Wales - Genealogy Help Pages - Sundry items
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The list of occupations below was donated initially (from an unknown original source) but significantly expanded with excerpts from the following source books which are readily acknowledged;
1.Davies, Byron. The Tinplaters . Dyfed FHS Journal 6/5 1998
2.Hughes, P.G . Wales and the Drovers. 1944.
3.Davies, John Henry . The History of Pontardawe and District 1967
And some other sites to try .
- /big/Occupations
- http://www.rmhh.co.uk/occup/index.html
- http://freepages.rootsweb.com/~dav4is/genealogy/Sources/Occupations.html
List of Occupations
- Accomptant Accountant
- Almoner Giver of charity to the needy
- Amanuensis Secretary or stenographer
- Annealing;
- Black annealing was part of the tinplate process where sheets were piled onto stands , covered by steel boxes or pots, sealed by sand to exclude air and heated in an annealing furnace to make them softer and more ductile. White annealing was similar but for shorter periods at lower temperatures.
- Annuitant; not an occupation as such but often seen on census returns. The term might refer to someone in receipt of an annual allowance, or someone with investment producing annual income.
- Artificer A soldier mechanic who does repairs
- Assorters; part of the tinplate process, they and packers packed 112 sheets to a box for labelling and dispatch.
- Bailie Bailiff
- Bailiff: Someone employed by a Court to seize the property of debtors
- Baller ; iron industry worker
- "When the metal begins to melt it is the business of the puddler to watch it from time to time until it is ready for what is technically called BALLING, i.e. dividing the metals into separate balls or quantities or puddle-rolls; which having been done, they are handed over to the shingler, who has the direction of a large and heavy hammer worked by steam or water power, and the rough hot metal is, by repeated blows brought to a more compact form for the rolling mill." From the Employment Commission reports 1842
- Bar Cutter; worked in the tinplate manufacturing industry
- Baxter Baker
- Behinder;
- a member of the Hot Mill crew in a Tin Plate Works, he caught the sheets behind the doublers and passed them back to the rollerman over the top roll, there would be several passes. This job may include taking the sheets back to the furnaces for reheating.
- Blocklayers; from "A Dictionary of Occupational Terms"
- blocklayer (cinder tip, blast furnace): locks wheels of cinder wagons before they are tipped, at cinder tip of blast furnace; sometimes done by shunter
- blocklayer (colliery): fixes small blocks or wooden keys for tightening rails on tramways in coal mine, using a hammer
- blocklayer (platelayer): lays surface tramways, and sometimes roadways, in mines and quarries
- blocklayer (wood): one of a gang who lay wood blocks to form roadway surface, chopping blocks with small hand choppers to finish-off gutter etc., and pouring tar over blocks, after laying, to allow percolation through cracks
- Bluestocking Female writer
- Boniface Keeper of an inn
- Boxer ; worked in the tinplate manufacturing industry
- Branding Boy ; worked in the tinplate manufacturing industry
- Branning Boys; worked in the tinplate manufacturing industry
- Brazier One who works with brass
- Brewster Beer manufacturer
- Brightsmith Metal Worker
- Bundlers; worked in the tinplate manufacturing industry
- Burgonmaster Mayor
- Caulker
- One who filled up cracks (in ships or windows or seems to make them watertight by using tar or oakum-hemp fiber produced by taking old ropes apart
- Chaisemaker Carriage maker
- Chandler Dealer or trader; one who makes or sells candles; retailer of groceries
- Chiffonnier Wig maker
- Cinder Filler ; iron industry worker
- Clark Clerk
- Clerk Clergyman, cleric
- Clicker
- The servant of a salesman who stood at the door to invite customers; one who received the matter in the galley from the compositors and arranged it in due form ready for printing; one who makes eyelet holes in boots using a machine which clicked.
- Coast waiter
- officer in Customs service charging coastside duties
- Cohen Priest
- Collector
- Customs service controller of a collection (an administrative area)
- Cold Rolling ;
- part of the tinplate process where the sheets were introduced singly into three sets of rolls, rough, intermediate and finishing, this made them even and produced a polished surface.
- Collier Coal miner, usually cutting coal at face
- Colporteur Peddler of books
- Cooper One who makes or repairs vessels made of staves and hoops, such as casks, barrels, tubs, etc.
- Copperas worker; worked in the tinplate manufacturing industry
- Cordwainer Shoemaker, originally any leather worker using leather from Cordova/Cordoba in Spain
- Corvister ; involved in leather tanning/curing/processing /manufacturing trades
- Costermonger Peddler of fruits and vegetables
- Counter; worked in the tinplate manufacturing industry
- Crocker Potter
- Crowner Coroner
- Currier One who dresses the coat of a horse with a currycomb; one who tanned leather by incorporating oil or grease
- Deputy: a management official in a coal mine
- Dipper; in Tin Plate Works, he dipped the thin steel sheets into the moulten tin to coat them.
- Docker Stevedore, dock worker who loads and unloads cargo
- Doubler; a member of the Hot Mill crew in a Tin Plate Works, he doubled the sheets holding them with large tongs as they cam off the rollers and placed them in the squeezer.
- Dowser One who finds water using a rod or witching stick
- Draper A dealer in dry goods
- Drayman One who drives a long strong cart without fixed sides for carrying heavy loads
- Dresser 1 A surgeon's assistant in a hospital
- Dresser 2 : worked in slate quarry, cut slates to size
- Drover One who drives cattle, sheep, etc. to market; a dealer in cattle
- Duffer Peddler
- Dusters ; worked in the tinplate manufacturing industry
- Dyers ; see the Society of dyers and colourists https://sdc.org.uk/
- Engineman: worked the various steam engines used in coal mines
- Examining officer
- Customs service officer who examined imported goods ( known as Landing waiter until 1861)
- Factor Agent,
- commission merchant; one who acts or transacts business for another; Scottish steward or bailiff of an estate
- Farrier A blacksmith, one who shoes horses
- Faulkner Falconer
- Fell monger One who removes hair or wool from hides in preparation for leather making
- Felon: someone who commits a serious crime such as murder
- Filler ; iron industry worker
- Finer ; employed in Iron Works
- Finerman ; worked in the part of an ironworks or tinworks called a Finery. The job of the Finery was to reduce the carbon content of the pig iron. The pig iron had been produced using a coke smelting furnace. This produced pig iron with too high a carbon content and this made it brittle - not a problem when you were going to make cast iron which required no further working, but for the production of tinplate iron that was less brittle was required.The furnace in the finery was fired by charcoal, and this, along with the rest of the process which included heating, hammering and reheating, reduced the carbon content of the iron sufficiently to make it suitable for the production of tinplate.
- Fireman: a management official who carried out safety inspections in coal mines
- Fitter; worked in the tinplate manufacturing industry
- Fletcher One who made bows and arrows
- Founder ; iron industry worker
- Fuller
- One who fulls cloth; one who shrinks and thickens woollen cloth by moistening, heating, and pressing; one who cleans and finishes cloth.
- Fulling ; when just woven, woollen cloth tends to be loose and open. Fulling is a process of compacting the fibres to make the cloth more coherent and durable. It works on the fact that wool has tiny scales all along the fibres. When the woven wool is 'worked' by being beaten, the fibres 'ratchet' together and the cloth becomes more compact and solid. If continued for a long time, the end result is felt - eg. for billiard tables or hats. Woven cloth off the loom, say 4'-5' wide, is washed and, while still wet, is passed through an 'eye' at the top of the fulling machine. It is then sewn into a loop that may be 30' long. Rollers pull the cloth through the eye and it is 'thumped' by heavy wooden hammers 'tripped' by a rotating drum with pegs on it. The cloth is kept moist and soapy, and is repeatedly passes round this circuit, becoming more compact (and narrower in width) as it does so. The process, which may take as much as 26 hours, is carefully monitored until the desired degree of compaction is obtained. The cloth is then washed and cleaned with fuller's earth (diatomaceous earth) and finally dried while being 'tentered' or stretched back to its original width on a big frame with hooks all round set out on big frames in a field - ie. "it's on tenterhooks". In the early days, the thumping was achieved by men trampling the cloth in a half-barrel. Stale urine was used as the wetting agent, the process was not good for the feet........! With the advent of water power, fulling mills were soon developed, and productivity and quality rose sharply. There is a restored fulling mill and exhibition near Stroud.[Contributed by Howard Fuller].
- Furnaceman; a member of the Hot Mill crew in a Tin Plate Works, he heated the sheets.
- Gaoler A keeper of the goal, a jailer
- Girdler; involved in leather tanning/curing/processing /manufacturing trades
- Glazier Window glassman
- Glover ; involved in leather tanning/curing/processing /manufacturing trades
- Grease Boys; worked in the tinplate manufacturing industry
- Gyrrwr ; a subordinate to a cattle/sheep drover.
- Hacker Maker of hoes
- Hammerman; worked in the tinplate manufacturing industry
- Hatcheler One who combed out or carded flax
- Haulier; employed in coal mine, dragged a dram
- Haymonger Dealer in hay
- Hayward Keeper of fences
- Heater : employed in Iron Works
- Hewer: another name for a collier in a coal mine
- Higgler Itinerant peddler
- Hillier Roof tiler
- Hind A farm laborer
- Hitcher: a man in charge of the cage at the pit-bottom
- Hobbler On the Glamorgan canal, independent owner boatmen were known as hobblers
- In parts of Glamorgan a 'hobble' (=hobbler)is an odd job done for cash payment by someone either while they are in full-time employment for another employer, or in receipt of benefit.
- Holster A groom who took care of horses, often at an inn
- Hooker Reaper
- Hookers; worked in the tinplate manufacturing industry
- Hooper One who made hoops for casks and barrels
- Huckster Sells small wares
- Husbandman A farmer who cultivated the land
- Iron moulder
- A foundry worker who produced the sand moulds from wooden patterns into which the moulten iron was poured to produce a cast metal/iron object.
- Jagger Fish peddler
- Jerquer
- Clerk in a Customs House who checked reports of ships arriving against coastside cargo account (a Check officer from 1862)
- Journeyman
- One who had served his apprenticeship and mastered his craft, not bound to serve a master, but hired by the day
- Joyner / Joiner A skilled carpenter
- Keeler Bargeman
- Kempster Wool comber
- Ladle Liner
- In ore dressing, smelting, and refining, a person who repairs and relines pouring ladles used to transport molten metals, such as iron, steel, and copper. Also called ladle cleaner; ladle dauber; ladle houseman; ladle mender; ladle patcher; ladle repairman
- Landguard
- Group of Customs men stationed along a coast to prevent landing of smuggled goods
- Landing waiter (see Examining officer)
- Lardner Keeper of the cupboard
- Lath render
- 1; Possibly should be "renderer" , a plasterer who put the plaster on walls and ceilings after the laths (thin strips of wood) had been nailed to the timber framework. This was the traditional way of making ceilings until the invention of plaster board. Walls could also be constructed in the manner .
- 2 ; people who worked in timber yards and were also sawyers, some of them hurdlemakers, perhaps a more accurate definition would be a person who split withies or pieces of timber to make laths. Looks like a confused distinction between render with renderer, maybe a geographical difference ?
- Lavender Washer woman
- Lederer Leather maker
- Leech Physician
- Lengthman ;
- a lengthman was an employee of the Great Western Railway whose duty it was to walk his specified length of track daily (or as required) carrying out minor repairs, checking for defects that needed reporting to higher levels for major work to be carried out. Normally a senior man's job and a very responsible one.
- List Boys ; worked in the tinplate manufacturing industry
- Lister ; worked in the tinplate manufacturing industry
- Locker
- Customs officer who guarded a bonded warehouse
- Longshoreman Stevedore
- Lormer Maker of horse gear
- Malender Farmer
- Maltster Brewer
- Manciple A steward
- Marine
- is essentially a soldier serving on a ship [Eve McLaughlin]
- Mariner
- is a sailor, usually merchant navy but loosely any sailor including one in the Royal Navy [Eve McLaughlin]
- Mason Bricklayer
- Master Weaver: someone who employs a number of weavers to supply him with woven cloth
- Militia man: someone who belongs to a group who were on stand by to take up arms to support a government
- Millwright
- The millwright of the 17th and 18th Centuries was quite different from the millwright of today. He was a master craftsman who completely designed and constructed mills. Sir William Fairbairn, a millwright of the late 19th Century, wrote in his Treatise on Mills and Millwork, "...the millwright of the late centuries was an itinerant engineer and mechanic of high reputation. He could handle the axe, the hammer, and the plane with equal skill and precision...he could set out and cut in the furrows of a millstone with an accuracy equal of superior to that of the miller himself." In 1919, James F. Hobart wrote in his book, Millwrighting, "The ancient type of millwright has passed away. He has gone with the old time carpenter and obsolete shoemaker - the former with 500 pounds of molding planes and woodworking tools, the latter with nothing but pegging and sewing awls, hammer, and knife.
- Mintmaster One who issued local currency
- Monger Seller of goods (ale, fish)
- Muleskinner Teamster
- Navigator or navvie : labourer employed to dig out a canal bed.
- Navvie[Railway]: a labourer who built railway track, embankments, tunnels etc
- Neatherder Herds cows
- Openers ;
- a member of the Hot Mill crew in a Tin Plate Works, invariably women who seprated sheeets that became stuck together
- Ordinary Keeper Innkeeper with fixed prices
- Ostler: looked after the horses underground in a coal mine
- Outdoor officer
- Basic grade of Customs officer ( Assistant Examining Officer from 1891)
- Overman: Management official responsible for overseeing the work of miners
- Packers;
- part of the tinplate process, they and assorters packed 112 sheets to a box for labelling and dispatch.
- Patch workers
- Were mployed to dig for surface minerals or coal on the side of mountains - leaving marks on the sides of the mountains that at a distance looked like patches
- Pattern Maker
- A maker of a clog shod with an iron ring. A clog was a wooden pole with a pattern cut into the end
- Peregrinator Itinerant wanderer
- Peruker A wig maker
- Pettifogger A shyster lawyer
- Pickling;
- black pickling is part of the tinplate processs where sheets were "pickled" by being dipped in dilute sulphuric acid on a rack. Then cleaned by dipping in water. White pickling used acid which was more dilute with a shorter immersion.
- Pigman Crockery dealer
- Plumber
- One who applied sheet lead for roofing and set lead frames for plain or stained glass windows.
- Pointmaker; involved in leather tanning/curing/processing /manufacturing trades
- Polishing;
- part of the tinplate process where bran and lambswool were used to burnish the steel.
- Porter Door keeper
- Porthmon; a drover of cattle/sheep
- Pouchmakers; involved in leather tanning/curing/processing /manufacturing trades
- Preventive officer
- Officer of the waterguard (Customs service)
- Puddler ;
- iron industry worker. A puddler is one who or that which puddles: specifically, a person who puddles clay or iron. Puddling in this case is the process of making wrought iron from pig iron by heating and stirring it in the presence of oxidizing agents, and a puddler is the person who does this process.See also baller.
- Pull-up boy; employed in Iron Works, raised the furnace door by tugging at a chain.
- Quarrier Quarry worker
- Rail Stran'er ; iron industry worker
- Reckoner; worked in the tinplate manufacturing industry
- Refiners; worked in the tinplate manufacturing and iron industries
- A Relieving Officer
- Worked for the Poor Law Union/Workhouse and organised parish relief. "Evaluate the cases of all persons applying for medical or poor relief; to authorize emergency relief or entry to the workhouse." Also could have acted as a Registrar of Births Marriages and Deaths
- Riding officers
- Customs officers on horseback set up round the coast in 1688 to prevent smuggling
- Rigger Hoist tackle worker
- Ripper Seller of fish
- Ripper II: miners who 'ripped' away the roof and floor of a seam in a mine to allow sufficient height to bring horses up to the coal face
- Riser ; worked in the tinplate manufacturing industry
- Roadman; coal mine worker who maintained the condition of the main underground roadways
- Rockman : worked in slate quarry, handled the blocks of slate.
- Roller ; iron industry worker
- Rollerman;
- a member of the Hot Mill crew in a Tin Plate Works, he inserted the red hot sheets into the rolls, he was the team captain.
- Roper Maker of rope or nets
- Rougher - see ruffer
- Rubbers; worked in the tinplate manufacturing industry
- Ruffer - a variation of the term 'Rougher', an iron worker who was engaged in the early stages of roughing out or rolling iron sheets down to the required thickness. It can also mean someone who roughed out things in the early stages of production.
- Saddler One who makes, repairs or sells saddles or other furnishings for horses
- Sawbones Physician
- Sawyer One who saws; carpenter
- Schumacker Shoemaker
- Scourers; worked in the tinplate manufacturing industry
- Scribler A minor or worthless author
- Scrivener Professional or public copyist or writer; notary public
- Scrutiner Election judge
- Shearer ;
- a member of the Hot Mill crew in a Tin Plate Works, he trimmed the sheets to the required size.
- Shingler : employed in Iron Works
- Shrieve Sheriff
- Slater Roofer
- Slopseller Seller of ready-made clothes in a slop shop
- Snobscat / Snob One who repaired shoes
- Sorter Tailor
- Special constable: man chose by magistrates to help them keep law and order
- Spinster A woman who spins or an unmarried woman
- Splitter : worked in slate quarry, split slates into narrow sheets
- Spurrer Maker of spurs
- Squire Country gentleman; farm owner; justice of peace
- Stonedresser
- an itinerant worker who re-cut and sharpened millstones
- Striker; worked in the tinplate manufacturing industry
- Stuff gown Junior barrister
- Stuff gownsman Junior barrister
- Supercargo
- Officer on merchant ship who is in charge of cargo and the commercial concerns of the ship.
- Tanner One who tans (cures) animal hides into leather
- Tapley One who puts the tap in an ale cask
- Tasker Reaper
- Teamster One who drives a team for hauling
- Thatcher Roofer
- Tide surveyor
- Preventive officer in charge of boarding crew (Customs service)
- Tide waiter
- According to the book ' The Letter-Book of John Byrd , customs collector of South East Wales 1648-80' edited by S.K. Roberts, a waiter ( wayter) or tide-waiter was a customs officer who boarded ships to examine cargoes. A surveyor was a customs officer who identified ships and cargoes.
- Tidesman
- A Tide waiter (see above)
- Tinker An itinerant tin pot and pan seller and repairman
- Tinning;
- part of the tinplate process where sheets were passed through a layer of flux into molten tin in a tin pot. The flux cleaned the sheets so that the tin could adhere evenly, then passed through a wash pot and grease pot before being cleaned by a hot soda solution.
- Tipstaff Policeman
- Trammer : dragged trams laden with coal in coal mine
- Trapper ; a child door keeper in coal mine.
- Travers Toll bridge collection
- Tucker Cleaner of cloth goods
- Turner A person who turns wood on a lathe into spindles
- Under carter
- Just the chap who helped the carter - the man who drove the horses for a farmer or sometimes for a delivery firm in town. He would help load on and off, tie the tarpaulin down , light the cart lamps, and be ready to leap down and open/close gates, feed the horses, take them to their stable etc (the carter probably handled most of the horse work himself). And when the cart needed braking, it was his job to shove the hunk of wood into the wheel to stop it rolling. [Eve McLaughlin]
- Victualer A tavern keeper, or one who provides an army, navy or ship with food
- Vulcan Blacksmith
- Wagoner Teamster not for hire
- Wainwright Wagon maker
- Waiter
- Customs officer or tide waiter; one who waited on the tide to collect duty on goods brought in
- Washer; worked in the tinplate manufacturing industry
- Washmen ; worked in the tinplate manufacturing industry washing the plates between processes
- Waterman Boatman who plies for hire
- Webster Operator of looms
- Weigher
- Customs officer who weighed goods for duty purposes
- Wharfinger Owner of a wharf
- Wheeler to rolls ; worked in the tinplate manufacturing industry
- Wheelwright One who made or repaired wheels; wheeled carriages, etc.
- Whitamer; involved in leather tanning/curing/processing trades
- Whitesmith Tinsmith; worker of iron who finishes or polishes the work
- Whitewing Street sweeper
- Whitster Bleach of cloth
- Wright Workman, especially a construction worker
- Yeoman Farmer who owns his own land .
See also;
All of the following words have appeared on Welsh gravestones or memorial cards.
Many consonants at the beginning of Welsh words are changed according to how and where the words are used.
For example, plant (children) ei blant (his children) fy mhlant (my children) ei phlant (her children)
If all the possible variations of each word were included, this document would triple in size so, here's the code breaker. If you can't find a word beginning with any of the following letters, try substituting the letters in brackets.
A(GA) B(P) CH(C) D(T) DD(D) E(GE) F(B or M) G(C) H(drop the h) L(LL or GL) M(B) MH(P) N(D) NG(G) NH(T) NGH(C) O(GO) PH(P) R(RH or GR) TH(T) W(GW) Y(GY).
- A---- And
- A ---- Who
- Ac---- And
- Aelod ---- Member
- af (after numeral) ---- 1af = 1st
- Afon ---- River
- Am---- For
- Annwyl/Anwyl ---- Beloved, Dear
- Anwylaf---- Dearest
- Ar---- On
- Arglwydd---- Lord
- Arweinydd y gan---- Precentor,one who leads singing
- Athrawes---- Teacher (f)
- Athro/Athraw ---- Teacher (m)
- Awst---- August
- Baban---- Baby
- Bach---- Small
- Bardd---- Poet, Bard
- Bedd---- Grave
- Bedyddiwyd ---- Was baptised
- Bendith---- Blessing
- Bendigedig---- Blessed
- Blaenor---- Elder, Deacon
- Blwydd ---- Years
- Blwyddyn---- Year
- Blynedd---- Years
- Bod---- Being, Existence
- Brawd ---- Brother
- Bryn---- Hill
- Bu---- (part of verb)
- Bu farw---- Died
- Bugail---- Shepherd
- Byd---- World
- Bywyd---- Life
- Cae---- Field
- Caer ---- Fort
- Capel---- Chapel
- Caredig---- Kind
- Cariad---- Love
- Cariadus ---- Lovable
- Cariwr---- Carrier
- Carreg---- Stone
- Carreg Fedd ---- Gravestone
- Cefn ---- Back, Ridge
- Cefnder---- Cousin (m)
- Cerddor---- Musician
- Cerrig ---- Stones
- Chwaer---- Sister
- Chwaer yng nghyfraith---- Sister in law
- Chwefror/Chwef---- February/Feb
- Cist---- Chest, Coffer
- Claddedigaeth ---- Burial
- Claddfa---- Graveyard
- Claddu ---- To bury
- Claddwyd---- Was buried
- Coch ---- Red
- Codwr canu---- Precentor,one who leads singing
- Cof ---- Memory, Remembrance
- Coffa ---- Memory, Memorial
- Coffadwriaeth ---- Remembrance
- Cofio---- To remember
- Collwyd---- Was lost
- Corff/Corph ---- Body
- Craig ---- Rock
- Craig yr Oesoedd---- Rock of Ages
- Creawdwr---- Creator
- Croes---- Cross
- Crydd ---- Shoemaker. Cobbler
- Cyfenwyd---- Was named
- Cyfnither---- Cousin (f)
- Cyfreithiwr---- Solicitor, Lawyer
- Cymraeg/Cymreig---- Welsh (adj)
- Cymydog---- Neighbour
- Cynt o---- Formerly of
- Cysgu ---- To sleep
- Daear---- Earth
- Damwain ---- Accident
- dd (after numeral) ---- 3dd = 3rd
- Dewch ---- Come
- Diacon---- Deacon
- Dilledydd---- Draper
- Diwedd ---- End
- Diweddar---- Late, Deceased
- Diwrnod ---- Day
- Du ---- Black
- Duw---- God
- Dwr---- Water
- Dydd---- Day
- Dydd Gwener---- Friday
- Dydd Iau---- Thursday
- Dydd Llun---- Monday
- Dydd Mawrth---- Tuesday
- Dydd Merche---- r Wednesday
- Dydd Sadwrn---- Saturday
- Dydd Sul ---- Sunday
- Dywededig---- Mentioned
- Ebrill/Ebr---- April/Apr
- ed (after numeral)---- 5ed = 5th
- Ef/Efe ---- He, Him, It
- Eglwys---- Church
- Ei ---- Her, His
- Emynydd---- Hymn Writer
- Enwyd ---- Was Named
- Er ---- For,since,though
- Er cof am ---- In memory of
- Eto---- Again
- Eu---- Their
- Ewythr---- Uncle
- fed (after numeral) ---- 7fed = 7th
- Ffermwr ---- Farmer
- Ffordd---- Way, Road
- Ffydd---- Faith
- Ffyddlon/Fyddlawn---- Faithful
- Ffynnon---- Well
- Fy---- My
- Gaeaf---- Winter
- Gallt ---- hill, wooded hill-side
- Ganed/Ganwyd ---- Was born
- Garddwr---- Gardener
- Glas---- Blue, Green
- Gobaith---- Hope
- Godidog---- Excellent, Rare
- Gorffennaf/Gorff---- July/Jul
- Gorphennaf/Gorph---- July/Jul
- Gorwedd---- Lying [down]
- Gorweddle---- Resting place
- Gwanwyn ---- Spring
- Gwas---- Servant
- Gwasanaeth ---- Service
- Gweddillion ---- Remains
- Gweinidog---- Minister
- Gwen---- White
- Gwr ---- Husband, Man
- Gwraig ---- Wife, Woman
- Gwylfa---- Lookout, Watching place
- Gwyn---- White
- Haf---- Summer
- Heb---- Without
- Hedd---- Peace
- Hefyd---- Also
- Hen---- Old
- Hi---- She, Her, It
- Hoff---- Fond
- Hon---- This (f)
- Hunodd---- Fell asleep
- Hwn---- This (m)
- Hydref ---- Autumn
- Hydref/Hyd ---- October/Oct
- Hynaf---- Eldest
- Iesu---- Jesus
- Ieuanc ---- Young
- Ieuangaf ---- Youngest
- Ifancaf---- Youngest
- Ionawr/Ion---- January/Jan
- Isa/Isaf ---- Lower
- Isod ---- Underneath
- Llafur---- Labour
- Lle---- Place
- Mab---- Son
- Mai---- May
- Mam---- Mother
- Mamgu---- Grandmother
- Marw---- To die
- Marwolaeth---- Death
- Masnachydd ---- Merchant
- Mawr---- Big
- Mawrth---- March
- Medi ---- September
- Mehefin/Meh---- June
- Meistres tloty---- Workhouse mistress
- Merch ---- Daughter, Girl
- Mis---- Month
- Modryb---- Aunt
- Mynwent---- Graveyard, Cemetery
- Nai ---- Nephew
- Nain ---- Grandmother
- Nef ---- Heaven
- Nefoedd---- Heavens
- Nith ---- Niece
- O ---- Of, From
- O Dan ---- Under
- Oddiwrth ---- From
- Oed---- Age
- Oedd ---- Was
- Olaf ---- Last
- O'r---- Of the, From the
- Parch(edig)---- Rev(erend)
- Parchus---- Respected, Respectful
- Plant---- Children
- Plentyn---- Child
- Plwyf ---- Parish
- Pregethwr ---- Preacher
- Prif Swyddog ---- Chief Officer
- Prifardd---- Chief Bard
- Priod ---- Spouse
- Rhagfyr/Rhag---- December/Dec
- Rhieni---- Parents
- Rhos---- Moor
- Rhyd ---- Ford
- Serchog---- Affectionate
- Serchus---- Affectionate
- Sir---- County
- Swydd---- Office
- Swyddog---- Officer
- Tachwedd/Tach---- November/Nov
- Tad---- Father
- Tadcu---- Grandfather
- Taflen ---- Tablet. Leaflet
- Taflen Goffa ---- Memorial Leaflet/Card
- Taid ---- Grandfather
- Tan---- Under
- Tangnefedd---- Peace
- Tawel ---- Quiet, Peaceful
- Tawelwch Peace
- Telynor Harpist
- Tir Land
- Traeth Beach
- Tre/Tref Town
- Tros Over
- Trwyn ---- Nose, Point
- Trysorydd ---- Treasurer
- Ty---- House
- Tyner---- Tender, Gentle
- Ucha/Uchaf ---- Upper
- Uchod ---- Above
- Wedi---- After
- Wyr ---- Grandson
- Wyres ---- Granddaughter
- Wythnos---- Week
- Y---- The
- Ym ---- At, In
- Yma---- Here
- Ymadawedig---- Departed, deceased
- Ymadawodd a ---- He/She departed from
- Yn---- At, In
- Ynys---- Island, River meadow
- Yr ---- The
- Ysgolfeistr---- Schoolmaster
- Ysgrifennydd---- Secretary
- Ysbryd Glan---- Holy Spirit/Ghost
Ynghanol ein bywyd, yr ydym yn angau. In the midst of life we are in death.
Yr hyn a allodd hon, hi a'i gwnaeth. Whatever she was able to do, she did.
Ac yn eu marwolaeth, ni wahanwyd hwy. And in their death, they were not divided
Ei diwedd oedd heddwch. Her end was peace
Da, was da a ffyddlon / ffyddlawn. Well done thou good and faithful servant.
Dewch / Dos i mewn i lawenydd dy Arglwydd. Come into the joy of your Lord.
Cofia nawr dy Greawdwr yn nyddiau dy ieuenctid. Remember now thy Creator in the days of thy youth
Canys byw i mi yw Crist a marw sydd elw. For me, to live is Christ and dying is gain.
Gwyn eu byd y tangnefeddwyr, canys hwy a elwir yn blant I Dduw. Blessed are the peacemakers for they shall be called the children of God.
Mi a ymdrechais ymdrech deg. Mi a orphenais fy ngyrfa. Mi a gedwais y ffydd. I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith ( Timothy 4:7)
Hedd, Perffaith Hedd . Peace, Perfect Peace.
History Book Welsh
I am indebted to ' An Illustrated History of Cardiganshire' by W J Lewis (1970) for this specimen collection of Welsh words and phrases typically found in Welsh language history books.
Shown in alphabetical order of the Welsh word
Ardal Wledig
Rural district
Argraffwyr a rhwymwyr llyfrau
Publishers and book binders
Barlys at wneud bara
Barley for making bread
Brysgyll Gareg
Stone Club
Bwyall Garreg
Stone Axe
Casglwyr rhacs
Rag and bone men
Castell Cerrig
Stone Castle
Cestyll Ceredigion
The Castles of Ceredigion
Cleddyr Byr
Short Sword
Cwar Llechi
Slate quarry
Cyfnod y Rhufeiniaid
The Roman Period
Cyfnodau Cyntefig
Primitive Times
Cylch Cerrig
Stone Circle
Deddf Rhuddlan
The Statute of Rhuddlan
Dinas Gaerog
Hill Fort
Dinasoedd Caerog
Hill Forts
Eglwys Blwyf
Parish Church
Eglwysai o dan ofal un offeiriad
Churches looked after by one priest
Eglwysi Celtaidd
Celtic Churches
Erydr Pren
Wooden ploughs
Ffair Gyflogau
Hiring fair
Ffatri Offer Callestr
Flint-Chipping Floor
Ffatri Wlan
Woollen factory
Fferm Wasgaredig
a scattered farm
Ffermwyr a gweithwyr amaethyddol
Farmers and agricultural workers
Ffin y Dywysogaeth
Boundary of the Principality
Ffordd Dosbarth I
First Class Road
Ffordd Drwodd
Trunk Road
Ffordd Dyrpeg
Turnpike Road
Ffyrdd Tyrpeg
Turnpike Roads
The Roads
Glanhawyr simneiau
Gwaith Brics
Brick works
Gwaith Haearn
Iron works
Gwaith Halen
Salt works
Gwaywffon Bres
Brass Spear
Gweithwyr ffowndri
Gwerthwyr glo
Coal merchants
Gwerthwyr gwinoedd a gwirodydd
Wine and spirit merchants
Gwerthwyr llaeth
Gwerthwyr llieiniau a brethynnau
Cloth merchants
Gwerthwyr llysiau
Green grocers
Gwerthwyr Nwyddau haearn
Gwerthwyr papur ysgrifennu
Gwerthwyr yd
Corn merchants
Gwneuthurwyr basgedi
Basket makers
Gwneuthurwyr canhwyllau
Gwneuthurwyr clociau a watsus
Clock and watch makers
Gwneuthurwyr hetiau a hosanau
Gwneuthurwyr hwyliau llongau
Gwneuthurwyr menyg
Glove makers
Gwneuthurwyr rhaffau
Hen ffurf yr enwau a roddir
Names are given their old form
Hen Fynachlog Geltaidd
Old Celtic Monastery
Heol Gefn
Back Street
Heol y Moch
Pig Street
Iard Goed
Timber Yard
Iard Saer Llongau
Shipbuilding yard
Leather workers
Llestr Bwyd
Food Vessel
Llestr Pridd
Earthen Vessel
Llifio Coed
Saw Mills
Llifwyr coed
Llosgwyr calch
Standing Stone
Mannau Cyfarfod a Thai Cyrddau
Meeting Place and Chapels
Meddygon anifeiliaid
Veterinary surgeons
Melin Fflawd
Flour Mill
Methodistiaid Calfinaidd
Calvinistic Methodists
Methodistiaid Wesleaidd
Wesleyan Methodists
Muriau'r Dref
The town walls
Mwrthwl Carreg
Stone Hammer
Mwrthwl-fwyall Carreg
Stone Axe-Hammer
Mwyn Copor
Copper Ore
Mwynglawdd Aur
Gold Mine
Mwynglawdd Plwm
Lead Mine
Odynau Calch
Lime kilns
Oes y Cerrig
The Stone Age
Oes y Pres
Bronze Age
Offer Cerrig
Stone Tools
Offer Pres
Brass Tools
Fulling mill
Powdr Gwn
Prynwyr a gwerthwyr ceffylau
Horse dealers
Rhawian Coes-hir
Long-handled shovels
Seiri llongau
Seiri troliau a chyweirwyr melinau
Tai'r Uchelwyr
Houses of the Early Gentry
Taith Gerallt Gymro
The Journey of Gerald the Welshman
Tarian Bres
Brass Shield
Terfysg Rebecca
Rebecca Riot
Tir Agored
Open land
Tir dros 500'
Land over 500 ft
Tir Garw
Rough pasture
Tir Glas
Pasture land
Tir Llafur
Arable land
Toddwyr (Plwm)
Lead smelters
Tomen a Beili
Motte and Bailey
Ty Unnos
A one-night house
Tyfiant Ymneulltuaeth
Growth of Nonconformity
Wrn Gladdu
Burial Urn
Wrn Lludw'r Meirw
Urn for the Ashes of the Dead
Y Diwydiant Gwlan
The Woollen Industry
Y Porthmyn a'r Gyrroedd
The Drovers and their Droves
Y Rheilffordd
The Railways
Y Siroedd
The Counties
Ymenyn a Chaws
Butter and Cheese
Yng Nghyfnod y Tuduriaid
In Tudor Times
Yr Hen Ddiwydiant Cartref
The old cottage industry
Yr Oesoedd Canol
The Middle Ages
Ysgol Breifat
Private School
Ysgol Ddyddiol
Day School
Ysgol Sul
Sunday School
Ystrad Fflur
Strata Florida
Welsh nationality
A Book of Wales by D M & E M Lloyd 1953.
In the authors' introduction to the book is this series of passages which to me anyway says all that needs to be said about the concept of 'Welsh nationality'..
"Included in this book is a translation of one of the most widely known passages by the best loved of modern Welsh writers, the late Sir Owen M Edwardes [ 1858-1920].[See The Soul of a Nation] He knew well enough what he meant when he said that Wales had a soul. He was not worried by metaphysical niceties, and neither was he thinking in terms of racial purity.
On racialism we can do no better than quote Sir Ifor Williams, doyen of Welsh scholarship today, who once remarked that 'the people of England and of Wales are formed of the same racial ingredients, although not necessarily in the same proportions, but that the same is true of Christmas cake and plum pudding, only that one has been baked and the other boiled ' !
The varying racial proportions probably have some bearing on national temperament, modes of feeling and artistic gifts, but in the main our distinctive national characteristics are the fruits of age-long common experiences, the results of having inhabited the same corner of the earth, the incalculable effects of the natural scene and the affinities born of it, of having spoken a common tongue, created our own institutions, shared the same responsibilities, felt the same community sense, and borne the effects of the same national development.
We can still recognise ourselves in the people of Giraldus's Wales of the twelfth century--our faults and our good qualities, though much has changed.
The Wales of Giraldus and that of Jack Jones are peopled by the same warm-hearted impulsive folk, often contentious, susceptible to the appeal of oratory, relishers of the finely-turned and bold phrase, and passionately attached to the local community and surroundings.
They realise themselves in the interplay of personal relations within the neighbourhood and country to which they feel they belong, and have a deep distrust of any impersonal officialdom, privilege, or remote control.
A shrewdness and distrust of vague sentiment are combined with a responsiveness to the appeal of music and clear forcible expression in verse, prose, or in pulpit or platform speech.
Here is no 'Celtic twilight', but a love of clarity, brilliance, distinct colours and striking antithesis. These are our prevailing modes."
The Soul of a Nation by Sir Owen M Edwardes[1858-1920] [ Er Mwyn Cymru, translated by D M Lloyd]
"But Wales has a soul, a soul which is her own. And she can lose it. Education may thrive, religion may increase its hold, freedom may be won, the poor may arise from the dust and become powerful, the wealthy may be strong and flourish like the green bay, and the nation's soul may weaken and fade. The nation may lose itself in the empire, and be a dead member and not a living one, her voice never more to be heard. And if that calamity were to come about, Wales would be without a soul, and the world would be the poorer. When the next upsurge of freedom and religion would take place, Wales would not be there to hold up the banner ; her voice would have been silenced...
May Wales succeed in every possible way. Equality and freedom will come ; a University and a Hospital Service ; and many a dream will be fulfilled. But let us not lose sight of the nation's soul, lest among much fine building and enthusiastic committee-work it vanish from sight. May it be fostered in the schools and the various colleges of the University. But the hearth is its cradle. The spirit of Wales is born in the mountain farmhouse, in the cottage by the brook, in the coal-miner's home. And if it be not fostered the Welsh nation will become merely derivative and second rate, an imitator of something inferior to her own true life. If she guards her soul, she has it in herself to make her contribution among the leaders of the world. In a delicate love of country, and in steadfast faith, may our aim be no less."
[Gareth Hicks 25 April 2001]
Welsh proverbs
Or even 'proverbs in Welsh'.
This selection of proverbs/sayings/similes/idioms are ones that have caught my eye and include many that were probably familiar to our Welsh ancestors, there are hundreds more to be found in ;
- Y Geiriadur Newydd by H Meurig Evans and W O Thomas, (1956)
- Lluniau Llafar [Idioms for Welsh learners] by Cennard Davies, (1980)
Be aware that the literal translation of the Welsh phrase is not necessarily that given, but the usual meaning in English .
A chroen ei ddannedd By the skin of one's teeth
A ddarlenno, ysteried Let him who reads reflect
A ddwg wy a ddwg fwy He who steals an egg will steal more
A fo ben, bid bont He who would be head let him be a bridge
A fynno glod, bid farw He who desires fame, let him die
A fynno iechyd, bid lawen He he would be healthy, let him be cheerful
A geir yn rhad, a gerdd yn rhwydd What is got cheaply, goes quickly
A'i ben yn ei blu Disheartened
A wnel dwyll, ef a dwyllir He who deceives, shall be deceived
A ystyrio, cofied Let him who reflects, remember
Aderyn y nos Someone who stays out late
Adfyd a ddwg wybodaeth, a gwygodaeth ddoethineb Adversity brings knowledge, and knowledge wisdom
Afrad pob afraid Everything needless is waste
Agos at ei galon Close to one's heart
Am y tywydd, gorau tewi It is best to be silent about the weather
Aml bai lle ni charer There's many a fault where there's no love
Amynedd yw mam pob doethineb Patience is the mother of all wisdom
Angel pen ffordd, a diawl pen tan An angel abroad, and a devil at home
Annoeth, llithrig ei dafod The foolish has a flippant tongue
Ar ben y ffordd On the right track
Ar bigau'r drain On tenter hooks
Ar bob cyfrif By all means
Ar draws fy nannedd Not pleasant to hear
Ar ei ben ei hun(an) On his own
Ar flaenau ei fysedd At the tips of his fingers
Ar gefn ei geffyl gwyn Full of mischief
Arfer yw hanner y gwaith Practice is half the work
At y blewyn To a tee
Athro da yw amser Time is a good teacher
Bach pob dyn a dybio ei hun yn fawr Small is every man who considers himself great
Bod a llaw rydd To be single
Brawd yw celwyddog i leidr The liar is brother to the thief
Bugunad fel tarw To roar like a bull
Bychan y tal cyngor gwraig, ond gwae i wr nas cymero A wife's advice is not worth much, but woe to the husband who refuses to take it
Bys ymhob brywes A finger in every pie
Byw fel ci a hwch Leading a cat and dog life
Byw o'r fawd i'r genau Living from hand to mouth
Cadarn pob cyfiawn The just are strong
Cadw ci a chyfarth ei hunan Keeping a dog and doing his own barking
Cadw dy fodiau i ti dy hun Keep your hands to yourself
Cael caws o fola ci Trying the impossible
Cau ceg rhwyn To shut someone's mouth
Cau'r drws ar ddannedd dyn Shutting the door in one's face
Car cywir, yn yr ing fe'i gwelir A friend in need is a friend indeed
Cenedl heb iaeth, cenedl heb galon A nation without language, a nation without heart
Cenfigen a ladd ei pherchennog Envy destroys its possessor
Cic i'r post i'r fuwch gael clywed An indirect hint
Cnoi ei dafod To hold his tongue
Cochi at ei glystiau To blush deeply
Codi bys at To reproach
Codi bys bach To imbibe
Cred air o bob deg a glywi, a thi a gei rywfaint bach o wir Believe one tenth of what you hear, and you will get some little truth
Croen ei din ar ei dalcen In a bad mood
Cura'r haearn tra fo'n boeth Strike the iron whilst its hot
Cyfaill blaidd, bugail diog A lazy shepherd is the wolf's friend
Cyfaill calon Close friend
Cyfoethog pob dedwydd Wealthy are the happy
Cyn dloted a llygoden eglwys As poor as a church mouse
Cyn falched a phaun As proud as a peacock
Cyn farwed a hoel As dead as a door nail
Cyn hacred a phechod As ugly as sin
Cyn ysgafned a'r plufyn As light as a feather
Cyntaf ei og, cyntaf ei gryman First with his harrow, first with his sickle
Cysgu ci bwtsiwr To sleep lightly
Cyw gwaelod y nyth Youngest child in a family
Cyw gwyllt An illegitimate child
Chwedl a gynydda fel caseg eira A tale increases like a rolling stone
Chwerthin a wna ynfyd wrth foddi The fool will laugh whilst drowing
Chwerthin yn fy nwrn To laugh up one's sleeve
Chwilio am eira llynedd Searching for what is gone by
Chwynnwch eich gardd eich hun yn gyntaf Weed your own garden first
Dafad ddu Black sheep
Dal y ddysgl yn wastad Keeping the peace
Ddim gwerth cnec mochyn coron Worthless
Ddim yn werth ei halen Not worth his salt
Deuparth gwaith, ei ddechrau Beginning is two thirds of work
Dim rhwng ei dwy glust Dull
Dodi'r droed orau ymlaen To put the best foot forward
Doeth pob tawgar Wise is the silent
Dwy law chwith Useless
Edrych yn llygad y geiniog Practising thrift
Eli i pob dolur yw amynedd Patience is an ointment for every sore
Enw da yw'r trysor gorau A good name is the best of treasures
Fel cacynen mewn bys coch Greatly annoyed
Fel cath i gythraul, fel cath o dan Speedily
Fel ci bach One who does as he is told
Fel iar ag uncyw Fussily
Fel iar dan badell Sulkily
Fel iar glwc Miserable
Fel iar yn crafu Getting no where
Fel lladd nadroeth Full of fuss
Fel swigen mochyn Bald as a coot
Fel twll tin ci ar yr haul Dull
Gair dros ysgwydd A promise not kept
Gan bwyll y mae mynd ymhell Going slowly, going far
Gollwng y gath o'r cwd Letting the cat out of the bag
Gorau cyfoeth, iechyd The best wealth is health
Gormod o ddim nid yw dda Too much of anything is not good
Gwell aderyn mewn llaw na dau mewn llwyn A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush
Gwell clwt na thwll Better a patch than a hole
Gwell dysg na golud Better learning than wealth
Gwell goddef cam na'i wneuthur Better suffer wrong than do it
Gwell hanner na dim Better half than nothing
Gwell hwyr na hwyrach Better late than never
Gwell y wialen a blygo nag a dorro Better the rod that bends than one that breaks
Gwell yr heddwch gwaethaf na'r rhyfel gorau Better the worst peace than the best war
Gwisg orau merch yw gwylder Modesty is a girl's best dress
Gwynt teg iddo Good luck to him
Gyda llaw By the way
Hawdd clwyfo claf It is easy to wound the sick
Hawdd cynnau tan ar hen aelwyd It is easy to kindle a fire on an old hearth
Haws dywedyd mawr na gwneuthur bychan It is easier to say much than do a little
Heb droi blewyn Without fear, shame
Heb ei fai, heb ei eni He who is without fault is not born
Heb flewyn ar ei dafod Outspoken
Heb wraig, heb ymryson Without wife, without strife
Hen fys An old bore
Hen geg A gossip
Hen gofion Memories
Hen gwcw A fool
Hir ei dafod, byr ei wybod A long tongue and little knowledge
I drwch y blewyn Exactly so
I'r pant y rhed y dwr Water flows to the valley
Lladd amser Killing time
Llais y wlad Public opinion
Mae rhyw chwilen yn ei ben He has a bee in his bonnet
Mae'n draed moch arnaf I'm in a fix
Mae'n ddigon oer i rewi brain It's cold enough to freeze a brass monkey
Magu asgwrn cefn To pluck up courage
Mewn chwinciad llygad llo In a flash
Mewn gwaed oer In cold blood
Mewn undeb y mae nerth Unity is strength
Mor ddi-ddal a cheiliog y gwynt As unreliable as a weather-cock
Mor ddistaw a'r bedd As silent as the grave
Mynd i gwrdd a gofid Going to meet trouble
Mynd i'r cwn Going to the dogs
Na ddeffro'r ci a fo'n cysgu Let sleeping dogs lie
Nac adrodd a glywaist rhag ei fod yn gelwyddog Repeat not what you hear, lest it be false
Nes penelin nag arddwrn Nearer elbow than wrist (Blood is thicker than water)
Ni ddaw ddoe yn ol Yesterday will not return
Ni wyr dyn ddolur y llall One man knows not another's pain
Nid aur, popeth melyn All that is yellow is not gold (..glitters..)
Nid da rhy o ddim Too much of anything is not good
Nid hawdd bodloni pawb It is not easy to please everyone
Nid oes dim dwywaith amdani There's no doubt about it
Nid rhy hen neb i ddysgu There is none too old to learn
Nid yn y bore y mae canmol diwrnod teg The morning is not the time to praise a fair day
Nid yw chwedl yn colli wrth ei hadrodd A story loses nothing by repetition
O ddau ddrwg dewiser y lleiaf Of two evils chose the lesser
Oni heuir, ni fedir No reaping without sowing
Os daw Mawrth i mewn fel oen a allan fel llew If March comes in like a lamb it will go out like a lion
Os nad oes dim gwahaniaeth gennych If you don't mind
Pawb a'i fys lle bo'i ddolur Everyone puts his finger where his pain lies
Plant gwirionedd yw hen ddiarhebion Old proverbs are the children of truth
Po mwyaf y llanw, mwyaf y trai The greater the flow, the greater the ebb
Pryn hen, pryn eilwaith Buy the old, buy again
Prynu cath mewn cwd To buy a pig in a poke
Rhaid yw cropian cyn cerdded One must crawl before walking
Rhaid wrth lwy hir i fwyta gyda'r diafol It needs a long spoon to sup with the devil
Rhedeg yn y gwaed To run in the blood
Rhoi tafod drwg To abuse someone
Rhydd i bob meddwl ei farn, ac i bob barn ei llafar Everyone has a right to his opinion, and to express it.
Synnwyr y fawd Rule of thumb
Taer yw'r gwir am y golau Truth is eager for the light
Tamaid o geg Just what I was going to say
Taro'r hoelen ar ei phen To hit the nail on the head
Tawed y doeth, annoeth ni thaw (thau) Let the wise be silent, the foolish will not
Tebyg i ddyn fydd ei lwdwn Like father like offspring
Torri calon To feel sad
Traed hwyad Flat feet
Trech angen na dewis Necessity is stronger than choice
Tynnu blew o drwyn rhywun To annoy someone
Un pechod a lusg gant ar ei ol One sin draws a hundred after it
Y byd a'r betws The world and the church
Y cwbl i fi, a'r rhest i Sioni 'mrawd The lot for me, and the rest for my brother John
Y doeth ni ddywed a wyr The wise does not say all he knows
Y mae'r llygad yn fwy na'r bola The eye is bigger than the stomach
Ychedig yn aml a wna lawer A little often becomes much
Ymhob pen y mae 'pinwn In every head there is an opinion
Yn araf deg yr a gwr ymhell Slow of pace to travel far
Yn dew ac yn denau Everywhere
Yn ddistaw fach On the quiet
Yn ddwl fel llo Very stupid
Yn sal fel ci As sick as a dog
Yr hen a wyr, yr ieuanc a dybia The old knows, the young surmises
Yr hwch wedi mynd drwy'r siop To be made bankrupt
Yr oen yn dysgu i'r ddafad bori The lamb teaching the ewe to graze
See also Welsh pet names
Following a Glamlist query it came to me that it was about time I had a feature relating to shortened forms of forenames and also pet names people used within families for each other.
The two lists below have largely been contributed by listers, but with a major input by Jill Muir from an article she had produced herself some time ago.
There are some which confusingly appear to have multiple related original names and are included even if it is unclear to what extent they were used outside particular families, at least we know what other possibilites there might be when we can't find our Nancy etc on a census. Some abbreviations may seem obvious, but it still depends on whether you know the full name or not.
I have also thrown in some of the more common traditional Welsh names [marked ] with their English equivalents.
- Abbie = Abigail
- Addie/Addy = Adelaide
- Aggie = Agatha/Agnes
- Alex = Alexandra
- Aly = Alison/Alice
- Amelia = Millicent
- Angie = Angela/Angelina
- Ann = Annetta/Anita
- Ann /Anna= Hannah
- Annie = Ann
- Babs = Barbara
- Bea /Beattie= Beatrice
- Becky = Rebecca
- Bedelia = Bridget
- Bella = Isabella
- Bernie = Bernadette
- Bess/Bessie/Bet/Beth/Betsey/Betty = Elizabeth
- Beti/Betsan/Betsi = Betty/Betsy
- Biddy = Bridget
- Bim = Belinda
- Bren = Brenda
- Bron = Bronwen
- Bytha = Tabitha
- Carie = Caroline
- Carol = Caroline
- Cassie = Catherine
- Catrin/ Cadi = Catherine
- Cat/Cathy = Catherine
- Ceri = Ceridwen
- Charlie = Charlotte
- Chelle = Michelle
- Cilla = Priscilla
- Chris = Christine
- Chrissy = Christina
- Cis/Cissie = Cecily/Cecilia [May also just stand for sister !]
- Clary = Clara
- Connie = Constance
- Dee = Dorothy
- Della = Adelia
- Di = Diana
- Dodo/Dora = Deborah
- Doll/Dollie/Dolly = Doreen/Dorothy/Doris/Florence
- Dora = Theodora/Deborah
- Dorrie = Dorothy
- Dot = Dorothy
- Eddie [pronounced Eaddie] = Edith
- Elen = Helen
- Eliza = Elizabeth
- Ella = Isabella
- Ellie = Ellen
- Emily = Amelia
- Elsie= Esther ? /Elizabeth
- Em/Emmie = Emily/Emma
- Eppy = Hephzibah
- Ester = Hester
- Esther = Estherazy
- Eth = Ethel
- Etta = Henrietta
- Eve/Evie = Evelyn
- Fanny = Frances/Myfanwy
- Fano/Vano = Myfanwy
- Fi = Fiona
- Flo/Flora/Florrie/Floss = Florence
- Fran/Frannie = Frances
- Freda = Fredericka
- Gerry = Geraldine
- Gert/Gertie = Gertrude
- Gill = Gillian
- Gwen/Gwenno = Gwendoline/Gwenllian
- Gussie = Augusta
- Hannah = Susannah
- Harry = Harriet
- Hatty = Harriet
- Heppy/Hepsie = Hephzibah
- Het/Hetty = Esther or Henrietta
- Issy = Isabel/Isabella
- Izzie = Elizabeth
- Jacky = Jacqueline
- Jennie/Jenny = Jennifer/Janet/Jennet
- Jill = Gillian ?
- Jinny = Virginia
- Jo = Joanna
- Kate/Katie/Katy/Cathy = Catherine/Katherine
- Katie = Katriona/ Catriona
- Kes = Kerry
- Kit/Kitty = Christine/Kate/Katherine
- Lal/Lally/Lelly = Eleanor/Elinor/Hannah
- Lettie = Leticia/Lucetia
- Libby = Elizabeth
- Lilly = Lilian
- Lina = Selina
- Liv = Olivia
- Liz/Liza/Lizzie/Lizzy/Lillie/Lillibet/Lilly = Elizabeth
- Lottie = Charlotte
- Lou/Louie = Louise
- Luce = Lucy
- Mab[s] = Mabel
- Madge = Margaret ?
- Mag/Maggie = Margaret
- Mair/Mari = Mary
- Maisie = Margaret
- Mali = Molly
- Marge/Margie = Margaret
- Marged/Mererid = Margaret
- Marg = Marjory
- Mattie/Matty = Matilda/Martha
- May = Margaret/Mary
- Meg = Megan/Margaret
- Millie = Millicent/Amelia/Mildred
- Mim = Miriam
- Minnie = Margaret/Wilhelmina /Hermione/Minerva/Miriam
- Mo - Maureen
- Moll/Molly = Mary
- Nan/Nance/Nancy = Ann[e]
- Nat = Natasha
- Nell/Nellie = Helen/Ellen
- Netta = Anetta/Henrietta
- Nora = Leonora/Honora
- Pam = Pamela
- Pat/Patsy = Patricia
- Patti = Martha
- Pedge = Marjorie
- Peg/Peggy = Margaret
- Penny = Penelope
- Phil = Philomena
- Polly = Mary/Mary Ann
- Prue= Prudence/ Prunella
- Rae/Ray = Rachael/Rachel
- Rene = Irene
- Rian = Rhianedd
- Rita = Margaret
- Ro/Rose/Rosie = Rosemary
- Ronnie = Veronica
- Sam = Samantha
- Sal/Sally/Sadie = Sarah
- Sian = Jane
- Sibby = Sybil
- Sophie = Sophia
- Sue/Susie/Suzie = Susan/Susanne/Susanna/Susannah
- Sukey = Susan
- Tasha = Natasha
- Terry = Theresa
- Tetia = Letitia
- Theo = Theodora
- Tricia /Trissie = Patricia
- Trina = Katrina
- Val - Valerie/Valmai
- Vera = Veronica ?
- Vi = Violet
- Vicky = Victoria
- Vira/Vera = Elvira
- Viv/Vivie= Vivienne
- Win/Winnie = Winifred
- Abe = Abraham
- Al = Alan
- Alb = Albert
- Alec/Alex = Alexander
- Alf = Alfred
- Algy = Algernon
- Andy = Andrew
- Archie = Archibald
- Artie = Arthur
- Baldie = Archibald
- Bart = Bartholomew
- Ben/Benjie = Benjamin
- Bert/Bertie = Albert/Hubert
- Bill/Billy = William
- Bob/Bobby = Robert
- Brin = Brinley
- Chas/Charley= Charles
- Chris = Christopher
- Chuck = Charles
- Cliff = Clifford
- Con = Conrad
- Cy/Sy = Cyril
- Dafydd = David
- Dai/Dave/Davey = David
- Dan/Danny = Daniel
- Deio/Dewi = David
- Del = Derek
- Dick/Dickie = Richard
- Don = Donald
- Doug/Dougie = Douglas
- Ed/Eddie = Edward/Edgar/Edwin ?
- Ern/Ernie = Ernest
- Frank = Francis
- Fred = Frederick/Wilfred
- Gary = Gareth
- Geoff = Geoffrey
- Gerry = Gerald
- Gib/Gilb = Gilbert
- Greg = Gregory
- Gus = Augustus
- Hal/Harry = Henry/Harold
- Hank = Henry
- Howie = Howell
- Hubie = Hubert
- Huw = Hugh
- Hywel = Howell
- Iago = James
- Ieuan/Ifan/Iwan/Ianto = Evan
- Ike = Isaac
- Ioan = John
- Issie = Isaac
- Jack = John
- Jake = Jacob
- Jamie = James
- Jeff = Jeffrey
- Jem/Jez = Jeremy
- Jerry = Jeremiah/Jeremy
- Jim = James
- Jock = John
- Joe = Joseph
- Johnny = John
- Jon = Jonathan
- Josh = Joshua
- Ken = Kenneth
- Kit = Christopher
- Lee = Brinley
- Len = Leonard
- Leo = Leonard
- Les = Lesley
- Llew = Llewelyn
- Llwyd = Lloyd
- Lyn = Llewelyn
- Mal = Maldwyn
- Matt = Matthew
- Meurig = Maurice
- Mich/Mick/Mike = Michael
- Mihangel = Michael
- Mog = Morgan
- Morus/Moris/Morys = Morris
- Myrddin = Merlin
- Nat = Nathan/Nathanial
- Nye = Aneurin
- Ollie = Oliver
- Owain = Owen
- Padrig = Patrick
- Pat = Patrick
- Pedr = Peter
- Perc/Percy = Percival
- Phil = Philip/Phillip
- Prys = Price
- Puw = Pugh
- Randy = Randolph
- Ray = Raymond
- Rhisiart = Richard
- Rhydderch = Roderick
- Rhys = Rees
- Rick = Richard
- Rod = Roderick/Rodney
- Ron/Ronnie = Ronald
- Ross = Rosslyn
- Roy = Royston
- Sandy = Alexander
- Siam/Siams = James
- Sion/Sioni = John
- Seb = Sebastian
- Sid = Sidney
- Simy/Sime = Simon
- Stan = Stanley
- Steffan = Stephen
- Steve = Stephen
- Stu = Stewart
- Ted = Edward
- Teddy = Theodore
- Theo = Theodore
- Tom = Thomas
- Tomos/Twm = Thomas/Tom
- Tony = Anthony
- Vic = Victor
- Viv = Vivian/Vincent
- Walt = Walter
- Wat = Walter/Watcyn
- Wil/Will/Willy = William
- Wmffre = Humphrey
- Zenie = Thomasina