Newspaper extracts for Llanelli parish
There are many references to this area in the 15 million Welsh and English language articles from Welsh newspapers transcribed by the NLW and viewable on Welsh Newspapers Online
Below are English language articles that have been re-transcribed and extracted randomly to illustrate what is available, there are many that are not extracted here that include names of local people
- From the Evening Express (Special Edition) 16th April 1898
LLANELLI HOSPITAL. THE INSTITUTION TO BE CLOSED. TEMPORARILY. Owing to the wholesale resignations of the nursing staff at the Llanelly Hospital, it has been decided to temporarily close the institution except in cases of serious accidents. In bringing the matter before the managing committee, the Chairman (Major Bythway expressed deep regret that such a step should have become absolutely necessary. The committee had very serious difficulties to contend against for some time, and had done their best to over- come them. It was hoped up to within the last fortnight or so that matters might have been arranged, and a special meeting was called for that purpose. At that meeting, however, the nurse-matron, one of the nurses, and the two probationers sent in their resignations, thereby involving a serious state of affairs. A sub-committee was then appointed to go thoroughly into the matter, and met on the following day. Awhile they were sitting the resignation of the other nurse was handed in to them. This was reported to the next managing committee, and. after very careful consideration. they decided that the only way of getting rid of all the past difficulties and making a successful fresh start was to adopt the recommendation to temporarily close the hospital. The recommendation was then adopted, it being understood that the committee would carry it out as soon as possible.
- From the Evening Express (Pink Edition) 20th April 1898
THE LLANELLI HOSPITAL. With reference to the statement that the matron and the head nurse had a disagreement, Miss Barwick (the matron) informs us that this is absolutely untrue, and that Miss Jones never made any allusion to her position to the matron, or intimated any dissatisfaction to her. It is also untrue that the matron appointed two English nurses without the consent of the committee. Two Welsh speaking nurses were appointed, and the English simply because no Welsh ones replied to the advertisements. It is also absolutely wrong that there has been any friction between the matron and the ladies' committee. The matron and staff have worked amicably together in every way. and, if the matron had been allowed to settle the business in her own province without the intervention of press and public, the hospital.would not have found itself in such an undesirable position.
- From the Evening Express (Extra Special) 2nd September 1898
LLANELLI WITHOUT GAS, PROSPECT OF PASSING A NIGHT IN DARKNESS. On Thursday the stokers of the Llanelly Gas-works came out on strike, and at night the pressure of gas was greatly reduced. On Friday morning the directors informed the consumers and public that there would be no gas available tonight (Friday), and, consequently, this town will be in complete darkness. The (station, post-office, and other public institutions have also received notices, and printing offices and other factories where machinery is worked by gas will be at a standstill. Action of the Disrict Council. At a special meeting of the Llanelly Borough Council on Friday, Messrs. Trubshaw and Mayberry were deputed to see the gasworks manager and urge upon him to engage other stokers to take the place of those on strike, and thus avoid the inconvenience to the town of being in total darkness. The imported workmen would be allowed police protection.
- From the Evening Express (Third Edition) 11th January 1898
LLANELLI AND PONTARDULAIS. THE PROPOSED RAILWAY. A Bill for the construction of a railway from Llanelly to Pontardulais has been duly deposited for next session in accordance with the Standing Orders of Parliament. Under this Bill Sir Emile Stepney, Knight, Mr. David Evans. Mr. Thomas Hughes, Mr. Gwilym Evans, Mr. David Harries, Mr. John Allen Williams, Mr. Richard Francis Randell, "and all other persons who may subscribe to the undertaking," are incorporated into a company under the name of the "Llanelly and Pontardulais Railway Company." Upon this company powers are proposed to be conferred for the construction of the railway indicated in the name, which will comprise a main line nearly seven miles in length, commencing in Llanelly and terminating by a junction with the London and North Western Railway. From the Llanelly section of this line several branch lines are proposed in order to form junctions with the Llanelly and Mynydd Mawr Railway, the private railway of Mr. C. W. Mansel Lewis, and to a point within 63 yards south of the retaining wall of the Great Western (South Wales) Railway....... (part extract)........
- From the Evening Express (Fifth Edition) 12th March 1897
A GOOD THING FOR LLANELLI WELSH MANUFACTURERS IN GERMANY. Mr. Ernest Trubshaw, Lianelly, and Mr Eccles, Briton Ferry, have just returned from a visit to the Continent. Mr. Trubshaw is the chairman of the newly-formed Llanelly Steel Company. and he, in conjunction with Mr. Eccles, one of the directors, was deputed by the company to visit the Continent to make inquiries into the manufacture of steel. We understand that they spent some time in Westphalia and Saxony, and there saw in active operation the latest development of the Siemens manufacture. The delegates have brought hack important information, which will be utilised to the full at the large works now in course of erection at Llanelly.
- From the Evening Express (Special Edition) 6th January 1899
TIN-PLATE CRISIS AT LLANELLI, Judging by what occurred on Thursday, there is likely to be a prolonged struggle between the management of the three works at Llanelly and the employees. In the morning a deputation appointed by the men waited upon the masters to ascertain exactly what they required. The employers informed them that work could not be resumed unless something more than 15 per cent, were conceded, and the men bound themselves to work for six months. In turn, the deputation offered on behalf of the men to work for six months at 15 per cent., but this offer was rejected. The deputation replied that they could not agree to any levelling-down process, as there was no knowing where that would land them. On Thursday afternoon a well-attended meeting of the men was held at the Railway Station Inn to receive the report of the deputation. A long discussion ensued and in the end it was decided not to move from the terms already offered, viz., 15 per cent, for six months.
HITCH AT CWMBWELA. The tinhousemen at Cwmbwrla met on Wednesday, and passed the following resolution (1)" That we stand firm against the miserable pittance offered at Cwmbwrla Works; (2) that we adopt means to acquaint the trade in general of our position; and (3) that, in the opinion of this meeting, anyone accepting labour at Cwmbwrla on the conditions laid down by Mr. Thomas will be considered a traitor the cause of tin-platers in general and Cwmbwrlaites in particular."
- From the Evening Express (Special Edition) 29th March 1897
COAL RATES TO SWANSEA AND LLANELLI. Revised rates for coal in owners' wagons to Swansea for shipment have just been issued by the Great Western Railway and the London and North Western Railway. They relate to Cross Hands, Pantyffynon, Ammanford. Garnant, Gwauncaegurwen, Brynamman, Dafen, Bynea, &c. (Great Western Railway), and mean, it is stated, a slight reduction.
- From the Evening Express (First Edition) 29th September 1898
SUNDAY SWEETS AND BEER AT LLANELLI, A meeting representative of the Churches of Llanelly was held at the Town-hall on Wednesday, the Rev. T. Johns (Capel Als) in the chair, to consider the question of Sunday trading in sweets and light refreshments in the town. The following resolution was passed:—"(1) That this meeting, regarding it as of the utmost importance to put down Sunday trading, respectfully appeals to the authorities not to grant or renew any licences in future to persons who trade on the Lord's Day; (2) that we further appeal to the several Churches in the town, to the public generally, and to heads of families to abstain from supporting such traders; (3) that measures be taken to wait upon such traders asking them to abstain from trading on the Lord's Day."
- From the Evening Express (First Edition) 30th November 1906
PAUPER'S EXTRAVAGANCE AT LLANELLY. SIXTEEN POUNDS PAID FOR A GRAVESTONE. At a meeting of the Llanelly Board of Guardians on Thursday, Mr. Thomas Seymour in the chair, Mr. William Pugh said that he had been very forcibly struck by the large number of deserted wives in the workhouse. There was plenty of work in the town for these women to earn a little by cleaning and washing. The board should do all in their power to find out the husbands. The Clerk replied that several warrants had been issued and a reward had been offered for the apprehension of these men. It was decided that all these women should be brought before the house committee. The Clerk reported, that he had received a letter with reference to the inmate who, it was alleged, would inherit a legacy. The letter stated that there was no statement to make, but that £9 11s. 8d. had been paid to the guardians when the dividend became due. Mr. W. B. Jones explained that the man had a share of some property at Felin- foel, and according to the will it was to be divided between four persons, including the inmate. The writer of the letter was a relative, who, apparently, acted as trustee. The relieving officer reported that an applicant for relief, residing at Pontyberem, received £100 on the death of her husband two years ago. She had paid £ 16 10s. for a gravestone, about £9 for funeral expenses, and the rest had been spent to maintain herself and the two children. The applicant lived with her parents.—The Chairman said that the woman was very delicate and could not work. Nevertheless, the money had been spent very quickly. People ought to be taught that it was not right for them to spend £16 10s. on a gravestone and shortly afterwards apply for relief. Mrs. Knotts: Evidently she was young and inexperienced, and did not know how to use the money. The matter was deferred for further inquiries.
- From the Evening Express (Pink Edition) 2nd July 1898
The Tin-plate Strike. LLANELLI WORKS TO BE CLOSED NEXT WEEK. Mr. Thomas Philips, the tin-plate workers' secretary, was in negotiation with three of the LIanelly masters to-day, but no agreement was come to, and in consequence the works will be closed next week. One thousand five hundred men will thus be thrown out of employment.
- From the South Wales Daily News 22nd September 1890
LLANELLI. INSPECTION OF BURRY CHANNEL AND BUOYS, -Friday last had been set apart by the members of the Llanelly Harbour Commission to make an inspection of the channel and the buoys within their jurisdiction. Years ago the event was an annual one, but for some reason it has not, we believe, been in vogue since 1879. The party on Friday included the following members of the commission :—Messrs John Hopkins,Tom Hughes, Joseph Williams, David Thomas, and D. Francis. The officials accompanying them were :-Mr John Jennings (clerk), Capt. T. Jones (harbourmaster), and Mr George Watkeys (borough surveyor). The commissioners expressed satisfaction at the improved state of the channel, and also upon the excellent condition of the buoys. Unfortunately a landing could not be effected at Tenby, and the Tiger's course was steered towards Caldy Roads. about a mile distant. The anchor being dropped luncheon was partaken of on deck. The company then proceeded to Caldy Isle in a boat, remaining on the island for two hours. The chief attraction on this pretty isle (which is inhabited by about 100 people) is a large farm and the Caldy Lighthouse, a splendid structure built on a rock far above the waters. The party evinced much interest whilst being escorted through the house by the keeper and having signed their names on the register, on the pages of which were written the names of persons from far and near, a move was made towards the boat. Luncheon was again partaken of on deck, and at half-past four the anchor was weighed, and the Tiger sped rapidly homewards through a rather wild and choppy sea. At eight o'clock the party arrived at their destination—the Carmarthenshire docks.
- From the South Wales Daily News (Third Edition) 5th September 1900
ELECTRIC TRACTION FOR LLANELLI. DIFFICULTIES SURMOUNTED. It has already been announced that the Llanelly Urban District Council has made arrangements with the British Insulated Wire Company to light the town with electricity and to provide electric traction. We are in a position to state that an obstacle in the way of the project being speedily carried out has been removed. Mr Solomon Andrews, of Cardiff, bad an agreement with the Llanelly Tramways Company which entitled him to the use of the tram lines until next year, but negotiations have been carried on for some time with the view of inducing him to surrender the lease. Mr Solomon Andrews visited Llanelly on Friday last and attended a meeting of the Llanelly Tramways Company at their offices in Stepney-street. As a result of the interview Mr Andrews has agreed, on certain conditions, to give up his right over the lines on the 29th of September, and arrangements were made by which his brother, Mr James Andrews, of Llanelly, who works the tramcars, shall relinquish control of the cars, stables, &c., to the British Insulated Wire Company after that date. The road is now clear for the company to proceed with the project, as it is not anticipated that there will be any objection to their application to the Light Railway Commissioners, which will be heard in October next, to construct lines to the various villages around Llanelly.
- From the South Wales Daily News 11th December 1889
INDIGNATION AT LLANELLI. GREAT indignation is felt at Llanelly at the attitude of the Church people, or to speak more accurately, of Canon Williams in the matter of the bill for the repair of the parish churchyard. At the vestry meeting held a month ago, the Non-conformists present resented the action of the churchwardens in acting on an old law and calling on the overseers to defray the expense incurred, amounting to £16 odd. At the same time, if the claim were withdrawn, they stated their willingness to aid their Church friends in making up the amount, and the liberality of Llanellyites is such that there can be no doubt the sum would have been raised without the slightest difficulty in the world. However, at the adjourned vestry meeting on Thursday night Canon Williams announced that the churchwardens had decided not to accept the voluntary payment of the bill, but to let the law take its course. This scandalous conduct was met with an indignant protest by the meeting, and a resolution was passed requesting the overseers on no account to pay. Thus a serious difficulty has been raised through the obstinacy of the Church wire-pullers, and the latter may rely upon it that Nonconformist Llanelly will not sit down under the insult, but that lively times may be expected in the not distant future.
- From the South Wales Daily News 21st November 1879
DISENDOWMENT MEETING AT LLANELLI. ENTHUSIASTIC PROCEEDINGS. (FROM OUR SPECIAL REPORTER.) The Athenaeum-hall, Llanellv, was crowded on Wednesday night, when a meeting was held to discuss the question of the disendowment of the Established Church. Mr W. Howell, chairman of the local boa:d, presided, and among those on the platform were the Revs — Rowlands, Moriah J. Jones, Velinfoel M. H. La Pla , J. R. Morgan. Lleurwg T. Davis, Siloah W. Hughes, Bethel, T. James, Capel Newydd T. Johns, Capel Als; J. Ossian Davies Mr W. Rosser, &c. The CHAIRMAN said they were met to consider a subject which was of great interest to the people of Llaneily. He thought that the gentlemen who arranged the meeting had paid a great compliment to the inhabitants in {selecting the subject of Disendowment, because it implied that they had decided the matter of Disestablishment. It implied that the inhabitants were not babes, but were prepared for the strong meat of disendowment. It was only by keeping such burning questions before the people that they could be carried into law. There could be no doubt that as far as Wales was concerned, three-fourths of the population were Nonconformists, and it would be but just to them that the proposals of the Liberation Society should be carried out. Mr S. FISHER, of the Liberation Society, addressed the meeting at great length. He said the disestablishment was a question of time and the discussion now almost always resolved itself into a matter of the property of the Church. If it were not for the property the clergy of the Established Church would be as anxious for disestablishment as the Liberation Society itself. While the endowments were the most important part of the question, it was also the most difficult. He did not intend to speak of the property which Churchmen gave from year to year, but would confine his observations to that which the Church enjoys but which is not paid currently by Churchmen. Leaving out of consideration the value of the Church buildings, parsonages, &c., the Church of England deals annually with six millions of money, not one penny of which is currently paid by its members. He was not going to argue the legal right of the nation to deal with this property, because there were some things which might be strictly legal but not morally right. ...........(short extract from a very long article) .......... See https://newspapers.library.wales/view/3508857/3508860/43/Llanelli
- From the South Wales Daily News (Swansea Edition) 9th March 1889
IMPROVED RAILWAY FACILITIES FOR LLANELLI. LLANELLY is to have a considerable increase in its railway accommodation. Besides their main line and the important Llandilo branch, the Great Western have quite a network at the docks, in touch with all the most important manufactories. Well, for a length of time the difficulty has been that not only have the dock lines to look after their own traffic, but over them also has to pass all the traffic from the Llandilo branch for places east or west of Llanelly. This inconvenience has long been bitterly felt by traders, more especially as the shoe pinches more and more sharply in proportion as trade expands. For a long time, Mr W. H. Ludford, manager of the branch, has been working to introduce reform, and at length he has succeeded in inducing his directors to spend £7,000 or more on a yard at the point where the Llandilo branch meets the main line, and which will relieve the dock district of all traffic except its own. Mr Ludford's scheme is now in the hands of Mr Lloyd, Great Western engineer, and in a few months the yard will be in working order. The Llanelly press is loud in its praise of the coming improvements, and no doubt they will have a marked influence on the trade of Llanelly. It should be added in fairness to Messrs Besant and Sims (Mr Ludford's colleagues) that they have done all in their power to push on the scheme.
- From the Llanelly Star 22nd January 1916
SOLDIERS AND SAILORS' DEPENDENTS. Great interest continues to be taken in Llanelli in the welfare of the wives, mothers and relatives of our brave soldiers and sailors. A strong committee acting under the presidency of the Mayoress, Lady Howard, will be very pleased to welcome all such at a pleasant afternoon gathering to be held next Thursday. January 27th, at 2.30 p,m., in the Stepney Hall.