


Newspaper extracts for Mold


There are many references to this area in the 15 million Welsh and English language articles from Welsh newspapers transcribed by the NLW and viewable on Welsh Newspapers Online
Below are English language articles that have been re-transcribed and extracted randomly to illustrate what is available, there are many that are not extracted here that include names of local people

  • From  the Flintshire Observer Mining Journal and General Advertiser…7th March 1879

MOLD. ROYAL FLINT MILITIA.—-The men of this regiment who joined before May 11th, 1878, are to assemble on Monday, the 28th proximo, for 20 days (instead of 27 days) training. The recruits who have joined since then are to assemble on the 24th inst.

  •  From the Flintshire Observer Mining Journal and General Advertiser…21st March 1879

MOLD. TROTTING MATCH.—A good deal of interest has been excited in the town by a friendly trotting match which came off on Tuesday morning, between mares belonging to Miss Jackson of the Royal Oak Hotel, and Mr. J. S. Swift of the Lion. The run was from the turning to the Broncoed colliery, to the Glynn" Arms, Caergwrle, and back again a distance of eleven miles and a quarter, and the referees being Messrs. C. E. W. Eyton, The Tower, and E. Lloyd, Hafod. The start took place at half-past eight and the distance was covered by Miss Jackson's mare in forty-one minutes and a half, the other coming in a little over half a minute afterwards. The winner led from end to end and won with consummate ease. The other was in difficulties three miles from home, but struggled on very gamely to the end.

  • From the  Flintshire Observer Mining Journal and General Advertiser… 4th February 1881

 MOLD. HIGHWAY BOARD.—The monthly meeting of the Mold Highway Board was held on Wednesday, Colonel Cooke presiding. Messrs. A. J. Brereton and E. P. Edwards waited upon the board to represent the danger arising from the flooding of the Glanrafon Brook to their property. It was agreed that a meeting be arranged between the surveyors of the board and the Local Board for the purpose of arranging the enlargement of a culvert which was said to be the cause of the flooding.

It was announced by the clerk that the townships were £ 500 in arrears, the largest amounts being those of Nerquis ( £ 80), Broncoed ( £ 50), Bistro ( £ 55), and Argoed ( £ 56). It was resolved that unless the amounts due be paid without delay the parties would be summoned for the recovery of the several amounts.

The surveyor was instructed to repair the Llandegle roads, which had for some time been bad.

  • From the Flintshire Observer Mining Journal and General Advertiser…23rd July 1896

MOLD. ALUN COUNTY SCHOOL. -Glorious weather favoured the athletic sports held at the Alan County SchooI on Wednesday last. There was a large attendance and the 23 events comprised in the programme produced competition of an interesting and exciting nature. At the conclusion of the sports the prizes were presented to the successful competitors by Mrs Tatton Davies Cooke. Throughout the afternoon selections were played by the local Volunteer Band conducted by Mr T. Whitley. The principal prize winner was Master Elford Roberts, son of Mr P Harding Roberts, Holywell.

  •  From the Flintshire Observer Mining Journal and General Advertiser…20th August 1896

MOLD. THE COTTAGE HOSPITAL.—Mr Edwin Roberts, the treasurer of the Mold Cottage Hospital, reports that the workmen employed at the Buckley Collieries have subscribed £ 12 10s. bd, to the funds of that institution.

  •  From the Flintshire Observer Mining Journal and General Advertiser…7th October 1881

MOLD. AMATEUR DRAMATIC SOCIETY.—A meeting of gentlemen interested in the formation of an Amateur Dramatic Society in Mold was held at the Reading-room, on Tuesday evening week. The rules having been settled and a good number of names having been enrolled as members, it was decided tc commence work as soon as possible, and a committee was formed to make the necessary arrangements. Mr. T. H. Ollive was chosen manager, Mr. T. B. Williams (North and South WaleS Bank) the treasurer, and Mr. T. J. Williams (Messrs. Pring and Price's) the secretary. It is intended to give the first performance about the middle of December next, and anyone desirous of joining the society should do so forthwith.

  • From the  Flintshire Observer Mining Journal and General Advertiser… 14th October 1881

MOLD. MR. SCOTT BANKES AND THE SUNDAY CLOSING ACT. At the Mold Petty Sessions, on Monday, Mr. Roper, solicitor, applied on behalf of eight Mold publicans to alter their six days' licenses to seven days. He said that the publicans, being under the impression, whether rightly or wrongly, that the Welsh Sunday Closing Act would come into force this year, took out six days' licenses; and, as the magistrates in other districts had granted seven days' licenses, the Mold publicans wished to have the .same privilege. If the magistrates would alter the licenses the publicans would take all risks. At present they felt it a hardship for their houses to be shut and others open.—The Clerk said the magistrates could not alter the licenses. It could only be done at the adjourned sessions, held in September.—The Chairman (Mr. J. Scott Bankes) said he agreed with the clerk that they had no power— ...... (part extract)........

  •  From the Flintshire Observer Mining Journal and General Advertiser… 2nd February 1893

MOLD. ABSCONDING FROM THE WORKHOUSE.—At the Justices' Clerk's Office on Monday last, before P. A. Lloyd, Esq., Henry Shaw, of Buckley, was charged in custody with absconding from the Broughton Workhouse. Mr. J. T. Dodwell, the Workhouse Master, swore that the defendant was sent to the Workhouse by the Relieving Officer and absconded from the House on the 14th and 28th of January, wearing on both occasions the clothes provided. His own clothes, in which he was admitted were so dirty they had to be destroyed by order of the doctor. He was brought before the Board of Guardians after his first absconding and was so impertinent that it was decided to detain him. Upon leaving the second time he took with him the jacket, cap and boots belonging to the Union. Sergeant Jones proved the apprehension of the prisoner at the house of his aunt at Penymynydd. He was then wearing a vest and trousers purchased by his aunt. The defendant, who made an incoherent statement in reply to Mr. Lloyd, was sent to gaol for 10 days

  •  From the Wrexham and Denbighshire Advertiser and Cheshire…15th December 1866

MOLD. THE "GOLIATH" AT BRONCOED COLLIERY.—The splendid pumping engine named "Goliath," at this colliery, gave its first stroke on Wednesday last, when the workmen assembled on the bank and hailed the event with shouts of hurrah. We understand that this engine was purchased of a water company in Glasgow, and has been fixed at Broncoed, under the superintendence of Mr Hales, the manager, whose erection and arrangement of the engine and engine-house deserves  the greatest credit. .....(part extract).......

  •  From the Wrexham and Denbighshire Advertiser and Cheshire…29th December 1866

MOLD. THE RECENT COLLIERY ACCIDENTS IN YORKSHIRE AND STAFFORDSHIRE.- We understand that a public meeting will be held in the County Hall, Mold, at 11 o'clock to-day, (Saturday), to deliberate upon the best means of getting subscriptions towards the losses of the poor families occasioned by these accidents.

BRITISH SCHOOLS.—During the past six months (the dullest part of the scholastic year) which have elapsed since the present teachers were appointed by the British and Foreign School Society, in London, seventy-two pupils have been admitted, and twenty-seven re-admitted to these institutions, making a total of ninety-nine. Several prizes have just been been awarded to the most industrious scholars by some friends of the schools.

  •  From the Wrexham and Denbighshire Advertiser and Cheshire…1st July 1876

MOLD. BAND OF HOPE,-This society for young people has been re-commenced. Its first meeting was held on Friday last, in the Calvinistic Methodist schoolroom, prior to the Good Templar's Lodge.

  • From the Wrexham and Denbighshire Advertiser and Cheshire…18th July 1868

MOLD. THE DROUGHT.—Special prayer meetings Are being held this week, in all all the Calvinistic chapels in Flintshire, to pray for rain. The meeting in Mold was numerously  attended on Monday evening.

  • From the  Wrexham and Denbighshire Advertiser and Cheshire…12th September 1868

A NIGHT SCHOOL FOR YOUNG MEN.—Another opportunity will be afforded the young men of Mold to improve their minds and consequently their positions in society, by the re-opening of the British School evening class. This class was conducted for six months last winter, and in April last all the young men who were examined by her Majesty's inspector passed in reading, writing, and arithmetic, except one in reading. The second session will commence on Monday evening at 7-30, and it is hoped a larger number will avail themselves of its advantages than last winter to reward the toils of the master.

  • From the  Wrexham and Denbighshire Advertiser and Cheshire…9th October 1875

MOLD. THE FAIR was held on Thursday, and was one of the smallest seen in the town for many years, owing doubtlessly to the foot and mouth disease which is just now so rife in the district. The demand was much better than the supply, consequently good prices were the rule, especially with young and store pigs. Horses, also fully maintained their prices.

  •  From the Wrexham and Denbighshire Advertiser and Cheshire…4th December 1875

MOLD. THE GAS in Mold during the past week or even fortnight, has been of extraordinary quality, and were those who pay for it only to turn it on to its full force, they might be able to read with the help of a couple of candles.

  •  From the Wrexham and Denbighshire Advertiser and Cheshire…19th June 1869

MOLD. A NEW COAL WORK.—For some time a company have been sinking in a field on Argoed farm, within a mile distant from this town, and one day this week their labour was rewarded by the workmen coming upon a fine seam of coal It is what is called the Hollin or two-yard coal. This sent up the spirits of the men and proprietors, as well as some flags to indicate the discovery.

  •  From the Wrexham and Denbighshire Advertiser and Cheshire…29th October 1870

MOLD. THE FIRE BRIGADE.-The public will be glad to hear that the fire engine is in a thorough state of efficiency, and that on Monday morning last Captain Dykins and his men had two or three hours of useful practice.