


Newspaper extracts for Peterston super Ely parish


There are many references to this area in the 15 million Welsh and English language articles from Welsh newspapers transcribed by the NLW and viewable on Welsh Newspapers Online
Below are English language articles that have been re-transcribed and extracted randomly to illustrate what is available, there are many that are not extracted here that include names of local people

  • From The Cardiff Times 1st June 1867

PETERSTON-SUPER-ELY. CLUB DINNER.—The True Ivorites met at the Sportsman's Rest, on Saturday the 25th instant, to celebrate their yearly feast. The procession started for St. Fagan's at eleven o'clock a.m., aided by the Dinas Powis brass band. After staying a short time at St. Fagans they returned to Peterstone to the club room, where a substantial dinner was provided for the occasion, which did great credit to the host and hostess, Mr. and Mrs. Miles.   ....(part extract).....

  • From the Barry Dock News 30th November 1894

PETERSTONE-SUPER-ELY. THE HEDGING AND DITCHING MATCH.—In our report last week of the above match the following prizetakers were omitted :—   ....(part extract).....

  • From the Evening Express (Extra Special Edition) 25th September 1906

PETERSTON FAT STOCK SALE  Messrs. Armstrong, Francis, and Co., auctioneers, Cardiff, conducted their first sale of fat stock at Peterston-super-Ely, on Monday. Fat lambs average 34s. each. There was a capital entry of prime fat cattle, which found ready purchasers,   ....(part extract).....

  • From The Cardiff Times 25th June 1904

RUNAWAY HORSE AT PETERSTON. Four Persons in Danger. Late on Wednesday evening as a wagonette, containing four persons, was being driven in the neighbourhood of Peterston-super-Ely, the reins broke and the horse ran away. Three of the occupants realising the danger jumped out. The fourth, who was the driver, Arthur Drinkwater, 40 years of age, a cabman, living at 102, Cairn- street, Cardiff, was pitched out and the wheel passed over him. Help was soon at hand and the injured man was driven to Cardiff and conveyed to the Infirmary, where he was admitted between 11 and 12 o'clock. On examination it transpired that no bones were broken., but that Drinkwater was suffering from severe shock

  •  From The Glamorgan Gazette 5th November 1909

ROOT CROPS AT PETERSTON. Interesting root-growing competitions have been held at Peterston-super-Ely. The judges were Messrs. Rowland Thomas (LIanedarne), S. Lane (St. Fagans), D. James (St. Fagans, and David James (Pencoed Farm, St. Fagans). The crops were all of good quality, and the hoeing and cultivation most excellent. Awards, with detailed statement as to how they were judged —    ....(part extract).....

  • From  The Glamorgan Gazette 19th May 1916

PETERSTON SCHOOLBOYS DOING THEIR BIT.  Thanks to Mr. S. Radcliff, Palla Farm, Peterston-super-Ely, the boys of the village school are preparing a neglected plot of ground near Peterston G.W.R. Station, for the production of potatoes for their homes. Messrs. Noah Rees and Sons, Cardiff, are providing the tubers for planting, together with special artificial potato manure, while the local farmers are co-operating by giving farmyard manure.—Mr. James James, Sheep Court Farm, Bonvilston, has provided potatoes to plant the gardens in the parish of those wives whose husbands are with the colours, and also of those widows whose sons are serving their King and country. The boy gardeners are doing the planting of such gardens where required. Gardening has been one of the subjects of school instruction at Peterston for over 20 years, and for some 12 years Mr. R. R. Cory, Duffryn, has encouraged this important branch of rural education by giving prizes annually.

  •  From The Western Mail 3rd October 1890

PETERSTON-SUPER-ELY CHURCH. Mr. Charles Aubrey has signified, through Messrs. E. David, Williams, and David, of Llandaff, his intention to restore, at his sole expense the tower of Peterston Church, the estimated cost is £ 200. Mr. Aubrey is a patron of the living.