People I-L
NB. This is an INDEX- the photographs themselves are not available for viewing here.See introduction on first page
Iles, Derek, With Canton High School Rugby Teams, Team Photos, 1942-44, XXII-95/96 | Iles, J.Sansom, Baptist Minister, Baptist Union Assembly (Group Photo), 1924, XXXII-122 |
Imperato, Jack, Boxing Trainer, With Welsh ABA Schoolboy Champions, 1926, XXVI-132 | Imperial Wheelers Cycling Club, Annual Dinner, Group Photo, ---, 1940s, XXXVI-112 |
Impey, Ray, Russell United FC, Team Photo, Late 1940s, XXXVI-88 | Independent Order of Rechabites, Cardiff District No.58, Group Photo, ---, 1936, XVI-173 |
Ingram, G.C.S., Governor of National Museum of Wales, With Cardiff Hockey Club, 1907-08, XI-94 | Ingram, Noel, Leader of St.Edward's Church Youth Club, With Members, c1939, XXII-127/128 |
Ingram, Noel, Leader, St.Edward's Church Youth Club, 1940s, XI-154 | Inland Revenue, Kingsway Offices, Staff, Group Photo, Late 1950s, XXV-195 |
Inland revenue, Llanishen, Staff in Claims Branch, Group Photo, 1948, XVII-184 | Inland Revenue, Llanishen, Staff of Public Department 5, Group Photo, 1951, XXII-180 |
Insole Court, Llandaff, Air Raid Wardens, Group Photo, 1939-45, XIV-199 | Ireland, Garfield, Trumpet Player, With Capitol Sextet Dance Band, 1945, XV-100 |
Ireland, J.C., ARP Wardens (Post 211), Group Photo, 1944, XXXIV-114 | Ireland, Walter, Welsh Schoolboy Soccer Cap, Group Photo, 1914, XXXIV-144 |
Irvine, Mr., Teacher, With St.Patrick's School Soccer Team, 1925-26, V-117 | Irving, S., Cardiff City Footballer, FA Cup Winners Team Photo, 1927, IV-132 |
Irving, Sam, Cardiff City Footballer, FA Cup Winning Team (Informal Group), 1927, XXXIII-68 | Irving, Sammy, Cardiff City Footballer, Meeting King George V at FA Cup Final, 1927, XX-73 |
Irwin, Bill, Cardiff City Footballer, Team Photo, 1972, XIX-76 | Irwin, Bill, Cardiff City Footballer, Team Photo, 1973-74, XXVIII-74 |
Irwin, Sophia, Outside Irwin's Grocer's Shop, Crwys Road, c1900, XIII-53 | Irwin, Walter, Outside Irwin's Grocer's Shop, Crwys Road, c1900, XIII-53 |
Isaac, Alan, Moorland Road School, Group Photo, 1940, XXXIV-86 | Isaac, Tony, Moorland Road School, Group Photo, 1940, XXXIV-86 |
Ivins, D., Captain, Herbert Thompson School Under 13 Rugby XV(Team Photo), 1958-59, II-128 | Jack O'Brien's Locarnos Dance Band, Group Photo, ---, ---, 1949-50, XXII-114/115 |
Jackson, J.J., Director of Education, With School Board, 1903, XXXIII-162 | Jackson, Sir Charles James, 1849-1923, Photo of his House at Birchwood Grange, ---, XXXII-24 |
Jacobs, Benny, Boxing Manager, With Phil Edwards, 1950s, V-101 | James Howells, Annual Staff Dance, park Hotel, Group Photo, 1930, XVII-57 |
James Howells, Annual Staff Outing, Group Photo, ---, 1936, XVII-56 | James, A.A., Bell Ringer at St.John's Church, Group Photo, 1917, XXVI-143 |
James, A.E., Captain, Llandaff RFC (Team Photo), 1925-26, XXIV-90 | James, Benny, Trumpet Player, With Langdon Doidge Orchestra, 1960s, XV-105 |
James, Billy, Cardiff City Footballer, Returning from Japanese POW Camp, 1945, I-134 | James, Billy, Cardiff City Footballer, Team Photo, 1940-41, VI-132 |
James, Billy, Cardiff City Footballer, With All Stars Team at Charity Match, 1958, III-165 | James, Billy, Cardiff City Footballer, With Cardiff Corinthians Amateur Team, 1937-38, X-142 |
James, Billy, Cardiff City Footballer, With Cardiff Corinthians, 1937, XXIV-98 | James, Billy, Cardiff City Footballer, With Moorland Road School Cricket Team, 1936, XXXIV-145 |
James, Billy, Cardiff City Footballer, With Moorland Road School Team, 1935, VII-150 | James, Billy, Cardiff City Footballer, With Moorland Road School Cricket Team, 1935, XXXIII-98 |
James, Billy, Footballer, With Moorland Road and Swansea Street Teams, 1930s, V-122/123 | James, Billy, With Bobby Tobin, Rookwood Hospital, 1980, XVI-69 |
James, Billy, With Cardiff Boys, Team Photo, 1936, IV-141 | James, Billy, With Cardiff City Team, Billy James Benefit, 1950, XVI-68 |
James, Billy, With Cardiff Schoolboys Football Team, Team Photo, 1935, XVI-67 | James, E., Ely British Legion Club, Sick Club Committee, 1940-41, XXXV-72 |
James, E., Headmaster of Canton Municipal Secondary School, With Rugby Team, 1923-24, XXI-91 | James, Elwyn, Headmaster of Canton High School, With Rugby Teams, 1942-44, XXII-95/96 |
James, Eric, Coach, Rhydypenau Junior School Baseball Team, 1974, XXXV-102 | James, Eric, Teacher at Glan-yr-Afon Junior School, With Swimming Team, 1966, XXXV-105 |
James, Eric, Teacher at Rhydypenau Junior School, With Class 4, 1957-58, XXXV-171 | James, Evelyn, Accompanist, Canton Juvenile Choir (Group Photo), 1936-37, XVIII-111 |
James, Family, Oakfield Street, On Bicycle Ride, 1912, XI-132 | James, J.Elwyn, Headmaster of Canton High School, With Staff, 1948, XVIII-151 |
James, J.Elwyn, Headmaster of Canton High School, With Staff, 1947-48, XXVII-149 | James, John, Canton High School Form 5 Science, Class Photo, 1940, XXVII-147 |
James, Mr., Teacher at Radnor Road Boys' School, With Standard 2A, 1926, XXII-142 | James, Mrs., Outside her Corner Shop, Hunter Street, ---, XXVIII-43 |
James, R., Ely British Legion Club, Sick Club Committee, 1940-41, XXXV-72 | James, Trevor, Sax Player, With Eddie Graves Orchestra, 1950s, XVI-119 |
James, W. Inglis, Baptist Minister, Baptist Union Assembly (Group Photo), 1924, XXXII-122 | James, W., Cardiff City Footballer, Team Photo, 1940-41, I-133 |
James, William, Name on Clive Road Hall Roll of Honour, KIA, 1914-18, XXIX-144 | Jarrold, Cec, Headmaster of Pentrebane Junior School, With Baseball Team, 1974, XXXV-102 |
Jarrold, Tom, Headmaster of Pentrebane School, With Teaching Staff, 1968, XXXIV-98 | Jarvis, 'Colonel' Charles, Sandwich Board Man, Portrait, 1944, XI-48 |
Jarvis, Charles, 'Lord Sandwich', Advertising Outside Castle, c1940, V-48 | Jellings, R., Cardiff Rugby Player, Team Photo, 1910-11, XIII-143 |
Jenkins, ---, Cardiff City Footballer, Team Photo, 1933-34, IX-138 | Jenkins, Alfred, Secretary of Cardiff Rowing Club, Portrait, ---, XXVII-92 |
Jenkins, B., Cardiff & District Darts League, Committee and Officers, 1973, XXVIII-125 | Jenkins, Brian, Cardiff City Footballer, Group Photo, 1959, XXXI-105 |
Jenkins, Brian, Cardiff City Footballer, In Action against Sheffield United, 1959, XXXI-104 | Jenkins, Charlie, Ninian Park County Secondary Soccer Team, Team Photo, 1966-67, XXX-111 |
Jenkins, D., ARP Wardens (Post 211), Group Photo, 1944, XXXIV-114 | Jenkins, D.W., Name on Clive Road Hall Roll of Honour, ---, 1914-18, XXIX-144 |
Jenkins, Dai, Dalton Street Cathays, Senghennydd Pit Disaster Funeral, 1913, II-212 | Jenkins, David John, Optician, On 100th Birthday, 1974, XXXI-205 |
Jenkins, E.J.H., ARP Wardens (Post 211), Group Photo, 1944, XXXIV-114 | Jenkins, Evan, Baptist Minister, Baptist Union Assembly (Group Photo), 1924, XXXII-122 |
Jenkins, G., ARP Wardens (Post 211), Group Photo, 1944, XXXIV-114 | Jenkins, G., Cardiff RFC 75th Anniversary, Cardiff v GB Team Photo, 1951, XXVI-103 |
Jenkins, Gwyn, Entertainer, ---, 1950s, XXXI-131 | Jenkins, Idris, Puppeteer, With Marionette Show, 1950s, XXXI-127/128/129 |
Jenkins, Ivor, Captain, Adamsdown School Soccer Team, 1949-50, XXXIV-140 | Jenkins, J.E., Trainer, Cardiff Schools Football League (Team Photo), 1947-48, III-163 |
Jenkins, John, Teacher at Radnor Road School, With Standard 7, XXX-170 | Jenkins, Mr.& Mrs, S.C., Outside Rose and Crown, Millicent Street, c1936, VIII-57/58 |
Jenkins, Mr.& Mrs. Ralph, 55 Conway Road, On Bike and Sidecar, c1911, XVIII-1 | Jenkins, Richard, Sports Master at Metal Street School, With Soccer Team, 1942-43, XXVIII-85 |
Jenkins, Russell, Captain, Cardiff High School Old Boys RFC, 1961-62, XI-82 | Jenkins, Sgt., Welsh Guards Quartermaster, Outside Recruiting HQ, 1914-18, XIII-192 |
Jenkins, T., Member, Canton Liberal Institute Male Voice Choir, 1922, III-176 | Jenkins, Tom, Dalton Street Cathays, Senghennydd Pit Disaster Funeral, 1913, II-212 |
Jenkins, Trevor, With Windsor-Clive School Football Team, Team Photo, 1930s, II-138 | Jenkins, W.J., Teacher, Radnor Road School, 1938, VI-137 |
Jennings, ---, Cardiff City Footballer, Team Photo, 1928-29, XVIII-74 | Jennings, Bill, Cardiff City Manager, Squad Photo, 1937-38, VII-142 |
Jennings, Freda, (now Mrs.Brooks), At Moorland Road Girls' School, 1933, XXIX-178 | Jennings, Gladys, At Moorland Road Girls' School, ---, 1933, XXIX-178 |
Jennings, Gwyn, Train Driver, With Loco 92003 at Cardiff General, 1961, XXI-133 | Jensen, George, Byways Road Cycle Club, With Ted Williams, ---, 1950, XXXVI-106 |
Jensen, George, Cyclist, Group Photo, 1951, XXXVI-111 | Jerusalem Chapel, Splott, Sunday School Class, Group Photo, Early 1900s, IV-86 |
Jewell, Margaret, Teacher at St.German's Metal Street School, Christmas Party, 1939, XXXIV-89 | Jewell, Mrs., Teacher at Lansdowne Road Boys' School, With Standard 4, 1919, XXI-159 |
Jewell, W.A., University College, Staff Cricket Team, 1965, XXVIII-115 | Joan's Fashion Shop, 37 Queen Street, Staff, Group Photo, 1940s, XXXVI-38 |
Joe Gregory's Accordion Band, Group Photo, ---, ---, 1930s, VIII-192 | John Bland & Co., Timber Merchants, Annual Charabanc Outing, Group, 2 July 1927, XV-207 |
John Bland & Co., Timber Merchants, Employees on Charabanc Outing from Canton, ---, 1920s, XV-206 | John Morgan (Builders) Ltd., Directors and Staff, Group Photo, ---, 1948, XXX-63 |
John Williams & Sons, Staff, Centenary Celebrations in Heath Park, ---, 1944, XIII-93/94 | John Williams & Sons, Staff, Departing for Annual Welfare Outing, Group Photo, 1955, XII-62 |
John Williams Soccer XI, Cardiff & District League, Team Photo, ---, 1929-30, VI-147 | John, Betty, Guide Commissioner for Cardiff and East Glamorgan, On Parade, 1977, XXX-189 |
John, Bill, Headmaster of Gladstone School, With Pupils on Sports Day, c1949, XVIII-185 | John, Bob, Cardiff City Footballer, Team Photo, 1950-51, XVIII-71 |
John, Dai, With Maintenance Staff at East Moors Works, Group Photo, 1945, XXIX-45 | John, Dilwyn, Cardiff City Footballer, Team Photo, 1964, XXVI-114 |
John, Dilwyn, Footballer, With Ninian Hotspurs (Team Photo), 1968, XXXI-117 | John, E.Roy, Cardiff RFC 75th Anniversary, Cardiff v GB Team Photo, 1951, XXVI-103 |
John, Edna, Sunday School Queen, Victoria Baptist Church, 1938, XXVII-140 | John, Richard, County Clerk, Group Photo at Pengam Aerodrome, 1948, XXXI-99 |
John, Sir Goscombe, Receiving the Freedom of the City, City Hall, 1936, VIII-212 | John, W.J., Headmaster of Gladstone Boys' School, With Staff, 1948, XXVI-167 |
Johnson, I., ARP Wardens (Post 211), Group Photo, 1944, XXXIV-114 | Johnson, I.V., Chairman, Avenue Villa FC Ely (Team Photo), 1946, XXXI-109 |
Johnson, Jack, Bass Player, With Ricardi Band in Kennard Rooms, c1950, XV-104 | Johnson, Jeff, With Welsh Schoolboys Soccer Players, Group Photo, 1969, XXIV-94 |
Johnson, M., CIACS Rugby Team, Team Photo, 1967, XXVII-86 | Johnson, M., Secretary, Avenue Villa FC Ely (Team Photo), 1946, XXXI-109 |
Johnson, T.A., ARP Wardens (Post 211), Group Photo, 1944, XXXIV-114 | Johnson, W., Cricketer, Heath Cricket Club Team Photo, 1910, V-108 |
Johnston, Stuart, Teacher at King's College, With Form 3A, 1961, XXVIII-160 | Johnstone, Lionel, Postmaster, With GPO Controlling Officers, 1920s, XXVII-181 |
Johnstone, T., Captain, Avenue Villa FC Ely (Team Photo), 1946, XXXI-109 | Joliffe, W.C., Headmaster of Ninian Park School, With Rugby Team, 1924-25, XXI-92 |
Jonas, Tommy, Captain, Moorland Road School Soccer Team (Team Photo), 1943-44, X-146 | Jonas, Tommy, With Moorland Road School Football Team, Team Photo, 1942, XXXI-111 |
Jones Davies, Mrs.Enid, Headmistress of Welsh Language Primary School, ---, 1949, XXVII-163 | Jones, A., Western Welsh Ely Works Soccer Team, Team Photo, 1951-52, XXIX-91 |
Jones, Bill, Cardiff City Manager, Team Photo, 1959-60, XXXIV-126 | Jones, Bill, Cardiff City Manager, Team Photo, 1960, XXII-71 |
Jones, Bob, Cardiff City Footballer, Squad Photo, 1937-38, VII-142 | Jones, Bryn, Cardiff City Footballer, Welsh Soccer Sixes Winning Team, 1968, XXXIII-78 |
Jones, C.F., Captain, Monkton House Rugby XV (Team Photo), 1937-38, IX-117 | Jones, Cliff, Cardiff City Police, As Child at Wood Street Infants' School, 1926, XXVII-171 |
Jones, Cliff, Rugby Player, Action Portrait, pre 1939, VIII-152 | Jones, Colwyn, Boys' Brigade, Relay Team Carrying Jubilee Message to George V, 1935, I-193 |
Jones, Councillor H., Treasurer of Temperance and Band of Hope Union, Portrait, ---, XXII-107 | Jones, D., Deputy Conductor, Canton Liberal Institute Male Voice Choir, 1922, III-176 |
Jones, David, Alderman, Portrait, ---, XXXII-177 | Jones, E., Name on Clive Road Hall Roll of Honour, ---, 1914-18, XXIX-144 |
Jones, E., Western Welsh Ely Works Soccer Team, Team Photo, 1951-52, XXIX-91 | Jones, E.Claude, Deputy Chief Warden, Presenting Cheque for Burma Appeal, 1945, XXXIV-121 |
Jones, E.H., Central Reference Library, On Retirement, 1972, XXXV-200 | Jones, E.T.R., Alderman, On Holiday with Scout Group, 1939, XXXVI-179 |
Jones, Emrys, Headmaster of King's College, With Form 5 (Class Photo), 1951, XIV-161 | Jones, Ernie, International Footballer, Playing Table Soccer with Welsh Stars, 1946, XXIX-78 |
Jones, F., Welsh Baseball Team, Team Photo, 1938, XXXIV-151 | Jones, Frederick, Lord Mayor of Cardiff, At Desk with Town Clerk, 1944, XXXI-172 |
Jones, Frederick, Lord Mayor of Cardiff, Coal & Shipping Exchange (Group Photo), 1943, V-80 | Jones, Frederick, Lord Mayor of Cardiff, Portrait, 1943-44, XXXIII-206 |
Jones, G.H. Member, Canton Liberal Institute Male Voice Choir, 1922, III-176 | Jones, Gareth, Choirmaster, Albany Road Baptist Church Choir (Group Photo), 1948, XIX-126 |
Jones, Gil, Snooker Champion, With Trophies, 1949, XXI-60/63 | Jones, Gil, With British Railways Snooker Team, Team Photo, 1949, XXI-61 |
Jones, Glyn, Western Welsh Welfare Secretary, With Ely Works Soccer Team, 1954, XXXIV-136 | Jones, Granville, Teacher at Gabalfa Junior School, With Soccer Team, 1966-67, XXIII-59 |
Jones, Gwladys, Employee at East Moors Aircraft Factory, Group Photo, 1914, XXX-66 | Jones, Gwladys, now Mrs.Westaway, With Workers' Union Committee, 1921, XVII-182 |
Jones, H., Cardiff City Footballer, Team Photo, 1940-41, I-133 | Jones, H., Secretary, Canton Liberal Institute Male Voice Choir, 1922, III-176 |
Jones, Hamilton, Teacher at Radnor Road School, With Standard 4A, 1933, XXXII-152 | Jones, Hubert, Teacher at Radnor Road School, With Pupils, c1937, XX-151 |
Jones, Iorwerth, Lord Mayor of Cardiff, Presenting Bute Dowry, 1977, XXXIV-206 | Jones, Iorwerth, Lord Mayor of Cardiff, With Lord Mayor of London, 1977, XXXIV-205 |
Jones, Ivor, Teacher at Moorland Road School, With Sports Trophies and Pupils, 1938, I-141 | Jones, J.D., Teacher at Whitchurch Grammar School, With Form 3G, c1940, XXXVI-158 |
Jones, J.I., Teacher at Moorland Road School, With Soccer Team, 1928-29, XXXV-95 | Jones, J.Ivor, Teacher at Moorland Road School, With Cricket Team, 1939, XXXV-103 |
Jones, J.Meredith, Baptist Minister, Baptist Union Assembly (Group Photo), 1924, XXXII-122 | Jones, J.W., Bell Ringer at St.Augustine's Rumney, Group Photo, 1911, XXVI-142 |
Jones, Jimmy, Cardiff City Footballer, Team Photo on Tour in Prague, 1924, XXI-46 | Jones, Ken, Cardiff City Footballer, Team Close Up, 1950s, XXXIV-125 |
Jones, Ken, Cardiff City Footballer, Team Photo, 1958, XXXI-103 | Jones, Ken, Cardiff City Footballer, Team Photo, 1972, XIX-76 |
Jones, Ken, Cardiff RFC 75th Anniversary, Cardiff v GB Team Photo, 1951, XXVI-103 | Jones, L., Cardiff City Footballer, Team Photo, 1930-31, IX-137 |
Jones, L., Cardiff City Footballer, Team Photo, 1933-34, IX-138 | Jones, L., Cricketer, Heath Cricket Club Team Photo, 1910, V-108 |
Jones, Laurie, Canton Wesleyan Cricket Club, Team Photo, 1935, XXXIII-89 | Jones, Leslie, Barry Town Footballer, With Cardiff Teacher Training College FC, 1948-49, X-143 |
Jones, Leslie, Cardiff City Footballer, Team Photo, 1929-30, IX-136 | Jones, Lewis, Cardiff RFC 75th Anniversary, Cardiff v GB Team Photo, 1951, XXVI-103 |
Jones, Lewis, Tending Kitchen Garden, Roath Court, 1920s, XXVI-25 | Jones, Lorraine, Burroughs Business School Instructress, Group Photo, 1951, XXX-61 |
Jones, Luther, Baptist Minister, Baptist Union Assembly (Group Photo), 1924, XXXII-122 | Jones, Malcolm 'Mac', Weddel & Co. Meat Importers, With Display, 1960s, XXXVI-42 |
Jones, Marilyn, Pupil, Herbert Thompson Secondary Modern School, c1955, XIX-159 | Jones, Maude, Landlady of City Arms in Quay Street, Christmas Party, 1980, XXXI-203 |
Jones, Maude, Pub Licensee, With Other Pub Landladies, 1960, XXVII-48 | Jones, Miss V., Form Teacher, Cathays High School, 1952, VI-89 |
Jones, Mr., Teacher at Herbert Thompson School, With Standard 4, 1931, XVIII-180 | Jones, Mrs.Gil, At Opening of Spastics Day Centre, Cyncoed Road, 1966, XXIII-177/178 |
Jones, Mrs.Glyn, Rangers Leader, With 44th St.German's Group, 1941, XXXV-181 | Jones, P., Western Welsh Paint Shop Apprentice, With Parcels Service Van, 1967, XXXIII-116 |
Jones, P.A. Christmas, Baptist Minister, Baptist Union Assembly (Group Photo), 1924, XXXII-122 | Jones, Percy, Boys' Brigade, Relay Team Carrying Jubilee Message to George V, 1935, I-193 |
Jones, R., Cardiff and Wales Schoolboy Footballer, Gladstone School Team Photo, 1916, I-137 | Jones, R.A., Headmaster of Waterhall School, With Staff (Group Photo), 1961, X-128 |
Jones, R.B., Headmaster of Ninian Park High School, With Staff, 1948, IX-93 | Jones, R.T., Welsh Schoolboy Soccer Cap, With Moorland Road School Team, 1938-39, XXXIV-143 |
Jones, Ralph, Herbert Thompson School, Boxing Team, 1947, XXXIII-86 | Jones, Reg, Projectionist, Olympia Cinema, 1916, IV-197 |
Jones, Reg, Sax Player, With Langdon Doidge Orchestra, 1960s, XV-105 | Jones, Rev.D., St.Michael's Church, With Youth Club, 1956, XXVI-152 |
Jones, Richard, Taff Vale Railway, Portrait, ---, V-194 | Jones, Richard, TVR Foreman, With Guards Van Bearing his Name, 1900, V-193 |
Jones, Ron, Captain, Canton Corries FC, 1946-47, XII-85 | Jones, Ron, Olympic Sprinter, With Blue Dragons Rugby League Team, 1981, XXVII-81 |
Jones, Russell, Teacher at Canton High School, With Class 2C, 1943, XXXV-151 | Jones, S., Western Welsh, Ely Works Soccer Team, 1954, XXXIV-136 |
Jones, Samuel, Baptist Minister, Baptist Union Assembly (Group Photo), 1924, XXXII-122 | Jones, Sidney "Snowy", With Moorland Road School Soccer Team, Team Photo, 1921-22, II-136 |
Jones, T., Boxer, Welsh ABA Champions Group Photo, 1935, V-99 | Jones, T., Saintwell Rovers FC, Team Photo, 1950-51, XXXIV-134 |
Jones, T., St.Patrick's Baseball Team, Team Photo, 1953, XXX-120 | Jones, T.J., Baptist Minister, Baptist Union Assembly (Group Photo), 1924, XXXII-122 |
Jones, Thomas George, Grangetown, Queens Hotel Coach Driver, Early 1900s, VII-45 | Jones, Tommy, International Footballer, Playing Table Soccer with Welsh Stars, 1946, XXIX-78 |
Jones, W. Samuel, Headmaster of Whitchurch Boys' School, With Pupils, 1920s, XXIX-181 | Jones, W., Cardiff Schools Football Team, Team Photo, 1947-48, III-163 |
Jones, W., Marlborough Road School Soccer Team, Team Photo, 1904, XXXII-93 | Jones, W.W., Headmaster of Grange Council School, With Staff, 1948, IX-92 |
Jones, W.W., Teacher at Eleanor Street School, With Soccer Team (Team Photo), 1924-25, XI-66 | Jones, Willie, Glamorgan Cricketer, Team Photo, 1952, XXIV-65 |
Jones, Windsor, Standard 3A, Radnor Road School, 1933, XXX-169 | Jones, Wyndham, Conductor, Curran Choral Society (Group Photo), 1939-45, III-177 |
Jones, Wyndham, Conductor, Curran Choral Society (Group Photo), c1942, XX-118 | Joseph Lucas Ltd., Penarth Road Depot, Workshop Employees, Group Photo, 1936, IX-51 |
Joseph Lucas Ltd., Penarth Road, Employees, Group Photo, 1940, VIII-65 | Joshua, G.L., Teacher at Moorland Road School, Soccer Team, 1928-29, XXXV-95 |
Joslin, P., Cardiff City Footballer, Team Photo, 1948-49, II-113 | Joslin, Phil, Cardiff City Footballer, Group Photo, 1949-50, XXXVI-86 |
Joslin, Phil, Cardiff City Footballer, Group Photo, 1952, I-135 | Joslin, Phil, Cardiff City Footballer, Team Photo, 1948-49, XI-62 |
Joslin, Phil, Cardiff City Footballer, Team Photo, 1949-50, X-139 | Joslin, Phil, Cardiff City Footballer, Team Photo, 1949-50, XVIII-73 |
Joslin, Phil, Cardiff City Footballer, Team photo, 1949, XXIX-74 | Joslin, Phil, Cardiff City Footballer, Team Photo, 1950-51, XVIII-71 |
Joslin, Phil, Cardiff City Footballer, Training at Matlock, 1949, XI-63 | Joslin, Phil, Cardiff City Footballer, With Alf Sherwood, ---, XVI-66 |
Joslin, Phil, Cardiff City Footballer, With Team Mates on Cardiff General Station, 1949, XXV-99 | Joslin, Phil, Cardiff City Goalkeeper, Action Portrait, 1950, XXIII-47 |
Joslin, Phil, Cardiff City Goalkeeper, Action Shot, 1949, XXIII-45 | Joslin, Phil, Cardiff City Goalkeeper, Profile and Action Shots, 1948-51, XXX-97/98 |
Judd, S., Cardiff RFC 75th Anniversary, Cardiff v GB Team Photo, 1951, XXVI-103 | Judd, Sid, Cardiff & Wales Rugby Player, With Cardiff High School Athletics Team, 1944-45, XXI-74 |
Judd, Sid, Cardiff RFC, Coming on to Pitch with Team, 1951, XXV-110 | Judd, Sid, Cardiff RFC, With Jack Matthews, ---, XXVI-100 |
Judd, Sid, Rugby Player, With Cardiff High School Rugby Team, 1946-47, XVI-100 | Julian, Jack, Musician, Group Photo, 1940, V-142 |
Julian, Jack, Trumpeter, With Dance Bands, 1930s, V-140/141 | Jupp, C.J., Cecil Confectionery, Whitchurch, 1920s, XVIII-62 |
Karagianis, Ted, Swimmer and Water Polo International, Portrait, ---, XIX-66 | Kaseras, Alex, Opthalmic Surgeon, With Howard Gardens High Form 1B, 1946-47, XXVII-153 |
Kearon, Frank, Ely Rovers FC, Team Photo, 1948, XXIV-112 | Keeley, Jack, St.Margaret's Church Choir, Group Photo, 1928, XXIX-142 |
Keeley, Leo, Boxer, As Schoolboy at Grange Council School, 1932, V-157 | Keeley, Steve, Cardiff Boxer, Group Photo in Limerick, 1934, XV-71 |
Keenor Fred, Cardiff City Footballer, Action Shot, October 1925, VII-141 | Keenor, ---, Cardiff City Footballer, Team Photo, 1928-29, XVIII-74 |
Keenor, F., Cardiff City Captain, FA Cup Winners Team Photo, 1927, IV-132 | Keenor, F., Cardiff City Footballer, City Hall Reception for Reaching FA Cup Final, 1925, I-131 |
Keenor, F.C., Cardiff City Footballer, Team Photo, 1939, III-155 | Keenor, Fred, Cardiff City Captain, Descending from Royal Box with FA Cup, 1927, XIV-63 |
Keenor, Fred, Cardiff City Footballer, Birmingham, 18 Sep 1920, XV-86 | Keenor, Fred, Cardiff City Footballer, Captaining FA Cup Winning Side, 1927, II-101-103 |
Keenor, Fred, Cardiff City Footballer, Displaying FA Cup with Team Mates, 1927, V-134 | Keenor, Fred, Cardiff City Footballer, Dressing Room Celebrations for FA Cup Win, 1927, XXI-45 |
Keenor, Fred, Cardiff City Footballer, FA Cup Winning Team (Informal Group), 1927, XXXIII-68 | Keenor, Fred, Cardiff City Footballer, Meeting King George V at FA Cup Final, 1927, XX-73 |
Keenor, Fred, Cardiff City Footballer, Portrait, ---, I-127 | Keenor, Fred, Cardiff City Footballer, Southampton, 1914-1915, XV-85 |
Keenor, Fred, Cardiff City Footballer, Team Photo on Tour in Prague, 1924, XXI-46 | Keenor, Fred, Cardiff City Footballer, Team Photo, 1920-21, VI-133 |
Keenor, Fred, Cardiff City Footballer, Team Photo, 1922-23, VII-143 | Keenor, Fred, Cardiff City Footballer, Team Photo, 1929-30, IX-136 |
Keenor, Fred, Cardiff City Footballer, Team Photo, 1930-31, IX-137 | Keenor, Fred, Cardiff City Footballer, Visiting Stacey Junior School, 1969, XVI-70 |
Keenor, Fred, Cardiff City Footballer, With Ernie Curtis and FA Cup, 1927, XXXV-73 | Keenor, Fred, Cardiff City Footballer, With Fred Stansfield, 1947, XIII-129 |
Keenor, Fred, Cardiff City Footballer, With Stacey Road School Team, 1907, XXXII-94 | Keggans, H., Cardiff City Footballer, Team Photo, 1939, III-155 |
Keir, James, Jeweller, Outside Shop in Castle Arcade, c1900, XX-37 | Keir, Jim, Severn Road Boys' School, Soccer Team (Team Photo), 1900-01, XX-77 |
Kelleher, Eddie, Milkman, With Horse Drawn Milk Cart in Portmanmoor Road, 1950s, XX-48 | Kellock, Billy, Cardiff City Footballer, Team Photo, 1972, XIX-76 |
Kelly, A., Delivery Man for Dale Forty Piano Shop, With Delivery Vehicle, c1920, IV-72 | Kelly, A., Delivery Man for Dale Forty Piano Shop, With Motor Bike, 1922, IV-74 |
Kelly, Des, Welsh Schoolboy Rugby Cap, With Radnor Road Soccer Team, 1930-31, XIX-77 | Kelso, J., Cardiff City Footballer, Group Photo, 1939, II-106 |
Kelso, Jim, Cardiff City Footballer, Team Photo, 1939, III-154 | Kemp, Spencer, Cardiff City Administrator, With Air Raid Wardens (Group Photo), 1939-45, XIV-199 |
Kemp, Spencer, With 'Tea Gang' at Whitsun Treat, St.John's Canton, 1932, IV-85 | Kendall, Maria, Headmistress of Howell's School, With Boarders, ---, XXIV142/143 |
Kendell, Eddie, Driving Horse and Trap, Cardiff Horse Society Show, 1965, XXX-132 | Kendrick, R.E., Headmaster of Viriamu Jones School, With Netball Team, 1954-55, XXVII-95 |
Kendrick, R.E., Headmaster of Viriamu Jones Secondary Modern, With Soccer Team, 1954, XXVII-77 | Kennard Rooms Orchestra, Group Photo, ---, ---, 1950s, XXIV-129 |
Kennard, Eve, Rhiwbina Recreation Club, Ladies' Table Tennis B Team, 1950s, XXV-130 | Kennedy, G., ARP Wardens (Post 211), Group Photo, 1944, XXXIV-114 |
Kennedy, Gerald, St.David's RC School, Group Photo, 1930-32, XXIV-187/189 | Kennedy, William, St.David's RC School, Group Photo, 1931, XXIV-188 |
Kent, Robert, Cardiff City Footballer, Welsh Soccer Sixes Winning Team, 1968, XXXIII-78 | Kerrigan, James, Lord Mayor of Cardiff, Visiting St.David's Hospital, 1949, XXIII-184 |
Kerswill, T., Ely British Legion Club, Sick Club Committee, 1940-41, XXXV-72 | Kestrell, Alby, Sparring with Brother Doug, Outside Cross Inn Gabalfa, ---, III-171/172 |
Kestrell, Doug, Boxer, Portrait, 1935, III-169 | Kestrell, Doug, Boxer, With Arthur Danahar, 1938, III-170 |
Kestrell, Frank, Watching Brothers Alby and Doug, Outside Cross Inn Gabalfa, ---, III-171/172 | Kidner, Terry, Pyrene Company, At Work, 1962, XXVI-95 |
King, Brian, Fairwater Institute Table Tennis Club, With Walter Sweetland, 1952, XXV-131 | King, J.T.T., Headmaster of Lansdowne Road School, With Soccer Team, 1925, XXVII-75 |
King, J.T.T., Headmaster of Lansdowne Road School, With Staff, 1920s, XXVII-164 | King, John, Fairwater Institute Table Tennis Club, With Walter Sweetland, 1952, XXV-131 |
King, Lionel, Llandaff RFC, Team Photo, 1949-50, XXVIII-99 | King, Peter, Cardiff City Footballer, Team Photo, 1964, XXVI-114 |
King, Peter, Cardiff City Footballer, Team Photo, 1967-68, XXVII-64 | King, Peter, Cardiff City Footballer, Team Photo, 1971, XXVI-119 |
King, Peter, Cardiff City Footballer, Team Photo, 1972, XIX-76 | King, Peter, Cardiff City Footballer, Team Photo, 1973-74, XXVIII-74 |
King's College, Form 2B, Class Photo, ---, 1956, XXVI-155 | King's College, Form 3A, Class Photo, ---, 1961, XXVIII-160 |
King's College, Pupils, Group Photo, ---, 1945-46, XVIII-159 | King's College, Wordsworth Avenue, Form 5, Class Photo, 1951, XIV-161 |
King's College, Wordsworth Avenue, Pupils, Group Photo, 1952, XVI-143 | Kingman, Owen, Police Instructor, With Police Recruits, 1937, XXI-183 |
Kingston, B., Victoria Park Bowling Club, Team Photo, 1949, XXIII-88 | Kinnerley, Aubrey, Teacher, With Adamsdown School Soccer Team, 1925-26, V-119 |
Kinnimouth, P.W., Touch Judge, Cardiff RFC v GB Team Photo, 1951, XXVI-103 | Kitchener Junior School, Headmaster and Staff, Group Photo, ---, 1954, XVI-164 |
Kitchener Junior School, Pupils, Class Photo, ---, c1952, XXXI-156 | Kitchener Road Boys' School, Form 1, Class Photo, ---, 1945, XXVII-159 |
Kitchener Road Boys' School, Soccer Team, Team Photo, ---, 1929-30, IX-144 | Kitchener Road Boys' School, Standard 1, Class Photo, ---, c1927, IX-69 |
Kitchener Road Girls' School, Class 2, Class Photo, ---, 1938-39, XXV-168 | Kitchener Road Girls' School, Pupils, Class Photo, ---, April 1924, XXXI-155 |
Kitchener Road Girls' School, Pupils, Group Photo, ---, 1920, XV-163 | Kitchener Road Girls' School, Standard 7, Class Photo, ---, 1933, IX-71 |
Kitchener Road Infants' School, Pupils at Desks, Group Photo, ---, 1926, XII-161 | Kitchener Road Infants' School, Pupils, Group Photo, ---, 1955, XV-164 |
Kitchener Road Infants' School, Pupils, Group Photo, ---, 1925, III-109 | Kitchener Road Infants' School, Pupils, Group Photo, ---, 1931, XIX-148 |
Kitchener Road Infants' School, Pupils, group Photo, ---, 1933-34, XXX-178 | Kitchener Road Infants' School, Pupils, Group Photo, 1938, XIII-180 |
Kitchener Road Infants' School, Standard 1B, Class Photo, ---, 1929, XII-159 | Kitchener Road Junior School, Pupils, Group Photo, ---, 1955, IV-108 |
Kitchener Road Junior School, Pupils, Group Photo, ---, 1952-53, XXVIII-171 | Kitchener Road Junior School, Pupils, Group Photo, ---, 1956, XXVIII-172 |
Kitchener Road Junior School, Standard 4, Class Photo, ---, 1961, XXVII-162 | Kitchener Road School, Class 2B, Class Photo, ---, c1943, XXII-138 |
Kitchener Road School, Infants, Class Photo, ---, 1942, X-120 | Kitchener Road School, Infants, group Photo, ---, 1956, XXVII-161 |
Kitchener Road School, Infants' Class, Class Photo, ---, c1925, XVII-158 | Kitchener Road School, Infants' Class, Class Photo, ---, c1943, XXII-137 |
Kitchener Road School, Infants' Class, Class Photo, ---, c1926-27, XXII-139 | Kitchener Road School, Infants' Class, Class Photo, ---, 1920s, XXXIII-177 |
Kitchener Road School, Infants' Classes, Class Photos, ---, 1939, XXXI-150/151 | Kitchener Road School, Older Boys, Class Photo, ---, May 1948, XXXI-153 |
Kitchener Road School, Pupils, Class Photo, ---, 1931, XXXI-154 | Kitchener Road School, Pupils, Group Photo, ---, 1927, VI-95 |
Kitchener Road School, Pupils, Group Photo, ---, 1925, XVII-159 | Kitchener Road School, Pupils, Group Photo, ---, 1922, XVIII-174 |
Kitchener Road School, Pupils, Group Photo, ---, 1925-26, XIX-147 | Kitchener Road School, Pupils, Group Photo, 1933, ---, III-110 |
Kitchener Road School, Soccer Team, Team Photo, ---, 1954-55, XI-68 | Kitchener Road School, Soccer Team, Team Photo, ---, 1930-31, XVII-113 |
Kitchener Road School, Soccer Team, Team Photo, Seager Cup Finalists, 1939-40, XI-67 | Kitchener Road School, Standard 1, Class Photo, ---, 1939-40, XII-162 |
Kitchener Road School, Standard 2, Class Photo, ---, 1945, XXXI-152 | Kitchener Road School, Standard 2A, Class Photo, ---, 1927, XVIII-175 |
Kitchener Road School, Standard 2A, Class Photo, ---, 1930, XXII-140 | Kitchener Road School, Standard 2A, Class Photo, ---, 1933, XXIII-140 |
Kitchener Road School, Standard 3, Class Photo, ---, 1932, XII-160 | Kitchener Road School, Standard 5 (Boys), Class Photo, ---, 1926, IX-70 |
Kitchener Road School. Soccer Team, Team Photo, Seager Cup Winners, 1927-28, XV-149 | Kitchener School, Standard 3, Class Photo, ---, 1962-63, XX-169 |
Kitchener Secondary Modern School, PE Class, Class Photo, ---, 1955, XXXI-157 | Kitching, Colonel, Salvation Army, With William Booth, 1909, XXXII-136 |
Kitty Slocombe Dancing Troupe, Group Photo, ---, ---, c1941, XI-128 | Kneeshaw, J., Cardiff City Footballer, Group Photo, 1939, II-106 |
Kneeshaw, J., Cardiff City Footballer, Portrait, 1920s, IV-120 | Kneeshaw, J., Cardiff City Footballer, Team Photo, 1939, III-155 |
Kneeshaw, Jack, Cardiff City Footballer, Birmingham, 18 Sep 1920, XV-86 | Kneeshaw, Jack, Cardiff City Footballer, Passing Boots to Reggie Pugh, 1938, IV-138 |
Kneeshaw, Jack, Cardiff City Trainer, FA Cup Winning Team (Informal Group), 1927, XXXIII-68 | Kneeshaw, Jack, Cardiff City Trainer, Squad Photo, 1937-38, VII-142 |
Kneeshaw, L., At Cardiff Police Reunion, Group Photo, 1987, XXI-184 | Knight, Stanley, With British Ropes Athletic Baseball Team, Team Photo, ---, 1931-32, XVI-84 |
Knowles, Harry, Cardiff City Footballer, Team Photo, 1960, XXII-71 | Krotosky, M., Captain, Canton Municipal Secondary School RFC, 1923-24, XXI-91 |
Krout, J.M., ARP Wardens (Post 211), Group Photo, 1944, XXXIV-114 | Kwantes, Catherine, Chief Guide Commissioner for Wales, On Parade, 1977, XXX-189 |
Kyle, J.W., Cardiff RFC 75th Anniversary, Cardiff v GB Team Photo, 1951, XXVI-103 | Labour Exchange, Paradise Place, Staff, Group Photo, 1930s, XX-192 |
Lady Margaret High School for Girls, Pupils, Group Photo, ---, 1954, XXVI-158 | Lady Margaret High School, Form 4C, Class Photo, ---, 1953, XII-147 |
Lady Mary High School, Pupils, Group Photo, ---, 1960-61, IX-98 | Lamie, Bobby, Cardiff City Team, Billy James Benefit, 1950, XVI-68 |
Lamorna School, Whitchurch, Pupils, Group Photo, 1939, XXVIII-154 | Lancastle, Malcolm, Founder of Ninian Spurs Soccer Team, With Team, 1963, XXXVI-90 |
Lanchberry, Ron, Musician, Group Photo, 1940, V-142 | Lancien, Narcisse, Chef to Marquess of Bute, Portrait, c1930, X-198 |
Land Army Girls, Ford's Farm, St.Mellons, Group Photo, 1945, VIII-128 | Lane, Charles, Name on Clive Road Hall Roll of Honour, ---, 1914-18, XXIX-144 |
Lane, M.F., Cardiff RFC 75th Anniversary, Cardiff v GB Team Photo, 1951, XXVI-103 | Lang, B., Soccer Referee, With Western Welsh Ely Works Team, 1954, XXXIV-136 |
Langdon Doidge Orchestra, Dance Band, In Concert, Connaught Rooms, 1960s, XV-105 | Langlois, Captain Louis, Morel Shipping Fleet, With Officers and Engineers, c1900, V-82 |
Langmaid, Richard, Boat Builder, Collingdon Road, c1890, XXVIII-35 | Langmaid, Sidney, Pupil, Howard Gardens Higher Grade Board School, c1892, XXVIII-147 |
Lansdown, Reg, Captain, Fairoak Baseball Team, 1930s, XXIV-79 | Lansdowne Bagatelle Team, Team Photo, ---, ---, 1936-37, IV-190 |
Lansdowne Infants' School, Pupils, Group Photo, ---, 1924, XV-167 | Lansdowne Infants' School, Reception Class, Group Photo, ---, 1948, XX-164 |
Lansdowne Road Boys' School, Form 2, Class Photo, ---, 1933, IV-101 | Lansdowne Road Boys' School, Form 3, Class Photo, ---, 1933, IV-102 |
Lansdowne Road Boys' School, High School Examination Successes, Group Photo, ---, 1935, IX-87 | Lansdowne Road Boys' School, High School Examination Successes, Group Photo, ---, 1936, XX-163 |
Lansdowne Road Boys' School, Pupils, Group Photo, ---, 1921, XXVIII-173 | Lansdowne Road Boys' School, Standard 1, Class Photo, ---, 1920, XXI-160 |
Lansdowne Road Boys' School, Standard 3, Class Photo, ---, 1920, XIX-146 | Lansdowne Road Boys' School, Standard 3, Class Photo, ---, 1920, XXI-161 |
Lansdowne Road Boys' School, Standard 4, Class Photo, ---, 1919, XXI-159 | Lansdowne Road Boys' School, Standard 4, Class Photo, ---, 1920, XXII-133 |
Lansdowne Road Boys' School, Standard 6, Boys in Woodwork Class, ---, 1925, XXI-162 | Lansdowne Road Girls' School, Prefects, Group Photo, ---, 1960-61, XXV-171 |
Lansdowne Road Girls' School, Pupils, Group Photo, ---, 1945-46, XXIV-166 | Lansdowne Road Girls' School, Pupils, group Photo, ---, 1945, XXXV-165 |
Lansdowne Road Girls' School, Standard 1, Class Photo, ---, 1930, XXV-170 | Lansdowne Road Girls' School, Standard 3, Class Photo, ---, 1936-37, XXX-166 |
Lansdowne Road Infants' School, Miss Carter's Class, Class Photo, ---, c1960, XIV-182 | Lansdowne Road Infants' School, Miss Knowles Class, Class Photo, ---, 1928, XV-169 |
Lansdowne Road Infants' School, Pupils, Group Photo, ---, 1942, XII-163 | Lansdowne Road Infants' School, Pupils, Group Photo, ---, 1924-25, XXIX-161 |
Lansdowne Road Infants' School, Pupils, Group Photo, ---, 1941, XXIX-162 | Lansdowne Road Infants' School, Staff, Group Photo, ---, 1958, XXV-173 |
Lansdowne Road Junior School, Pupils, Group Photo, ---, 1962-63, IV-109 | Lansdowne Road School, Infants, Group Photo, ---, 1933-34, XXI-158 |
Lansdowne Road School, Infants' Class, Class Photo, ---, 1921, XIV-181 | Lansdowne Road School, Infants' Class, Class Photo, ---, c1933, XXX-165 |
Lansdowne Road School, Pupils, Group Photo, ---, 1900, XVII-154 | Lansdowne Road School, Pupils, Group Photo, ---, 1924, XIX-145 |
Lansdowne Road School, Pupils, group Photo, ---, 1906, XXXIII-169 | Lansdowne Road School, Pupils, Group Photo, ---, 1923, XXXV-159 |
Lansdowne Road School, Scholarship Class, Class Photo, ---, 1945, IV-106 | Lansdowne Road School, Soccer Team, Team Photo, ---, 1933-34, XVIII-77 |
Lansdowne Road School, Soccer Team, Team Photo, ---, 1925, XXVII-75 | Lansdowne Road School, Standard 1, Class Photo, 1924-25, XV-168 |
Lansdowne Road School, Standard 2, Class Photo, ---, c1930, XV-170 | Lansdowne Road School, Teaching Staff, Group Photo, ---, 1920s, XXVII-164 |
Lansdowne Road School, Under 11 Rugby Team, Team Photo, ---, 1962-63, XXIII-64 | Lansdowne Road Secondary School, Form 3B, Class Photo, ---, 1964, XI-183 |
Lansdowne School, Tennis Team, Team Photo, ---, XVIII-94 | Lansdowne Townswomen's Guild, Group Photos, ---, ---, 1955-56, XIV-204/205 |
Lansdowne, Des, Penylan Baseball Team, Team Photo, 1963, XVIII-102 | Lansdowne, Reg, With Fairoak Baseball Club, Team Photo, 1932-33, II-144 |
Larmour, Albert, Cardiff City Footballer, Team Photo, 1972, XIX-76 | Larmour, Albert, Cardiff City Footballer, Team Photo, 1973-74, XXVIII-74 |
Latham, George, Cardiff City Trainer, Informal Photo with Players, 1923, XXI-41 | Latham, George, Cardiff City Trainer, Team Photo (In Suits), 1925, XXI-44 |
Latham, George, Cardiff City Trainer, With FA Cup Winning Team, 1927, IV-132 | Lavis, G., Glamorgan Cricketer, Team Photo, 1936, VIII-158 |
Lawler, J., Cricketer, Heath Cricket Club Team Photo, 1910, V-108 | Lawson, Dennis, Cardiff City Footballer, Team Photo (In Suits), 1925, XXI-44 |
Lay, Edward, Postman, With Son Reynold, 1922, XXII-160 | Lay, Reynold, Postman, With Father Edward, 1922, XXII-160 |
Le Beau, Bill, Olympic Gymnast, With St.Saviour's Gymnastics Team, pre 1914, XXIX-112 | Le Vesconte, H., Cricketer, Heath Cricket Club Team Photo, 1910, V-108 |
Lea, D.C., With Cardiff High School 1st XV Rugby Team, Team Photo, 1934-35, XXII-91 | Leah, R., Cardiff City Footballer, Team Photo, 1939, III-155 |
Leahy, David, Dock Worker, Meeting US General, 1940s, IV-228 | Lean, F.P.D., ARP Wardens (Post 211), Group Photo, 1944, XXXIV-114 |
Lear, R., Cardiff City Footballer, Southampton, 1914-1915, XV-85 | Leary, T., Rugby Player, Grangetown RFC (Team Photo), 1908-09, XVIII-87 |
Leckwith Ninians FC, Team Photo, ---, ---, 1938, XII-84 | Lee, B., St.Patrick's School Soccer Team, Team Photo, 1925-26, V-117 |
Lee, Brian J., Competitor in Welsh Marathon, Maindy Stadium, 1958, XXI-72 | Lee, Major General, Lord of the Manor of Dinas Powis, Inspecting Scouts on Empire Day, 1911, II-88 |
Legassick, W.G., Baptist Minister, Baptist Union Assembly (Group Photo), 1924, XXXII-122 | Leonard, Alan, 354 Cyncoed Road, With Fire Fighting Contraption, 1944, XXVIII-187 |
Lermon's Emporium, Clifton Street, Staff, Group Photo, 1933, XXI-116 | Lermons Drapers & Outfitters, Staff Outing, Group Photo, ---, 1963, XXVIII-55 |
Lester, D., Cardiff City Footballer, Team Photo, 1940-41, I-133 | Lester, Danny, Cardiff City Footballer, With Cardiff Corinthians Amateur Team, 1937-38, X-142 |
Lester, Danny, Cardiff City Footballer, With Splott US baseball team, 1946-47, VI-169 | Lester, Danny, With Moorland Road School Football Team, Team Photo, 1930s, II-137 |
Letton, Tommy, Apprentice, Docks Engineering Works, 1917, II-76 | Letton, Tommy, Neale & West, In Staff Group Photo, 1920s, II-77 |
Letton, Tommy, Selling Fish from Barrow in Butetown, ---, II-78 | Letton, Tommy, With Docks FC, Team Photo, 1947-48, VIII-172 |
Lever, 'Buller', Cardiff City Footballer, Team Photo, 1949-50, XVIII-73 | Lever, A., Cardiff City Footballer, Team Photo, 1948-49, II-113 |
Lever, Arthur 'Buller', Cardiff City Footballer, Portrait, ---, XXVII-67 | Lever, Arthur 'Buller', Cardiff City Footballer, Portrait, 1940s, XXX-102 |
Lever, Arthur 'Buller', Cardiff City Footballer, With Alf Sherwood, 1946-47, XXVII-68 | Lever, Arthur "Buller", Cardiff City Footballer, Portrait, ---, II-110 |
Lever, Arthur, Cardiff City Footballer, Action Shots, 1947-50, XXVII-72/73 | Lever, Arthur, Cardiff City Footballer, Group Photo, 1949-50, XXXVI-86 |
Lever, Arthur, Cardiff City Footballer, Group Photo, 1952, I-135 | Lever, Arthur, Cardiff City Footballer, In Action at Ninian Park, 1948, II-111 |
Lever, Arthur, Cardiff City Footballer, Informal Shots with Team Mates, ---, XXVII-69/70 | Lever, Arthur, Cardiff City Footballer, Running on Coney Beach (Group Photo), 1947, XXXV-83 |
Lever, Arthur, Cardiff City Footballer, Team Photo, 1946-47, V-136 | Lever, Arthur, Cardiff City Footballer, Team Photo, 1946-47, XXXV-77 |
Lever, Arthur, Cardiff City Footballer, Team Photo, 1947-48, XIII-129 | Lever, Arthur, Cardiff City Footballer, Team Photo, 1948-49, XI-62 |
Lever, Arthur, Cardiff City Footballer, Team Photo, 1948, VI-134 | Lever, Arthur, Cardiff City Footballer, Team Photo, 1949-50, X-139 |
Lever, Arthur, Cardiff City Footballer, Team photo, 1949, XXIX-74 | Lever, Arthur, Cardiff City Footballer, Third Division Championship Team Photo, 1946-47, XII-73 |
Lever, Arthur, Cardiff City Footballer, Training at Matlock, 1949, XI-63 | Lever, Arthur, Cardiff City Footballer, With Team Mates on Cardiff General Station, 1949, XXV-99 |
Lever, Arthur, Cardiff City Footballers, With Team Mates by Team Bus, 1950, XXXVI-85 | Lever, Arthur, Cardiff City Team, Billy James Benefit, 1950, XVI-68 |
Lewis & Tyler Ltd., Gripoly Mills, Employees, Group Photo, 1936, XXVII-52 | Lewis Wisbey, Scott Street Shop Fitters, Employees, Group Photo, 1920s, XXI-110/111 |
Lewis, Bernard, Cardiff City Footballer, Team Photo, 1964, XXVI-114 | Lewis, Bernard, Cardiff City Footballer, Team Photo, 1967-68, XXVII-64 |
Lewis, Billy, Cardiff City Footballer, With All Stars Team at Charity Match, 1958, III-165 | Lewis, C.M., Cardiff Rugby Player, Team Photo, 1910-11, XIII-143 |
Lewis, D., Vice Chairman, Canton Liberal Institute Male Voice Choir, 1922, III-176 | Lewis, Dai, Boxer, Portrait, ---, II-153 |
Lewis, Dave, Conductor, With Bluebirds Songsters Barbershop Group, 1969, XIX-95 | Lewis, Dave, Special Police Sergeant, At Retirement Party, 1980, XVIII-204 |
Lewis, Dewi, Sports Journalist aka 'Citizen', Portrait with J.B.G.Thomas, ---, XXXV-84 | Lewis, Doug, Headmaster of Glan-yr-Afon Junior School, With Teaching Staff, 1968, XXXV-169 |
Lewis, Doug, Teacher at Glan-yr-Afon Junior School, With Swimming Team, 1966, XXXV-105 | Lewis, E., Captain, Maindy Hotel Skittles Team (Group Photo), 1933, XXV-126 |
Lewis, Emma Olive, Manageress of Domestic Bazaar Company, With Staff, 1907, V-44 | Lewis, Ethel, Sunday School Queen, Victoria Baptist Church, 1937, XXVII-139 |
Lewis, F., Member, Canton Liberal Institute Male Voice Choir, 1922, III-176 | Lewis, Gwynedd, Gymnast, With British Olympic Team, 1952, XXX-129 |
Lewis, Gwynedd, Olympic Gymnast, Action Portrait, c1950, XXX-125 | Lewis, H.Gwyn, Baptist Minister, Baptist Union Assembly (Group Photo), 1924, XXXII-122 |
Lewis, H.J.K., Captain, Cardiff Intermediate School Soccer Team, 1910, IX-152 | Lewis, H.J.K., Cardiff Cricket Club 1st XI, Team Photo, 1914, XXI-82 |
Lewis, Lew, Baseball Player, With Grangetown and Wales Teams, 1908, XVI-87/88 | Lewis, P., Secretary, Cardiff & District Darts League, 1946, XX-94 |
Lewis, Sally, Welsh Tourist Board, With Singer Tony Bennett, 1973, XXI-105 | Lewis, Tom, Headmaster of Bryn Hafod Junior School, With Reaching Staff, 1958-59, XXXV-168 |
Lewis, W., Cardiff City Footballer, Team Photo, 1940-41, I-133 | Lewis, W., Rugby Player, Grangetown RFC (Team Photo), 1908-09, XVIII-87 |
Lewis, Wyndham, Organist at Cardiff Empire, Portrait, ---, VIII-187 | Leybourne, Audrey, One of the 'Roly Polies', At Herbert Thompson School, 1938, XXI-174 |
Leyshon, Mr., Head Brewer at Ely Brewery, Group Photo with Employees, 1941, VI-52 | Life Boys, 25th Cardiff (Heath) Group, Group Photo, ---, 1955, XVII-183 |
Lingard, S., Cardiff Central Boys' Club Gymnastics Team, Team Photo, 1951, XXX-128 | Lingard, Syd, Gymnast and Diver, Portrait, c1950, XXX-126 |
Lisk, Family, Fairfield Avenue, Family Portrait, 1915, XIV-49 | Lisk, Francis, Dairyman, With Brother in Law Stanley Williams, c1930, XXII-50 |
Little, Henry, As Boy Scout Laying Foundation Stone, Swansea Street Mission, 1922, X-87 | Littlefield, John, Class 1A, Herbert Thompson School, 1937, XXXII-147 |
Littlewood, T., Treasurer, With Cardiff Gas ABC (Group Photo), 1952, VI-113 | Llandaff Athletic, Baseball Team, Team Photo, ---, 1969, VI-171 |
Llandaff Band of Hope, Group Photo, ---, ---, c1904, XV-139 | Llandaff Church School, Infants' Class, Group Photo, ---, 1942, XIII-181 |
Llandaff Church School, Miss Down's Class, Class Photo, ---, 1937, XVIII-179 | Llandaff Church School, Pupils at Desks, Group Photo, ---, 1927-28, XI-169 |
Llandaff Church School, Pupils, Group Photo, ---, 1936, XXVII-167 | Llandaff City Church in Wales Junior School, Pupils, Group Photo, ---, 1968, XXIV-157/158 |
Llandaff City Church in Wales Junior School, Pupils, Group Photo, ---, 1970-71, XXIV-159/160 | Llandaff City Church in Wales Junior School, Pupils, Group Photo, ---, 1970-71, XXVI-163/164 |
Llandaff City Church in Wales Junior School, Pupils, Group Photo, ---, 1969, XXXII-163 | Llandaff Council School (Highfields), Mixed Class, Class Photo, ---, 1932, XXXIII-183 |
Llandaff Council School (Highfields), Standard 1, Pupils at Desks, Class Photo, 1928, XXXIII-182 | Llandaff Council School, Infants, Group Photo, ---, 1915, XXXII-180 |
Llandaff Fields Bowls Team, Team Photo, ---, ---, 1936, IV-179 | Llandaff National School, Pupils, Group Photo, ---, c1895, IX-68 |
Llandaff North Choral Society, Group Photo, ---, ---, c1950, XXXV-110 | Llandaff North Junior School, Pupils at Desks, Group Photo, 1925, XIV-158 |
Llandaff RFC, 2nd XV, Team Photo, ---, 1930-31, XXIII-63 | Llandaff RFC, Rugby Team, Team Photo, ---, 1887-88, XXIV-87 |
Llandaff RFC, Rugby Team, Team Photo, ---, 1922-23, XXIV-88 | Llandaff RFC, Rugby Team, Team Photo, ---, 1924-25, XXIV-89 |
Llandaff RFC, Rugby Team, Team Photo, ---, 1925-26, XXIV-90 | Llandaff RFC, Rugby Team, Team Photo, ---, 1935-36, XXIV-91 |
Llandaff RFC, Rugby Team, Team Photo, ---, 1946-47, XXIV-92 | Llandaff RFC, Rugby Team, Team Photo, ---, 1949-50, XXVIII-99 |
Llandaff Road Baptists FC, Team Photo, ---, ---, 1924-25, XVII-103 | Llandaff Rowing Club, Group Photo, ---, ---, 1948, VIII-183 |
Llandaff Technical College, Rugby Team, Team Photo, ---, 1965, XX-92 | Llandough and Leckwith British Legion Club, Members, Group Photos, ---, 1956, XIX-93/94 |
Llanishen High School, Heol Hir, Pupils, Group Photo, 1973-74, XXXIII-196 | Llanishen Hockey Club, Team Photo, ---, ---, 1911-12, XX-99 |
Llewellyn, Colin, King's College Old Boys' Association, Reunion (Group Photo), 1956, XIV-162 | Llewellyn, Dr.Edgar, Splott GP, Ratepayers' Candidate in Local Elections, 1951, XVI-181 |
Llewellyn, E., Cricketer, Heath Cricket Club Team Photo, 1910, V-108 | Llewellyn, Harry, Showjumper, Winning Jockey at Ely racecourse, 1937, XXIX-114 |
Llewellyn, Leslie, Ely Legion Club, Receiving Award, 1977, XXIV-109 | Lloyd-Edwards, Norman, Vice President of Captain Scott Society, At Annual Dinner, 1995, XXXV-54 |
Lloyd, Dilys, Marlborough Road School, Group Photo, 1941, XXXVI-165 | Lloyd, Doug, Grange Albion Baseball Club, Action Shot, ---, XXVIII-107 |
Lloyd, Dr.Ellis, Headmaster of Cathays High School, With Prefects, 1945-46, XXX-146 | Lloyd, E., Headmaster of Rhydypenau Junior School, With Soccer Team, 1957-58, XXXV-98 |
Lloyd, E.L., Headmaster, With Staff at Rhydypenau Junior School, 1950s, XV-154 | Lloyd, John, Welsh Schoolboy Footballer, Training with Duncan Edwards, 1957, VIII-167 |
Lloyd, Marilyn, Vaulting, Kitchener Road Girls' School Gym, 1958, XXV-169 | Lloyd, S., Welsh Baseball Team, Team Photo, 1938, XXXIV-151 |
Lloyd, Steve, Severn Boys' Secondary Modern Soccer Team, Group Photo, 1955, XXVI-125 | Loader, Ted, Penylan Baseball Team, Team Photo, 1963, XVIII-102 |
Locke, Walter, Sports Master at Howardian High School, With Athletics Team, 1959, XXIII-90 | Locke, Walter, Sports Master at Howardian High School, With Tennis Team, 1957, XXIII-74 |
Logan, Captain Bruce, Boxer, With Army Boxing Squad, 1914-18, XXXII-100 | Long, Dick, Manager of Andrew Road Bus Depot, Timekeeping Bare Knuckle Fight, ---, VIII-154 |
Long, Hughie, Drummer, Performing with Austin Davies Jazz Trio, 1949, XXVI-139 | Long, Osborne, Cardiff Photographic Society, Group Photo, 1930s, XVII-203 |
Longcross Rugby Club, 1st and 2nd XVs, Team Photo, ---, c1925, XVI-103 | Longney, Sam 'Bronco', Dirt Track Rider, Posed on Bike at Sloper Road, 1930s, XV-69 |
Loosemore, Bob, Teacher at Cyntwell County Secondary School, With Staff, 1961, XXIX-156 | Loosemore, Bob, Teacher at Windsor-Clive Infants' School, Class Photo, 1938, I-116 |
Loosemore, R., Chairman, Cardiff Schools Football League, 1944-45, V-128 | Lord, John, Teacher at St.Peter's Roath, With Civil Defence Wardens, 1939-45, XXV-203 |
Loring, Mrs.M., As Pupil at St.Cuthbert's School, Group Photo, 1927, XXIX-179 | Loudon Albion FC, Team Photo, ---, ---, 1922-23, XXII-79 |
Loudon Albion FC, Team Photo, ---, ---, 1921-22, XXIV-99 | Loudon Brass Band, Group Photo, ---, ---, pre 1914, XXV-133 |
Loudon Square Methodist Mission, Whitsun Treat, Group Photo, ---, 1937-38, XXXII-142 | Lougher, Sir Lewis, Guest, Howard Gardens High School Anniversary Dinner, 1936, IV-93 |
Love, Albert, Boxer, Welsh ABA v Army (Group Photo), 1932, XXVI-133 | Lovell, A., Captain, Howard Gardens High School Cricket Team, 1951, XXVII-89 |
Loveridge, Lawton, With Loveridge Staff, Long Service Awards, 1959, XXXII-55 | Lovering, Dave, Rhiwbina Recreation Club, Table Tennis Team, 1958-59, XXVI-135 |
Low, Alexander, Headmaster of St.Mary's Hall School, With Rugby Team, 1894, XXXIV-159 | Lowe Brothers, Pontcanna, manager, With Delivery Horse and Cart, c1910, XII-42 |
Lucas, Billy, International Footballer, Playing Table Soccer with Welsh Stars, 1946, XXIX-78 | Lucas, F.E., Loudon Albion FC, Team Photo, 1922-23, XXII-79 |
Lucas, H., Marlborough Road School Soccer Team, Team Photo, 1904, XXXII-93 | Luke, 'Lightning' Jack, Speedway Rider, Wedding Photo, 1930, XXV-61 |
Luke, Charles, Baker, With Master Bakers' Association (Group Photo), ---, XXV-60 | Luke, Jack 'Lightning', Speedway Rider, With Fay Taylor, ---, XXV-125 |
Luke, Jack 'Lightning', Speedway Rider, With Group of Riders, ---, XXV-124 | Luke, Jack, Baker and Speedway Rider, With Master Bakers' Association (Group Photo), ---, XXV-60 |
Lukey, A.E., ARP Wardens (Post 211), Group Photo, 1944, XXXIV-114 | Lukey, D., ARP Wardens (Post 211), Group Photo, 1944, XXXIV-114 |
Lusty, Thelma, With Staff of Fairwater Green Co-op, ---, 1958, XXIV-40 | Lynn Thomas, Staff, Group Photo, ---, 1960s, XXXV-116 |
Lyons Ice Cream Depot, Penarth Road, Clerical Staff, Group Photo, 1950s, XXX-60 | Lyons, T., St.Patrick's School Soccer Team, Team Photo, 1925-26, V-117 |
Lyrian Singers, Group Photo, ---, ---, 1949, X-191 |