Llandough - Gazetteers
Extract from A Topographical Dictionary of Wales (1833) by Samuel Lewis.
"LLANDOUGH (LLAN-DOCH), a parish in the hundred of COWBRIDGE, county of GLAMORGAN, SOUTH WALES, 1 1/4 mile (S.) from Cowbridge, containing 118 inhabitants.
This parish is separated from that of St. Hilary by the river Ddaw, which winds through a beautiful little valley, richly wooded, and abounding with pleasing and picturesque scenery. On an eminence above the river, a little to the west of the village, are the remains of Llandough castle, the castellated mansion successively the residence of the Welsh families of Vychan and Walche, which have been incorporated with a handsome modern mansion, now the residence of Lieutenant-Colonel Morgan. The substratum of the soil is limestone, interspersed with sandstone ; and the lands are in general enclosed and in a good state of cultivation.
The living is a discharged rectory, united to that of St. Mary-church, in the archdeaconry and diocese of Llandaf, rated in the king's books at £4. 18. 9., and in the patronage of C. R. M. Talbot, Esq. The church, dedicated to St. Dochdwy, is a small neat structure, and contains some ancient monuments, among which is one to the family of Walche, consisting of recumbent effigies of a male representative of that family and his lady.
A few children are gratuitously instructed, chiefly at the expense of the family of Lieut.- Col. Morgan.
To the south-east of the church are the remains of a small British encampment ; and, within four hundred yards of it, a great number of human bones has been discovered, supposed to be those of individuals killed in the numerous and sanguinary battles which took place between the natives and the early Norman settlers.
The Rev. John Walters, M. A., an eminent Welsh divine and critic, and author of an English and Welsh Dictionary, was for some time rector of this parish : he died in 1794.
The average annual expenditure for the support of the poor is £37. 1."
Llandough juxta Cowbridge - Lewis 1833 [Last Updated : 10 Oct 2002 - Gareth Hicks]