




The National Gazetteer of Great Britain and Ireland - 1868

In 1868, the parish of Llantrisant contained the following places:

"LLANTRISANT, a parish and small market town in the hundred of Miskin, county Glamorgan, 6 miles N.E. of Cowbridge, 10 N.W. of Cardiff, its post town, and 171 from London. The South Wales line of railway has a station at a short distance to the S. of the town, and crosses the parish to the S. of the croppings of the coal measures. The Ely Valley railway is opened to Dinas, which is at the northern extremity of the parish, and runs into the Llantrisaint station of the South Wales railway. The Ely Valley railway is on the northern side of the parish. The Taff Extension (Llantrisaint) branches from the South Wales railway station to the E., and joins the Taff in the Rhomada Valley, and it runs on to Cowbridge southerly from the station of the South Wales railway. It is situated among the hills near the river Ely; and the parish includes the townships and hamlets of Cymmer, Craigddu, Dinas, Storehouse, and Talygarn. The town was first chartered in the reign of Edward III. and the local government is vested in a constable, portreeve, 12 aldermen, and other officers. Petty sessions are held weekly. It is a contributory borough, with Cowbridge, to Cardiff, in returning one member to parliament. The streets of the town, which is situated on a range of hills, presenting rather a continental appearance, are narrow, and the houses somewhat ancient. There is a townhall and market-house. In the neighbourhood there are collieries, and iron and lead ore abound. About a mile to the right of the town are the hæmatite iron mines of Cornel and Mwyndy, in which the ore is worked open-cast, like a quarry. The discovery of the Llantrisaint ore, though not so rich as that brought from Whitehaven and Barrow, and more recently from Devon and Cumberland, to the South Wales smelting-works, is likely to affect materially the iron-works of the South Wales basin, being so much nearer at hand. The living is a vicarage* in the diocese of Llandaff, gross value £649, in the patronage of the dean and chapter of Gloucester. The parish church is a Norman structure, dedicated to SS. Dynvog, Iddog, and Menw. There are also six district churches, three of which are in the patronage of the Vicar of Llantrisaint, the livings of which are perpetual curs, varying in value from £47 to £256. There are two endowed chapels in the parish without cure of souls-St. John the Baptist and Talygarn chapel. The parochial endowments realise about £35 per annum. The Independents, Baptists, Calvinistic and Wesleyan Methodists, have chapels. There are two public schools for boys and girls. There are also National schools at Cymmer, and British schools at Dinas and Tongrefail. Here are remains of an ancient castle, and traces of a British camp. In the parish are Llantrisaint House, Garth Hall, and other good residences. This was the birth-place of Sir L. Jenkins, secretary of state, and a judge. Here is a meet for the Llanharran hounds. Friday is market day. Fairs are held on the 13th February, 12th May, 12th August, and 29th October.

"CELLIWYNN, a hamlet in the parish of Llantrisant, and near Llantrisant, in the county of Glamorgan."

"CRAIGDEN, a village in the parish of Llantrisant, in the county of Glamorgan, 2 miles from Llantrisaint."

"CYMMER, a village in the parish of Llantrisant, in the county of Glamorgan, near Llantrisaint."

"STOREHOUSE, a village in the parish of Llantrisant, county Glamorgan, near Llantrisaint."

"TALYGARN, a village in the parish of Llantrisant, hundred of Miskin, county Glamorgan, 2 miles S.W. of Llantrisaint, and 10 N.W. of Cardiff. It is situated among the hills, near the river Ely."

[Transcribed from The National Gazetteer of Great Britain and Ireland 1868]
by Colin Hinson ©2018