


Newspaper extracts for the Eglwysilan area


There are many references to this area in the 15 million Welsh and English language articles from Welsh newspapers transcribed by the NLW and viewable on Welsh Newspapers Online
Below are English language articles that have been re-transcribed and extracted randomly to illustrate what is available, there are many that are not extracted here that include names of local people

Searches carried out on these places in this order; Eglwysilan, Caerphilly, Senghenydd

  • From the Evening Express (Special Edition) 29th December 1896

EGLWYSILAN SCHOOL BOARD COST OF EDUCATION. At a meeting of the Eglwysilan School Board held at Caerphilly on Monday the Clerk (Mr. Thomas Thomas) drew the attention of the board to a report which recently appeared in the "Western Mail" of a meeting held at Caerphilly in which Mr. Hy. Williams, Senghenydd, stated that the cost of education under the Eglwysilan School Board averaged £ 5. 9s. 5d per child per annum. He (the clerk) had gone into the figures, and had prepared a statement, which contained the following remarks:     ....(part extract).....

  • From the  Evening Express (Third Edition) 30th July 1901

Eglwysilan School Board STORMY MEETING AND SINGULAR ALLEGATIONS. Public Inquiry to be Held. The Eglwysilan School Board, at their meeting at Caerphilly on Monday, under the presidency of Mr. John Morgan, spent some hours in dealing with certain bills for drainage, repairs, &c., which had been carried out under the supervision of two members of the board at Taff's Well Board Schools. The discussion was initiated by the Rev. C. Tawelfryn Thomas, who lodged his objection to a minute which had reference to the payment of a bill by cheque to Mr. Stephen Strickland for repairs to the above-named school.    ....(part extract).....

  •  From the Evening Express 17th October 1892

WELSH IN THE EGLWYSILAN BOARD SCHOOLS. CONFERENCE BETWEEN BOARD MEMBERS AND TEACHERS. A conference of members of the Eglwysilan board and their teachers was held on Friday evening at Pontypridd in order to consider the best way to introduce the Welsh language into the schools under the board. The board had adopted a resolution pledging themselves to this new departure some six weeks ago, and in the meantime had fortified themselves with a plebiscite, which gave them an overwhelming majority.     ....(part extract).....

  • From the Evening Express (Special Edition) 5th March 1898

The annual ploughing and hedging match of the Llantwit Fardre and Eglwysilan Agricultural Society was held on Hendredenny Uchaf Farm, Eglwysilan, on Thursday.

  •  From The Cardiff Times 17th January 1874

EGLWYSILAN. Seeking for coal is still going on in the country, people are speculating for the black diamond in places within the above parish where it would be a short time back considered a hopeless enterprise. Men are busily sinking, driving, and boring for the valuable commodity at the following places—Ty Maen Farm, Heol y Bwnsy, Mynyddmayo, Gwaengledr, Watford, Chapel Farm, Wern- ddu, and at Bendyrhwch, Aber Valley. The latter picturesque little valley is likely before long to be converted from its present peaceable and tranquil condition, to be the source of great commercial life. We wish all the above enterprises great success. "The earth is full of riches,"

  • From The Cardiff Times 24th January 1874

EGLWYSILAN. DISCOVERY OF COAL.—Last week we referred to the several explorations made for coal in the above parish. Now we are informed that the enterprising company sinking at Mynyddmayo and Gwaengledr have been successful in finding an excellent seam of coal at the rformer, and that they have also bored through a vein of over four feet in thickness at the latter place.

  • From  The Cardiff Times 10th February 1865

EGLWYSILAN. The present season has brought a large quantity of wild fowl to the rivers and pools in this district. Large flocks have been seen flying in a northerly direction, thereby affording amusement to shooting parties. The winter has been unusually severe; six or seven years ago such a season as the present one would have caused great privation, but happily, coal, that essential to comfort, is both cheap and plentiful. Although out-door labour has been partly suspended, there was no lack of employment when the thaw commenced. The weather, though severe, has been favourable for the young wheat, which was well protected by the heavy fall of snow.

  •  From The Cardiff Times 23rd March 1872

EGLWYSILAN. VESTRY MEETING.—In pursuance of a communication received from the Board of Guardians, and also from the Local Government Board, a vestry meeting of the rate- payers of the parish of Eglwysilan was held at the Rose and Crown, near the Church, on Friday last. The Rev. Price Jones in the chair. It was proposed by Mr. T. Reynolds, and seconded by Mr. Penn, and carried unanimously,  "that the meeting taking into consideration that small-pox, of which cases have not hitherto been numerous, is now fortunately on the decrease and also that the Board of Guardians have erected a place for the reception of pauper patients, recommend that no steps should at present be taken for the provision of accommodation for the persons described in the Local Government Board circular dated the 21st of February last, but that the subject should be deferred for future consideration should circumstances render it necessary."

  •  From the Cardiff Times 30th October 1863

EGLWYSILAN. STRANGE DISCOVERY.-For several days past workmen have been engaged in restoring the chancel of the Eglwysilan church, and while pulling off the plaster and removing the stones which, filled up the ancient scaffolding holes, skulls were found deposited in each. Some of them were in good preservation, but others were sadly defaced, the scalp and jaw bones only being left. It is a matter of great curiosity amongst the residents to account for the strange fancy of depositing skulls in such positions, but no satisfactory conclusion has been arrived at.

  •  From the Evening Express 16th September 1892

CAERPHILLY. THE TOWN BAND.—A preliminary meeting was held in the Boar's Head Hotel, Caerphilly, on Wednesday evening for the purpose of discussing the position of the town band. Mr. John Lawrence was elected chairman, and Sir. O. S. Goodfellow hon. secretary pro tem. It was decided to hold a further meeting next week, to be convened by circular, to re-elect the officers and committee, and to consider what steps should be taken to obtain a new set of instruments.

  • From the Evening Express (First Edition) 5th June 1900

CAERPHILLY. There is no more popular event at Caerphilly on Whit-Monday than the annual eisteddfod, which is held in the far-famed ruins of the ancient and historic castle. The weather on Monday was decidedly favourable, and contributed in no small degree to the success of the event. The president of the year was Councillor William Thomas. The adjudicators were..... ....(part extract).....

  • From the Evening Express ([Football Edition]) 18th October 1902

CAERPHILLY The match between Caerphilly and Whitchurch on the latter's ground ended in a pointless draw. The game being confined chiefly to the forwards, it was not interesting from a spectator's point of view. The Caerphilly pack held the upper hand. but suffering from weakness in tile back division, they failed to assert their superiority in points. The Whitchurch team fell below the opinion that was formed of them on their last year's play, and Caerphilly, with ordinary luck, should have won by at least a couple of tries.... ....(part extract).....

  •  From the Evening Express (First Edition) 29th November 1895

CAERPHILLY MARKETS. VILLAGE INHABITANTS OPPOSED TO A MONOPOLY. On Wednesday evening a public meeting was held in the Market-hail, Caerphilly, for the purpose of discussing the merits of the Bill proposed to be presented to Parliament by Mr. David Lewis, in his own right, to acquire the right of establishing a market and to levy tolls in the town. The terms of the Bill have already been advertised in our columns. .... ....(part extract).....

  • From the Evening Express (First Edition) 26th August 1896

CAERPHILLY FAIR. On Tuesday the great annual sheep fair was held at Caerphilly. The attendance of dealers, farmers and tradespeople was exceedingly good, and business somewhat better than had been expected. The number of sheep brought in was equal to past years, and cattle and horses were well represented and of good quality, considering the prolonged drought. Prices ruled generally firm. At the cheese market a fair sample was pitched, and varied between 58s. and 61s. per cwt.

  • From the  Evening Express (First Edition) 15th June 1900

CAERPHILLY FAIR. The first summer fair, held at Caerphilly on Thursday, was very well attended by farmers and dealers. There was a good number of animals of all classes, and their condition generally spoke well of the pastures of the immediate neighbourhood. There was a brisk demand all round, especially for good horses- The quotations are,:—Good carthorses, £ 45 to £50; cobs, £ 25 to £30; ponies, to £15; cows, with calves at their heels to £16: three-year-old to £16; two-year-old; ditto, £10 to £12: heifers and calves, £14 to £15; Irish yearlings, £6 to £8.

  •  From the Evening Express (Third Edition) 2nd August 1901

WATERLESS CAERPHILLY. The drought has caused, and is causing, great inconvenience at Caerphilly, the supply of water being very limited. The district Council have informed the railway company that no water must be used for washing railway carriages while the drought lasts, and in order to carry a supply of water to the inhabitants a water cart has been hired.

  •  From The Cardiff Times 21st September 1872

CAERPHILLY. FOOT AND MOUTH DISEASE.—This disease is fast spreading. Aber, Groeswen, and Van Hamlet have been visited in a very serious manner. The latter part of last week it broke out in Caerphilly. It is to be hoped that great caution will be taken by the authorities to present the spread of the disease.

WEAVERS STRIKE. The weavers of Caerphilly and district have been out on strike for the past fortnight, the masters not being willing to give the price they asked for. But the masters and men met on Friday when it was resolved to give the men their prices. On Monday the greater part of the men resumed their work

  •  From The Cardiff Times 26th September 1874

CAERPHILLY. CRICKET MATCH.—A cricket match was played on the Caerphilly cricket ground on Saturday, between eleven of the Caerphilly Cricket Club and sixteen of the Llantwit and Black Vein Cricket Club, which resulted in a victory for the former club, with five wickets to spare. .... ....(part extract).....

  •  From The Cardiff Times 11th September 1875

CAERPHILLY. ANNIVERSARIES.—On Saturday, the three Lodges composed of Shepherds, Ivorites, and Foresters held their anniversaries here, and the streets of the town were thronged. About twelve o'clock a procession was formed, composed of the following: —Three mounted Foresters— Robin Hood, Little John, «nd the attendant— followed by the Mellingriffyth band;  the Ivorites, with their Dispensation Board;  the Foresters and the Shepherds;  and then visited Bedwas, after which they returned to their respective lodge rooms, and partook of excellent dinners, provided by the various hosts-  .... ....(part extract).....

  • From The Cardiff Times 11th March 1871

CAERPHILLY. SCHOOL BOARD. A School Board is much needed in the parish of EgIwysilian, especially as the school accommodation is insufficient. A movement has commenced for the purpose of applying for a board. Several meetings have been held this week in the parish, and from what can be garnered the majority is in favour of a School Board. On Tuesday evening a meeting was held at Caerphilly, when addresses were delivered by Mr. D. Williams, Llanelly, who for an hour and a half commented on the Act and showed the result and importance of adopting it.  .... ....(part extract).....

  •  From The Cardiff Times 26th December 1868

CAERPHILLY. When troubles come, they come in troops. Last week we noticed that a collier at this place met with an accident at the Energlyn Colliery. His wife, who was near her confinement, was taken ill, and delivered of a child but she never recovered. It is supposed that the shock she had when the accident happened to her husband had a fatal effect upon her.

STREET LAMPS.—The street lamps were lighted on Saturday evening for the first time. This event has caused a great change in the aspect of the old town, and the gray and ponderous walls of its ruined Castle. The band perambulated the town and played some lively airs m honour of the event

  •  From the South Wales Daily News (Third Edition) 23rd October 1897



"Will you pardon me encroaching a little on the columns of your valuable paper with regard to the present state of Senghenydd ? This very important and fast-growing district is almost entirely ignored by the Caerphilly Urban District Council, and not by them only. Some of the builders, or so-called builders, there commence to build cottage and other property, then leave it half done for 18 months or two years, blocking up the roads with bricks, mortar, and mud. How the people in the top streets of the town endure the present state of things and how the board allow some of the houses to pass are mysteries. Something should be done to cause an improvement before the severe weather sets in.— 1 am, etc., A WEARY TRAVELLER.

  • From the South Wales Daily News (Third Edition) 19th December 1898

MINERS' MEETING AT SENGHENYDD. A well-attended meeting of the workmen employed at the Universal Colliery, Senghenydd, was held at the Universal Hotel, Senghenydd, on Saturday. Mr J. D. Jones took the chair. Addresses on organisation were delivered by Mr Lewis Miles, miners' agent, and Mr Wm. Bassett, Llanbradach.

  • From the South Wales Daily News (Third Edition) 2nd August 1897

PUBLIC-HOUSE SUPPLY AT SENGHENYDD. PROTEST AGAINST INCREASING THE LICENCES. A public meeting of the inhabitants of Senghenydd and district was held on Saturday evening with reference to the forthcoming Licensing Sessions at Caerphilly. Last year the justices at Ca.erphilly retired to consider their decision as to whether a new licence should or should not be granted without hearing the opposition. Although there is only one colliery there at present, and it is only in the initial stages of development, there are now no fewer than three plans in competition for fresh licences, while the temperance party maintain that the existing public-house supply is sufficient  .... ....(part extract).....

  •  From The Cardiff Times 22nd June 1901

Senghenydd Disaster. CORONER'S INQUIRY, On Monday Mr E. B. Reece, coroner, resumed his inquiry into the circumstances attending the death of 81 miners at the recent explosion at the Universal Colliery, Senghenydd. The inquest was held in the club-room of the Gwernymilwr Hotel. The local arrangements were carried out by Sergeant Davies. Inspector Davies, Caerphilly, was also in attendance. The Rev. D. Roberts was foreman of the jury. The Universal Colliery Company was represented by Col. D. Rees Lewis, solicitor, Merthyr, Mr W. T. Rees,the managing director, and Mr Robert Rees, the agent, while Messrs Evan Thomas and Ben Davies, miners' agents, Tom John, and Ben Evans represented the miners. The Coroner said that all he intended doing that day was to complete the evidence of identification, and then adjourn the inquiry until the mines inspectors were ready with their report  .... ....(part extract).....

  •  From The Cardiff Times 29th June 1901

SENGHENYDD DISASTER. The Relief Fund. A meeting of the Senghenydd Relief Fund Committee was held on Monday at the Park Hotel, Cardiff, Mr W. Brace presiding. Mr Alfred Onions. the treasurer pro tern., reported that £353 17s I0d had been received to date. The following were appointed officials :—President, Mr Alfred Thomas, M.P. vice-presidents, the Mayor of Cardiff and Mr W. Abraham, M.P. secretary, Mr Thomas Richards treasurer, Mr Alfred Onions bankers, London and Provincial Bank, Senghenydd. The officials were instructed to prepare an appeal for funds, and it was decided to hold future meeting's of the committee at Cardiff. The treasurer of the South Wales Miners' Federation has received the following additional contributions to the Senghenydd Widows and Orphans' Relief Fund .... ....(part extract).....

  •  From The Cardiff Times 1st March 1902

Senghenydd Disaster, THE HOME OFFICE REPORT. COAL-DUST ORIGIN.  Greater Enemy Than Firedamp." On the day that the body of the last of the unfortunate victims of the Universal Colliery explosion was recovered the Home Office issued the official copy of the reports of this terrible disaster made to the Secretary of State for the Home Department by the experts engaged by them. The publication under notice consists of nearly 40 pages of letterpress, photographs, and plans, and includes the reports of Professor Galloway, Mr S. T. Evans, K.C., M.P., and Mr J. T. Robson, his Majesty's inspector of mines.


Professor Galloway in his report, which, it should be noted, was made prior to the inquest, remarks that

"as in the majority of explosions of this kind which sweep through every part of the mine, it is difficult to fix the actual starting point except by inference. The probability is, as I have already said, that the initial impulse was given by a blasting shot, but up to the present (11th July) nothing positive has transpired in regard to the firing of a shot at the instant the explosion took place."

Under the heading of Means of preventing coal dust explosiona," Professor Galloway sums up as follows

There are thus two methods of preventing the occurrence of great colliery explosions :—

1. To lay the dust by watering it. This precaution has been voluntarily adopted by many of the colliery owners in the South Wales coalfield, but as it is not made compulsory by Act of Parliament, and therefore cannot be enforced by the inspectors of mines, it appears to be frequently neglected, or done only perfunctorily, by some of the managers.

2. To employ dust-tight waggons filled only to the level of the upper edges of their sides, and, when a waggon containing coal is accidentaJIy overturned or coal is otherwise accidentally spilt on the roadway, to gather it up carefully and strew small stones over the place from which the coal has been lifted The existing regulation as to watering for 20 yards on each side of a shot-hole before firing the shot, if enforced under severe penalties, say £ 50 for each case in which it is neglected or carelessly carried out, is sufficient to prevent the ignition of coal dust by a blasting shot but as an additional security the distance might perhaps be extended to 30 yards in the direction towards which the shot-hole is pointing."

In conclusion Professor Galloway reviews the discoveries that were made during the last century regarding the cause and prevention of colliery explosions, and says —

" A coal-dust explosion may be originated by the disturbance and flame produced either by a small local explosion of fire-damp or by a blasting shot; but it appears to have been conclusively demonstrated that the latter has been, hitherto, by far the most prolific cause. The question, however, arises why so few explosions occur in dry and dusty mines in which so many shots are fired under, apparently, exactly the same conditions. The rational answer to this question appears to be that the mere rarity of the event establishes the fact that the condition which determines the occurrences of a coal-dust explosion is equally rarely present. It has, however, been proved bv experiment that shots charged with ordinary blasting powder or tamped with coal dust, as well as those fired in air containing 2 or 3 per cent. of fire-damp, produce a longer flame and thus more readily raise and ignite coal dust than those charged with shattering explosives of the nitro-glycerine or nitrate of ammonia type, tamped with incombustible matter, and fired in pure air.

It is, farther, apparent that if a mine is made damp or wet artificially a coal-dust explosion cannot occur in it whatever kind of explosive be used. Acting upon the knowledge so acquired, your predecessors at the Home Office have for some years past forbidden the use of long-flaming explosives and of coal-dust tamping, and have made it compulsory to lay the coal dust in a naturally dry and dusty mine by watering it for a distance of twenty yards on each side of a shot hole. There is every reason to suppose that the two first precautions are generally observed, but it is to be feared that the last, which is not so easily enforced as the two others, is frequently neglected."


Mr S. T. Evans divides his reports into several headings Regarding the shot-firing, Mr Evans observes

I think this operation ought to have been superintended from time to time by the manager or one of the overmen, in order to ascertain exactly how the work of watering was done, and to see that it was done carefully and thoroughly, and not. perfunctorily, The very fact of occasional supervision would have impressed upon those concerned the necessity for taking every reasonable precaution to secure the safe carrying out of this dangerous work."

The question of the coal dust in the main roads evokes from Mr Evans an expression of opinion that it is necessary to call public attention to the desirability and importance of taking all reasonable precautions for clearing not only the bottom of the roads, but also the sides and roof, where the finest and most easily-inflamed dust lodges, and of adopting proper systems of watering the dust regularly."

Mr Evans refers at length to the question of watering in the mine. and remarks that the pipes had not been laid sufficiently far into the mine. They had not been extended for 12 months past before the disaster, whereas they should be extended from time to time. At the time of the explosion they fell short of the proper distance in each direction by many hundreds of yards. In my opinion the provision for watering, beyond the watering by pipes during the day, was quite inadequate both by day and by night and those responsible for the management either had not duly appreciated the necessity of these precautions, or had failed to see that they were observed."

Mr Evans concludes his report with the following words

It appears to me to be most desirable that stricter regulations should be made for the control and use of explosives in mines, and for limiting as far as possible, or practicable, shot-firing during shifts and especially that provisions should be made for preventing the accumulation of coal dust. and for the regular and efficient watering of the roads, roofs, and sides in the main haulage and travelling ways in mines which are dry and dusty


Mr Robson, in the course of his report, writes

"From my own observations on the day of the explosion and subsequent days, I think it may be admitted that the floor of the roads had been kept fairly clean and free from accumulations of coal and coal dust, but I am decidedly of opinion that insufficient attention had been given to the coal dust on the sides and timbers, and that there must have been a considerable quantity of it to cause such a wide-spread explosion. There were abundant evidences that the explosion had reached every district of the mine. and, with certain exceptions, had passed through every working road and face."

As to the cause of the explosion Mr Robson says,

"I entirely agree with Professor Galloway that shot-firing is the most prolific cause of explosions in coal mines but I do not think a case of shot-firing has been made out in this instance. I also agree with him that, with the exception of some small lengths of roads and faces naturally damp or wet, the whole of the workings at the Universal were dry and dusty when the explosion occurred. Every witness who gave an opinion on the matter agreed that the explosion was carried on by coal dust."

It may be remembered that the jury in the rider to their verdict urged that the present pipes for watering should be extended, that the system of watering should be by some more complete method than is possible by casks, that fresh legislation should be framed dealing with the watering of mines, and that a correct record should be kept of all explosives issued, used, and returned.

Mr Robson concludes his report with comment upon these  recommendations in the following terms :—

"With reference to the recommendation first mentioned, Mr Gray thought that the water pipes should be extended at least as far as the engine planes reached, and I agree with him. The appliance referred to in their second recommendation is one sometimes used in mines, and which, resembling a street watering cart, spreads the water over a wider area., and to some extent wets the sides as well as the floor of roadways. The third point referred to by the jury, that there should be fresh legislation dealing with the watering of mines, is a highly important one. It is now universally admitted that coal dust is a greater enemy than even firedamp, yet it is undoubtedly a fact that sufficient attention is not always paid to the prevention of its accumulation, and, in my opinion, this can only be done by constant and efficient watering. With the final recommendation of the jury I entirely concur. The conveyance into the mine of detonators in the same receptacle as the explosive was, apparently a contravention of the Explosives in Coal Mines Order, but this had nothing whatever to do with the catastrophe."