Chapels - Rhossili
This project is fully described on Glamorgan Chapels Database
This Rhossili database compiled by Gareth Hicks with contributions from;
- Jeff Coleman
If a chapel is already mentioned on the main parish page then its name will act as a link to that section for any data recorded there - such as extant records and OS Grid references
Some chapels may have more than one entry if it is not possible to correctly identify each from a particular source
(For an explanation of the various non-conformist denominations see Wales - Genealogy Help Pages )
Sources referred to (indicated by number shown in brackets after the data entry) where there may be more data available
- 1. Kelly's Directory, South Wales 1895 - the Archive CD Books Cd
- 2. Kelly's Directory, South Wales 1910 - the Archive CD Books Cd
- 3. Personal research/knowledge (JC)
- 4. The Chapels Recording Project in Wales (RCAHMW)
- 5. Slaters Directory for 1880
- 6. Jones, I.G. & Williams, D. The Religious census of 1851 : A Calendar of the returns relating to Wales, Vol 1, South Wales. UWP, Cardiff, 1976
Additional source
- A Topographical Dictionary of Wales by Samuel Lewis 1833
- West Glamorgan Archive Service
No Baptist chapels found in this parish
No Congregationalist chapels found in this parish
See Penmaen for details of Emmanuel Independent chapel, Pilton Green which was in the civil parish of Rhossili from 1880
English Wesleyan Methodist chapel, Pitton
- Pitton old chapel was built in 1833, the old-maps page dated 1883 shows the old Pitton Methodist chapel site, not the current chapel, built 1886 (JC 3)
- There are Wesleyan chapels at Pilton (?) and Middleton [? see below] 1895 (1) at Pitton 1910 (2)
- Pitton Wesleyan Methodist chapel, Pitton SS42548769 Built in 1887 (4)
- Pitton Wesleyan chapel Erected in 1833 George Beynon, Chapel Steward, Pitton, Rhoscilly 1851 (6)
- Wesleyan chapel Erected in 1835 Willm. Blytheway, Wesleyan Minister, Union St, Swansea 1851 (6)
[These two entries look suspiciously like duplications by different informants, although the attendance figures provided in the returns don't match up exactly either.] - There is a place of worship for Wesleyan Methodists (Rhossili - from A Topographical Dictionary of Wales by Samuel Lewis 1833 )
- The places of worship are the church and a chapel for the Wesleyans 1880 (5)
- Pitton Methodist chapel on the Gower Methodists site - a brief note from the site
"The event being celebrated today [1987] .............. is the one hundredth anniversary of the opening of the present chapel building in 1887 ......... the history of the Methodist cause in this parish of Rhossili is far older. It extends back into the age of the great itinerant revivalists of the eighteenth century ......... Its roots lie in an even-earlier Puritan tradition of Protestant Dissent first introduced into Gower in the 1650s"
- Pitton English Wesleyan: chapel history, 1987 Held at West Glamorgan Archive Service
Welsh Calvinistic Methodist chapel, Middleton, Rhossili
- There is a Welsh Calvinistic Methodist chapel 1895 (1) [I wonder if this is correct ?]
Other (inc un-identified)
[Last Updated : 30 Jan 2006 - Gareth Hicks]