


Neath's Wicked World


By T. G. Davies - Published by West Glamorgan Archive Service 2000

Original index extracted by Brian Wagstaffe with the publisher's permission Sept 2000

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Aberdulais, 41, 56, 58, 142, 143, 211, 212, 213-7, passim,220, 227, 228, 232, 237

Aberpergwm family, 1, 12, 78, 80, 83, 92, 110, 113, 115-6, 117, 118, 122, 164, 182-209

  • as patrons of early literature, 182-4
  • cadet branches of, 184
  • later lack of interest in literatute, 83, 184, 206, 207

Ashton, Charles, bibliographer, 85, 87, 93, 107n.

Aubrey (Awbrey) family of Ynys-fforch, 7-8, 148, 149, 152,153, 177, 178

auctions, 134, l46n., 149, 162, 168, 180, 205-9, passim

Banwen Pyrddin, 149, 150, 151

Beili-brith, Breconshire, 215, 221

Beili-glas, 79, 80, 102

Bevan, David, coalowner, 29, 30, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 71,166, 167

  • his generosity, 30, 55

Briton Ferry, 22, 24, 30, 31, 39, 42, 44, 51, 56, 57, 58,64,65, 67, 71, 79, 134, 142, 144, 185, 209

Cadoxton, 2, 4, 5, 7-8, 10, 11, 24, 30, 31, 35, 64, 71,102, 145, 147, 148, 150, 152, 153, 158, 160, I64,

176, 177, 187, 21l, 214-7, passim, 226, 228, 237n.

Charles, H. P, 27-31, passim, 41-2, 45, 46

  • circulating schools, 110, 147

Coke family, 17-20

Cole, Sir Christopher, 113, 125, 127, 128, 129, 196

consistory courts, 3-9

coroners, 17, 41, 136-7, 139-41, passim, 148, 211, 212,213

Cottage Homes, Bryn-coch, 23-4, 30, 51, 52, 53

Creunant, 8, 38, 70, 129-35, passim, 147-53, passim, 158-60, 164, 166, 167, 168, 170, 172, 180

  • mill, 147, 150, 228

Curtis, Alfred, Town Clerk of Neath, 17-20, 29, 41, 45-6,64

Cuthberston family, Neath, 29, 41, 161, 175, 176, 233

David, Eleanor, wife of Noah David, 153-4

David, Jenkin, Gellidorchleithe, 129, 148, 170-1

David, Noah, Ynystwyti, 146n., 152-66, 167, 168

  • and the law, 164-5
  • farming activities, 156, 157-9
  • financial affairs, 157, 161, 163
  • his work for the Miers estate, 161-3
  • his work for the state, 157, 163-4
  • religious activities, 156-7, 159-62, passim

Davies, John, Ynystwyli, 151, 154, 156, 165, 166-8, 169

  • education, 166
  • first marriage, 166
  • second marriage, 167

Davies, Noah, as witness at assizes, 156

Davies, Richard, (Noah David's son), 154-5, 156-7, 163

Davis, the Reverend David, 110-24, 145, 190, 195, 202,203

  • as a disciplinarian, 1 12
  • develops schizophrenia, 115,
  • employs Father Sejan, 111-2
  • his brother Timothy, 116-9, passim, 123, 124
  • leaves Neath, 115
  • life outside school, 113
  • opens his school at Neath, 110
  • respect for Iolo Morganwg, 113, 114
  • subsequent history of the school, 117
  • Taliesin Williams employed by him, 114
  • tolerance for others, 111, 113

Dillwyn, Lewis Llewelyn MP 49, 67-8, 132

Dillwyn, Lewis Weston, 115, 122-9, passim, 132, 133, 136,19, 199, 203, 232, 234-5, 236

Dulais Uchaf, hamlet of, 129-35, passim,147-80

  • changes in population, 149, 150, 151

Edwards, John, Rheola, 12, 110, 124-9, 145, 198

  • as a member of parliament, 124, 128, 129
  • his unpopularity, 124-6

Edwards-Vaughan, Nash Vaughan, Rheola, 83, 129

Evans, Herbert Edward, Eaglesbush, 135-41, 142, 145,191

  • as a colliery proprietor, 139-41, passim
  • family, 135-6, 141
  • legal career, 136
  • relationship with business partner, 138, 139

Evans, S. T, 45, 87

Evans-Bevan, Evan, 149, 168

  • and the Miers estate, 149

fairs held locally, 14, 72-3, 150, 158

Gardner, Sankey, 29, 108

Gellidorchleithe, Creunant, 129-35, passim, 147-9, passim,170-1

Glyn-neath, 70, 79, 144, 182, 186, 190, 197, 199, 204,213, 232

Godre'r Rhos chapel, Creunant, 38, 133, 135, 148, 158,159, 167, 170, 172, 174

Griffith, Lewis senior, estate agent, 127, 235-6

Griffiths, David, Ynysygerwn, 82, 204, 236, 237

Griffiths, John Walter, inquest on, 236

Griffiths, Lewis junior, estate agent, 160, 235-6

Griffiths, the Reverend John, rector of Neath, 15, 32, 34,39, 53, l06

Griffiths, Walter, Ynysygerwn, 41, 46, 236

Gronow, Rees Howell, 110, 191, 192

Gronow, William, surgeon, Neath, 116, 191

Gwyn, Howel, 14, 29, 37, 41, 46, 50, 51, 110, 115, 119,122, 191, 194, 218

Gwyn, Margaret, 218-9, 220, 221, 222, 225, 227

  • as a letter-writer, 227
  • familiarity with London life, 221
  • journeys to London, 221-8, passim
  • moves to Ynysygerwn, 220

Hart, Horace, Oxford University Press, 88, 93-4

industry, 33, 55-61, 79, 80, 81, 134, 135, 138-41, 142-5,149, 150-1, 154, l66, 168, 185, 190, 197, 212,

214,215, 216, 228, 232-4

inquests, 58, 139-41, 148, 155, 236

inventories, 162, 178-80, 211, 215, 218-221, passim

Iolo Morganwg, see Williams, Edward

Jeffreys, Gabriel, surgeon, 222, 227, 228

John, E. T., 97-8

Jones, the Reverend Dr Cynddylan, 86, 90

Jones, the Reverend Dr Hartwell, 78, 96, 99

Kempthorne, James, 41, 56, 161, 167, 236

Leigh, Capel Hanbury, landowner, 124, 149, 150, 164,185

Levi, the Reverend Thomas, 157, 194

Lewys, the Reverend Dafydd, vicar of Cadoxton, 4, 187-8

  • as an author, 4, 187-8
  • alleged neglect of duty, 4-5

Llewellyn, Griffith, Baglan, 41, 46, 137, 202

Llewellyn, William, Aberdulais, I42, 163, 236

Llewelyn, Catherine, Ynysygerwn, 217-8, 219, 220, 221,227

  • as a letter-writer, 227
  • burdens of widowhood, 220
  • death of her daughter, Jane, 228

Llewelyn, John Dillwyn, 126, 129, 131, 132, 133, 196,232, 236, 238n.

Llewelyn, John I, Ynysygerwn, 211

Llewelyn, John II, Ynysygerwn, 212-4, 230

  • marriage to Margaret Evans, Gnoll, 212, 230

Llewelyn, John III, Ynysygerwn, 214-5

  • inventory of his goods, 215
  • marriage to Catherine Price, 214

Llewelyn, John IV, Ynysygerwn, 215-7

  • high sheriff of Glamorgan, 217
  • magistrate, 216
  • marriage to Elizabeth Williams, 215

Llewelyn, John V Ynysygerwn, 217-20

  • early death, 2I9
  • inventory of his goods, 2I9-20
  • marriage to Catherine Gwyn, 217-8
  • relationship with his mother-in-law, 218-9

Llewelyn, John VI, Ynysygerwn and Penlle'r-gaer,185, 2I9, 223, 224-34, passim

  • at Oxford University, 226
  • education, 224-6
  • expenses of keeping him at school, 225-6
  • inherits Penlle'r-gaer, 232
  • opening of the Neath Canal, 232-4
  • proposal of marriage, 230-2

Mackworth family, Gnoll, Neath, 9-I0, 26, 148, 149, 152,187, 196, 217, 228, 230


  • Association for the Prosecution of Felons, 1
  • Canal, 6-7, 12, 18, 26, 43, 79, 136, 150, 191, 197, 232-4
  • early legal cases, 2-3
  • law courts, 1-3, 13-14, 36, 41-7, 54, 57, 68, 75, 137~9, 148-9, 151, 153, 155-6, 157, 160, 163-4,
  • 191, 198, 201, 213, 216-7, 219, 228-30
  • psychiatric disorder and the legal system, 11-13, 110
  • public whippings, 1
  • solicitors,l l-12, I7-20, 28, 41-7, passim, 56, 113, 124, 131-3, 135-41, passim, 161, 175, 176,
  • 191,230,231, 233
  • transportation as a punishment, 1
  • use of the stocks, 1

Neath Abbey, 2, 19, 27, 86, 110, 140, 160 193, 207, 211

Neath Times, 1, 22-76

  • closure of, 75-6
  • commerce, 23-4, 61-2
  • editorial and correspondence columns, 24, 37, 38, 46,
  • 47-55, passim, 62-4, 68, 74-5
  • educational matters, 25-6, 31-7, 38-9, 70-1
  • entertainments, 68-74
  • health matters, 43, 45, 62~5
  • industry, 55-61
  • municipal matters, 27-30, '45-6
  • politics (British), 47-51
  • publication of, 22
  • sporting activities, 71
  • the board of guardians, 41, 51-55
  • the church, 38-40, 69
  • the law, 36, 41-7, 75
  • transport, 56-8, 65-8

Nicholl family, Merthyr Mawr, 125, 126, 128, 141, 230

Nicolas, Dafydd, tutor to the Aberpergwm children, 190,206, 207

Onllwyn, 150-1, 162, 163, 167, 176

Pantycored, Breconshire, 218, 221, 227

Patti, Adelina, 30-1

Pennrose, George, 138-40, passim, 142, 191

Phillips, D. Rhys, 13, 23, 77-106

  • applies for a post at the National Library of Wales, 96-7
  • applies for the post of Librarian at the National Library, 99
  • as an author, 77-8, 85, 87, 96-9, passim, 106
  • Celtic Congress, 97-8
  • childhood, 81-2
  • competes at eisteddfodau, 78, 84, 101-2, 103
  • completes editorial work on the Bible, 94-5
  • considers becoming a librarian at Neath, 87
  • death of his son, 102
  • first marriage, 90-1
  • forms new societies, 92, 96
  • Gorsedd of Bards, 102, 104
  • moves to Neath, 85
  • moves to Oxford, 88
  • moves to Swansea, 93
  • maternal grandfather, Morgan P Rees, 79-81, 82, 87,104
  • new edition of Bible, 88-90, 93-5
  • personality, 103-4
  • Resolfen reading-room, 83, 84, 87
  • retirement, 102, 104
  • schooling, 81-2, 87
  • second marriage, 102
  • uncle, Theodore Criswick, 81, 82
  • W H. Jones's History ofSwansea, 100-1
  • writes HVN, 77-8, 86, 98
  • youth, 82-5

Poor-law system, 41, 59, 66, 79, 80, 92, 143, 154, 157,164, 192, 236; see also Neath Times, board of


Price, Gryffydd, Penlle'r-gaer, 224, 228, 230, 232

Price, Joseph Tregelles, 108, 160, 185

Pullin, Edward W, 22, 23, 34, 38, 65, 74, 75

  • starts the Neath Times, 22

Resolfen, 23, 56, 75, 81-5, passim, 87, 90, 102, 103, 204,236, 237

Rheola, 12, 13, 83, 124-9, passim

Rhys, Sir John, 90, 91, 93

Rowland, J. H., 27-8, 30, 46, 236

Skewen, 24, 35, 40, 42, 66, 67

Stephens, Thomas, 81, 203-4

Talbot, C. R. M., MP 48, 49, 129, 196

Taliesin ab Iolo, see Williams, Taliesin

Temperance movement, 40, 85, 154, 190

Tennant family 102, 191

  • Canal, 68

Thomas, Henry, Gellidorchleithe, 148, 149, 170, 171

Thomas, Ifan, diarist, 152, 169

Thomas, John (Pencerdd Gwalia), 83, 190

Thomas, the Reverend William, vicar of Cadoxton, 7-8,148, 217

tithes, 7-8, 80, 150, 160, 194, 217, 236

Vale of Neath Railway, 58, 65, 142-5, passim, 197

Vivian, Henry Hussey, MP 31, 48, 49, 57-8, 145

Wallace, Alfred Russel, 26, 129-33, passim

Waring, Elijah, 1, 26, 115

Williams, Edward (Iolo Morganwg), 111-5, passim, 201,202, 207

Williams, Elizabeth Anne, Ynys-las, 1, 190

  • devotion to her sister, 190

Williams, Joshua, 142-6

Williams, Maria Jane, 1, 80, 83, 87, 184, 186, 190

  • dedication of cantata to her, 83, 190

Williams, Rees I, Aberpergwm, 184-91, passim

  • as an industrialist, 185-6

Williams, Rees II, Aberpergwm, 12, 117, 118, 190-l, 195-7

  • as an industrialist, 190-1
  • dies intestate, 191
  • leaves Oxford, 190

Williams, Taliesin (Taliesin ab Iolo), 113-5, passim, 201-4,passim, 206, 207

Williams, the Reverend Thomas, Aberpergwm, 117, 190,191-5, 203

  • death of wife, 192
  • education,191-2
  • gives evidence to a Select Committee, 192-3

Williams, William, Aberpergwm, 83, 113, 122, 164, 182,192, 195-206, 207-8, 210n.

  • death, 164, 204
  • education, 195-6
  • friendship with Taliesin Williams, 201-2
  • inherits Aberpergwm, 196
  • journeys abroad, 113, 196
  • last public appearance, 204
  • marriage, 202

wills, 11-12, 80, 141, 164-5, 168, 170-8, 190, 211, 227,230, 232, 236

Worthington Richard, 129-35, 145

  • and Alfred Russel Wallace, 130-2
  • boundary dispute, 131-3

Ynystwyli farm, Dulais Uchaf, 151, 152, 156, 158,168




Neath's Wicked World [Last Updated : 19 Sept 2002 - Gareth Hicks]