




"BISHOPSTON, or, LLAN DEILO FERWALT, in the Cwmwd of Gwyr, Cantref of Eginog (now called the Hundred of Swansea), County of GLAMORGAN, South Wales; a Rectory valued in the King's Books at £9..6..8: Patron, The Bishop of Llandaff: Church dedicated to St. Teilo. The Resident Population of this Parish, in 1801, was 303. The Money raised by the Parish Rates, in 1803, was £102..18..9 1/2, at 7s. 10d., in the pound. It is 6 m. W. from Swansea. The whole of this Parish is inclosed, except about 100 acres. In 1728, Mrs. Catherine Rees left £100., which was laid out in Land; and £2..5..0 of the annual Interest thereof is now applied to the instruction of some poor Children, and the remainder is given away monthly in Bread. The Manor is supposed to belong to the See of Llandaff. The Chapel of Caswell is in Ruins. There is a Lead mine in a Valley in this Parish, called All Slade, about a quarter of a mile from the Sea-shore. This Mine was re-opened about two years ago, and some Tons of Ore of a good quality were raised from it, but it was again dropped, either for want of Capital or Spirit in the Adventurers. Several Implements of the ancient Miners were discovered upon reopening it, which occasioned an idea that they perished in the Mine, but no remains of them were found. See Caswell. According to the Diocesan Report, in 1809, the yearly value of this Benefice, arising from Tythes, and Glebe Land,was £134..18..11." From: A Topographical Dictionary of The Dominion of Wales by Nicholas Carlisle, London, 1811.




Here is a substantial reading list of books which relate to Glamorgan, either county or parish.


Church History

Chapels Database - a list of all known non-conformist chapels or other non-Anglican religions in the parish


Church Records

For full and up-to-date details of their holdings see the sites of Glamorgan Record Office and/or West Glamorgan Archives

See Bap/Mar/Bur data on  FreeReg

The church is dedicated to St. Teilo, and is in the Benefice of Bishopston. Details of the present incumbent of this benefice can be found at the Church in Wales website. The church can be located at grid reference SS578893.

A transcription of the registers is available from the Glamorgan Family History Society for the years: Baptisms, 1677-1891, Marriages, 1678-1838, Burials, 1677-1890. Visit their website for information on how to purchase these fiche.

Anglican Parish Registers Held at the National Library of Wales, Aberystwyth
BaptismsMarriagesBurialsBannsBishops Transcripts
1716-1807, 1810-19651716-19411716-1807, 1810-1900-1671, 1675, 1677-1678, 1681-1682, 1686-1687, 1690, 1693, 1696-1698, 1700-1702, 1704, 1707-1708, 1710, 1712-1713, 1716, 1727-1731, 1733-1776, 1778-1800, 1802-1803, 1805, 1807-1882, 1885, 1887-1890

Description & Travel

You can see pictures of Bishopston which are provided by:



Transcript of complete name listing for the Gower parishes, from Slaters Directory for 1880.



The transcription of the section for Bishopston from The National Gazetteer (1868) provided by Colin Hinson.

Description of parish from A Topographical Dictionary of Wales (1833) by Samuel Lewis.


Historical Geography

Some of the hamlets, towns and villages within this parish

  • Barland Common
  • Caswell
  • Murton
  • Northway
  • Oldway
  • Pyle

Land & Property

Details of extant records on Archives Network Wales for the following;

  • Bach-y-gwreiddyn Estate, papers  1417-1791     "This collection consists of records of two estates in the Lordship of Gower which were joined by a marriage in 1699:The Little Hill estate consisted of properties in the Glamorgan parishes of Bishopston, Llangennith, Llanrhidian, Loughor and Swansea which belonged to the Mathew family of Little Hill, Bishopston, Glamorgan. The estate was inherited by Margaret Mathew, as the granddaughter and heiress of Owen Mathew senior. In 1699 she married Richard Prichard of Bach-y-gwreiddyn. Little Hill was situated in the middle of the parish of Bishopston, near Pennard Mill, to the north of the village of Bishopston. The house is marked on the tithe map of 1844, but by the time of the 1st edition Ordnance Survey map of 1877 the house had been demolished.The Bach-y-gwreiddyn estate consisted of properties in the hamlet of Penderry in the parish of Llangyfelach, Glamorgan, the property of the Prichard family of Bach-y-gwreiddyn, ............................."  
  • Miscellaneous collections: manorial papers      "Papers relating to the following manors in Glamorgan: ............. Bishopston, 1800 ........... "
  • Gilbertson family  1813-1959   "The records include...............title deeds for the Bishopston estates 1813-1921; ..................."  
  • Kilvrough Deeds  [Penrice family of Suffolk, Norfolk and Glamorgan.]      "Gower Deeds and related papers : ............... Bishopston (New parks) 1739-1915; Bishopston (miscellaneous properties of John Williams) 1800-1871); .................."  
  • Berridge estate (Bishopston), papers       1886-1893    "Emily Janette Thomas married Thomas Berridge of Skegness, Lincoln. As the only surviving child of Robert Hughes Thomas, Emily sold the estate to Thomas Penrice of Kilvrough, Glamorgan, esq. in 1893. The estate is located in Bishopston, Gower and known as Moline Farm"   
  • Bishopston Manor, volumes      1844-1920     "Bishopston manor lies within the southern half of the ecclesiastical parish of Bishopston. Bishopston derives its name from having formerly belonged to the Bishop of Llandaff who held the ecclesiastical manor of Bishopston in free alms .........."
  • Vivian, Gilbertson and Thomas estate and family papers     "Papers relating to the acquisition, administration and disposal of estates in the parishes of Bishopston, Pennard and Oystermouth by the Thomas, Gilbertson and Vivian families, 1785-2004; .................................."


This diagram shows the position of this parish within the county of Glamorgan - click on this to see a full size diagram of the county



Parish map (Kain/Oliver)

You can see maps centred on OS grid reference SS583902 (Lat/Lon: 51.59314, -4.047088), Bishopston which are provided by:


Names, Geographical

Places, villages, farms etc within Bishopston parish as shown on the online parish map from the CD of Historic Parishes of England and Wales: an Electronic Map of Boundaries before 1850 with a Gazetteer and Metadata [computer file]. (Kain, R.J.P., Oliver, R.R.). (Extracted by Mary Greatorex)

  • Bishopston (44): Backingstone, Barland Common, Bishopston, Blackhills, Brandy Cove, Brynmoel, Camp, Caswell Bay, Fairwood Common, Fairwood Lodge, Hareslade, Hen Parc, Herbert's Lodge, Hospital, Hotel, Inn, Killay Farm, Longash Farm, Middle Killay, Murton, Northway, Old Castle, Oldway, Pwlldu Bay, Pwll-y-froga, Pyle, Redcliffe, The Knap, Ty gwyn, Upper Killay, Well, Wern fawr, Werganrows, Wern-laith.


There are many references to this area in the 15 million Welsh and English language articles from Welsh newspapers transcribed by the NLW and viewable on Welsh Newspapers Online
Below are English language articles that have been re-transcribed and extracted randomly to illustrate what is available, there are many that are not extracted here that include names of local people

  • From The Cambrian 2nd June 1899

MURTON, BISHOPSTON. WESLEYAN ANNIVERSARY. Anniversary services in connection with the Wesleyan Chapel Sunday School, Murton, were recently held, and were attended by large congregations all day. In the morning Mr. D. Matthews, Swansea, preached a stirring sermon, and in the afternoon dialogues, recitations, solos, etc., were rendered by the scholars. They acquitted themselves admirably, and showed they had been well trained and zealous. The whole service was very bright, and was much enjoyed. In the evening the service of song, "Within the Harbour," was gone through. The choir, assisted by a string band, exceeded even the expectations of its friends. The choruses were sung with commendable precision and effect, and the solos were most intelligently and expressively dealt with. The reader was Mr. F. Lowes, who, by his attractive enunciation, added to the enjoyment of the service.

The annual Sunday school treat took place on Whit-Monday, when the teachers and scholars, numbering about 120, journeyed to Rhossily, when a thoroughly happy day was spent by all. "There is something very striking in the growth of Wesleyan Methodism at Bishopston and neighbourhood," adds our correspondent., "About five years ago, the Wesleyans rented a small chapel at Murton for £5 a year, with about a dozen members belonging to it. To-day they have a nice new chapel with 55 members. The chapel will seat 250 persons, its cost being about £800. It is almost out of debt, but, best of all, there are a great many parents who have cause to be thankful for the new chapel erected in their midst, as they can now rejoice at seeing their sons and daughters deeply interested in the cause of Christ."

  •  From The Cambria Daily Leader 10th July 1918

MURTON MILK CASE. At Swansea County Police Court on, Wednesday, Wm. Griffiths, farmer, of Murton, was summoned for selling milk at a price exceeding that fixed under the Food Regulations. Mr. C. W. Slater appeared for the Oystermouth Food Committee, and Mr. Newcombe was for the defence. Defendant had charged 1s. 2d. instead of Is. at the time when the Milk Order' of 1918 brought down the price from Is. 8:1. to Is. For the defence it was stated that there was no intention to profiteer, and that at times when the fixed price was Is. 9d., only Is. 7d. had been charged. Defendant thought he was quite within his rights in charging Is. 2d. He understood he could charge 2d  for carriage. The Bench imposed a fine of £5.

  •  From The South Wales Daily Post (Extra special) 25th June 1897

SUDDEN DEATH AT MURTON. THE INQUEST. Mr. Coroner Stock held an inquest at the Plough and Harrow public-house, Murton, on Thursday afternoon, upon the body of the man, John Lloyd, who was found dead on Jubilee evening, in one of his own fields at Murton. Several witnesses, mostly gardeners, spoke of knowing that deceased suffered from heart disease. A man named Willis Wheeler said he saw the deceased lying where he was found about four o'clock on Tuesday afternoon, but thinking he was lying asleep in the sun he took no notice of him. Dr. Bevan, who had been attending the deceased for heart disease and angina pectoris, said lately he had an incurable attack. He died from these maladies. A verdict in accordance with the medical testimony was returned.

  •  From The Cambria Daily Leader 30th January 1914

BISHOPSTON RECHABiTES. At Providence, Bishopston, an excellent concert was arranged by Mr D. W. Lloyd, Greenslade, Langland, the proceeds of which were devoted to the Junior Rechabite Tent of the above lodge. The following artistes contributed to the programme:—Miss D. Rust, R.A.A.M., Messrs D. W. Lloyd, W. E. Kibblewhitc. T. B. Stanaway, C. J. Collier. S. Talbot. The recently formed Mumbles quartette (male) party also gave selections which were greatly enjoyed. The accompanists were Miss A.,Evans and Miss L. Rust. The chairman was Mr. A. Rosser. Great credit is due to Miss Cheley, branch secretary.

  • From  The Cambria Daily Leader 25th June 1913

BISHOPSTON CARNIVAL HAPPY TIMES AT THE LITTLE VILLAGE. The Bishopston Carnival has a history extending back over a century. At one time the annual event created considerable stir in the little village, but in more recent years interest lagged, and the carnival was forgotten. On Investiture Day, however, the gay doings were revived, and yesterday the  spirit of the carnival again held dominion. The Swansea Temperance  Band led the procession of quaintly- garbed competitors to Murton Green, where the prizes were awarded




The Population of Bishopston was as follows, and a more detailed breakdown is available.

1841 - 4911851 - 5131861 - 4181871 - 4571881 - 5601891 - 628

Public Records

Details of extant records on Archives Network Wales for the following;

  • Bishopston Parish Council records  1764-1974


Details of extant records on Archives Network Wales for the following;

  • Bishopston School log books  1873-1979