


Gurnos - Newspaper Extracts


There are many references to Gurnos in the 15 million Welsh and English language articles from Welsh newspapers transcribed by the NLW and viewable on Welsh Newspapers Online
Below are English language articles that have been re-transcribed and extracted randomly to illustrate what is available, there are many that are not extracted here that include names of local people
These are not in any date or subject order

  • From The Brecon Radnor Express Carmarthen and Swansea… dated 27th May 1915

"GURNOS. CONTROVERSY.—Interesting developments have taken place of late in the controversy relative to the rightful boundary line of Ystradgynlais Parish here, a question raised some time ago by Councillor John Howells. The local council claimed that, whilst Gurnos Tin and Brickworks, had been paying rates to Llanguicke for a great many years, they were actually in Ystradgynlais parish. The matter has now been brought to the notice of Breconshire County Council, who are taking steps to support the local council's claim."

  • From  The Cambrian dated 30th November 1906

"GURNOS BRICKWORKS FATALITY-  YOUNG WOMAN KILLED BY FALL OF BRICKS. MANAGER ALSO BADLY HURT. A sad fatality occurred at the Gurnos Brick Works, Gurnos, Ystalyfera, about 2 o clock on Saturday, a young woman named Miss Annie Weston, Cwmtwrch, being instantly killed by a fall of bricks and the manager, Mr. Alfred Jones, badly injured. Several tons of bricks were stacked at the works, and the manager, together with Miss Weston, who was a female hand at the works, went to examine the stack, as it was reported it was tilting. Whilst in the act of inspection the bricks fell with a crash, completely burying Miss Weston and partially burying the manager. Miss Weston was holding the manager's hand when she was recovered, quite lifeless, and Mr. Jones was badly but not seriously injured. At the inquest on Monday the jury re turned a verdict of "Accidental death." "

  •  From the Evening Express (First Edition) dated 20th December 1909

"A SECOND VICTIM. FATALLY INJURED IN GURNOS COLLIERY EXPLOSION. William Belton, of YstaJyfera, who was so severely burnt in the Gurnos Colliery explosion at Ystalyfera on Friday, succumbed to his injuries on Saturday morning. He leaves a wife and two children. This makes the second victim of the explosion. ".

  •  From The South Wales Daily Post dated 12th August 1910

"GURNOS PIT EXPLOSION. MOTHER FROM IRELAND GETS COMPENSATION. At Neath County Court on Friday, relatives of John Maloney, Ardrea., County Cork, who met his death from suffocation after an explosion at Gurnos Anthracite Colliery, Ystaiyfera, claimed £150 compensation. Mr. Clarke Williams said deceased worked at the pit from the end of March until September 17th, and earned £44. Margaret Maloney (mother) said deceased sent her money every week. Witness's husband was in South Wales working.  Judgment was given for £ 50 and costs."

  •  From the Herald of Wales and Monmouthshire Recorder dated 15th July 1916

"GURNOS PIT FATALITY. Inquest Story of Fall of Roof. An inquest wa.s held at Ystradgynlais on Tuesday touching the death of Major Clemson (35), of Brynygroes-oottages, Ystradgynlais, who was killed by a fall of roof at the Gurnos Colliery on Saturday afternoon. Mr. Dyer Lewis, H.M. Inspector of Mines, and Mr. Randell, solicitor, for the relatives, were present. The story of the fall was told by Morris Matthews, a repairer. He said that whilst some timbering operations were going on the roof came down without the slightest warning. The deceased was buried by the fall, whilst a man named Baskerviile and himself were caught by the falling earth. Witness had seven years experience as a repairer. In reply to Mr. Dyer Lewis witness said the fall caused the timbers to give way on account of the force. Wm. Thomas, a fireman, said the place appeared to be quite safe a few minutes before the fall. A verdict of accidental death was returned, and the jury expressed sympathy with the relatives. "

  •  From The Brecon County Times Neath Gazette and General… dated 22nd October 1914

 ABERCRAVE AND GURNOS. The meetings held at Abercrave and Gurnos to further the cause of recruiting in the upper portion of the Swansea Valley will be long remembered by the large crowds who were privileged to participate. It was a striking demonstration of the whole-hearted patriotism of the people, and is certain to have borne good fruit in rallying the eligible young men of the district to the forces that are now engaged in the determined battle against the hosts of the despot of Europe. .............The Gurnos Meeting. Mr G H Strick, J.P., presided over a large attendance at the Drill Hall, Gurnos, on Thursday evening, when the speakers were Mr Sidney Robinson, M.P., Mr William Brace, M.P. (president of the South Wales Miners' Federation), and Mr Sam Thompson (prospective Unionist candidate for Merionethshire). The Chairman said this was a memorable  gathering, the largest he had seen at the hall - the result of the great crisis that our beloved country was faced with. They were to try and make those who had not yet done so realise this fact, and to urge those who were physically fit to do their duty to their country in this hour of trial. Mr Strick referred to the complete unanimity of the country and the elimination of party politics as exemplified by the gentlemen on the platform, for whom he was proud to take the chair. He appealed to the young men gathered there to do their duty that evening (Loud cheers.) Mr Sidney Robinson said he never could have believed it possible that Germany had been making, as it was shown she had been making for years, these preparations for war. He urged the great danger lying before the country if the young men did not rise to the occasion. He believed they had done well in the district in the way of recruiting, but they wanted more to defend the country in time of national emergency. (Cheers.) Mr Thompson, in a racy speech in English and Welsh, said we were fighting the cause of the small nationalities, and that should be a great consolation to Welshmen. While the war might be a prolonged one, he was convinced that if they exhibited the strength and tenacity which the people of this country had shown in the past they could join with the poet and say "Come the whole world in arms, naught can make us rue, if Britain to herself remain but true." (Loud applause.) Mr Brace said the Labour party were taking part in this appeal on behalf of Britain, because they believed that they bad no alternative as Britishers, unless they were prepared to let Germany trample righteousness and national life under their feet. The young men must not think they were not wanted. It was not going to be a short war it was to be a long one. Men would not be worthy of their fathers unless they were prepared to take their part in fighting for the preservation of the claims of democracy. And for what did they fight ? To break the great military machine of the Germans, a machine that was heartless and soulless. Let them remember that of the voluntary system failed Parliament could in two hours pass an Act making service compulsory."

  • From the  South Wales Daily News dated 21st April 1887

"GURNOS TIN-PLATE WORKS, YSTALYFERA. A meeting of the men employed at the above works was held on Wednesday, to consider the terms offered by Mr Player, the manager. Although Mr Player intimated that the works would re-start on no other terms, the meeting considered that having regard to the welfare of the trade, they could not accede to them. It is earnestly requested that the various Works throughout South Wales will give this matter their earnest attention, All the delegates attending the general meeting on Saturday, at Swansea, are expected to put their resolutions before the meeting."

  • From the  South Wales Daily News (Third Edition) dated 21st October 1898

"SWANSEA POST OFFICE NOTICE. A new sub-office, at which postal orders, stamps, etc., will be sold, has been opened at Gurnos, Ystalyfera. Mr William Thomas, grocer, Gurnos, has been appointed sub-postmaster. "

  •  From The Amman Valley Chronicle and East Carmarthen News dated 11th December 1913

"YSTALYFERA SCHOOL NEEDS. A public meeting held at Ystalyfera urged the provision of a new mixed school for the use of children resident in the Gurnos and Ynisydarren  district. "

  • From the South Wales Echo (Special edition) dated 13th February 1886

"DEPRESSION IN THE TIN-PLATE TRADE. In consequence of the stoppage or the Ystalyfera and Gurnos Works, on the 10th December, some 300 mill-men and tinhouse-men have to depend entirely on charitable donations. A committee has been formed to consider the best means of dealing with the great proverty and distress that exist in the neighbourhood, and they have unanimously adopted the following resolutions;—1. "That the Ystalyfera and Gurnos are to be united in one treasury." 2. "That circulars be sent to every works to desire their support and sympathy. "

  •  From the South Wales Weekly Post dated 23rd March 1918

"600 VALLEY MINERS RECEIVE NOTICES. Notices have been tendered at all the Ystradgynlais collieries by the local companies. It is intended to draw out about 250 from the Gurnos, Ystradgynlais and Yniscedwyn collieries, whilst all the men at the New Diamond Colliervynumbering. over 300, have received notices. "