


Newspaper extracts for Pendoylan


There are many references to this area in the 15 million Welsh and English language articles from Welsh newspapers transcribed by the NLW and viewable on Welsh Newspapers Online
Below are English language articles that have been re-transcribed and extracted randomly to illustrate what is available, there are many that are not extracted here that include names of local people

  •  From the Weekly Mail 14th June 1884

PENDOYLAN. CHOIR TREAT.—Through the generosity of Miss Fothergill, of Hensole Castle, ably seconded by their esteemed vicar, the choir and Sunday School teachers of this Church enjoyed a most pleasant and agreeable outing to Clifton,and in the pavilion of the Zoological Gardens they were well catered for by Mr. Skeens. After a most pleasurable walk on the Downs, to see the far famed Suspension Bridge, the whole party, to the number of 40, paid a visit to the Cathedral, and returned by the 7.20 p.m. train. It is needless to say that the party were loud in their praises of their esteemed benefactress. We noticed that Dr. Richards and the Rev. Vincent Saulez assisted the vicar in his successful efforts to point out the views and buildings most worthy of their attention.

  •  From the Weekly Mail 15th April 1882

PENDOYLAN. SCHOOL TREAT.-On Easter Monday the children of the Church Sunday School ot this parish were entertained with tea, cake, buns, nuts, &c., at the Vicarage, by the Rev. T. H. Lewis, vicar of the parish. After tea various games were indulged in until dark, when the children dispersed.

  • From the Barry Dock News 10th May 1895

PENDOYLAN. THE ANNUAL SHEEP SHEARING MATCH.—An advertisment in another column announces that the annual sheep shearing match for Pendoylan and district has been fixed for Thursday, the 30th instant, when a number of valuable prizes will be competed for. Mr W. Morgan, Mardy Farm, Bonvilstone, is the secretary; Mr T. Gardner, Great House, treasurer and Mr Edmund Rees, Peterstone, chairman of committee.

  • From the Barry Dock News 29th April 1892

PENDOYLAN. CHURCH RESTORATION.—The restoration of Pendoylan Church, near Peterstone-super-Ely, will shortly be taken in hand. Messrs Bruton and Williams, of Cardiff, are the architects,

  •  From The Glamorgan Gazette 4th January 1907

PENDOYLAN. Parish Charities.—During Christmas week the Talbot and Jones Charities, arising from th rents of six houses, were distributed among the poor of the parish in sums varying from 2s. 6d. to 10s., according to the circmstances of the recipients. These charities are managed by a committee appointed b; the Parish Council    ......(part extract).....

  • From  The Glamorgan Gazette 1st January 1909

PENDOYLAN. Christmastide.—Many homes have been made happy by the season-able gifts of beef, tea, sugar, and cake, of Mr. and Mrs. David, Pendoylan House.

Treat and Entertainment.—On Boxing Day Mr. and Mrs. David gave their annual treat to the school children, their parents, and others. Tea, consisting of a bountiful supply of good things, was served at 4.30, and at 6.30 a programme of singing, recitations, etc., was gone through by the children. At intervals, Professor Oswald, Cardiff, gave excellent exhibitions of his skill as a conjuror and ventriloquist, which immensely amused and puzzled the crowded audience. Mr. David distributed the prizes which he annually gives for general progress.   ......(part extract).....

  • From The Glamorgan Gazette 7th September 1894

DIPHTHERIA FATALITY AT PENDOYLAN. The death took place on Friday last of May Devonald, the little daughter of Mr Devonald, schoolmaster. Deceased was taken suddenly ill the day before, and the doctor who was called in declared her to be suffering from diphtheria. Mr Devonald was away at the time, and the little patient succumbed before he returned.

  • From the Barry Dock News 23rd June 1893


" SIR,—We notice in the Press a paragraph referring to a holy water stoup which your correspondent says he found in the tower of Pendoylan Church, and which, he further says, is covered with lime and dirt, and was used during the work going on there by plasterers, who mixed their material in it, &c. In contradiction of this statement, we should be glad if you will kindly allow us to say that on the commencement of the work of restoration this relic, as well as other stones which were found lying within the tower, were carefully removed from the church, and during the progress of the work were carefully preserved from harm or desecration of any kind.  ......(part extract).....

I am, &c., BRUTON and WILLIAMS, Architects for the Restoration. Glamorgan Chambers, 15, Queen-street, Cardiff. "

  • From The Cardiff Times 5th October 1878

OUTBREAK OF PLEURO-PNEUMONIA AT PENDOYLAN. The attention of Mr Moir, veterinary surgeon, Cardiff, was on Monday called to a cow and acalf on a farm at Pendoylan, near Cardiif. Both were found by him to be suffering from pleuro-pneumonia. He at once took the most effective method for preventing the spread of the disease, and at present no extension of the disease has been re- ported.