


Cheriton - Gazetteers


A Topographical Dictionary of Wales by Samuel Lewis 1833

"CHERITON, a parish in the hundred of SWANSEA, county of GLAMORGAN, SOUTH WALES, 14 miles (W.) from Swansea, containing 242 inhabitants. This place, according to some, derived its name from the quantity of cherries abounding in the neighbourhood, and which formerly grew wild in the hedges. The village is agreeably situated near the confluence of the small river Burry with the Loughor, and is neat and of pleasing appearance. The living is a rectory, in the archdeaconry of Carmarthen, and diocese of St. David's, rated in the king's books at £9.7.3 1/2., and in the patronage of the Crown. The church, dedicated to St. Catwg, is a small but venerable edifice, consisting of a nave and chancel, between which rises a square embattled tower : the churchyard is bounded on one side by the Burry, which, falling into the Loughor, gives its name to that river from its influx to Loughor Ferry. There are some trifling remains of Boville, or Bove-hill castle, a small building, of which little more than the name is known. The average annual expenditure for the support of the poor is £31. 16."

A Topographical Dictionary of The Dominion of Wales by Nicholas Carlisle, London, 1811.

"CHERITON, in the Cwmwd of Gwyr, Cantref of Eginog (now called the Hundred of Swansea), Co. of GLAMORGAN, South Wales: a Rectory, valued in the King's Books at £9..7..3 1/2: Patron, The Lord Chancellor: Church dedicated to St.
Catwg.  The Resident Population of this Parish, in 1801, was 235.  The Money raised by the Parish Rates, in 1803, was £26..7..4 1/2, at 8 d. in the pound. It is 14 m. W. by N. from Swansea.  This Parish contains about 1000 acres of inclosed and cultivated Land, and about 1000 acres uncultivated and uninclosed. It is said to take its name from the quantity of wild Cherry Trees, which formerly grew in the hedges here.  It is in the Seigniory of Gwyr and Cil fa, and in the Lordship of Weobley.  It is pleasantly situate on the South bank of the River Burry, which produces some excellent Trout.  A small Rivulet, called the Burry River, runs at the bottom of the Church-yard: it takes its source in Cefn y Bryn, and flowing through the Parishes of Reynoldstone and Cheriton, empties itself a little below the Village of Cheriton, into the Lloughor or Bury River: The Loughor being called the Burry River, below Lloughor, from the circumstance of this little Rivulet emptying itself into it.  Small Craft come up this Rivulet, at Spring Tides, with Coals from Lloughor and Llan Elly, for the supply of the Country: there being no Coals found further to the Southward than near the Village of Llan Rhidian, where the Limestone then appears, and continues along the South Coast of Gower to the Mumble Point.  The Craft convey Limestone from Cheriton to Llougher, and the adjacent Country.  Limestone is also dug up and shipped off to the County of Devon, in every little Bay orCreek along the Coast, where a Vessel can with any safety moor herself, so as to take it in.  The general price of the Limestone, before it is shipped, is one shilling per ton, exclusive of shipping it, and the Lord's due of 2d., and in some places 1d. in each shilling is paid to the stone digger: the Dues are collected by a person appointed by each Lord of the Manor, and in some places bring in no inconsiderable Sum to them.  According to the Diocesan Report, in 1809, the yearly value of this Benefice, arising from Tythes, and Glebe Land, was £116..4..7.  The Harbour of Burry, according to Mr. Morris, is an excellent one, with about six feet at low water on the Bar, but very open to North Westerly winds: the Sand banks here are continually shifting, and great care ought to be taken of the Tail of the Hooper Sand-bank, which, at times, makes the Bar very narrow." [Last Updated : 12 April 2004   Gareth Hicks]