 3 College st
Hacche Mary, Bathurst st
Haines William, 9 Edward st
Hansen Charles, Bathurst st
Harding William, 25 Union st
Harman Richard, 22 Gower st
Harris John, Gendros
Harris Richard, Orchard st
Harry Thomas, Morriston
Hart Sarah, Mumbles
Havard Rachel, Wind st
Hemmings Caleb, New cut
Hicks Joseph, Neath road
Hopkins Edward, Kilvey
Howell Ann Catherine, Sketty
Howell Jane, 16 Greenfield st
Howell Mary, Mumbles
Howell Mary, Bishopston
Howell William, Kilvey
Hughes Ann, 131 High st
Hughes James, 4 Ferry side
Hughes William, 123 High st
Humphrey John, Morriston
Istance William, Morriston
James Ann, 57 Back st
Jardine Thomas, Singleton st
Jenkins Evan, 30 Wellington st
Jenkins Rachael, Morriston
John Evan, Morriston
Johns Joshua, 41 Strand
Jones Amy, Landore
Jones Ann, 21 Waterloo st
Jones Daniel, 30 Gam st
Jones David, Well st
Jones David, 6 Union st
Jones David, Morriston
Jones David, Morriston
Jones Elizabeth, 23 High st
Jones Evan, 93 High st
Jones Mary, Mumbles
Jones Thomas, Back st
Jones Thomas, Pentre
Jones William, Morriston
Jowett William, Morriston
Keatinge Edmund, 131 High st
Knapman Edward, 40 Williams st
Ladd William, 85 High st
Lamb George, 70 High st
Lewis Ann, 17 Oxford st
Lewis Charles, 1 Bargeman row
Lewis David, Morriston
Lewis Diana, Morriston
Lewis John, 18 Clarence st
Lewis Margaret, 158 High st
Lewis Sarah, 16 Oxford st
Lewis William, 38 Back st
Lewis William, 18 Wellington st
Llewelyn Margaret, Foxhole
Lloyd Elizabeth, 11 Oxford st
Lloyd George, 37 Oxford st
Lodwig Thomas, Carnarvon road
Longhurst David, 1 Wassail st
Longhurst Henry, 105 High st
Maddocks Jacob, Neath road
Matthews John, Foxhole
Monger Ann, Landore
Morgan Ann, Black Pill
Morgan Hannah, Neath road
Morgan Philip, Morriston
Morgan William, Mumbles
Newcombe Arthur, 2 York st
Orchard George, 7 Salubrious place
Owen John, 142 High st
Owen John, 78 High st
Paddison George, 33 Williams st
Parker William, 1 Calvert st
Parry Richard, Newton
Phelps John, Norton
Phillips John, Bathurst st
Phillips Thomas, 7 Union st
Phillips Thomas, 34 Gam st
Phillips Thomas, 92 Oxford st
Phillips Thomas, 13 Singleton st
Pill David, Sloane st
Price Charles James, 6 College st
Pugh John, Brunswick st
Pugh John, Bathurst st
Rees Eleanor, Quarry st
Rees James, Paxton st
Rees John, 12 Clarence st
Rees Philip, near Morriston
Rees Thomas, 14 College st
Reeves Mary, 19 Fisher st
Retekan Thomas, Williams' terrace
Richards David, 14 Princess st
Richards Janet, Landore
Ridd John, 141 High st
Roberts Francis, 8 Mysydd st
Roberts John, 171 High st
Roberts William, 21 Orange st
Rogers John, Mumbles
Rose John Wood, 15 Frog st
Saunders Morris, Morriston
Shepherd Mary, Little Gam st
Sidwell George, 226 High st
Smith George, Union st
Stephens Jane, Sloane st
Talbot John, 44 High st
Thomas Ann, Morriston
Thomas David, 155 High st
Thomas Ezekiel, New Cut
Thomas James, Morriston
Thomas Jane, Cross st
Thomas John, 12 Dyvatty st
Thomas Lewis, Bethesda street
Thomas William, 25 Garden st
Thomas William, 66 High st
Thorne William, Gam st
Tremellen John, Cwm st
Walters David, 6 St. Mary st
Walters Elizabeth, 13 Caer st
Watkins John, 85 Oxford st
Wilkie George, 23 Madoc st
Williams Ann, 12 College st
Williams Elizabeth, Llangyfelach st
Williams James, Jockey st
Williams John, 10 Dyvatty st
Williams John, Morriston
Williams Martha, 6 Church st
Williams Thomas, 126 Strand
Williams William, Morfa
Wimbush John, Foxhole
Silver Smelters
Dillwyn & Co., LandoreVivian & Sons, Hafod
Slate Merchants (See also Timber & Deal Merchants)
Conybeare Geo. (& flag), 22 Madoc stEaton Henry K., Ferry side
Gregor & Davies, New Dock timber yard, Oystermouth road
Lumley Richard, 6 Temple st
Munro George, A. Beaufort timber yards
Spelter & Zinc Manfctrs.
Dillwyn & Co. (& silver), LlansamletVivian & Sons (& silver), Hafod.
Spirit Vaults (See also Wine and Spirit Merchants, and likewise Taverns, &c.)
Beavan Edward, 41 Castle Bailey stBradford George, 8 Oxford st
Bustin Richard, 96 Oxford st
Gregory Joseph, 42 Wind st
Haines Charles, 5 Temple st
Jones Wm. Henry, 78 Oxford st
Kneath Henry, 37 Orange st
Morgan Samuel, 2 Castle square
Rees Thomas, 13 & 14 Waterloo st
Walker Henry, 203 High st
Stone Masons (See also Builders)
Bowen William, 94 High stDavies Owen, Sketty
Davies Owen, 132 High st
Edwards David, Sketty
Foley John, 4 Richards' place
Jenkins Thomas, 30 Greenhill st
Jones Thomas, Back st
Leyshon William, Croft st
Rees Thomas, New cut
Richards Joseph, 32 Cradock st
Rogers Philip & Son, (& marble), Wassail st
Williams Edward, 23 Cradock st
Straw Bonnet Makers
Burgess Christiana (& furrier), 59 Oxford stCulver Sophia, 2 Singleton st
Holbrook Rebecca, 6 Castle Bailey st
Hurndall Henry & Watkin (wholesale & retail), 1 Temple st
Jenkins Ann, 2 Calvert st
King Harry James, Show Rooms, 2 Temple st
Lewis Caroline, 47 High st
Parson Sarah, 97 High st
Surgeons (See also Physicians.)
Cook John, MorristonCook William H., Morriston
Couch James, Camden cottage, Oystermouth road
Davies Ebenezer, 230 High st
Essery Thomas A., Gloucester place
Hall James Griffith, 9 Somerset pl
Hancorne Robert, Cwmbach
Jenkins Richard, Glaish
Michael William H., 230 High st
Rogers James, Yastal-y-fern
Williams Owen Geething, 12 Salubrious place, and Sketty
Surveyors-Land, &c.
Cousens Edward, GuildhallDaniel Evan (& mineral), 10 Garden st
Davies Henry G. (of taxes), 14 Grove place
Hall James, C. E. (town), Guildhall
Hardman George (building), 2 Rutland place
Johnson Wm. N. (for Lloyd's) the Quay
King Thomas John, Brunswick st
Olwell William, 23 Singleton terr
Padley George, 2 Northampton pl
Price Francis, 91 Oxford st
Rayner William, 22 Bellevue st
Rees Jacob D., 7 Heathfield st
Richards Joseph (building), 32 Cradock st
Richards Richard, 21 Bellevue st
Roberts John (mineral), 171 High st
Shanks Brunswick Jas., Brunswick st
Strune William Price (mineral), Northampton place
Tailors Marked thus * are also Drapers
* Clutton Valentine, 88 Strand* Covington William, 4 High st
Evans John, Mumbles
Evans David, 202 High st
Fisher Henry, 6 Goat st
* Fricker James, 27 Wind st
Gahagan Michael, 3 Clarence st
* Gamwell James, 1 Castle Bailey st
Hopkins John, Garden st
* Howell Cadwallader, 13 Castle sq
Huxtable William, Cwm st
Hyam & Co., 37 Castle Bailey st
Jenkins John, Sketty
* Jenkins Thomas, 129 Strand
Jones David, 89 High st
Jones George, 8 Matthew st
Jones John William, 13 Orange st
Jones Thomas, 1 Welcome st
* Jones Thomas, 20 Castle Bailey st
Lloyd George, 87 Oxford st
McKay Charles, 47 Oxford st
Morgan John, 3 Welcome st
Morgan Thomas, Morriston
O'Connell Daniel, 10 Little Wind st
Palmer John, 9 Garden st
Powell William, 5 Mansel st
Protheroe Thomas, 31 Goat st
Rees Lewis, Carmarthen road
Rees William, 33 Park st
* Sanguinetti Francid B., 57 Wind st
* Stevens John S., 21 Wind st
Thomas John, College st
Thomas John, 29 Goat st
Thomas John, 11 Salubrious place
* Vernon Henry, 9 Orange st
Walters George, 7 Gomerian place
* Ward Joseph, 52 Wind st
Way Raymond, 33 Strand
* Williams David, Morriston
Williams James, New Cut
* Williams Sarah, 20 College st
Tallow Chandlers
Hughes Richard, MorristonIstance William, Morriston
Walters David, 62 Wind st
Davies Thomas S., MorristonNicholas Thomas, 7 Gower st
Owen & Co., 43 High st
Taverns & Public Houses (See also Spirit Vaults)
Adelaide, John Probert, 13 Adelaide stAlbion, William Howells, Mumbles
Albion, John Edwards, 24 Greenfield st
Alma, John Jenkins, 24 Back st
Ancient Briton, David Doggett, 157 High st
Angel, Wm. Lloyd, Llangyfelach st
Apple Tree, Edmund Evans, 12 Caer st
Barnstaple, Jno. Limebear, 3 the Quay
Beaufort Arms, Has. Brayler, Norton
Beaufort Arms, William Bennett, Mumbles
Beaufort Arms, David Davies, Liverpool wharf
Beaufort Arms, Wm. Collins, Kettle
Bevan's Arms, William Jeremiah, Morriston
Bird-in-Hand, William Yorath, 217 High st
Black Cock, Wm. Butt, 193 High st
Black Horse, William Glowes, 79 High st
Blue Bell, Marianne Lovering, 55 Strand
Boar's Head, Jas. Saph. 20 Gore st
Brewery, James Collins, 1 Mysydd st
Britannia, Josh. Edwards, Morriston
Britannia, John Rees, 7 & 8 Little Wind st
Britannia, David Davies, 30 Powell st
Builders' Arms, Thomas White (& brewer), Gam st
Bunch of Grapes, John Williams, 4 Mariner st
Bush, Harriett Monger, Morriston
Bush, Evan Jones, Sketty
Butchers' Arms, John Phillips, 11 Caer st
Cambrian, Wm. Walters, Somerset pl
Cambrian, Jas. Francis, 17 Pottery st
Cambrian, Wm. Higgs, 12 Up. Strand
Carmarthen Arms, William Hooper, Waterloo st
Chain & Anchor, Thomas Jones, 91 Strand
Christopher, David Davies, 13 Somerset place
Clarence Inn, Robert Phillips, Williams st
Coach and Horses, Owen Davies, 132 High st
Cock, John Holmes, 54 High st
Commercial and George, William Farr Price, 50 Wind st
Compass, Saml. Davies, 7 Goat st
Copperman's Arms, Morgan Davies, New cut
Cornish Mount, Elizabeth Salmon, 8 the Quay
Cross Inn, David Morgan, Norton
Cross Inn, George Fowler, Sketty
Cross Keys, John Geen Toms, 12 St. Mary st
Crown, Matthew Waterman, 24 Strand
Crown, Thos. Phillips, Morriston
Crown and Anchor, Thomas Tully, 115 Strand
Cuba Hotel, Josiah Roberts, Ferry side
Currant Tree, Joseph Presdee, Mumbles
Dock Tavern, Elizabeth Davies, Bathurst st<br< Dolphin, Edwd. Thomas, 33 Ebenezer st
Dublin Arms, John Tremellen, Cwm st
Duke, George C. Darling, Wind st
Duke of Marlborough, Harriet Jane Rooke, 8 Madoc st
Duke of Wellington, William Harris, St. Mary st
Duke's Arms, Leonard Thessin, Morriston
Eagle, Henry Day, 7 Strand
Exeter Arms, Charles Doyle, Union st
Farmers' Arms, John Bodycomb, Llansamlet
Farmers' Arms, David King, 11 Frog st
Farmers' Arms, David Evans, Ferry side
Farmers' Head, Thomas Davies, 8 Union st
Fountain, Richd. Thomas, Mumbles
Fox, William Sims, Foxhole
Fuel Inn, William Roberts, New cut
Gardeners' Arms, John Polety, 1 and 2 Garden st
George, Thomas Townrow, Mumbles
George, William Davies, 128 Strand
George and Dragon, David Davies, Landore
Glamorgan Arms, William Morris, 10 Union street
Globe, John Bowen, New cut
Globe, John Dalton, 8 Strand
Globe, Jane Thomas, Morriston
Globe, Morgan Thomas, 76 Oxford st
Globe, Daniel Rees, Glaish
Glo'ster Arms, William Bowen, 134 Strand
Golden Lion, Lewis Lloyd, 51 High st
Golden Lion, George Harvey, 6 Dyvatty st
Green Dragon, William White, 131 Strand
Greyhound Inn, Henry Skinner, 14 Lear street
Griffin Wm. Jones, Upper Strand
Gwin-dy Inn, Thos. Griffiths, Kilvey
Hafod Inn, Catherine Richards, Hafod terrace
Half-way House, William Williams, Morfa
Heathfield Inn, Jeanette Rees, 84 Oxford st
Highland House, Ann Wonacott, 139 High st
Hope and Anchor, James Williams, 15 Fisher st
Hop-pole Arms, Christopher Copus, 11 Edward st
Horse & Groom, William Rees, 21 College street
Horse & Jockey, John Brown, Jockey st
Ivorites' Arms, Evan Jones, 48 High st
Ivy Bush, Philip Evans, New cut
Ivy Bush, David Harry, Morriston
Jeffrey's Arms, Daniel Thomas, 3 Orange st
Joiners' Arms, Thomas Thomas, Llangyfelach
King William, William Richards, 150 High st
King William, George Hill, 16 Wassail st
King's Arms, Thomas T. Drysdale, 26 High street
King's Head, Martha Serle, 9 High st
King's Head, William Lewis, 83 Oxford street
Lamb, Peter McEntyre, 111 High st
Lamb and Flag, Jenkin Jenkins, Morriston
Lamb & Flag, Thomas Roberts, Llangyfelach st
Lamb & Flag, Wm. Powell, Foxhole
Landore, Sarah Evans, Landore
Leopard, Wm. Clowes, 28 Marriner st
Liverpool Arms, John Fursland, 132 Strand
Lord Nelson, Diana Alban, 170 High st
Lord Nelson, David Williams, 15 Calvert st
Mansel Arms, John Davis, 11 Wellington st
Mansel's Arms, David Williams, 18 Oxford street
Marinars' Victory, Robert Christelow, 2 Little Wind st
Masons' Arms, John Betts, 34 High st
Masons' Arms, Rachel Rees, Ferry side
Masons' Arms, Thomas Rees, Glaish
Mexico Foundry, John Hopkins, Neath Road
Mile-end, Samuel James, Morfa
Museum, William Andrews, 3 Strand
Nag's Head, Edwin Peachey, Mumbles
Nag's Head, Edward Rees, Morriston
Nag's Head, John Spencer, 23 Goat st
Neptune, Joseph Griffiths, 67 Strand
New Inn, Herbert Lloyd, Mumbles
New Inn, William Williams, Sketty
New Inn, Thomas Rosser Robinson, 13 Fisher st
New Recruit, John Hooper, 37 Orchard st
New Star, William Thomas, Glaish
Northumberland, John Morris, 10 Strand
Odd Fellows, William Phillips, 33 Wellington st
Old Duke, Thomas John, 140 High st
Old Willow Tree, Samuel Davies, 99 High street
Orange Tree, Charles Andrew, 6 Orange st
Oxford Inn, John Jenkins, 15 Oxford st
Oystermouth Inn, William Halse, Oystermouth road
Packet, John Scott, 130 Strand
Park Inn, Ann Evans, Portland st
Peace and Plenty, Thomas Bidder, 45 Strand
Pelican, Sarah Phillips, 110 Strand
Penllergrape Arms, William Edwards, Llangyfelach
Pheasant, William Parks, back st
Pheasant, John Huxtable, 19 James st
Pilot, Sarah Guy, Mumbles
Plough, Evan John, Portland st
Plough & Harrow, Thomas Davies, Llangyfelach
Plough and Harrow, Sarah John, Pentre
Plume of Feathers, James Truscott, 35 Wind st
Port Tennant Inn, Ebenezer Jones, Port Tennant
Potters' Arms, Edward Morris, 108 High st
Powell Arms, Richard Parker, 175 High st
Prince of Wales, Charles Nash, 6 High st
Quay Tavern, Wm. R. French, 7 the Quay
Queen's Head, Thos. Francis, Queen st
Railway, Thomas Roe, 61 High st
Railway, John Isaac, Carnarvon rd
Recruiting Officer, John Rees, 24 High st
Red Cow, Frederick W. Bennett, 210 High st
Red House, Mary Thomas, Ferry side
Red Lion, David John, Landore
Red Lion, Abel Vivian, Black Pill
Red Lion, Jos. Merchant, 57 High st
Rock & Fountain, William Webb, 31 Mysydd st
Rock and Fountain, John Woolacot, Newton
Rose & Crown, Laurence Millward, 8 Wind st
Royal Arch, Thos. Lavender, 16 Goat st
Royal George, Arthur Hare, 53 Strand
Royal Oak, David Jones, Hafod
Rutland Arms, Bernard Trenor, Rutland street
St. Ives Arms, David Rees, 15 Caer st
Scotch Hero, Alex. Steel, 29 Wind st
Ship, Seth William, 4 Upper Strand
Ship, Eliza & Sarah Long, Newton
Ship, Mary Owen, Foxhole
Ship, Edward G. Roe, 4 Quay Parade
Ship & Castle, John Davies, Newton
Ship & Castle, Geo. T. Wilde, 78 Strand
Ship & Castle, Geo. Phillips, Mumbles
Ship Aground, James Thomas, 2 Dragon street
Shipping Gazette, Mary Ann Fuller, 133 Strand
Six Bells, Griffith Walters, 20 Park st
Smiths' Arms, John Bodycombe, Llansamlet
Smiths' Arms, Wm. Dryden, Neath rd
Smiths' Arms, David Thomas, Foxhole
South Wales, Hy. Harris, 62 High st
Star, Sarah Trenor, 6 Cross st
Star & Garter, Ricd. Scott, Sloane st
Strand Brewery, John Hopkins, 117 Strand
Swan, Ann Howell, 86 High st
Swan, John Jones, Morriston
Swan with Two Necks, William Williams, Mount pleasant
Swansea Arms, Samuel Nicholas, 191 High st
Swansea Arms, William Sevours, 86 Oxford st
Talbot, John Bullin, 8 St. Mary st
Talbot, John Harry, Morriston
Talbot Arms, John Morgan, Mumbles
Three Crowns, David Jenkins, 22 High st
Three Compasses, Wm. Isaac, Pentre
Three Mariners, Keturah Bolton, 19 Strand
Tiger, John Harding, 5 Strand
Travellers' Rest, Daniel Thomas, Llansamlet
Travellers' Well, Wm. Grey, Cwmdu
True Briton, Charles Hopkinson, 206 High st
Tunnel, Joseph Ellison, Bath lane
Union, William Davies, Morriston
Union, Wm. C. Fuller, 109 Strand
Union, David Jones, 5 Union st
Uplands Inn, Jno. H. Hewitt, Sketty rd
Upper Cock, Thos. Lewis, 186 High st
Upper Lamb, Thomas Jenkins, 30 Creenhill street
Vernon Arms, Alfred O'Born, 17 Caer st
Victoria, Henry Hall, 19 College st
Victoria, David Rees, 61 Wind st
Villier's Arms, Daniel Thoms, Neath road
Vivian's Arms, Philip James, Sketty
Welcome to Town, Henry Blatch, 104 Strand
Wheatsheaf, John William Bowen, 3 Castle Bailey st
White Hart, Henry Tate, 10 Union st
White Lion, Henry Fisher, 6 Goat st
White Lion, Bridget Bullen, New cut
White Rose, Samuel Sidwell, Water st
White Rose, John Williams, Mumbles
Windham Arms, Wakefield & Birt, 22 College street
Woodman, John John, Black pill
York Hotel, Thomas Hacche, 1 Fisher street
Retailers of Beer
Anthony Peter, 69 Oxford stBeckett Sarah, Charles st
Bevan Mary, Mumbles
Birt Robert, 3 Rutland st
Bodycomb Bedlington, Llansamlet
Bowen John, Llansamlet
Bowen Morgan, Llangyfelach
Bowen Thomas, 1 Princes st
Brown George, Sea Beach
Clark Charles, 3 Cross st
Corbett Alexander, 63 High st
Daniels Thomas, Landore
Davies Catherine, Kilvey
Davies Charles, 3 Pottery st
Davies Evan, Morriston
Davies Evan, Pentre
Davies Henry, Boneymane
Davies Isaac, Landore
Davies John, Morriston
Davies Mary, Cwmdu
Davies Thomas C., 74 High st
Davies Timothy, Morriston
Davies Zephaniah, Morriston
Dexter Robert, 31 James st
Dower Robert, 110 High st
Edwards John, 4 Adelaide st
Evans David, 25 Orange st
Evans Robert, Pentre
Firth Ann, 1 Union st
Fisher John, Morriston
Fitzgerald Patrick, 130 High st
Ford Eliza, 54 Oxford st
George John, Treboath
Gloster W. H. & Co., 20 Strand
Gregorie John, 28 Strand
Griffiths Edward, 16 Caer st
Griffiths Edwin, Landore
Griffiths Josiah, Morriston
Griffiths Mary, Carnarvon road
Griffiths Thomas, 13 Park st
Griffiths William, Vivian st
Harris James, 6 Fisher st
Hettemann Ludwig, 3 Dragon st
Holloway David, 23 Oxford st
Hopkins John, Morriston
Howard William, Sloane st
Howells Thomas, Mumbles
Huxtable William, Cwm st
James William, Morriston
Jenkins Evan, 17 College st
Jenkins Walter, Port Tennant
John Margaret, Carnarvon road
John Mary Ann, Fabians bay
Jones John, Tram road Strand
Jones William, 35 High st
Jones William, New cut
Kneath Thomas, 4 Oxford st
Leary John, 160 High st
Lee Francis, 14 Goat st
Lever James, 17 Castle Bailey st
Lewis Elizabeth, Morriston
Lewis John, Fabians bay
Lewis Lewis, Morriston
Lewis Thomas, Morriston
Lewis Thomas, Bryn
Loveless Eliza, 31 Wind st
Lovering Richard, 33 Orange st
Matthews David, Bryn
Matthews Leyshon, Treboath
Mechio Sarah, 67 Oxford st
Michell Nicholas, Foxhole
Monger Ann, Landore
Morgan David, Treboath
Morris William, Neath road
Owen David, 68 Strand
Owen Morgan, Landore
Owen Stephen, 40 New st
Owen William Frederick, 49 Waterloo st
Phillips John, 1 Union st
Phillips John, Bathurst st
Phillips John, Carmarthen road
Phillips William, Neath road
Potter John, 11 Orange st
Powell Thomas, Lansamlet
Rachel Eliza, near Morriston
Rees Griffith, Bryn
Rees Henry, 10 Pleasant st
Rees John, 23 Mysydd st
Rees Josiah, Landore
Rees Morgan, Morriston
Rees Phillip, near Morriston
Reynish Richard, Waterloo st
Richards Emma, 11 Gam st
Roberts Owen, Morriston
Rogers John, Mumbles
Sheere Christopher, 3 Little Wind st
Sims Benjamin, Glaish
Snow Charles, Port Tennant
Sparks Robert, 36 Orange st
Squance Charles, 15 Back st
Stephens Margaret, 27 James st
Thomas Benjamin, Cwmbwrld
Thomas Elizabeth, Landore
Thomas Griffith, Landore
Thomas John, Port Tennant
Thomas Thomas, Llansamlet
Thomas Thomas, Landore
Thomas William, Morriston
Thomas William, 13 Orchard st
Thomas William, Llansamlet
Tiley Rachel, 18 Goat st
Trew William, Back st
Tucker William, 9 Union st
Walters Lewis, Kilvey
Watkins Maria, New cut
White William, Goat st
Williams David, Port Tennant
Williams David, Emma st
Williams David, Pentre
Williams David, Llansamlet
Williams Hannah, Landore
Williams John, near Landore
Williams John, Landore
Williams Margaret, 17 Bridge st
Williams Rees, 3 Upper Strand st
Williams Thomas, 199 High st
Williams William, Carnarvon road
Wilson Henry, 10 Camden place
Woollard Frederick, Graig st
Yeo Thomas, Ferry side
Timber & Deal Merchants (See also Slate Merchants)
Eaton Henry K. (& slate), Ferry sideGregor & Davies (and slate), New Dock Timber Yard, Oystermouth rd
Hanson Thomas, Orange st
Munro George A. (& slate), Beaufort Timber yard
Phillips & Brett, Langdon place
Richardson Brothers, Patent slip
Tin-Plate Manufacturers
Davies David & Sons, Cwmfalin Tin Plate Works, and 30 Castle Bailey stHallam William & Co., Upper Forrest Tin Works, Llansamlet
Landore Tin Plate Company, Landore - William Thomas, agent
Llewellyn & Sons, Ynispenllwch Tin Works - James Strick, agent, Bath lane
Parsons John, Primrose Works - near Swansea
Townsend, Wood & Co. (tin and tin plate), Strand
Ystal-y-Fera Iron Company, Ystal-y-fera - George Ash, agent, Hafod
Tin Smelters
Boundy Aaron & Thomas, Cwm Bwrla Tin WorksDillwyn & Co., Llansamlet
Bonnett John, 41 Wind stDavies Mary, 237 High st
Jenkinson William, 42 High st
Smith Edwin, 13 Wind st
Wilson William, 9 College st
Toy Dealers
Arnold Frederick, 220 High stBaker Henry, Castle square
Baker Henry, 12 Castle square
Brookes Charles, 2 Castle Bailey st
Evans William, 1 Oxford st
Ferbrache Thos., 45 Castle Bailey st
Smith Edwin, 51 Wind st
Thomas Thomas R., 212 High st
Travelling Drapers
Borland James, 32 & 33 Oxford stBroadfoot Joseph, 18 Dillwyn st
Cashman Patrick, 26 Cradock st
Dalgleish James, 4 Nelson st
Holmes Robert & Jas., 27 Cradock st
Milroy Ann, 15 Bellevue st
Mitchell William Russell, 65 Oxford st
Paton Allan, 50 Oxford st
Richmond Hugh, 42 Garden st
Swords James, 26 Singleton terrace
Wilson Andrew, 24 Cradock st
Ayres Daniel Thomas, 2 Gower stJames Michael, 89 Oxford st
Read James Frederick (general), 16 Calvert st
Rees David, 23 Clarence st
Walters John, 4 Calvert st
Watkins Thomas, 10 Caer st
Ayres Daniel Thomas, 2 Gower stBennett John & Son, 19 High st
Edwards Margaret, 10 Singleton st
Michael James, 89 Oxford st
Parnell George, 27 Pleasant st
Veterinary Surgeons
Good Frank C., 13 Adelaide stScott Richard, Sloane st
Watch & Clock Makers (See also Jewellers & Silversmith)
Beresford Henry, 2 Goat stCharles Charles, 44 Castle Bailey st
Cousens Richard William (and Chronometer), 20 Wind st
Ganz Haver, 72 High st
Harris Mordacia & Sons, 41 High st
Henessy Bernard R., 5 Wind st
Hutchinson Charles, 46 Wind st
Joseph Benjamin, 15 High st
Kern Joseph & Co., 195 High st
Lehmann John, 14 Oxford st
Linnard John, 11 College st
Moses Emanuel Fredck., 26 College st
Moses John Moses, 7 High st
Rayner William R., 39 Castle Bailey st
Rieple George, 35 Oxford st
Seline Moses, 215 High st
Tyte Cornelius, 16 Wind st
Uglow John, 188 High st
Allwood James, SkettyEdwards David, Sketty
Holloway David, 23 Oxford st
Holloway Peter, 8 Pier st
Hughes John, 122 High st
Jeremiah William, Morriston
Jones Lewis, 55 Oxford st
Kneath Thomas, 4 Oxford st
Morris John, Wellington st
Morris John, Wellington st
Pritchard James, Plymouth st
Rees John, Morriston
Williams John, Black Pill
Whitesmiths See Locksmiths, &c.
Wine & Spirit Merchants (See also Spirit Vaults)
Beavan Edwin, 41 Castle Bailey stClarke William, 56 Wind st
Haines Charles, 5 Temple st
Harvey Benjamin R. (spirit), Padley's yard
Jones William Henry, 78 Oxford st
Moore Charles (importer of champagne and other French wines), 79 Strand
Morgan Samuel, 2 Castle square
Rees Thomas, 13 & 14 Waterloo st
Rose William (agent to CHarles Tovey & Co. Bristol), Padley's yard
Wheeler James Daniel and Co., 7 Fisher st
Yorath William, 217 High st
Wood Turners
Ayres James (and French polisher), 15 Orchard stCrampton Robert, 5 Salubrious pl
Lavender Thomas, 16 Goat st
Woollen Manufacturers and Weavers
Griffiths David, 5 Llangyfelach stHopkins Abraham, 15 Goat st
James David, 21 Nelson st
Jenkins Matthew, Cwm factory
Jenkins William, Carmarthen road
Jones David, Morriston
Jones Thomas, Carmarthen road
Thomas William, Carmarthen road
Barr William, contractor, 16 Dillwyn stBennett John, market inspector, 5 Pell st
Betts John, ginger beer and soda water manufacturer, 33 High st
Bonnett John, engraver, 41 Wind st
Brenton John Rees, collector of paving rates, 63 Oxford st
Burch Richard, clog & patten maker, 26 Waterloo st
Corin Joseph, trunk maker, 15 Castle Bailey st
Coulson George, Inland Revenue officer, Mount Pleasant
Davies Elizabeth, register office for serants, 12 Singleton st
Davies James, fellmonger, Orange st
Davies John, county court bailiff, 11 Garden st
Davies William, town crier, 8 Garden st
Du La Guere Henry, medical botanist, 15 Oxford st
Duprez Phillipa, French corset maker, 15 Heathfield st
Evans William, road surveyor, Sketty
Excell John, travelling tea dealer, 57 Oxford st
Gorvin Henry, portrait painter, 34 Oxford st
Hall Geo., toll collector, Pentre toll gate
Harman Geo., draughtsman, 2 Rutland pl
Hitchins Joseph, clothes dealer, 38 Waterloo st
Irvine James, tea traveller, 23 Gower st
Jacobs Louis, clothes dealer, 36 Strand
Jerrett William C., toll collector, Neath rd
Jones John, collector of taxes, 17 Union st
Jones John, hosier, 29 College st
Joyce James, cutler, 5 College st
Kennicot Nicholas, tobacco pipe maker, Hafod
Lewis William, lessee of the market, 3 Nelson st
Mitchell Thomas, copper nail maker, 107 High st
Murry Patrick, French polisher, 10 Saint Mary st
Parsley Wm., hat manufacturer, 1 Gomerian pl
Powell David, travelling tea dealer, Carnarvon road
Radford William, rigger, 5 York st
Ridler George, cork cutter, 20 Calvert st
Rosser Wm., collector, Cwmbwrla toll gate
Rosser William, superintendent of the pier lights, 2 Pier st
Stuchbery Thos., Inland Revenue officer
Swansea Oil & Grease Co., Tower lane
Thomas David, assistant overseer & collector of rates, 1 Horton st
Thomas John, cattle dealer, 53 Oxford st
Thomas Thos., woollen weaver, 109 High st
Willmot Walter Henry, county roads surveyor, Mount Pleasant
Wiltshire George, lessee of the corporation dues, Victoria road
Public Buildings, Offices, &c.
Places of Worship And their Ministers
Churches of the EstablishmentAll Saints', Oystermouth - Rev. Saml. Davies, rector
Holy Trinity, Trinity place - Rev. Charles Cooke, incumbent
Parish Church, Lansamlet - Rev. Morgan Rice Morgan, incumbent; Rev. William Rees, curate
Parish Church, Llangyfelach . . Rev. D. Evans, vicar; Rev. G. Davies, curate
Parish Church, Kilvie . . Rev. Thomas Jones, incumbent
St. John's, High st . . Rev. Morgan Rice Morgan, incumbent; Rev. William Rees, curate
St. John's, Morriston . . Rev. David Evans, vicar; Rev. J. G. Davies, curate
St. Mary's, St. Mary street . . Rev. E. B. Squire, vicar; Rev. E. G. Williams, curate
St. Paul's, Sketty . . Rev. Montague Earle Welby, incumbent
St. Peter's, Cocket . . Rev. Edmund G. Williams, curate
Dissenting Chapels
Baptist, York place . . Rev. J. H. Hill
Baptist, Gower st . . Rev. Charles Short
Baptist, Bethesda st . . Rev. David Davies
Baptist, Foxhole . . Rev. David Thomas
Baptist, Morriston . . Rev. Owen Owen
Baptist, Dinis, near Landore . . Rev. David Davies
Baptist, Treboath . . Rev. Titus Jones
Baptist, Lansamlet . . Rev. Philip Morgan
Baptist, Greenhill . . Ministers Various
Countess Huntingdon's, Adelaide st . . Rev. John Daniel Whitby
Independent, Newton . . Rev. Jno. Evans
Independent, Castle st . . Rev. William Jones
Independent, Greenhill
Independent, Ebenezer st . . Rev. Elijah Jacob
Independent, Pentre . . Rev. Thomas Davies
Independent, Mumbles . . Rev. J. Evans
Independent, Sketty . . Rev. Lewis Davies
Independent, Folxhole and Llansamlet . . Rev. John Rees
Independent, Morriston . . Rev. Thomas Jones and Rev. Thomas Davies
Independent, Landore . . Rev. Thomas Thomas
Independent (Welsh), High st . . Ministers various
Methodist (Primitive), Morriston, Mumbles and Tower lane
Methodist (Reformed), Mumbles - Rev. William Clement
Methodist (United), Free Church, Bellevue st - Rev. John Baron
Methodist (Welsh), Park street - Rev. David Howell
Methodist (Welsh), Edward st - Rev. William Williams
Methodist (Welsh), Greenhill, Cwmdu, Landore and Llangyfelach
Methodist (Wesleyan), College st - Rev. Thomas Heeley
Methodist (Wesleyan), Tontine street - Rev. Thomas Jones
Methodist (Wesleyan), Sketty, Morriston & Mumbles - Ministers various
Friends' Meeting House, 201 High st
Unitarian, High street - Rev. Edward Higginson
Roman Catholic, Rutland street - Rev. Peter Lewis, priest; Rev. David Lambe, curate
Jews' Synagogue, Waterloo st
Custom House
East Burrow
Collector - Edward Waters, Esq.Comptroller, Landing and Tide Surveyor - Frederick Pittman
First Clerk to Collector - William Rhys Gronow
Second Clerk - Charles Edward Waters
Searching, Landing and Coast Waiters - William Innman Turner and Frederick Pockett
Tide Surveyor - James Moore
Receiver of Droits of Admiralty - George Holland
Tide Waiters & Boatmen - Daniel Jones, Edward Jenkins, J. Williams, H. Newbury, C. Rodgers, W. Jones, D. Davies, T. Jones, T. Shepherd, J. Carde, W. Coombs, D. Holwells, G. Shepherd, and D. Bowen
Warehouse Department - Principal and Comptrolling Surveyor - Frederick Pittman; Warehouse Keeper, Edward Waters
Coast Guard, Custom House - Inspecting Commander, Captain Malcolm Offley Crewreade, R.N.; Chief Officer, Lieutenant John Dillon, master, R.N.
Poor Law Union Workhouse, Oystermouth road
Governor - Robert ClarkMatron - Martha Emma Clark
Schoolmaster - William Collier
Schoolmistress - Ellen Crone
Surgeon - T. A. Essery
Chaplains - Various dissenting ministers
Clerk to the Board of Guardians - Charles Collins
Collector of Rates & Assistant Overseer - David Thomas
Relieving Officers :- For No. 1 District - Thomas Daniel
For No. 2 District - Morgan Jones
For No. 3 District - John Morgan
Registrars Of Births, Deaths and Marriages
Superintendent Registrar . . Mr. Charles Collins, 5 Fisher stDeputy . . David David, 13 Castle Bailey st
Registrars of Births and Deaths
For Gower District . . John Gordon
For Swansea District . . John Oakshot, 14 High st
For Llangaflach District . . William Glasbrook
For Llandilo Talybont District . . Richard Jenkins
Registrar of Marriages
For Swansea District . . George Baker Haynes, 5 Fisher st
County Court Held monthly at the Town Hall
Judge . . Thomas Falconer, Esq.High Bailiff . . J. D. Thomas
Registrar . . Lewis Morris
Deputy Registrar . . John Jones; office, 3 Fisher st
County Gaol Oystermouth Road
Governor . . William CoxMatron . . Catherine Cox
Chaplain . . Rev. Edward Burnard Squire
Surgeon . . James Griffiths Hall
Infirmary & Public Baths Sea Beach
Secretary . . George Turton StroudHouse Surgeon . . James Shepherd
Matron . . Margaret Jones
Royal Institution of South Wales Burrows
President . . H. H. Vivian, Esq. M.P.Hon. Librarian . . G. G. Francis, F.S.A
Secretary . . David Nicol, M.D.
Resident Keeper . . Henry Moore
Cambrian Institutions For the Deaf and Dumb
Mount Pleasant
Principal . . Edward BuxtonMatron . . Buxton
Physician . . Edward Howell
Surgeon . . William H. Michael
Harbour, Trust and Dock Office 5 Mount Street
Harbour Master . . Captain Frederick OSolicitor and Clerk . . Lewis Thomas
Treasurer . . James Hall
Receiver . . William Padley
Engineer . . James Abernethy, C.E.
Resident Engineer . . William Neill
Inland Revenue Office Bird-in-Hand, High Street
Collector . . William Cronin, CardiffSupervisor . . William Ivey
Corn Inspector . . Goerge Coulson
Import & Export Officer . . Wm. Thompson
Inland Revenue Officer . . David Davies
First Clerk . . William Evans
Second Clerk . . Richard Pike
Local Board of Health Guildhall
Clerk . . C. B. MansfieldTreasurer . . James Hall
Surveyor . . Edward Cousens C.E.
Collector . . John R. Brenton
Inspector of Nuisances . . James Dunn
Swansea and Gower Religious Tract Depository High Street
President . . Pascoe St. Ledger GrenfellHon. Secretaries . . Henry Stroud, R.N. and Rev. C. Short, A.M.
Secretary . . John Lewis
Depository . . W. Morris, Stamp Office
Miscellaneous Public Buildings, Offices
Accountants' Office, South Wales railway, 229 High st . . Arthur Curry, chief accountantAssay Office (Richardson and Co.'s), Ferry side . . Thos. Penrose, assay master
Assay Office, Strand. . . R. W. Byers, assay master
Assembly Rooms, Cambrian Place, William James Hall, proprietor
Cemetery (Public), Dan-y-Graig . . C. R. Mansfield, Town Hall, clerk and registrar; David Jones, keeper
Christian Knowledge Society Savings' Bank, Heathfield st . . Rev. Samuel Davies, secretary
Concert Hall and Reading Rooms, Foxhole, Richard Gwynne, secretary
County Court Office, 3 Fisher st, John Jones, deputy registrar
Electric and International Telegraph Company's Office , Post Office buildings, Castle Bailey st . . William Wreford, manager
Fire Engine Station, Police offices, Temple st
Gas Works, Oystermouth road, George Thornton Andrews, manager
Glamorganshire Artillery Millitary Office, 11 Adelaide st, Jno. Andrews, resident quarter-master sergeant
Guildhall, Somerset place . . Thomas Murray, keeper
Market, Oxford st . . Wm. Lewis, lessee
Oddfellows' Hall, 217 High st
Petty Sessions Court, Held at the Police station every day . . Thomas Attwood, clerk to the magistrates
Police Court and Station House, Temple st . . Jas. Dunn, superintendent; John Bennett, inspector
Registration Office for Liberal Electors, 23 Union street . . Thomas Hopkins, agent
Royal Institution Book Club, Burrows, George Grunt Francis, F.S.A. honorary secretary
School of Art and Design, Royal Institution . . Jas. Naish Smart, superintendent; William Butler, master
Shipping Office for Sailors, 5 Little Wind street . . William Lloyd, deputy shipping master
Stamp Office, 228 High st . . William Morris, sub-distributor
Stone Masons' Society, 24 High st . . Edward Morris, secretary
Swansea Book Club . . John Hoare, honorary secretary
Swansea Harbour Trust Engine House, Ferry side . . John Blethin, engineer
Swansea Reading Room Club, 24 Wind st . . Charles Nicholson, secretary
Swansea Water Works' Office, Guildhall
Tax Office, 44 Grove place . . Henry G. Davies, secretary
Tax Office, South Prospect . . C. K. McAdam, commissioner of taxes
Theatre, Temple st . . John Coleman Conte, lessee
Town Hall, Somerset place . . Thomas Murray, keeper
Coaches & Omnibuses
To Morriston, Spencers Mail Coach, every morning from the Nag's Head, at half past sevenTo Mumbles, Omnibuses from the Hope and Anchor, Heathfield Inn, Swansea Arms and 3 Wassail street, several times a day
To Pontardawe, Spencers Mail Coach, every morning from the Nag's Head, at half past seven
To Reynoldston, a Mail Car, every morning from the Talbot Arms, at a quarter to eight, passing through Sketty and Parkmill
To Yniscedwin, Gape's Omnibus, from the Nags Head, Goat st, on Monday, Wednesday and Saturday, at four in the afternoon, passing through Morriston, Clydach, Pontardawe, Ystal-y-fera and Ystradgynlais
To Ystal-y-Fera, Spencer's Mail Coach, every morning from the Nag's Head, at half past seven
To Ystradgynlais, Spencer's Mail Coach, from the Nag's Head, every morning at half past seven, and Lamb's Omnibus, from the Cameron Arms, High street, Monday, Wednesday amd Saturday, at four in the afternoon, passing through Morriston, Clydach, Pontardawe, Ystal-y-Fera & Yniscedwin
Conveyance by Railway On the South Wales Line
192 High street
General Manager of the Line . . Frederick Clarke, SwanseaGoods Manager of the Line . . John Weaver, Newport
Locomotive Engineer . . William Martley, Newport
Accountant . . Arthur Curry, Swansea
Secretary . . F. Saunders, Paddington London
Superintendent and Station Master . . George Howell
Carrying Agent . . John Bland, 26 Fisher st
Swansea Vale Railway Company, Ferry side . . George Leeds, secretary and superintendent
Conveyance by Water Steam Packets, Etc.
To Belfast, the Corsair, Hugh Primrose, commander, once a fortnight, from the Float . . M. Jones and Brother, 5 Somerset place, agentsTo Bristol, the Lord Berrisford, Robert Davies, commander or Prince of Wales, William Pockett, commander, from Padley's wharf, three times a week, according to tide. . J. W. Pockett, proprietor. Also the Phoenix Trader, Robert Bolton, commander, and the Carmarthen Packet, James Tugday, commander
To Glasgow, the Corsair, Hugh Primrose, commander, once a fortnight, from the Float . . M. Jones and Brother, 5 Somerset place, agents
To Hayle, the Prince of Wales, W,. Pockett, commander, from Padley's wharf, every Wednesday, according to tide . . J. W. Pockett, proprietor
To Ilfracombe, the Lord Beresford and Prince of Wales, on Monday and Wednesday, from Padley's wharf . . J. W. Pockett, proprietor
To Liverpool, the Sovereign, William J. Beckett, commander, from the Liverpool wharf, every Wednesday . . John Edwards, agent
To Milford, the Sovereign, William J. Beckett, commander, from the Liverpool wharf, every Wednesday . . John Edwards, agent
Slaters Commercial Directory, Swansea, 1858-9 [Last Updated : 19 Sept 2002 - Gareth Hicks]