Newspaper extracts for Llangeinor
There are many references to this area in the 15 million Welsh and English language articles from Welsh newspapers transcribed by the NLW and viewable on Welsh Newspapers Online
Below are English language articles that have been re-transcribed and extracted randomly to illustrate what is available, there are many that are not extracted here that include names of local people
Searches made on these places; Llangeinor, Blaengarw, Nantymoel & Ogmore Vale and shown below in that order
- From the Glamorgan Gazette 22nd January 1915
LLANGEINOR. The Sewing Guild held weekly under the superintendency of Mrs. C. A. Long, at the Council School. Llangeinor, is doing excellent work by making garments for the soldiers. Already 14 shirts and numerous scarves, cuffs, mittens, socks, belts and caps have been forwarded to the ex-Lady Mayoress of Cardiff. Supscriptions have been freely given by the residents of the village and the immediate district. This speaks high of the patriotism of the small locality.
- From The Glamorgan Gazette 20th October 1916
LLANGEINOR. SOLDIER'S DEATH.-Mr. and Mrs. M. Jenkins, Greenmeadow Inn, Llangeinor, have received the following touching letter regarding the death of their son, Pte. W. Jenkins, from the Lieutenant of his company:—
"He was one of about 40 men, with myself, who were digging a trench some 800 yards from the Turks at the Beit Aiessa line. Things were pretty quiet, but one sniper was worrying us a little, and your son unfortunately fell to this man. The bullet first wounded an officer of the North Staffs in the neck, and then hit your son in the thigh. I dressed him myself, and sent him straight down to the nearest dressing station, but he unfortunately died on the way within half an hour of being hit. He was a good soldier, and the last words I heard him say were 'Dear old Dad. Old Mother ' After that he lapsed into semi-consciousness. I don't think he suffered any pain after the first five minutes."
- From The Glamorgan Gazette 16th November 1917
LLANGEINOR. Wounded.—We regret to report that Pte. Tom Williams, son of Mr. and Mrs. T. Williams, Cefn Machen Isha Farm, Llangeinor, was wounded in the right leg at Gaza. He was later admitted to hospital at Port Said, where his leg was amputated below the knee. The young hero has served two years with the colours, and belonged to a well known family in this district. He arrived at Bristol Hospital on the 5th inst., and left there on Saturday last for home.
- From the Evening Express (First Edition) 29th October 1901
LLANGEINOR SCHOOL BOARD. A meeting of the Llangeinor School Board was held at the Schoolroom, Brynmenyn, Dr. Gwilym Evans presiding. Reports were received from the various schools where evening continuation schools had been opened. On the motion of the Rev. D. M. Davies, seconded by Mrs. Noyle, it was resolved that all evening schools where the attendance was under ten should be discontinued, and, as a result, the following will be discontinued; Ponty- cymmer (Girls'), Tynewydd (Girls'), and Blaen garw (Girls').—The Chairman moved that no resignation would be received which would include the month's holiday given any teacher who had not been in the employ of the board for at least twelve months.—This was carried.—The committee appointed to draw up a scheme of moral and religious instruction recommended that the scheme of the Ystradyfodwg Board be adopted; that a committee of five be appointed to supervise the carrying out of the scheme, and that the same committee be directed to prepare a small hymn-book of some 36 pages, containing English and Welsh hymns, at a cost of about £ 6, the scheme to come into force at the beginning of the year.—The recommendations were adopted unanimously.
- From the Evening Express (Special Edition) 24th October 1901
Peculiar Incident with the Llangeinor Hounds A remarkable incident occurred on Tuesday in connection with the Llangeinor Hunt. A fox went to ground on one of the precipitate slopes of the Garw Vechan Valley after a chase of some hours. Feeling loth to be baffled, an attempt was made to extricate the vermin. While assisting the whip (Evan James) to get the fox out of the hole the animal got hold of the hand of Mr. W. Lewis, the popular master, and gnawed away at it for fully ten minutes, inflicting severe injuries. It is feared the third finger will have to undergo at least partial amputation.
- From the South Wales Daily News (Third Edition) 9th December 1891
LLANGEINOR SCHOOL BOARD. THE WELSH LANGUAGE TO EE INTRODUCED INTO THE SCHOOLS. On Friday evening last a public meeting was held in the Blaengarw school for the purpose of considering the advisability of introducing the Welsh language into the curriculum of the schools—The chair was occupied by Gwryrosyd, Blaengarw, who in a lucid manner explained his ideas on the objects of the Welsh Utilization Society, and hoped that the Board would as soon as possible give the question a fair trial in the schools.—Mr Owen described briefly the formation of the Society, and dwelt on the advantages that would accrue to the children by adopting a bilingual course instead of the now dry and dull English of the present code.......(part extract)......
- From the South Wales Daily News (Third Edition) 11th January 1892
ALLEGED BURIAL SCANDAL AT LLANGEINOR. At the meeting of the Guardians of the Bridgend and Cowbridge Union on Saturday, the clerk received a letter from the Vicar of Llangeinor, intimating that a body had been brought to that place for interment by the undertaker to the Union without giving notice of the required burial. The consequence was that no grave being prepared the body had to remain until next day without being interred.—The Guardians directed that the undertaker should be required to attend the next Board meeting to explain.
- From the South Wales Daily News (Third Edition) 12th May 1894
BLAENGARW. FATAL COLLIERY ACCIDENT.—An inquest was held at the Blaengarw Hotel on Thursday evening on the body of Eli Lewis, carpenter, employed at the International Collieries, who met his death by the cage descending upon him while at work in the pit. Verdict, Accidental death."
- From the South Wales Daily News (Third Edition) 21st June 1895
BLAENGARW, CONCERT.—A grand concert was held at the above place on Wednesday evening, when the famous Pontycymmer Glee Society capitally rendered several selections. Assisting the party were Mrs S. J. Thomas, Llanelly (soprano), Mr H. Davies (Ap Morlais), tenor; and Mr D. Hen- goed (Eryr-Ffrwyd wyllt), bass. The proceeds were for the benefit of Mr Wm. Lewis, an old member of the above glee society, who has suffered in health for a. number of months.
- From the South Wales Daily News (Third Edition) 18th June 1895
BLAENGARW. TEMPERANCE DEMONSTRATION. A grand temperance demonstration, under the auspices of the Blaengarw Rechabites, took place on Saturday evening. The procession left Blaengarw for Pontycymmer, headed by the Port Talbot Naval Temperance Band. The juveniles were headed by the Maesteg and Blaengarw Temperance Fife Band. Great praise is due to Mr W. Matthews, the secretary of the Rechabites, for the capable manner in which he conducted the procession. After returning to Blaengarw, the juveniles were treated with tea and cake by the Blaengarw Rechabites. At 7 p.m. a temperance meeting was held at Nebo Chapel (Congregational), when Mr Joseph Hughes presided. After a few brief remarks by the Chairman, Mr David Evans was called upon to sing, followed with a speech by Rev. M. J Mills, M.C. . Mr Daniel Davis rendered, "Hen "Wlad y Menyg Gwynion," followed in English by the Rev. J. Lioyd, B.A., Blaina, and in Welsh by the Rev. J. Hughes, A., Blaengarw. At the close of the meeting a Temperance Society was formed for Blaengarw.
- From the Herald of Wales and Monmouthshire Recorder 23rd October 1915
BLAENGARW. The Russian Flag Day at Blaengarw, October 16th, realised a total of £42. 8s. 4½d., which is considered highly satisfactory, seeing that the population is only 5,000.
- From The Glamorgan Gazette 1st February 1907
BLAENGARW. Notices were tendered at the International Colliery at the beginning of January against the Non-unionists. At a general meeting on Monday evening it was decided to give the non-unionists another month's grace to see if they will join the Federation. There are a great number out- side the pale of the Federation.
Young People's Society.—Mr. David Evans presided at a meeting on January 24th which proved a great success. .....(part extract).....
- From the Weekly Mail 5th April 1902
NANTYMOEL. The largest and most successful eisteddfod yet held at Nantymoel took place at the New Workmen's-hall on Good Friday. The chief event was a male voice contest, the test piece being "The Last Days of Pompeii." The winners of the prize of £15 were the Garw Male Voice Choir, and the conductor, Mr. Morgan Williams, received a gold medal. The second choral competition (test piece "Dyddiau Dyn ") was won by Saron Choir, Nantymoel (Mr. D. Bowen). In the evening there was a competitive concert, a feature of the programme being a pianoforte recital by Miss Marie Novello Williams. Mr. W. Llewellyn. Maesteg. presided.
- From the Weekly Mail 22nd April 1882
NANTYMOEL. SERIOUS ACCIDENT.—On Wednesday afternoon a fall occurred at the Wyndham Pit, whereby John Lewis, of Penywai, had one of his legs fractured, and his thigh, arm, and collar bone broken.
- From the Weekly Mail 22nd September 1883
NANTYMOEL. ACCIDENTS.—On Tuesday a young man named Hugh Jenkins was killed at the Weston Pits through a fall of top coming on him. A lad named John Merriman was also seriously injured about the head by being crushed between the trains at the same colliery
- From The South Wales Star 6th November 1891
NANTYMOEL. MEETING OF THE OCEAN AND WYNDHAM WORKMEN.—On Monday a mass meeting of the workmen of the above collieries was held. Mr. Wm. Jones was in the chair, Mr. Arthur Whiting in the vice-chair. There were also present Mr. W. Thomas, secretary of the Federation, who went into the financial condition of this district, and Mr. George Howells, check-weigher of the Ocean, treasurer of the federation. It was passed that two lodges be formed — one in Tynewydd, the other in Nantymoel. It was also proposed that the Ogmore district join with the Garw district At this point in the proceedings, Mr. John Thomas, of the Garw, who represented the Federation, addressed the meeting on the objects of the Federation. ......(part extract)....
- From The Cardiff Times 22nd June 1907
NANTYMOEL. An Eisteddfod in aid of Porthcawl Rest and Bridgend Cottage Hospital was held at the Workmen's Hall, Nantymoel, on Saturday. The Rev. W. Saran Griffiths, Blackmill, was conductor and adjudicator of literature, Mr T. C. Jones (chairman of the Bridgend and Cowbridge Board of Guardians) and Mr W. Rees, Kenfig Hill, judged the music, and Dr. W. E. Thomas, Bridgend, the ambulance competitions. ......(part extract)....
- From the Evening Express (Football Edition) 1st November 1902
OGMORE VALE. Ogmore Vale [rugby?] saw defeat staring them in the face. Gilfach was simply playing what they liked with their old rivals. Ogmore was caught napping at the commencement of the game, and it was a long time before they woke up. The game was at this time lost and won. Was the defeat a surprise to Ogmore, or was the victory a surprise to Gilfach? This needs very little thinking. Ogmore were out- classed in all departments besides three- quarters. Gilfach half-backs had a jolly time of it. I am glad to report that the hall has been granted for the use of training. It is to be hoped that the training will cause better display of football to what we are at the present time witnessing.
- From the Evening Express (Second Pink Edition) 26th September 1901
Ogmore Vale Chapel Dispute THE EXPELLED MEMBERS A few days ago we referred to the unpleasantness which had existed at Bethania Congregational Church, Ogmore Vale, and that the Revs. W. I. Morris, Pontypridd, and John Williams, Hafod; Mr. E. H. Davies, J.P., Pentre, and Mr. William David, Adare-street, Bridgend, had been called upon by the pastor and Church to settle the matters in dispute, the whole Church pledging itself to abide peaceably by their decision whatever it would be. When the decision, which was unanimous and almost altogether in favour of the minister, at the same time censuring some of the agitators, was made public some few expressed their disagreement with the same ......(part extract)....
- From the Evening Express (First Edition) 1st October 1901
OGMORE VALE CHAPEL DISPUTE. To the Editor of the "Evening Express.
" Sir,—Although I do not personally believe in bringing religious differences before the public through the press; yet, since your correspondent persists in misleading the public, by publishing part of the truth, as well as erroneous statements, I consider it my duty to furnish your readers with a true statement of the facts. Your correspondent in last Thursday's issue of the "Evening Express" states that "The decision (of the arbitrators) was unanimous and almost altogether in favour of the minister." The former part I will not dispute, but I leave your readers to judge as to the correctness of the latter, by quoting the following sentence in the award:- "Concerning some of the latest accusations we adjudge that the answers should be more decisive and clear." Moreover, there is not the slightest indication in the award of the least doubt as to the veracity of the evidence given by several members (whom your correspondent chooses to call agitators) in substantiating the charges brought against the minister. ......(part extract)....
- From the Evening Express (Fifth Edition) 26th October 1901
FATALITY AT OGMORE VALE About three o'clock this afternoon. Mr. George Adams's confectioner cart was delivering goods at Tynywedd, and when about half- way between Nantymoe! and Tynywedd. a lad named Bembo. fell out of the cart. The wheel passed over his neck. Dr. Williams was soon on the scene but the case was hopeless, and the lad died almost immediately.,The deceased was twelve years of age
- From the Evening Express (Special Edition) 12th November 1903
OGMORE VALE BAZAAR. A two-days' bazaar in connection with the parish of Llangeinor was opened on Wednesday by Mr. R. W. Llewellyn, J.P., Baglan Hall, at St. David's Church House, Ogmore Vale. The bazaar was held in connection with the opening of the Church House, which has been erected at considerable expense. Mr. Llewellyn, who was accompanied by the Rev. J. Jones, vicar of Llangeinor; the Rev. D. Phillips, B.A., vicar of Newcastle, Bridgend; the Rev. A. L. Jones, and the Rev. J. Griffiths, declared the bazaar and Church House open. An excellent assortment of plain and fancy needlework, oil-paintings, china, Japanese goods, Christmas cards, &c., was offered and had a ready sale.