Newspaper extracts for Radyr parish
There are many references to this area in the 15 million Welsh and English language articles from Welsh newspapers transcribed by the NLW and viewable on Welsh Newspapers Online
Below are English language articles that have been re-transcribed and extracted randomly to illustrate what is available, there are many that are not extracted here that include names of local people
- From The Cardiff Times 25th March 1871
RADYR. POPULAR READINGS.—The last of the series of these entertainments took place at the Tyn-y-nant school- room on Saturday evening, under the presidency of Mr. W. Morgan (Gwylym Breicheinog). The following programme was rendered throughout in a very satisfactory manner: .....(part extract)......
- From the South Wales Daily News (Third Edition) 22nd August 1896
RADYR. CHILDREN'S TREAT.-On Friday the teachers and children attending Radyr Board School paid a visit to the Cardiff Exhibition. After an inspection of the most interesting objects in the buildings refreshments were provided, and the remainder of the day was spent in visiting the side-shows and patronising the switchback, swings. &c. Colonel H. O. Fisher, Ty Mynydd. very generously bore all the expenses incurred in connection with the outing.
- From the Weekly Mail 14th November 1885
RADYR. ACCIDENT.—On Sunday morning a lad named John Pike, fourteen years of age, in the employ of the Taff Vale Railway, met with a serious accident near the Radyr Station whilst attempting to get on an engine in motion. He missed his footing and fell on the rails, the wheel of the engine passing over his foot, crushing it severely. He was taken to the Cardiff Infirmary, where his injuries were attended to by the house surgeon, and he was detained.
- From the Weekly Mail 18th October 1884
RADYR. EXAMINATION OF BOARD SCHOOL CHILDREN.— The annual examination of the children attending the Board School was made on Friday last by Mr. C. T. Whitmell, her Majesty's Inspector, who was met by the chairman, Mr. G. Fisher, and Messrs Thomas and Lowrie, members of the board. The clerk and attendance officer were also present. The inspector thoroughly examined the children in the various subjects, and also inspected the school premises. The work in the standards was satisfactory, but the infants were found backward. It is worthy of note that every child on the roll (112) attended. The inspector expressed himself very pleased with the improvements made in the premises since his last visit. The school will have a week's holiday.
- From The Cardiff Times 22nd May 1897
RADYR. An enthusiastic meeting was held at the Radyr Board School-room, to consider the question of appropriately celebrating the Queen's Diamond Jubilee. Col. Fisher presided. It was unanimously resolved to provide a tea, and make arrangements for sports, etc., on the 22nd June. .....(part extract)......
- From the Evening Express (Sports Edition) 2nd August 1902
RADYR The Radyr Cricket Club has greatly improved since the commencement of the season, and now have a very useful team. H. Gage and H. Grover, of the Pontypridd Club, are now living at Radyr, and when available make the team equal to most local teams. .....(part extract)......
- From The Cardiff and Merthyr Guardian Glamorgan Monmouth… 4th June 1870
"SIR,—Radyr Church, one of the most ancient, I believe, in the diocese of Llandaff, has long been in rather a dilapidated state, and almost an anachronism in this age of Church extension, owing to its ugly concave ceiling and clumsy, ricketty pews but now, I am happy to say, it has been thoroughly restored and partly rebuilt, through the liberality of its late noble patroness, the Baroness Windsor, who generously ordered it to be renovated at her own expense. It is now certainly one of the prettiest country churches in this county, and will soon, I hope, be re-opened for Divine worship. The situation of this church is so tranquil, the rural aspect all around so very beautiful, the churchyard, with its venerable yew trees and ancient elm and ash trees, so inviting in an archaeological point of view, that it is a wonder many do not wish to worship day and night, like Anna of old, in this little sanctuary, if it were possible, and be buried within the precincts of its peaceful and consecrated ground. It is evident that its late noble patroness appreciated its antiquity, usefulness, and sanctity, otherwise she would not have been induced to spend so much money on its restoration. .....(part extract)......
I am, Sir, your obedient servant, CHURCHMAN. June 1, 1870. "