Newspaper extracts for Llandaff
There are many references to this area in the 15 million Welsh and English language articles from Welsh newspapers transcribed by the NLW and viewable on Welsh Newspapers Online
Below are English language articles that have been re-transcribed and extracted randomly to illustrate what is available, there are many that are not extracted here that include names of local people
Searches were made on these place names in this order; Llandaff, Canton, Ely, Grangetown
- From the South Wales Daily News 16th November 1883
LLANDAFF. WORKING-MEN'S CLUB.—A general meeting ol the members was held in the club-room on Wednesday evening, to make arrangements for football playing during the winter. The Vicar presided. The following officers were appointed Mr C. E. Gibbons, captain; Mr J. P. Edmunds vice-captain; Mr A. H. Gibbons, secretary!;Committee: Messrs A. J. Green, J. Cox, G. Sabin, A. B. Thomas, and D. James. During the year a large increase of members has taken place in the club, which is serving a most useful purpose in the parish.
- From the South Wales Daily News (Third Edition) 30th November 1897
LLANDAFF. THE BOUNDARIES QUESTION.—At the Llandaff Police Court on Monday William Frankham and John Austin were charged with driving without lights on the 8th and 13th insts. respectively somewhere on the confines of Llandaff and Cardiff. Defendants said they did not know they were out of the borough. Fined 5s. and costs each.
- From the South Wales Daily News (Third Edition) 5th October 1898
LLANDAFF. LLANDAFF YARD MALE VOICE SOCIETY.—The first annual picnic of the above society, under the leadership of the able conductor, Mr John Thomas, took place at Barry Island on Saturday. Tea was served for the party at the Marine Hotel, and during the evening choruses, etc., were sung. The choir returned homeward by the 9.20 pm. train, after having spent a few hours very pleasantly.
- From the South Wales Daily News (Third Edition) 2nd October 1900
LLANDAFF. The residents of the extensive district comprised within the jurisdiction of the Llandaff Petty Sessional division are either tired of sinning or else engrossed by the General Election, for on Monday at Llandaff Police Court the whole business was transacted within the incredibly short space of half an hour. It was a near thing for "white gloves." Driving without lights was the most popular form of law-breaking, and for this the Bench charged 5s and costs ...(part extract)....
- From the South Wales Daily News (Third Edition) 19th June 1893
LLANDAFF. A meeting was held in the schoolroom on Friday evening, to consider in what way the Royal wedding day should be celebrated in the cathedral city. The Vicar, who presided, said he proposed to provide a dinner for the poor and a tea for all the children, to be followed by games and sports. He also suggested that, if the funds allowed, copy of "Wedding Bells "-a little book which had been prepared by the editor of "Home Words "—should be presented to every child as a memento of a day to be remembered. The Dean, to whom he had written, had replied :—" I gladly respond to the suggestions of your letter. Nothing could be more suitable." The meeting approved of what the vicar had suggested, and Mr Wood, the superintendent of the Wesleyan Sunday-school, promised his cooperation. A committee was appointed, with Mr O. E. Gibbons as secretary, to make arrangements for the sports.
- From the South Wales Daily News (Third Edition) 5th August 1897
LLANDAFF. RURAL DISTRICT COUNCIL.—A meeting of the Llandaff and Dinas Powis Rural District Council was held on Wednesday afternoon, under the presidency of Mr Robert Forrest, J.P. A letter was read by Mr M. Warren (the clerk) from the Director-General of Ordnance Surveys as to the spelling of Welsh names on the maps for the district. The writer asked for assistance in the spelling of such places for the production of the maps. It was decided to appoint a committee of three members of the Council to consider the matter.
- From the Monmouthshire Merlin 16th March 1877
LLANDAFF. At a meeting of the Cardiff Rural Sanitary Authority, on Wednesday, Air. Barstow recommended a scheme for supplying Llandaff with water at an outlay of about £2,000, Two other schemes were suggested by Dr. Granger, the medical officer, but discussion of the subject was deferred until after the consideration of Mr. Waring's report on the drainage and water supply of the city
- From the South Wales Daily News 28th November 1885
CANTON. In the Canton Ward, which comprises 1,794 voters, the polling-station was at the Severn-road Board Schools, which had been marked off in three divisions, to correspond to the number of districts. The presiding officers were Messrs W. Evans, T. Hulm, and N. Winchcombe. The polling in the morning was unexpectedly brisk, more than a quarter of the entire ward having recorded their votes during the first three hours. A lull then took place till noon, but quite a stream of workpeople poured into the station in the dinner hour. The voting was steady during the afternoon, but as evening drew on it naturally became more considerable. By five o'clock it was ascertained that two-thirds of the whole had voted, leaving about 600 to deposit their papers. Sir Edward Reed paid flying visits during the day. From the information received by the canvassers, it is believed that Canton gave a considerable majority to the Liberal candidate. ....(part extract)......
- From the South Wales Daily News 4th September 1874
CANTON DRAINAGE, AND CANTON DEATH-RATE. The influence which the Agents and the Trustees of the Marquis of Bute can exercise over the fortunes and the destiny of Cardiff is necessarily very great. Lord BUTE, fortunately for himself, and through the marriage luck of his grandfather, possesses considerable property in and around Cardiff, and the power of "proputty" to mar the progress and the healthful development of a rising commercial town incalculably transcends its influence to mend. The power of a large landed proprietor standing in the exceptional and responsible position which Lord Bute holds towards Cardiff must, under the most prudent and judicious advice, be less influential for good than, under evil and pernicious counsels, it would be potent for mischief. It is much to be regretted that Lord Bute has not always been surrounded by the most sagacious and the wisest of councillors, ....(part extract)......
- From the South Wales Daily News (Third Edition) 19th April 1899
THE WELSH IN CANTON. MISSION MEETINGS. With the object of winning back to the churches the Welsh people of Canton who now attend no place of worship, the Welsh Calvinistic Methodist Church in Albert-street, of which the Rev. R. C. Lewis is pastor, are this week holding a series of special mission meetings on undenominational lines. Preliminary to this the whole of the Riverside and Canton district was last week canvassed, house to house, by members of the church, and some startling discoveries were made as to the number of Welsh people who are now unattached to any religious organisation. ....(part extract)......
- From the South Wales Daily News (Third Edition) 30th August 1900
LIBERALISM IN CANTON. OPENING OF A LIBERAL CLUB. MR D. A. THOMAS, M.P., ON THE TORY CANDIDATE. The opening on Wednesday of a. Liberal Club and Institute in Cowbridge-road furnished unmistakable evidence of the vitality of Liberalism in Canton, as also did the meeting which followed at the Severn-road Board School, which was one of the largest political gatherings held locally daring the past 25 years. ....(part extract)......
- From the South Wales Daily News (Third Edition) 16th October 1896
TO THE EDITOR. SIR,-I am glad the offices of the Radnor-road Board Schools are to be supervised by the authorities at last. Those offices, I strongly think, have been the place where this disease has emanated. The stench coming from those places not long since was most offensive. If the medical officer only had the slightest portion of what I received on passing one evening he would, I am sure, have had the whole of them disinfected. I really think those places should be strictly supervised daily. ....(part extract)......
- From the The Cardiff Times 30th November 1867
ELY. GAS AT THE RAILWAY STATION.—It is to be hoped now that the winter months have set in that the Great Western Railway Company will see the necessity of having their railway station in this village lit with gas. Pipes are already laid down up to the entrance gates on the south side, where the entrance to the station on a dark night is anything but inviting, more especially to the many strangers who visit the locality every day. ....(part extract)......
- From the The Cardiff Times 5th February 1876
ELY. FOOTBALL.—A football club has been formed in this place. The first meeting was held on the 1st February at th Railway Hotel, when Mr A. Williams was elected captain, Mr J. David secretary, and Mr T. David Treasurer.
- From the South Wales Daily News (Third Edition) 29th December 1897
ELY. ELY SCHOOLS.—On Christmas Eve the children at these schools were presented with toys, prizes, &c., which were subscribed for by the guardians. The toys were wrapped up and placed in large bran tubs, from which the children made their selection. This happy device of Mr and Mrs Wooton proved a source of great amusement to the children. Mrs Thomas Andrews and Miss Rees Jones, lady guardians, who had kindly collected subscriptions and had prepared the toys, superintended the distribution.
- From The Cardiff Times 27th December 1879
ELY. INDUSTRIAL SCHOOLS.—The following report has been received in respect of these schools :— The boys and girls were examined collectively in extra subjects including religion. Scripture, fair: mental arithmetic, good; substance of reading, moderate; spelling, fair; meaning of words, good; geography, moderate; grammer, very fair. Analysis :— ...(part extract)......
- From The Cardiff Times 6th July 1867
ELY. HAYMAKING.—A great quantity of hay has been safely got in, in this neighbourhood.
INDUSTRIAL SCHOOL TREAT.—The children of the Union Industrial Schools in this village had their usual annual trip to the grounds of Miss Jenner, at Wenvoe, on Wednesday last. The day was spent most pleasantly by the juveniles in many a youthful game, which was heartily joined in by both officers and children. Tea was provided for them by Miss Jenner, to which ample justice was done by the children, who numbered about 200. A great number of the younger ones were conveyed to and fro in conveyances hired for the purpose by Miss Jenner, whose heart was gladdened by seeing scores of young ones so happy and joyous around her.
- From The Cardiff Times 18th May 1867
ELY. THE PAPER WORKS.—Additional buildings are about to be erected at the paper works, Ty-Pwll-Coch, which, when completed, wi!l enable the spirited proprietors to make the paper fit for the market on the spot, instead of sending it away in the pulp to be finished elsewhere.
- From the South Wales Daily News 11th May 1880
ELY. PIGEON-FLYING.—On Saturday the first match of the Ely and Llandaff Pigeon Society was held. The fly was from Chepstow, and six birds were entered for it, the result being as follows :— ...(part extract)......
- From The Cardiff and Merthyr Guardian Glamorgan Monmouth… 8th July 1871
GRANGETOWN. A Church for Grangetown has long been considered as the guarantee of its social and spiritual improvement, and we are happy to inform our readers that a petition has been forwarded this week to Lady Mary Windsor Clive, and the Trustees of Lord Windsor, earnestly entreating that a Church may be erected as a fitting memorial of their highly esteemed and deeply lamented late patroness, the Baroness Windsor, one of whose letters to Mr. Churchwarden Penn is attached to the petition. This letter, we understand, sets forth the late Baroness's intention and the petition, with its 910 signatures, corroborates how well her Ladyship had anticipated the people s need. ...(part extract)......
- From The Cardiff Times 5th July 1861
GRANGETOWN.THE NEW NATIONAL SCHOOL. At. the last census the district called Grangetown, lying between Cardiff and the new road to Penarth Harbour, had nearly 800 inhabitants. To supply the people with education and religious instruction, the Church of England has been labouring for the last two years, but the labour has been one of difficulty for want of suitable premises. The Rev. J. F. Young is the minister who has been officiating, and his services have been rendered for a period of about two years. Mr. Wheeler, the school-master, has been at work about fourteen months. Mr. Young, we are informed, has been mainly instrumental in getting a very handsome building erected, in which the two objects will be combined, and as that building will be opened this day (Friday), we draw attention to the fact and its pleasing associations. The school-room is situated on Clive-road, the new road leading to Penarth Harbour. It is built on ground given by the Baroness Windsor, and is from a beautiful design by Mr. C. E. Bernard, of Cardiff. The building comprises one fine room for scholastic and religious purposes, 60 ft. long, well lighted and ventilated. There is also a class-room, and a very convenient dwelling-house for the teacher. At the rear is a roomy playground, and the out-offices are planned in a suitable manner for the convenience of all concerned. The school is mixed. Mr. Wheeler is assisted by two pupil teachers and a sewing mistress for the girls. At present the average attendance is 80, but when the new building is opened for the day school, as it will be next Monday, that number will be increased, we should think. The attractions of the building are such, that we hope it will be filled by children desirious of instruction. Mr. D. Jones, of Bristol, is the builder, and the contract was let for £1400. It is intended to have two religious services on Sundays, and a school in the afternoon. The religious services are wholly under the care of the Rev. J. F. Young, who has laboured zealously, we are told, in, this increasing locality. The Very Rev. the Dean of Llandaff will preach the opening sermon this (Friday) morning, and the Rev. Canon Beavan in the evening. We may add that the Baroness Windsor has set apart sufficient land on which to build a church and another school-room, when the district may require them.
- From The Cardiff Times 19th September 1862
GRANGETOWN. THE NEW WORKS.- We understand that the contract has been signed for the construction of the new works at this place. They are to be iron works, and will employ several hundreds of men.
- From The Cardiff Times 2nd February 1866
GRANGETOWN. A GOOD MOVE.—The Penarth Railway and Dock Company have commenced running a train to carry passengers between this town (Grange) and the Docks, for the facility of their workmen and parties connected with the shipping and other business at the Docks. This is a great boon conferred on the public, as there is no direct footpath between Cardiff and Penarth, though there is a report that a path is about to be made over that portion of the way that passes through the Marquis of Bate's land, though the dock is not situate on his lordship's property.
ABATEMENT OF NUISANCES.—The police here, with their Inspector from Llandaff, seem to be most active in compelling the keepers of pigs and donkeys to look to the state of their dwellings, where, it appears from the police reports, pigs, donkey, cows, children and chickens, have been in the habit of messing together in common, in one dwelling, and even in the same room. The proprietors in some cases are finishing their houses; others are pulling theirs down
- From The Cardiff Times 21st December 1866
GRANGETOWN. The sanatory condition of this place has been a little improved lately, but there remains a great deal to be done, which cannot be done, so long as the agents of the Baroness Windsor act in a squeamish manner with the parties who have built on her land,—there being no Board of Health to interfere in the matter.
- From The Cardiff Times 12th January 1867
GRANGETOWN. THE WEATHER has had an unfavourable tendency here of rendering the sanitary state of affairs worse than ever. The clay which was tipped in the ruts and gutters to cover the filth with which the place abounded has become a complete quagmire with the late rains and frost, so that over the ankles in slush is only a fortunate way of getting out of one unpaved street into another.
THE IRON-WORKS seem to be in a fair way of progressing towards completion. The powerful steam hammer is intended to start in the course of a week or so, while charcoal fineries, melting furnaces, and coke ovens are among the many arrangements now being rapidly carried on, for the ultimate manufacture of tin plates, bar iron, &c., for which there are many orders on hand. Mr. York, as proprietor, and Mr. Thomas, as manager, are using every effort to render the works as complete as possible, and there remains now no doubt that the business will be a remunerative one.