




People   T-Y

NB. This is an INDEX- the photographs themselves are not available for viewing here.

See introduction on first page

Taff ARC, Team, Rowing Team Photo, ---, 1910, XV-78Taff Rowing Club, Group Photo, ---, ---, 1922, VIII-182
Tait, J.R., Cardiff Cricket Club 1st XI, Team Photo, 1914, XXI-82Takle, Audrey, Girl Guides, presenting Queen's Badge, 1970, XXIII-158
Talbot, Edwina, now Mrs.Ponsolle, Pupil at Court Road School, c1929, XXIV-182Talbot, Les, Cardiff City Footballer, Squad Photo, 1937-38, VII-142
Talbot, Leslie, Cardiff City Footballer, Portrait, 1930s, XVII-91Tallis, 'Kipper', Russell United FC, Team Photo, Late 1940s, XXXVI-88
Tallis, Len, Russell United FC, Team Photo, Late 1940s, XXXVI-88Tallis, Viv, Russell United FC, Appearing on 'This is Your Life', ---, XXXVI-89
Tame, S., Captain, Cardiff Schools Football Team, 1939-40, IV-144Tamlyn, Bill, Bus Conductor, With Cardiff - Penarth Bus, 1922, XXIII-36
Tamplin, W.E., Cardiff RFC 75th Anniversary, Cardiff v GB Team Photo, 1951, XXVI-103Tandy, R., Captain, St.Cadoc's School Rugby Team (Team Photo), 1965-66, XVII-118
Tanner, Haydn, Cardiff & Wales Rugby Player, With Ely Paper Works Cricket Team, 1948, XXIII-69Tanner, PC B., Cardiff City Police, Water Polo Team, 1937, XXVIII-121
Tapper-Jones, S., Town Clerk, At Sale of Glamorganshire Canal, 1944, XXVI-36Tapper-Jones, S., Town Clerk, Group Photo at Pengam Aerodrome, 1948, XXXI-99
Tapper-Jones, S., Town Clerk, With Lord Mayor in Mayor's Parlour, 1944, XXXI-172Tapscott, Derek, Cardiff City Footballer, Group Photo, 1959, XXXI-105
Tapscott, Derek, Cardiff City Footballer, Profile and Action Shots, ---, XXVIII-69/70/71/72Tapscott, Derek, Cardiff City Footballer, Team Photo, 1959-60, XXXIV-126/129
Tapscott, Derek, Cardiff City Footballer, Team Photo, 1960, XXII-71Tapscott, Derek, Cardiff City Footballer, Team Photo, 1964, XXVI-114
Tarr, C., Captain, Grangetown National School Soccer Team, 1934-35, XXXIV-139Tarr, Jack, Musician, Quartet at Bluebirds Club in Ninian Park, 1960s, X-189
Tarver, Constable Michael, On Duty, Outside St.Mary's National School, 1960, XXXV-1/186Tavistock Hotel, Bedford Street Roath, Regulars, Group Photo, 1925, V-76
Tayler, A., Member, Canton Liberal Institute Male Voice Choir, 1922, III-176Taylor, Albert B.C., Name on Clive Road Hall Roll of Honour, ---, 1914-18, XXIX-144
Taylor, Chum, Speedway Rider, Group Photo, Early 1950s, XXXIII-96Taylor, Fay, Speedway Rider, With Jack Luke, ---, XXV-125
Taylor, G., Captain, Allensbank School Soccer Team, 1951-52, XV-98Taylor, Hal, Entertainer, Portrait of Comedy Duo with Arthur Hughes, c1940, VI-177
Taylor, Miss M.M., Headmistress of Adamsdown Junior School, With Soccer Team, 1953, XXIX-83Taylor, Pamela, Vaulting, Kitchener Road Girls' School Gym, 1958, XXV-169
Taylor, S., Moorland Road School, Soccer Team, 1928-29, XXXV-95Taylor, W.F.J., Name on Clive Road Hall Roll of Honour, ---, 1914-18, XXIX-144
Taylor, W.H., ARP Wardens (Post 211), Group Photo, 1944, XXXIV-114Taylor, Will, Power Boat Racer, As Boy at Allensbank School (Group Photo), c1957, XVIII-177
Teague, W., Ely British Legion Club, Sick Club Committee, 1940-41, XXXV-72Teanby, Dennis, Old Cantonians Cricket Club, Team Photo, 1968, XXXIII-90
Tearle, Dorothy, Telephonist, Farewell Party at Cardiff City Police Club, 1958, XXXI-183Telling, Ray, Drummer, With Ricardi Band in Kennard Rooms, c1950, XV-104
Telling, Sgt.E., Cardiff City Police, Water Polo Team, 1937, XXVIII-121Temperance and Band of Hope Union, Cardiff & District Officers, Portraits, ---, ---, XXII-107
Templar, A., Footballer, Avenue Villa FC Ely (Team Photo), 1946, XXXI-109Tennick, Cyril, Canton Wesleyan Cricket Club, Team Photo, 1935, XXXIII-89
The Crown, College Road, Regulars, Annual Outing (Group Photo), 1930s, IX-200Theaker, R., CIACS Rugby Team, Team Photo, 1967, XXVII-86
Thirlaway, ---, Cardiff City Footballer, Team Photo, 1929-30, IX-136Thomas & Evans, Bute Street HQ, Soccer Team, Team Photo, 1935-36, XVIII-81
Thomas Owen & Co., Ely Paper Mills, Office Staff, Group Photo, 1957, XII-58Thomas, Alfred J., Name on Clive Road Hall Roll of Honour, ---, 1914-18, XXIX-144
Thomas, Alun, Cardiff RFC 75th Anniversary, Cardiff v GB Team Photo, 1951, XXVI-103Thomas, Bert, One of Cardiff's First Blood Donors, Portrait, ---, XXII-154
Thomas, Bert, RAMC, With 3rd Western General Hospital Soccer Team, 1915, XXII-155Thomas, Canon J., Rector of St.John's Canton 1920-1944, Portrait, ---, XV-135
Thomas, Canon W.E.C., Vicar of St.John's, At Presentation of Bute Dowry, 1977, XXXIV-206Thomas, Clarissa, Headmistress of Moorland Junior School, With Teaching Staff, 1957, XXVIII-176
Thomas, Cliff, Guitarist, Playing in The Tredegar Arms, 1960s, XIV-113Thomas, E., Marlborough Road School Soccer Team, Team Photo, 1904, XXXII-93
Thomas, Edward, Lord Mayor of Cardiff, On First Tram to Splott, 1903, XXXVI-189Thomas, Eliza, Outside her Cooked Meats and Pie Shop, Portmanmoor Road, 1926, XXVI-73
Thomas, Elvet, Deputy Headmaster of Cathays High School, With Prefects, 1962-63, XVIII-155Thomas, Emrys, Metal Street School Soccer Team, Team Photo, 1942-43, XXX-108
Thomas, F.W., Cricketer, Heath Cricket Club Team Photo, 1910, V-108Thomas, Frederick, Name on Clive Road Hall Roll of Honour, ---, 1914-18, XXIX-144
Thomas, George, Cardiff West MP, Presentation to Mr.& Mrs.Tom Driscoll, 1954, XXI-69Thomas, George, Viscount Tonypandy, As Teacher at Marlborough Road School, 1957, IX-79
Thomas, George, Viscount Tonypandy, Portrait, ---, XXIX-189Thomas, Gwyn, Club Leader, Clive Street Baptist Youth Club (Group Photo), 1950, XXIV-135
Thomas, Gwyn, St.Clare's Boxing Club, With Welsh Schoolboy Champions, 1959, XXVII-61Thomas, Herbert Fisher, Lynn Thomas & Co., By Cowbridge Road East Shop, 1950s, XXXV-114
Thomas, Idris, Organist at Cardiff Empire, Portrait, ---, VIII-189Thomas, Illtyd, Lord Mayor of Cardiff, With Lloyd George, 1908, XIII-202
Thomas, Illtyd, Mayor of Cardiff  1907-8, Portrait, ---, XXXI-168 Thomas, J., Committee, Grange Temperance Institute (Group Photo), 1924-25, VI-164
Thomas, J., Victoria Park Bowling Club, Team Photo, 1963, XXIII-85/86Thomas, J.B.G., Sports Journalist, Portrait with Dewi Lewis, ---, XXXV-84
Thomas, J.B.G., Western Mail Rugby Correspondent, With Jim Pursey, 1947, XXI-56Thomas, Joe, Captain, Hanover Rangers FC (Team Photo), 1954-55, XIII-140
Thomas, Joe, Drummer with Capitol Sextet, Portrait with Drums, XV-102Thomas, Joe, Drummer, With Capitol Sextet Dance Band, 1945, XV-100
Thomas, Keith, Cardiff City Footballer, Team Photo, 1952, XXIII-51Thomas, L., Moorland Road School, Soccer Team, 1928-29, XXXV-95
Thomas, M., University College, Staff Cricket Team, 1965, XXVIII-115Thomas, M.C., Cardiff RFC 75th Anniversary, Cardiff v GB Team Photo, 1951, XXVI-103
Thomas, Margaret, Gymnast, With British Olympic Team, 1952, XXX-129Thomas, Mick, Penylan Baseball Team, Team Photo, 1963, XVIII-102
Thomas, Miss C.M., Headmistress of Herbert Thompson Junior School, ---, 1952-55, XXV-162/163Thomas, Percy, Guest, Howard Gardens High School Anniversary Dinner, 1936, IV-93
Thomas, R., Cricketer, Heath Cricket Club Team Photo, 1910, V-108Thomas, R., International Footballer, With Cardiff Schools Team, 1937-38, IV-142
Thomas, R., Teacher at Herbert Thompson School, With Boxing Team, 1947, XXXIII-86Thomas, R.C., Cardiff Rugby Player, Small Portrait, 1905-06, II-116
Thomas, Rhys, Moorland Road and Welsh Schoolboys Footballer, Portrait, IX-149Thomas, Rhys, With Moorland Road School Football Team, Team Photo, 1930s, II-137
Thomas, Robert, Fairwater Institute Table Tennis Club, With Walter Sweetland, 1952, XXV-131Thomas, Rosemary, Teacher at Allensbank Infants' School , now Mrs.White, 1948, XXVI-165
Thomas, Sir William James, At Installation of A.E.Gough as Mayor, ---, 1933, XIII-200Thomas, Sir William, Birchwood Grange (now University Hall), Freedom of City, ---, XVIII-201
Thomas, Stephen, Organist at Cardiff Empire, Portrait, ---, VIII-188Thomas, W.F., Assistant Chief Constable, At Presentation Ceremony, 1949, XII-181
Thomas, Wilfred, Choir Boy Bearing Cross, Blessing of Cenotaph, 1922, XXXI-141Thomas, Wilfred, Name on Clive Road Hall Roll of Honour, ---, 1914-18, XXIX-144
Thomas, Wilfred, With St.Michael's Church Football Team, Team Photo, 1922, XXXI-112Thompson & Shakell Ltd., Staff Outing, ---, ---, 1930, XVI-58
Thompson, Jackie, Penylan Baseball Team, Team Photo, 1963, XVIII-102Thompson, W., President, Ely Flower Show, 10 August 1910, IV-193
Thompson's Athletic FC, Canton, Team Photo, ---, 1930s, XIII-136/137Thorne, D.M., ARP Wardens (Post 211), Group Photo, 1944, XXXIV-114
Thorne, J., St.Patrick's School Soccer Team, Team Photo, 1925-26, V-117Thurston, W.H., Vice Captain, Heath Cricket Club Team Photo, 1910, V-108
Tidball, Bill, Guitarist, With ABC City Jazz Band, 1930s, XV-106Tiddy, M., Cardiff City Footballer, Team Photo, 1951-52, IX-134
Tiddy, Mike, Cardiff City Footballer, Informal Group Photo during Training, 1950s, XXIX-76Tiddy, Mike, Cardiff City Footballer, Team Photo, 1950-51, XVIII-71
Tiddy, Mike, Cardiff City Footballer, Team Photo, 1951, XXIII-49Tiddy, Mike, Cardiff City Footballer, Team Photo, April 1952, XXIII-50
Tilly, Rev.Alfred, 1821-1905, Portrait, ---, XXXIV-74Tobin, Bob, Cardiff City Footballer, At Launch of Cardiff Yesterday, 1981, XXV-107
Tobin, Bobby, Cardiff City Footballer, Returning from Japanese POW Camp, 1945, I-134Tobin, Bobby, Cardiff City Footballer, Team Photo, 1940-41, VI-132
Tobin, Bobby, Cardiff City Footballer, With Cardiff Boys Team, 1934-35, I-138Tobin, Bobby, Ex Cardiff City Player, With Ely Legion Baseball Team, 1952, II-142
Tobin, Bobby, With Billy James, Rookwood Hospital, 1980, XVI-69Tobin, Bobby, With Windsor-Clive School Football Team, Team Photo, 1930s, II-138
Tobin, Bobby, With Windsor-Clive School Football Team, Team Photo, 1934-35, VI-142Tobin, J.D., Member, Canton Liberal Institute Male Voice Choir, 1922, III-176
Tobin, R., Cardiff City Footballer, Team Photo, 1940-41, I-133Tobin, Roy, Son of Cardiff City Player Bobby Tobin, In GlanEly School Soccer Team, 1966, II-140
Todd, Alice, Lt. In Salvation Army (Later Mrs.Christopher), At SA Harvest Supper, 1905, XVI-125Tomson, Nind, Branch Manager of Atlas Assurance, Retirement Dinner, 1951, XXVII-56
Toogood, Dai, Secretary of Ely Rovers FC, Team Photo, 1948, XXIV-112Toogood, J., Member, Canton Liberal Institute Male Voice Choir, 1922, III-176
Tooze, Isaac, Police Officer, Portrait, c1900, V-168Toozer, A., Moorland Road School Relay Team, Team Photo, 1934, XXXIV-146
Tornado Twins, Tap Dancing Double Act, Portrait, ---, ---, XX-113Toshack, John, Cardiff City Footballer, Team Photo, 1967-68, XXVII-64
Toshack, John, Cardiff Schools Football Team, Team Photo, 1964, XXIV-117Toshack, John, International Footballer, Profile and Action Shots, ---, XXVII-62/63/65
Toshack, John, International Footballer, With Canton High School Team, Early 1960s, XXI-86Toshack, John, International Footballer, With Radnor Road Under 11 Team, 1958-59, XXX-112
Toshack, John, International Footballer, With Welsh Schoolboys Soccer Players, 1969, XXIV-94Tout, G., Melingriffith Sports Club Boxing Team, Team Photo, 1933-34, XVII-134
Townsend, Alf, Piano Tuner, With Dale Forty Staff Outing, 1947, XX-53Townsend, Alfred, Class 12, Radnor Road School, 1930, XXXII-151
Townsend, Lyn, captain, Docks Albion FC (Team Photo), 1950s, XVII-111Tracey, H., Cardiff City Footballer, Team Photo, 1939, III-155
Trask, A., Herbert Thompson School, Boxing Team, 1947, XXXIII-86Traynor, J., Captain, Spillers' Athletic 1st XV Rugby Team (Team Photo), 1924-25, XIV-87
Treasure, W.B.C., Surgeon, Photo of Consulting Rooms in Cowbridge Road, pre 1914, XXXIII-32Tredegarville Baptist Church, Bazaar with Lord Pontypridd, Group Photo, ---, 1925, XIII-165
Tredegarville Boys' School, Standard 3, Class Photo, ---, 1923, XIV-187Tredegarville Boys' School, Standard II, Class Photo, ---, 1921-22, V-155
Tredegarville School, Adamsdown, Pupils, Group Photo, 1924-25, XI-184Tredegarville School, Glossop Road, Class Photo, ---, 1918, IV-88
Tredegarville School, Pupils, Group Photo, ---, 1923-24, X-104Tredegarville School, Pupils, Group Photo, ---, 1924-25, X-105
Tredegarville School, Pupils, Group Photo, ---, c1924, XVI-154Tredegarville School, Pupils, Group Photo, Boys, 1920, VII-108
Tredegarville School, Pupils, Group Photo, Girls, 1920, VII-106Treeby, Jack, Musician, With Blue Horizon Club Quartet, 1930s, XIV-109
Trelai FC, Team Photo, ---, ---, 1963-64, XXVIII-90Trelai Infants' School, Ely, Pupils, Group Photo, 1962, XXV-164
Trelai Junior School, Baseball Team (Girls), Team Photo, ---, 1957, XI-88Trelai Junior School, Pupils, Group Photo, ---, 1959, XIV-176
Trelai School of Dancing, Girl Tap Dancers, Group Photo, ---, c1957, XII-106Treseder-Griffin, W.J., With VIPs at Royal Hotel, ---, 1952, XXXIV-122
Trewartha, E.H., Headmaster of Moorland Road School, With Soccer Team, 1928-29, XXXV-95Trigg, Henry, Name on Clive Road Hall Roll of Honour, ---, 1914-18, XXIX-144
Trigg, Sgt.A., Cardiff City Police, With Water Polo Team, 1937, XXVIII-121Tripp, Jack, Captain, Cardiff Corporation Cricket Team, 1949-50, XV-80, XV-81
Tripp, Jack, Grange YMCA Wrestling Club, Team Photo, 1930, XV-70Trott, Bill, Bridgend Street Youth Centre, Meeting Frankie Vaughan, 1957, XVII-176
Trott, Frank, Cardiff and Wales Rugby Player, Electricity Department Cricket Team, 1947, XVIII-97Trott, R.F., Cardiff RFC 75th Anniversary, Cardiff v GB Team Photo, 1951, XXVI-103
Trounce, William John, Mayor of Cardiff 1893-4, Portrait, ---, XXXI-166Tucker, James, Journalist, At Cardiff High School Old Boys Dinner, 1966, XXII-153
Tucker, T., Captain, Howard Gardens High School Rugby Team, 1951-52, XXVII-85Tunbridge, Graham, Piano Player, With Langdon Doidge Orchestra, 1960s, XV-105
Turnbull, Billy, Cardiff City Footballer, Team Photo, 1922-23, VII-143Turnbull, Harold, Lord Mayor of Cardiff, At Radnor Road School Prize Day, 1921-22, VII-104
Turnbull, Harold, Lord Mayor of Cardiff, Portrait, 1922, XXI-178Turnbull, Illtyd, Brother of Maurice Turnbull, In St.Illtyd's College Class Photo, 1930-31, III-111
Turnbull, M., Glamorgan Cricketer, Team Photo, 1936, VIII-158Turnbull, Maurice, Cricketer, Glamorgan County Team Photos, 1930s, VI-125/126
Turner & Sons, Stonemasons, Employees, Group Photo, ---, XXIV-46Turner, Bert, Cardiff City Footballer, Squad Photo, 1937-38, VII-142
Turner, Bob, Guitarist, With Henry Berrows Sextet, 1953, XI-115Turner, Bob, Musician, Quartet at Bluebirds Club in Ninian Park, 1960s, X-189
Turner, Huxley, Cardiff Builder, With Cardiff Tradesmen (Group Photo), ---, V-88Turner, Jeanne, With Staff of Bon Marche, Grand Avenue, 1960s, XXX-52
Turner, Lieutenant H., President, Grange Baptist RFC (Team Photo), 1919-20, VII-170Turner, Thomas E., Name on Clive Road Hall Roll of Honour, KIA, 1914-18, XXIX-144
Turner, W.J., Name on Clive Road Hall Roll of Honour, ---, 1914-18, XXIX-144Turtle, A.E., Baptist Minister, Baptist Union Assembly (Group Photo), 1924, XXXII-122
Tyler, George Henry, Manager Anchor Fuel Works, Portrait, V-83Tyler, John, Cardiff Entertainer, With Stacey Road School Cricket Team, 1944, V-111
Tyler, John, Co-founder of Cardiff Language Society, As 16 Year Old Drummer, ---, XXII-118Tyrell, Jayne Ann, 4th Cardiff Girl Guides, Getting Queen's Badge, 1970, XXIII-158
Tyrrell, Brent, In Whitsun Treat Race, New Trinity Congregational Church, 1951, XXIII-134Ulrich, E.H., Captain, Cardiff High School 2ns Soccer XI (Team Photo), 1912, XI-65
Underry, Tom, Captain, Llandaff RFC (Team Photo), 1946-47, XXIV-92Underwood, R., Footballer, Avenue Villa FC Ely (Team Photo), 1946, XXXI-109
Undry, F., Member, Canton Liberal Institute Male Voice Choir, 1922, III-176University College, Staff Cricket Club, Team Photo, ---, 1965, XXVIII-115
Vachell, Dr.Charles Tanfield, Surgeon, Portrait, ---, XXXVI-153Valentine, ---, Cardiff City Footballer, Team Photo, 1930-31, IX-137  * see note at end
Vaughan, James B., CID Superintendent, Group Photo, 1964, XXXV-187Vaughan, T., Welsh Baseball Team, Team Photo, 1938, XXXIV-151
Vearncombe, Graham, Cardiff City and Wales Goalkeeper, At YMCA Reunion, 1954, XV-89Vearncombe, Graham, Cardiff City Footballer, Celebrating Welsh Cup Victory, 1956, XX-68
Vearncombe, Graham, Cardiff City Footballer, In Action against Leeds in FA Cup, 1957, XXXI-100Vearncombe, Graham, Cardiff City Footballer, Team Photo, 1956, XX-70
Vearncombe, Graham, Cardiff City Footballer, Team Photo, 1957, XXXIV-127Vearncombe, Graham, Cardiff City Footballer, Team Photo, 1959-60, XXXIV-126/129
Vearncombe, Graham, Cardiff City Footballer, Team Photo, 1960, XXII-71Vearncombe, Graham, Cardiff City Goalkeeper, At Cardiff High School, 1948, XXXIV-85
Vearncombe, Graham, Cardiff City Goalkeeper, Cardiff High School Cricket Team, c1948, XXII-101Vearncombe, Graham, Cardiff City Goalkeeper, Portrait and Action Shot, 1950s, XXX-99/100
Vearncombe, Graham, Cardiff City Goalkeeper, With Cardiff High Rugby Team, 1949, XXXVI-97Venables, George, At National Fire Service Reunion, --- 1962, XXI-194
Vickery, Frank, Pupil, Splott Road School (Group Photo), c1906, XVII-156Vickery, Lance Corporal Samuel, Victoria Cross Winner (1898), Portrait, ---, III-191
Victoria Baptist Church, Sunday School Queen with Attendants, ---, ---, 1937-38, XXVII-139/140Victoria Baptist Church, Whitsun Treat, Group Photo, ---, 1930, XXIV-137
Victoria Baptist FC, Team Photo, ---, ---, 1910-11, II-131Victoria Bar, Bar Staff and Waiters, Group Photo, ---, c1950, XXVIII-140
Victoria Park Bowling Club, Club Members and Ladies' Committee, Group Photo, ---, 1962, XXIII-84Victoria Park Bowling Club, Municipal League Winning Team, Team Photo, ---, 1931, XXIII-83
Victoria Park Bowling Club, Team, Team Photo, ---, ---, 1963, XXIII-85/86Victoria Park Boxing Club, Group Photo, ---, ---, 1950s, IV-167
Victoria Vikings FC, Team Photo, ---, ---, 1953-54, XXIV-108Villars, Tony, Cardiff City Footballer, Team Photo, 1973-74, XXVIII-74
Vincent, Harry, Milkman with Sunny Bank Dairy, With Delivery Cart, ---, XXIX-55Vincent, Johnny, Cardiff City Footballer, Team Photo, 1973-74, XXVIII-74
Vincent, Ted, Dock Worker, Meeting US General, 1940s, IV-228Vincent's Band of Hope Minstrels, Group Photo, ---, ---, c1912, XXVII-108
Virgil Street Council School, Woodwork Class, Interior, ---, 1907, XXXII-159Virgin, Bob, Severn Road School, group Photo, c1952, XXXV-158
Viriamu Jones Boys' School, PE and Gymnastics Teams, Team Photo, ---, 1949-50, XXVII-93/94Viriamu Jones School, Netball Team, Team Photo, ---, 1954-55, XXVII-95
Viriamu Jones School, Netball Team, Team Photo, ---, 1957-58, XXVII-96Viriamu Jones School, Soccer Team, Team Photo, ---, 1928, XXIV-114
Viriamu Jones School, Soccer Team, Team Photo, ---, 1950-51, XXXV-97Viriamu Jones Secondary Modern School, Netball Team, Team Photo, ---, 1954-55, XIII-142
Viriamu Jones Secondary Modern School, Soccer Team, Team Photo, ---, 1952-54, XXVII-76/77Vokes, C., Victoria Park Bowling Club, Team Photo, 1949, XXIII-88
W.J.Gardner's, Staff Outing, Group, Langland Bay, September 1935, XV-203Wainwright, Bill, Headmaster of Marlborough Junior School, With Standard 3, 1958, XXXII-155
Wake, ---, Cardiff City Footballer, Team Photo, 1928-29, XVIII-74Wake, H., Cardiff City Footballer, City Hall Reception for Reaching FA Cup Final, 1925, I-131
Wake, H., Cardiff City Footballer, Team Photo, 1929-30, IX-136Wake, H., Cardiff City Footballer, Team Photo, 1930-31, IX-137
Wake, Harry, Cardiff City Footballer, Team Photo on Tour in Prague, 1924, XXI-46Wake, K.G., Cardiff Wednesdays Football Team, ---, 1935, XVI-77
Walbrook, E.N., Chairman of Welsh Schools FA, With Cardiff Schools Team, 1959-60, XXXIV-138Walbrook, Mr., Teacher at Wood Street School, With Soccer Team, 1936, XX-79
Walbrook, Ted, Teacher at Adamsdown Junior School, With Soccer Team, 1953, XXIX-83Waldini, (Wally Bishop), Cardiff Showman, Touring with 'Little Joan', 1937, XXIII-100
Waldini, 'Mr.Music', Alias Wally Bishop, Picture and Feature, ---, XX-110/111Waldini's Gypsy Band, Roath Park Pavilion, ---, ---, 1930s, V-138
Wales ABA, Team, Group Photo, Visiting Cork and Limerick, 1934, XV-71Wales Gas, Transport Staff, Grangetown Works, Group Photo, 1950s, XXIII-41
Wales Rugby XV, Triple Crown and Grand Slam Winners, Team Photo, ---, 1907-08, XII-92Wales, Cyril, Sax Player, With Eddie Graves Orchestra, 1950s, XVI-119
Walker, J.C., Western Mail Cartoonist, Group Photo, 1954, XVII-199Walker, Joe, As 16 Year Old with Greengrocer's Horse and Cart, Byron Street, c1908, XVIII-37
Walker, Peter, Glamorgan Cricketer, Action Shot, 1968, XXIV-68Walker, Peter, Glamorgan Cricketer, Group Photo, 1957, XXIV-66
Wall, G., Baseball Player, With Grangetown and Wales Teams, 1908, XVI-87/88Wall, G.A., ARP Wardens (Post 211), Group Photo, 1944, XXXIV-114
Wallbrook, E.N., Official, Cardiff Schools Football League (Team Photo), 1947-48, III-163Walsh, Brian, Cardiff City Footballer, Celebrating Welsh Cup Victory, 1956, XX-68
Walsh, Brian, Cardiff City Footballer, Group Photo, 1959, XXXI-105Walsh, Brian, Cardiff City Footballer, Receiving Physiotherapy, 1950s, XXII-74
Walsh, Brian, Cardiff City Footballer, Team Photo, 1956, XX-70Walsh, Brian, Cardiff City Footballer, Team Photo, 1958, XXXI-103
Walsh, Brian, Cardiff City Footballer, Team Photo, 1959-60, XXXIV-126/129Walsh, Brian, Cardiff City Footballer, Team Photo, 1960, XXII-71
Walsh, Tommy, Boxer, Portrait, 1936, IV-169Walter, Cliff, Captain, Cardiff High School Old Boys RFC (Team Photo), 1932-33, XI-81
Walters, D.J., Secretary, Maindy Hotel Skittles Team (Group Photo), 1933, XXV-126Walters, Idwal, Teacher at Canton High School, With Form 4 (Science), 1962, XVII-153
Walton, George, Cardiff City Footballer, Portrait, 1930s, XVII-90Walton, George, Cardiff City Footballer, Squad Photo, 1937-38, VII-142
Walton, George, Cardiff City Footballer, Team Photo, 1939, III-154Walton, Harry, Name on Clive Road Hall Roll of Honour, ---, 1914-18, XXIX-144
Wanger, J., Teacher at Cardiff High School, With Tennis Team, 1949-50, XXXVI-98/99Warboys, Alan, Cardiff City Footballer, Team Photo, 1972, XIX-76
Ward, Dai, Cardiff City Footballer, With Western Welsh Ely Works Soccer Team, 1951-52, XXIX-91Ward, H., Cardiff City Footballer, Team Photo, 1939, III-155
Ward, Rev.William R., Ely Methodist Church, With Youth Club, 1950s, XXVII-143Warden, Dorothy, With Staff of Bon Marche, Grand Avenue, 1960s, XXX-52
Wardle, G., Cardiff City Footballer, Team Photo, 1948-49, II-113Wardle, George, Cardiff City FC, Coaching at Central Youth Club, 1947, I-156
Wardle, George, Cardiff City Footballer, Running on Coney Beach (Group Photo), 1947, XXXV-83Wardle, George, Cardiff City Footballer, Team Photo, 1946-47, V-136
Wardle, George, Cardiff City Footballer, Team Photo, 1946-47, XXXV-77Wardle, George, Cardiff City Footballer, Team Photo, 1947-48, XIII-129
Wardle, George, Cardiff City Footballer, Third Division Championship Team Photo, 1946-47, XII-73Waring, Thomas, Alderman, House in Newport Road Where he Lived 1877-82, 1965, XXXIII-15
Warman, Alfred, Name on Clive Road Hall Roll of Honour, ---, 1914-18, XXIX-144Warner, Father Marmaduke, With 40th St.German's (Roath) Cub Pack, Group Photo, 1933, XXXV-183
Warren, ---, Cardiff City Footballer, Team Photo, 1928-29, XVIII-74Warren, J., With Cardiff Schoolboys Football Team, Team Photo, 1935, XVI-67
Waterhall County Secondary School, Form IV, Class Photo, ---, c1961, XV-162Waterhall County Secondary School, Headmaster and Staff, group Photo, ---, 1961, X-128
Waters, Huw, Headmaster of Metal Street School, With Soccer Team, 1942-43, XXVIII-85Waters, R., Saintwell Rovers FC, Team Photo, 1950-51, XXXIV-134
Waters, W.H., Teacher at canton High School, With Form 5, 1955, XXV-159Watkins, David, Blue Dragons Rugby League Player, During PR Exercise, 1981, XXVII-80
Watkins, Eddie, Rugby International, With Cardiff Training College Cricket Team, 1948, XXIII-70Watkins, I.G., Customs and Excise Soccer Team, Team Photo, 1931-32, XIII-135
Watkins, Jack, Rhiwbina Recreation Club, Table Tennis Team, 1958-59, XXVI-135Watkins, Johnny, Cardiff City Footballer, Team Photo, 1959-60, XXXIV-126/129
Watkins, Johnny, Cardiff City Footballer, Team Photo, 1960, XXII-71Watkins, M., Saintwell Rovers FC, Team Photo, 1950-51, XXXIV-134
Watkins, Major Tasker VC, With Literary Society Group, ---, 1949, XX-133Watkins, Marjorie, Musician, Playing in Trio in Dutch Café Queen Street, 1930s, II-174
Watkins, Sir Tasker, Victoria Cross Winner, With Glamorgan Wanderers RFC, 1947-48, XVII-116Watkiss, Ron, Lord Mayor of Cardiff, As Youth with Cory Brothers Football Team, 1935-36, VI-151
Watkiss, Ron, Lord Mayor, With Ebenezer Gospel Hall Sunday School Group, 1936-7, XI-152Watson, 'Ben', Teacher at Canton High School, With Form 2B, 1932, XVIII-152
Watson, Ben, Teacher at Canton High School, With Form 5 Classical, 1950, XXVII-150Watson, Ben, Teacher at Canton High School, With Fourth Formers, 1945, XXXV-152
Watson, G., Cardiff City Footballer, Group Photo, 1939, II-106Watson, Rev.Stanley, Loudon Square Methodist Mission, Whitsun Treat, 1937-38, XXXII-142
Watson, T., Cardiff City Footballer, FA Cup Winners Team Photo, 1927, IV-132Watson, Tommy, Cardiff City Footballer, FA Cup Winning Team (Informal Group), 1927, XXXIII-68
Watts, Chris, Victoria Park Bowling Club, Team Photo, 1949, XXIII-88Watts, George, Steam Wagon Driver, Crosswells Brewery, 1914-18, XIV-136
Watts, John, Manager of Canton Cinema, Portrait, ---, XXXV-107Watts, Les, Canton Wesleyan Cricket Club, Team Photo, 1935, XXXIII-89
Watts, Ted, Steam Wagon Driver, Crosswells Brewery, 1939-45, XIV-137Waugh, J., Headmaster, Howard Gardens Higher Grade Board School (Group Photo), 1889, X-102
Waugh, James, Headmaster of Cardiff Intermediate School for Boys, Portrait, ---, XXXVI-152Wayne, Paul, Musician, With Band at Kennard Rooms in Richmond Road, 1957, X-184
Webb, Brian, Canton High School Junior Rugby Team, Team Photo, 1951-52, XXV-113Webb, J., Member, Canton Liberal Institute Male Voice Choir, 1922, III-176
Webb, Jack, Grange Baptists RFC, Team Photo, 1921-22, XXV-109Webb, Jack, Member of North Road Pool Club, Group Photo, 1927, XXIII-94
Webb, L., Herbert Thompson School, Boxing Team, 1947, XXXIII-86Webb, Roy, Policeman, With Welsh Water Polo Team, 1949, XXIII-78
Webber, A.V., Foreman of GWR Road Transport Maintenance Depot, With Staff, c1932, XXXI-95Webber, Bert, Hawthorn School, In Class Photo, 1932, XXXI-162
Webber, Frank, Manager of the Western Mail, At Brother Robert's 70th Birthday, 1954, XVII-199Webber, Sir Robert, Managing Director of the Western Mail, 70th Birthday Luncheon, 1954, XVII-199
Webber, Sir Robert, Managing Director of Western Mail, VIPs at Royal Hotel, 1952, XXXIV-122Webster, Colin, International Footballer, With Cardiff Schools Team, 1945-46, IX-142
Webster, Colin, International Footballer, With Windsor-Clive School Team, 1945, IX-141Webster, F., Committee Member, Heath Cricket Club Team Photo, 1910, V-108
Wedlake, O., ARP Wardens (Post 211), Group Photo, 1944, XXXIV-114Weeks, Ray, Whitchurch YMCA Soccer Team, Team Photo, 1948, XXX-110
Weighell, Miss G.M., Headmistress of Cathays High School, With Staff, 1938, XIV-165Welch, Albert (Jnr), Plymouth Boxing Club, Group Photo, 1933, XX-98
Welch, Albert (Snr), Plymouth Boxing Club, Group Photo, 1933, XX-98Welchman, Gil, Captain, With Wood Street FC, 1952, XXXI-116
Weldon, Trevor, Sports Officer at Maindy Stadium, In Gymnastics Display, 1947, XXVIII-189Wellington, Malcolm, St.Albans Rugby XV, Team Photo, 1950-51, XXXIII-82
Wells, A., Vice President, Grange Temperance Institute (Group Photo), 1924-25, VI-164Wells, Billy, Bombardier, With Army Boxing Squad, 1914-18, XXXII-100
Welsh Baseball Team, Cardiff Arms park, Team Photo, ---, 1936, I-153Welsh Baseball Team, Team Photo, ---, ---, 1938, XXXIV-151
Welsh Guards, Old Comrades Association, Group Photo, ---, 1947, XXXVI-203Welsh International Rugby Team, Team Photo, --- ---, 1930, XXIX-93
Welsh Rugby Team, Team Photo, ---, ---, 1909, XXX-114Welsh Schoolboy Boxing Champions, Group Photo, ---, ---, 1959, XXVII-61
Welsh Schoolboys Boxing Team, Team Photo, ---, ---, 1936, IV-168Welsh Schoolboys', Football Team, Team Photo, ---, 1913, II-133
Welsh Water Polo Team, Team Photo, ---, ---, 1949, XXIII-78Welsh, Freddy, Boxer, With Jim Driscoll, ---, II-151
Welsh, M., Captain, Cardiff Schools Football Team, 1940-41, IV-145Welsh, P., St.Patrick's Baseball Team, Team Photo, 1953, XXX-120
Wentloog Junior School, Rumney, Pupils, Group Photo, 1939, VII-116West, G., Cardiff City Footballer, Team Photo, 1939, III-155
West, George, Cardiff City Footballer, Birmingham, 18 Sep 1920, XV-86West, Ron, Boys' Brigade Soccer Team, Team Photo, 1936, XXX-103
Westacott, D., Cardiff Rugby Player, Small Portrait, 1905-06, II-116Western General Hospital, Soccer Team, Team Photo, ---, 1915, XXII-155
Western Mail & Echo, Female Staff, Working in Library, ---, 1931, XVI-43Western Mail and Echo, Reporters' Room, Journalists, Group Photo, 1948, XIX-175
Western Mail, Tudor Printing Works, Staff, Group Photo, 1922, XII-49Western Villa FC, Ely, Team photo, ---, 1929-30, XXIX-86
Western Welsh Ely Works, Soccer Team, Team Photo, ---, 1951-52, XXIX-91Western Welsh, Bus Drivers, Group Photo, ---, c1949, XIX-101
Western Welsh, Central Works Staff, Group Photo, ---, 1959, XXVII-124Western Welsh, Ely Works Soccer Team, Team Photo, ---, 1947-48, XXXIV-135
Western Welsh, Ely Works Soccer Team, Team Photo, ---, 1954, XXXIV-136Western Welsh, Staff, Annual dance, Group Photo, 1938-39, XXXIV-53/54
Western Welsh, Staff, On Board 'Cliveden', Group Photo, 1930s, XXXIV-56Western, A., Member, Canton Liberal Institute Male Voice Choir, 1922, III-176
Westgate Inn Skittles Club, Group Photo, ---, ---, 1929-30, XII-69Westlake, E., Cardiff Schools Football Team, Team Photo, 1947-48, III-163
Weston, C., International Baseball Player, With Cardiff Club (Team Photo), 1935, XXXVI-100Whartons FC, James Howell's Staff, Team Photo, ---, 1933-34, XVII-108
Whartons RFC, James Howell's Staff, Team Photo, ---, 1937, XVII-120Wheadon, A., Captain, Pentrebane Junior School Soccer Team, 1969-70, XXXIV-147
Wheatley, J.L., Town Clerk, In Lord Mayor's Procession, 1908, XIX-189Wheatley, Joseph Lake, Town Clerk 1879-1919, Portrait, ---, XXXII-171
Wheaton, John, Old Cantonians Cricket Club, Team Photo, 1968, XXXIII-90Whelan, P., Captain, St.Peter's RFC (Team Photo), 1921-22, II-121
Wheten, Edna, Outside 13 Daniel Street, Cathays, 1916, XXI-32Whitaker, George, City Engineer, At Opening of Bus Garage in Sloper Road, 1931, XII-121
Whitaker, George, City Engineer, With his Deputy E.C.Roberts, 1944, XXXI-174Whitchurch & District Skittles League, Officials and Delegates, Group Photo, ---, 1933-34, XXV-128
Whitchurch Athletic FC, Team Photo, ---, ---, 1947-48, XXII-86Whitchurch Badminton Club, Group Photo, ---, ---, 1949, XXIV-59
Whitchurch Boys' Church School, Soccer Team, Team Photo, ---, 1928-29, XXX-107Whitchurch Boys' School, Pupils, Class Photo, ---, 1934, XVI-147
Whitchurch Boys' School, Pupils, Group Photo, ---, 1920s, XXIX-181Whitchurch Boys' School, Standard 3, Class Photo, ---, 1930, XVI-146
Whitchurch Boys' School, Standard 7, Class Photo, ---, XVI-144Whitchurch Central School, Class 4, Class Photo, ---, c1918, XVI-145
Whitchurch Coronaders Jazz Band, On the March, ---, ---, 1953, XXIV-122Whitchurch County Secondary School, 1st XI Cricket Team, Team Photo, ---, 1946-47, XXVIII-110
Whitchurch County Secondary, 1st & 2nd XV Rugby Teams, Team Photo, 1946-47, XXVIII-100/101Whitchurch Girls' School, Pupils, Group Photo, ---, 1928, XIX-142
Whitchurch Grammar School, 4th Form Pupils, Group Photo, ---, 1940, XXV-160Whitchurch Grammar School, Form 3G, Class Photo, ---, c1940, XXXVI-158
Whitchurch High School, Under 12 Rugby Team, Team Photo, ---, 1971-72, XXIII-60Whitchurch High School, Under 13 Rugby Team, Team Photo, ---, 1954-55, XXVI-111
Whitchurch Hospital, Staff, Group Photo, ---, 1936, XIV-191Whitchurch Hospital, Wounded Ex Servicemen, Group Photo, ---, 1916, XXXIV-111
Whitchurch Infants' School, Pupils, Group Photo, ---, 1965, XXVI-171Whitchurch Junior School, Pupils, Group Photo, ---, 1947, XXXII-158
Whitchurch RFC, Team Photo, ---, ---, 1910, III-134Whitchurch Senior School, Manor Way, Pupils, Group Photo, 1941, XXIV-162
Whitchurch YMCA, Soccer Team, Team Photo, ---, 1948, XXVI-127Whitchurch YMCA, Youth Soccer Team, Team Photo, ---, 1948, XXX-110
White, Enoch 'Knocker', In Bare Knuckle Fight at The Cow and Snuffers, ---, ---, VIII-154White, J., Captain, Metal Street School Soccer Team (Team Photo), 1942-43, XXX-108
White, J.H., Club Secretary, Heath Cricket Club Team Photo, 1910, V-108White, J.H., Scorer, Heath Cricket Club Team Photo, 1910, V-108
White, Miss, Teacher at Cathays High School for Girls, With Form 5B, c1940, XVI-137Whitlow, Frank, Sports Master at Howardian High School, With Athletics Team, 1959, XXIII-90
Whitsey, Neville, Wedding Photo, Grand Avenue Congregational Church, September 1943, XXXI-136Whittle, E., University College, Staff Cricket Team, 1965, XXVIII-115
Wibley, Alan, At Sergeant Lewis' Retirement party, ---, 1980, XVIII-204Wigley, Gwynne, Tobacconist, Outside Shop in James Street, 1930s, XXXVI-39
Wigley, Max, Chemist, With Cardiff High School Rugby Team, 1946-47, XVI-100Wilcox, Caradoc, Cardiff City Footballer, Team Photo, 1951, XXIII-49
Wilcox, Charles, Name on Clive Road Hall Roll of Honour, ---, 1914-18, XXIX-144Wilde, Inspector J., GPO Westgate Street, With Telegram Boys, 1968, VI-109
Wilde, Jimmy, With Army Boxing Squad, 1914-18, XXXII-100Wiles, W., Cardiff training College Cricket Team, Team Photo, 1948, XXIII-70
Wilkes, C., Teacher at Marlborough Road School, With Soccer Team, 1904, XXXII-93Wilkie, F.C., Radnor Road School, Wearing Welsh Schoolboys' Football Cap, 1933-34, XIII-141
Wilkie, F.C.'Dixie', Radnor Road School, Welsh Schoolboy Soccer International, 1933-34, VII-145Wilkie, R., Captain, Thompson's Athletic FC (Team Photo), 1930s, XIII-136/137
Wilkins, A.S., Captain, Gordon's FC (Team Photo), 1908-9, VI-144William Lewis & Sons, Automobile Engineers, Staff, Group Photo, 1952, XXXII-73
William Lewis & Sons, Coachbuilders, Tudor Lane, Staff (Group Photos), 1930s, VIII-68/69William Powell & Sons, Provision Merchants, Staff Outing, Group Photo, 1930, XII-199
Williams, Alun, BBC, With Radio Sports Forum, 1960s, XXIX-80Williams, Alun, Captain, Gladstone School Baseball Team (Team Photo), 1947-48, XXIX-106
Williams, Alun, Captain, Gladstone School Soccer Team (Team Photo), 1946-47, XXIX-82Williams, Ashley, Son of Bleddyn Williams, Rhydypenau Junior Soccer Team, 1958, XXXV-98
Williams, B.L., Cardiff RFC 75th Anniversary, Cardiff v GB Team Photo, 1951, XXVI-103Williams, Benjamin, Name on Clive Road Hall Roll of Honour, ---, 1914-18, XXIX-144
Williams, Bill, Cardiff Licensee, With Cornwall United Soccer Team, 1934-35, XXXIV-133Williams, Bill, Manager of the Victoria Park Pub, As Drummer in Boy Scout Band, 1928, XXIII-160
Williams, Bleddyn, Cardiff and Wales Rugby Player, At Cardiff RFC Dinner, 1982, XXVI-102Williams, Bleddyn, Cardiff and Wales Rugby Player, Cardiff v New Zealand, 1945, XXVI-104
Williams, Bleddyn, Cardiff and Wales Rugby Player, With Jack Matthews, ---, XXVI-100Williams, Bleddyn, Cardiff RFC, Coming on to Pitch with Team, 1951, XXV-110
Williams, Bleddyn, Rugby Player, Leading Cardiff on to Arms Park, May 1955, XV-55Williams, Bleddyn, Rugby Player, Portrait in Lion's Jersey, ---, XV-56
Williams, Bleddyn, Rugby Player, Scoring Try in New Zealand, 1950, XV-57Williams, Bobby, Captain, Cardiff Boys' Baseball Team (Team Photo), 1953, XXXIII-94
Williams, Bryn, Whitchurch County Secondary School Rugby Team, ---, 1946-47, XXVIII-100Williams, C., Cricketer, Heath Cricket Club Team Photo, 1910, V-108
Williams, C., Marlborough Road School Soccer Team, Team Photo, 1904, XXXII-93Williams, C.A., President, Cardiff YMCA Swimming Club (Group Photo), 1934, XXI-64
Williams, C.D., Cardiff and Wales Rugby Player, Canton High School Class Photo, 1940, XXVII-147Williams, C.D., Cardiff RFC 75th Anniversary, Cardiff v GB Team Photo, 1951, XXVI-103
Williams, C.D., Cardiff RFC, Coming on to Pitch with Team, 1951, XXV-110Williams, C.H.D., Captain, Cardiff Bohemians FC (Team Photo), 1920-21, XXXII-97
Williams, Charlie, Penylan Baseball Player, Action Portrait, 1933, XVI-89Williams, D., Western Welsh, Ely Works Soccer Team, 1947-48, XXXIV-135
Williams, D.E.H., ARP Wardens (Post 211), Group Photo, 1944, XXXIV-114Williams, D.T., Lord Mayor of Cardiff, Presenting Welsh Darts Trophy, 1957, XXIII-91
Williams, Deiniol, Headmaster Howard Gardens High School, With Prefects, 1947, XXXI-143Williams, Dewi, Head of English at Howardian High School, With Rugby Team, 1955, XXIII-65
Williams, Don, Footballer, With Wood Street FC (Team Photo), 1952, XXXI-116Williams, Don, Glamorgan Road Cycling Club, Working on Bike, 1953, XXXVI-110
Williams, Don, Roath rangers Junior Football Team, Team Photo, 1939-40, XXIX-89Williams, E., Welsh Sprint Champion, With Trainer, 1921, I-163
Williams, E.B.H., Name on Clive Road Hall Roll of Honour, ---, 1914-18, XXIX-144Williams, E.Lewis, Cardiff City Director, With FA Cup Winning Team, 1927, IV-132
Williams, E.Lewis, Cardiff City Director, With Team at Birmingham, 18 Sep 1920, XV-86Williams, Edwin, Keeper of Cwrt-yr-Ala Estate, With Pony and Trap, c1908, XXXV-35
Williams, Eira, Conductor, The Snowflakes (Canton) Juvenile Prize Choir, 1926, IV-199Williams, Evan, National Hunt Jockey, At Ely Racecourse, ---, XXIX-116
Williams, F.D., ARP Wardens (Post 211), Group Photo, 1944, XXXIV-114Williams, Frank, At Swimming Gala, Llandaff Baths, 1955, XXIX-108
Williams, Fred, Brewery Carpenter, With Ely Brewery Employees, 1938, XXXII-51Williams, Fred, Ely Racecourse Starter, With Son Evan, ---, XXIX-116
Williams, G., Cardiff City Footballer, Team Photo, 1951-52, IX-134Williams, Gareth, Cardiff City Footballer, Team Photo, 1964, XXVI-114
Williams, Gareth, Cardiff City Footballer, Team Photo, 1967-68, XXVII-64Williams, Glyn, Cardiff City Footballer, Derby Match v Swansea (Team Photo), 1950, XXIII-46
Williams, Glyn, Cardiff City Footballer, Group Photo, 1949-50, XXXVI-86Williams, Glyn, Cardiff City Footballer, Portrait with Fred Stansfield and Sam Booth, ---, XXXV-81
Williams, Glyn, Cardiff City Footballer, Team Photo, 1946-47, V-136Williams, Glyn, Cardiff City Footballer, Team Photo, 1946-47, XXXV-77
Williams, Glyn, Cardiff City Footballer, Team Photo, 1949-50, X-139Williams, Glyn, Cardiff City Footballer, Team Photo, 1950-51, XVIII-71
Williams, Glyn, Cardiff City Footballer, Team Photo, 1950, XIV-71Williams, Glyn, Cardiff City Footballer, Team Photo, April 1952, XXIII-50
Williams, Glyn, Cardiff City Footballer, Third Division Championship Team Photo, 1946-47, XII-73Williams, Glyn, Cardiff City Team, Billy James Benefit, 1950, XVI-68
Williams, Glyn, Western Welsh Ely Works Soccer Team, Team Photo, 1951-52, XXIX-91Williams, Grenville, Wales Gas Transport Staff, Group Photo, 1950s, XXIII-41
Williams, Gwendoline, Music Teacher, With Clive Hall School Choir, 1953, XXX-154Williams, Gwenllian, Conductor, Canton Juvenile Prize Choir, 1926, IV-198
Williams, Gwyn, Brother of Bleddyn, Melingriffith Sports Club Boxing Team, 1933-34, XVII-134Williams, H., Teacher at Moorland Road School, With Cricket Team, 1939, XXXV-103
Williams, H., Teacher at Moorland Road School, With Soccer Team, 1928-29, XXXV-95Williams, Haydn, Captain, Ninian Park School Rugby Team (Team Photo), 1922-23, XXVI-107
Williams, Hubert, Being Presented with Legion d'Honneur, 103rd Birthday, 1998, XXXV-58Williams, Hubert, Royal Engineers and Royal Flying Corps, Portrait, 1914-18, XXXV-57
Williams, I., Captain, St.Martin's Soccer Team (Team Photo), 1925-26, XIII-139Williams, J., Moorland Road School, Cricket Team, 1939, XXXV-103
Williams, J.L., Cardiff and Wales Rugby Player, With Welsh Grand Slam Team, 1907-08, XII-92Williams, J.L., Cardiff and Wales Rugby Player, With Welsh Grand Slam Team, 1908, XVIII-85
Williams, J.L., Cardiff Rugby Player, Small Portrait, 1905-06, II-116Williams, J.L., Cardiff Rugby Player, Team Photo, 1910-11, XIII-143
Williams, J.L., Rugby Player, Cardiff RFC Team Photo, 1909-10, I-118Williams, John, Chief Storeman at Callinicos Chandlers. ---, c1980, VIII-64
Williams, John, Conductor, St.Alban's Silver Band (Group Photo), 1952, VII-189Williams, June, Mascot for Cardiff Rugby Team, At Newport, 1951, XXV-110
Williams, Ken, Boys' Brigade, Relay Team Carrying Jubilee Message to George V, 1935, I-193Williams, Len, Coaching Canton Athletic FC, Sevenoaks Park, 1954, XXIX-92
Williams, Len, Tom Lewis's Danish Bacon Stall, Cardiff Central Market, 1939, XXX-43Williams, Mac, Boxing Manager, With Dick Richardson, ---, VIII-180
Williams, Margaret Lindsay, Portrait Painter, Aged 15, 1903, XXXII-180Williams, Marian, Accompanist, With Novello Singers, 1950s, XII-109
Williams, Marian, Accompanist, With Snowflakes Choir, ---, XII-111Williams, Michael, Aged 11, Richmond Amateur Boxing Club, 1959, XXVII-60
Williams, Morgan, As Prince Llewellyn, National pageant of Wales, 1909, XXXVI-182Williams, Mrs.Alice, Severn Road Girls' School, Group Photo, XXXIII-170
Williams, Mrs.Howell, Captain of Girls' Brigade, With Memorial Hall Canton Group, 1935, XX-190Williams, Nest, As Queen of Gruffydd, National Pageant of Wales, 1909, XXXVI-182
Williams, Owen, Bus Driver for Whites, By Vehicle, c1930, XXXV-131Williams, PC H., Cardiff City Police, Water Polo Team, 1937, XXVIII-121
Williams, R., Cardiff City Footballer, Team Photo, 1929-30, IX-136Williams, R., CIACS Rugby Team, Team Photo, 1967, XXVII-86
Williams, R.F., Cardiff Rugby Player, Team Photo, 1910-11, XIII-143Williams, R.J., ARP Wardens (Post 211), Group Photo, 1944, XXXIV-114
Williams, Roderick, Conductor, Cardiff Male Voice Choir, 1900, XI-102Williams, Roley, Cardiff City Footballer, Derby Match v Swansea (Team Photo), 1950, XXIII-46
Williams, Roley, Cardiff City Footballer, Informal Group Photo during Training, 1950s, XXIX-76Williams, Roley, Cardiff City Footballer, Team Photo, April 1952, XXIII-50
Williams, Roley, Cardiff City Footballers, With Team Mates by Team Bus, 1950, XXXVI-85Williams, Rowley, Cardiff City Footballer, Team Photo, 1949-50, X-139
Williams, Rowley, Cardiff City Footballer, Team Photo, 1949-50, XVIII-73Williams, Rowley, Cardiff City Footballer, Team Photo, 1950-51, XVIII-71
Williams, Rowley, Cardiff City Footballer, Team Photo, 1950, XIV-71Williams, Roy, Canton United FC, Team Photo, c1960, XXXVI-91
Williams, S., At Cardiff Police Reunion, Group Photo, 1987, XXI-184Williams, S., Western Welsh, Ely Works Soccer Team, 1954, XXXIV-136
Williams, Sam, Bell Ringer at St.John's Church, Group Photo, 1917, XXVI-143Williams, Sir W.R., Alderman, Presenting Cheque for Glamorganshire Canal, 1944, XXVI-36
Williams, Sir W.R., Lord Mayor of Cardiff 1928-29, With Order of Rechabites, 1936, XVI-173Williams, Stanley, dairyman, With Brother in Law Francis Lisk, c1930, XXII-50
Williams, Stewart, Publisher, Playing Accordion in The Tredegar Arms, 1960s, XIV-113Williams, Stewart, Publisher, With Ernie Curtis, 1999, XXXV-85
Williams, T., Melingriffith Sports Club Boxing Team, Team Photo, 1933-34, XVII-134Williams, T.J., Captain, Cathays High School Junior Cricket XI (Team Photo), 1955, XXVIII-111
Williams, Ted, Byways Road Cycle Club, Winning Race at Maindy, ---, 1951, XXXVI-107Williams, Ted, Byways Road Cycle Club, With George Jensen, ---, 1950, XXXVI-106
Williams, Ted, Cyclist, Group Photo, 1951, XXXVI-111Williams, Tommy, Cardiff City Footballer, Squad Photo, 1937-38, VII-142
Williams, Tommy, Cardiff City Footballer, With Cardiff Boys Team, 1931-32, VI-141Williams, V., Member, Canton Liberal Institute Male Voice Choir, 1922, III-176
Williams, Walter, Fruit and Vegetable Trader, Group Outing, 1932, XXXVI-188Williams, William, Name on Clive Road Hall Roll of Honour, ---, 1914-18, XXIX-144
Williams. T.J., Vice President, Grange Temperance Institute (Group Photo), 1924-25, VI-164Willis, E., Cardiff Schools Football Team, Team Photo, 1947-48, III-163
Willis, Rex, Cardiff RFC 75th Anniversary, Cardiff v GB Team Photo, 1951, XXVI-103Willis, Rex, Llandaff RFC, Team Photo, 1946-47, XXIV-92
Willis, S.J., Captain, Hayes Recreative Association RFC (Team Photo), 1904-05, XI-73Willows, E.T., Airship Designer, With Airship, 1910, XIII-109
Wills, W.R., Lord Mayor of Cardiff, With Cardiff & District Darts League Officers, 1946, XX-94Wilmot, J.B., Howard Gardens High School Form 4 Modern, Class Photo, 1947-48, XXVII-154
Wilmot, Katherine, Teacher at Kitchener Road School, As Red Cross Nurse, 1939-45, XXVII-187Wilshire, Bob, 'Peerless' Jim Driscoll's father-in-law, Fishguard Arms (Licensee), ---, XXV-53
Wilson, A., now Mrs.Stubbs, At Moorland Road and Albany Road School Camp, 1951, III-121Wilson, Bartley, Cardiff City Assistant Secretary, In Office at Ninian Park, 1952, IV-135
Wilson, Bartley, Cardiff City FC Official, With Riverside Albion FC, 1918, III-157Wilson, Bob, Cardiff City Footballer, Team Photo, 1964, XXVI-114
Wilson, Bob, Cardiff City Footballer, Team Photo, 1967-68, XXVII-64Wilson, Chief Constable Sir James, Cardiff City Police, With Water Polo Team, 1937, XXVIII-121
Wilson, Dr. J.Greenwood, Cardiff's Medical Officer of Health, In Meeting, 1944, XXXI-180Wilson, James, Chief Constable, In Meeting, 1944, XXXI-184
Wilson, W.B., Cardiff City Assistant Secretary, With FA Cup Winning Team, 1927, IV-132Wilton-Pye, Tommy, Clerk of the Course, Ely racecourse, ---, XXIX-116
Windsor-Clive Girls' School, Ely, Pupils, Group Photo, 1933-34, XXIV-169/170Windsor-Clive Girls' School, Pupils, Group Photo, ---, 1935, XXIX-157
Windsor-Clive Infants' School, Ely, Teaching Staff, Group Photo, 1945, X-113Windsor-Clive Infants' School, Pupils, Class Photo, ---, 1933, I-115
Windsor-Clive Infants' School, Pupils, Class Photo, ---, 1938, I-116Windsor-Clive Junior School, Ely, Form 3B, Class Photo, 1963, XXXII-150
Windsor-Clive Junior School, Standard 4A, Class Photo, ---, 1962, XII-178Windsor-Clive School, Ely, Football Team, Team Photo, 1933-34, VI-143
Windsor-Clive School, Ely, Football Team, Team Photo, 1934-35, VI-142Windsor-Clive School, Ely, Football Team, Team Photo, 1944-45, IX-141
Windsor-Clive School, Ely, Form 7A, Class Photo, 1949, XXVII-168Windsor-Clive School, Ely, Infants, Group Photo, 1931, XX-161
Windsor-Clive School, Ely, Infants' Class, Class Photo, 1934, XXVIII-177Windsor-Clive School, Ely, Juniors, Group Photo, 1958, VII-122
Windsor-Clive School, Ely, Pupils, Group Photo, 1940, XX-160Windsor-Clive School, Ely, Schoolgirls at Porthcawl Camp, Group Photo, 1952, III-123
Windsor-Clive School, Ely, Soccer Team, Team Photo, 1939, V-125Windsor-Clive School, Ely, Soccer XI, Team Photo, 1933-34, XIX-78
Windsor-Clive School, Ely, Standard 4A, Class Photo, 1938, XX-159Windsor-Clive School, Ely, Standard 6A, Class Photo, 1938, II-99
Windsor-Clive School, Ely, Teaching Staff, Group Photo, 1937-38, IV-104Windsor-Clive School, Football Team, Team Photo, Seager Cup Winners, 1934-35, VII-153
Windsor-Clive, Archer, Son of Earl of Plymouth, Family group Photo, 1914, XXXVI-192Windsor Clive School, Ely, Football Team, Team Photo, 1930s, II-138
Windsor Place Presbyterian Church, Sunday School, Pupils, group Photo, 1916-17, X-94Winfield, H.B., Cardiff and Wales Rugby Player, With Welsh Grand Slam Team, 1907-08, XII-92
Winfield, H.B., Cardiff and Wales Rugby Player, With Welsh Grand Slam Team, 1908, XVIII-85Winfield, H.B., Cardiff Rugby Player, Small Portrait, 1905-06, II-116
Winslade & Smith, Crown Mineral Water Works, Staff, Group Photo, 1939, XVI-55Winters, L., Committee, Grange Temperance Institute (Group Photo), 1924-25, VI-164
Wish, E., Name on Clive Road Hall Roll of Honour, ---, 1914-18, XXIX-144Witcombe, Doug, International Footballer, Playing Table Soccer with Welsh Stars, 1946, XXIX-78
Witts, T.W., Cardiff City Footballer, Team Photo, 1939, III-155Witts, Tom, Cardiff City Footballer, Southampton, 1914-1915, XV-85
Wolf Cubs, St.Catherine's Church, King's Road, Group Photo, 1927, XXVIII-193Women's Junior Air Corps, March Past in Cathays Park, ---, ---, 1948, XII-208
Wood Street Boys' School, Standard 2, Class Photo, ---, c1937, XXXI-164Wood Street FC, Football Team, Team Photo, Llandaff Fields, 1952, XXXI-116
Wood Street Infants' School, Pupils, Group Photo, ---, 1925, XIX-157Wood Street Infants' School, Pupils, Group Photo, ---, 1925-26, XXVII-170/171
Wood Street School, Infants' Class, Class Photo, ---, 1928, XXIX-183Wood Street School, Pupils at Desks (Infants), Group Photo, ---, c1928, XVII-165
Wood Street School, Pupils at Desks, Group Photo, ---, 1927, VIII-102Wood Street School, Pupils, Group Photo, ---, 1930, IV-100
Wood Street School, Pupils, Group Photo, ---, 1924, VIII-101Wood Street School, Soccer Team, Team Photo, ---, 1934-35, IX-146
Wood Street School, Soccer Team, Team Photo, ---, 1936, XX-79Wood Street School, Standard 2, Class Photo, ---, 1934, IX-91
Wood Street School. Pupils, group Photo, ---, 1933, VIII-110Wood, Alan, Musician, With Band at Kennard Rooms in Richmond Road, 1957, X-184
Wood, Jack, Director of Charles Hunt & Co. (Printers), Frederick Street Workshop, 1950s, XXIV-28Wood, John, Director of Charles Hunt & Co. (Printers), Frederick Street Workshop, 1950s, XXIV-28
Wood, N.J., Captain, Cardiff High School Soccer Team (Team Photo), 1911, IX-148Wood, T., Competitor in Welsh Marathon, Maindy Stadium, 1958, XXI-72
Wood, Terry, Cardiff City Footballer, Team Photo, 1940-41, VI-132Woodcock, Samuel, Butcher, Photo of Shop in Bute Street, ---, XXV-54
Woodland, Betty, Captain, Birchgrove Athletic Baseball Team, 1937, VI-175Woodland, Bill, Cardiff & District Silver Band, Portrait, 1905, XXX-136
Woodlands, G., Bell Ringer at St.Augustine's Rumney, Group Photo, 1911, XXVI-142Woodlands, M.W., Bandmaster of Cardiff and District Silver Band, Portrait, 1917, VI-180
Woodlands, W., AFS Fire Crew, On Footplate of Fire Engine in Westgate Street, 1939-45, VI-107Woodman, Ivor, Mile Runner, Gladstone School, 1908, II-149
Woodman, Mr., Teacher at Roath Park Council School, With Pupils, 1923, XI-181Woodman, Noel, Canton Wesleyan Cricket Club, Team Photo, 1935, XXXIII-89
Woodruff, Bobby, Cardiff City Footballer, Team Photo, 1972, XIX-76Woodruff, Bobby, Cardiff City Footballer, Team Photo, 1973-74, XXVIII-74
Woods, PC T., Cardiff City Police, Water Polo Team, 1937, XXVIII-121Woodverian FC, Cathays, Team Photo, ---, 1908-09, XXV-108
Woodyatt, E.B., Cardiff Schools Football Team, Team Photo, 1964, XXIV-117Wooller, Lt.Wilfred, In Uniform, At Cardiff v New Zealand Rugby Match, 1945, XXVI-104
Wooller, Wilf, Cricketer & Rugby Player, Gueret Llewellyn & Merrett Soccer Team, 1938, XXXV-94Wooller, Wilf, Glamorgan Cricketer, Group Photo, 1957, XXIV-66
Wooller, Wilf, Glamorgan Cricketer, Taking the Field at Cardiff Arms Park, 1948. XXIII-67Wooller, Wilf, Glamorgan Cricketer, Team Photo, 1952, XXIV-65
Wooller, Wilf, Glamorgan Cricketer, With Geoff Gadd, 1966, XXIV-70Wooller, Wilf, Glamorgan Cricketer, With Radio Sports Forum, 1960s, XXIX-80
Wooller, Wilf, Rugby Player, In Cardiff Past and Present Team, 1946, III-132Wooller, Wilfred, Rugby International & Glamorgan Cricketer, With Soccer Team, 1939, XVI-80
Woolworths, Canton, Female Employees, After Fire Drill in Llandaff Fields, 1952, IV-116Woon, Big Windsor, Cardiff personality, At Moorland Road Junior School, 1927, XII-165
Woosnam, Dr.Llewellyn, Headmaster, Howard Gardens High School Anniversary Dinner, 1936, IV-93Worrell, Edward George, On Tricycle Outside Worrell's Cycle Shop, ---, c1900, XVI-30
Worrell, George, Cycle Shop Owner, With Brother John, ---, VIII-139Worrell, John, Cycle Shop Owner, With Brother George, ---, VIII-139
Worth, Alan, Teacher at Gladstone Junior School, With School Baseball Team, 1952, XV-77Worthington, Charles, With St.Peter's Church Altar Boys, Group Photo, XIV-138
Wreford, W., Manager of Woolf Brothers, Outside Duke Street Shop, 1924, IX-37Wright, Alf, Severn Road School, Celebrating St.David's Day, 1940, XXXVI-168
Wright, C., Welsh Baseball Team, Team Photo, 1938, XXXIV-151Wright, Jimmy, Cardiff Dragons Speedway Team, On Bike, 1951, XII-88
Wright, Jimmy, Speedway Rider, Group Photo, 1951, IX-129Wright, Jimmy, Speedway Rider, Group Photo, Early 1950s, XXXIII-96
Wymans Booksellers, Soccer Team, Team Photo, ---, 1937, XX-85Wynde, Jacqueline, Lansdowne Road Girls' School, 1945, XXXV-165
Wynde, Les, Canton Wesleyan Cricket Club, Team Photo, 1935, XXXIII-89Wynn, Idwal, Tom Lewis's Danish Bacon Stall, Cardiff Central Market, 1939, XXX-43
Wynne-Jones, G.V.'Geevers', BBC Rugby Commentator, With Radio Sports Forum, 1960s, XXIX-80Wynne, F.E., Captain, Cardiff YMCA Cricket XI (Team Photo), 1950, XIV-100
Yeates, Fred, Boxing Trainer, With Welsh ABA Schoolboy Champions, 1926, XXVI-132Yeomans, Bill, Pupil, Moorland Road School (Class Photo), 1927, XVII-169
Yeomans, G., Moorland Road School, Soccer Team, 1928-29, XXXV-95Yewlett, G., Cardiff Rugby Player, Team Photo, 1910-11, XIII-143
Yorath, Terry, Captain, Cardiff Schools Junior Football Team (Team Photo), 1960-61, XVII-96Yorath, Terry, Cardiff Schools Football Team, Team Photo, 1964, XXIV-117
Yorath, Terry, Footballer, As Child with Rhydypenau Junior School Team, 1960, I-157Young Citizens' Association, Social Committee, group Photo, ---, 1933, XXII-181
Young, Bernard, St.Patrick's Youth FC, Team Photo, 1959, XXVIII-82Young, Ensign, Salvation Army, With William Booth, 1909, XXXII-136
Young, Ernest, Salvation Army Bandmaster, Group Photo, 1950s, XXXII-140Young, Frank 'Duke', Penylan Baseball Club, Action Shot, ---, XXVIII-107
Young, J., Melingriffith Sports Club Boxing Team, Team Photo, 1933-34, XVII-134Young, W.F., International Rugby Player, With Welsh Team, 1909, XXX-114
  *'Bert Valentine Cardiff City' is mentioned in the September 1929 Parish Magazine (reproduced month-by-month in the current Magazine). The item records that Bert Valentine, one of the Parish's former Sunday School League soccer players, had just been transferred to Cardiff City from Southport FC for the sum of £1500. ( submitted by the Vicar, St Mary (C of E), Ince-in-Makerfield, Wigan) [Last Updated : 10 Aug 2009 - Gareth Hicks]