


Llandeilofawr - Newspapers


There are many references to the area in the 15 million Welsh and English language articles from Welsh newspapers transcribed by the NLW and viewable on Welsh Newspapers Online

Below are English language articles that have been re-transcribed and extracted randomly to illustrate what is available, there are many that are not extracted here that include names of local people

These are not in any date or subject order

  • From the Welshman dated 19th March 1847

" LLANDILOFAWR UNION. TO THE EDITOR OF THE WELSHMAN. Sir—-To my utter astonishment one of the Guardians  of the above Union informed me on Saturday, the 13th instant, that on that day at their meeting it had been resolved, that as the health of David Morris, one of the relieving officers prevented him from attending to his official duties, an assistant relieving officer should be appointed to act during David Morris's illness, at a salary of one pound per week, and that the weekly payment of one guinea should be continued to David Morris until he was able to resume his duties, thereby paying an officer for doing nothing, surely this cannot be correct, as it appears, and I think will to every rate-payer, that such a proceeding is highly injudicious if it unfortunately if it happens that an officer is incapacitated from attending to his duties, is it fair and reasonable that the rate-payers should be burdened with the additional sum of one pound weekly, until that officer however valuable he may be, is able to resume the duties of his situation if the information I have received as respecting the proceedings at the meeting be correct, it is indeed high time we should as rate-payers select men at the approaching election for Guardians, who will study our interest and economy more than the present ones seem to do. The poor rate for Llandilo parish now amounts to four shillings in the pound. [A RATE-PAYER. March 15th, 1847.]"

  •  From The Welshman dated 31st October 1856

 To the Ratepayers of the Llandilofawr Union. GENTLEMEN,—At the last meeting of the Board of Guardians, the master of the house reported "the moral and industrial instruction of the children to be very satisfactory." It will be recollected that the present schoolmistress was very recently elected, and Lord Emlyn reminded the Board that its choice of a schoolmistress did not exactly coincide with the purport of the report made by a committee which the Board had appointed to examine into the competency of the candidates for the situation of schoolmistress. The master's report was received

Industrial Schools.-The Poor Law Board are desirous of establishing industrial schools for pauper children. The proposed plan is that a convenient number of unions shall unite, and take a roomy farm house with sufficient land for the purpose of the object, and then, under proper supervision, carry on the moral, physical, and industrial training of the children. About six weeks since, Mr. Symons, the Government Inspector of Schools, stated the question generally to your Board of Guardians, and Lord Emlyn, on Saturday last, gave notice that he would take the yes or no of the Board as to the propriety of this union joining those of Carmarthen, Llanelly, and Swansea, for the adoption of this scheme. ........ [partial extraction] ............."

  •  From The Welshman dated 24th November 1865

"LLANDILOFAWR UNION. TO THE EDITOR OF THE WELSHMAN." Sir,  -The unjustifiable and unfounded remarks contained in an anonymous letter, inserted in the last WELSHMAN, signed "A Layman." calls for a few observations from me, as it must be evident to those who are acquainted with the different parishes within the Llandilo Union, that the remarks relating to an appeal made against" his own assessment" refer to myself. Now, for the facts, and let "A Layman" deny them, but at the same time, I would suggest that his next communication should bear his real name so that the public may form an opinion as to his veracity in future. On the formation of the Assessment Committee of the above Union in 1862, I occupied the farm of Tynycoed, in the parish of Llanegwad, and being at that time one of the elected Guardians of the parish, I was selected by the Board of Guardians to act as one of the  members of the Assessment Committee. ..............[partial extraction] ......"

  • From The Welshman dated 22nd December 1865

" THE LLANDILOFAWR UNION ASSESSMENT TO THE EDITOR OP THE WELSHMAN." SIR,—It is reported that a conflict is pending between some of our chief landed proprietors and the Llandilo- fawr Union in the matter of the New Assessment, and that the next Quarter Sessions is to be the tribunal. That it should come to this is strange; because an inspection of the figures renders it clear that the amounts in dispute are but trifling. The approximation of totals as shewn by the items of the present rate under the new assessment and the last rate under the old in the several cases in which demurers are put in redounds to the credit of the committee, who are known to have been sedulous, diligent, patient, and independent in their investigations, and believed to have been most anxious to arrive at impartial and correct values. I am writing more particularly of the state of the case in the parishes of Llandilofawr and Llandyfysant; but I suppose the treatment which demesne and other lands in those parishes received at the hands of the committee was not better nor worse than they received in other localities. ......... [partial extract] .........."

  • From the South Wales Daily News dated 12th September 1885

"LANDILOFAWR.  THE NEW REGISTER.—An increase of something like 80 per cent, is calculated upon in the number of electors on the next parliamentary register for the Llandilofawr polling district, omitting Glynaman. "

  •  From the South Wales Daily News (Swansea Edition) dated 26th January 1888

"LLANDILO. SCHOOL BOARD ELECTION,—The polling for the election of members of the Llandilofawr United District School Board took place on Wednesday. Seventeen candidates went to the poll for nine seats. The polling-place for Llandilo was the Town-hall, and for the Cwmamman district at Brynlioi. The result is expected on Thursday evening. "

  • From the Weekly Mail dated 8th April 1882

"LLANDILO. OVERSEERS.—Overseers of the poor were appointed on Saturday for the several parishes of Llandilofawr, Llandyfeisant, Bettws, Llandebie, Llangathen, Llangel, Cilfiregen, Llanfi Abebythick, Llanfynydd, and Llanegwad for the ensuing year. "

  •  From the South Wales Echo (Special edition) dated 6th October 1887

"LONGEVITY AT LLANDILO. There have been in receipt of outdoor relief in the Llandilo Union during the half year ending Lady Day paupers of the following ages Llandilofawr—Two at 100, one at 98, one at 96, one at 92, and one at 90. Llandebie - One at 98, one at 94, and one at 91.  Bettws - One at 95, one at 90, and a couple of the respective ages of 91 and 85. Llanfynydd - One at 95. Llansawel- One at 92. "

  •  From the South Wales Daily News dated 9th June 1890

"A TRIBUTE TO COLLIERS, Mr Bircham, local Government Inspector, speaking at Saturday's meeting of the Llandilo Board of Guardians, said that after the two colliery disasters at Abersychan and the one at Morfa not a single application for relief from the poor rates was applied for by any of those who bad been bereft of their bread-winners. He attributed this entirely to the Colliers' Permanent Fund, and expressed surprise that the colliers in the Llandilofawr locality had no connection with it. "

  •  From The Welshman dated 29th May 1846

"COUNTY ROADS BOARD. An adjourned meeting of the Carmarthen County Roads Board, was held at the Grand Jury Room, at the Shire Hall, in this town, on Friday last. The following members were present'—John Johnes, Esq., Chairman Sir John Mansel, Bart., David Lewis, John Edward Saunders, John Lloyd Price, Richard Janion Nevill, David Rees Parry, John Hughes Rees, and Leyson Orton Lewis, Esqrs also Capt. Harness, the General Superintendent.  ......................Three gates were ordered to be erected across the turnpike roads at Ffairfach one to be placed across the Llandilofawr road, one on the Carmarthen road, and one on the Llandebie road by the present tollhouse. Two gates were ordered to be erected at the foot or end of Carmarthen bridge one to be placed across the turnpike road leading to Kidwelly, and one across the turnpike road leading to Llandilofawr, with a tollhouse and White House and Pensarn gates are to be discontinued after such new gates are erected. It was ordered that a new gate be erected across the turnpike road, at or near Parkybox, near Kidwelly, where one formerly stood, and that a new tollhouse be built at the same place. That a new gate be erected across the turnpike road at or near the Dafan bridge, near Llanelly, and a new tollhouse built at the same place; and that the present Llandafan gate be afterwards discontinued. That Pontyberem gate be abandoned, and that a new gate to be called the Llanon gate, be erected across the turnpike road at or near the village of Llanon, and a new tollhouse built at the same place. Two new gates were ordered to be erected at or near the Cross Road Tavern, on the road from Carmarthen to Lampeter one gate to be placed across the road leading from thence to Lampeter and Newcastle-Emlyn, and the other across the road leading to Llandilofawr, and a new tollhouse built between the two gates Abergwilly gate and bar, Glangwilly gate, and Francis Well gate, are to be abandoned afterwards, retaining only Glangwilly bar. "

  •  From The Carmarthen Weekly Reporter (Supplement) dated 21st August 1908

"Sheep-Dipping in Carmarthenshire.  The "London Gazette" of Tuesday night contains an Order of the Board of Agriculture, dated August 18th, which states that from and after the 22nd day of August the provisions of the Sheep Scab (Compulsory Dipping Areas) Order of 1906 and the Biack Mountain district (Sheep Dipping) Order of 1908), shall cease to apply to the area described ,and the provisions of the Sheep- Dipping (South Wales and Monmouth) Order of 1908 shall thereupon apply thereto, namely—an area in the administrative county of Carmarthen, comprising the parishes of Bettws, Llanwrda, Llansadwrn, and so much of the parishes of Llandiiofawr Rural and Llandilofawr Urban as lie to the north-west of the Great Western and the London and North Western Railways, Vale of Towy Line, and the Great Western Railway, Llanelly and Llandilo branch. "

  •  From The Aberystwith Observer dated 24th January 1885

 "CARMARTHENSHIRE DIVORCE SUIT. In the Divorce Division of the High Court of Justice on Saturday, Mr Justice Butt had before him "the case of Jones v. Jones. Mr Barnard, who appeared for the petitioner, Mrs Elizabeth Jones, said that she was married to the respondent, Mr John Jones, on the 1st October, 1875, at Salem Independent Chapel, Llandilo, Carmarthen. They afterwards lived together at Llandilofawr, where the respondent kept the Hope Inn. In 1880 the petitioner commenced a suit for a divorce, but the evidence of adultery was not sufficient. The cruelty, however, was established, and a decree of judicial separation granted. Last September the respondent was seen by William Griffiths and Thomas Davies, at Llandudno, with a young woman, with whom he committed adultery in a field near a stone quarry. There was no defence, and the learned judge granted a decree nisi with costs. "

  • From the The Carmarthen Weekly Reporter (Supplement) dated 31st May 1907

"GLANAMMAN, NEW COMPANY.—This company has just been registered with a capital of £20,000 in £1 shares, to carry on the interest of Charles Easton and Co. and others in certain coal, cannel, ironstone, fireclay and other mines, under lands known as Glanyrafon and Glyndrinog, in the parish of Llandilofawr. Carmarthen, and to carry on the business of coal and general miners, gas and fuel manufacturers, etc.   the subscribers are  ...... (not extracted) .......... "

  •  From The Principality dated 22nd September 1848

"LLANDILOFAvVR. THE REPORTS OF THE BLUE BOOK CONTRADICTED.—In this neighbourhood (Gwterfawr), which consists of 105 families, and at a distance of nine miles from the nearest town, which is Llandilofawr, the following periodicals and newspapers are received. Nos. monthly. NEWSPAPERS. Times (daily) 30, Daily News 30,  Principality 8,  Welshman 8, Cambrian 8,  Swansea Herald 8, Amserau (Welsh) 32,  Cronicl y Cymry (Welsh) 16, British Banner 8 (3?),  Weekly Times 4 ; PERIODICALS;  Family Economist 2,  Christ. Pen. Magazine 2, Bible Class Magazine 1, Evangelical Magazine 1,  Trysorfa Gynnulleidfaol 9,  Diwygiwr 9,  Ymofynydd 12,  Tywysydd 3,  Dysgedydd 4, Cronicl 4,  Seren Gomer 2,  Haul 1,  Total. 202 . We can hardly believe that the Commissioners could point out in England a neighbourhood where a taste for reading is much greater, taking at the same time the peculiar circumstances of the case into consideration.—I am, yours, &c., EFROG GADARN, Gwterfawr"

  • From The Carmarthen Weekly Reporter dated 28th October 1898

"The Llandilo Workhouse. To thecEditor of the Carmarthen Weekly Reporter. SIR, In your report of the last meeting of the Llandilofawr Board of Guardians I find a resolution was passed to lay tiles in the Entrance Hall of the Workhouse instead of the present flags. When I last saw the flags they seemed in a very fair condition and the Hall was particularly clean. I for one strongly protest against this expenditure, for the Hall as it is now is quite as good as the halls or passages of the houses occupied by some of the largest rate-payers. My own passage is laid with flags, and much as I should like it laid with artistic tiles, I feel I cannot afford the luxury. Fireplaces in the bedrooms as recommended by the Medical Officer, or any other arrangement for heating or ventilating with a view of improving the health and comfort of the inmates I would strongly advocate, but I do not hesitate to raise my voice strongly against any unnecessary expenditure of rate- payer's money in removing all the flags from the Hall and replacing with tiles, whereas a small outlay in repairing the flagging would be sufficient, and I trust that the members will not fail to rescind the resolution in due course. Yours faithfully, JOHN STEPHENS. London House, Llandilo, October 25th, 1895."

  •  From the North Wales Chronicle and Advertiser  for the Principality dated 21st April 1860

 "THE CHURCH IN SOUTH WALES. To the Editor of the North Wales Chronicle, Sir,—If we were to judge from the tone of the Welsh dissenting press, we might fancy that the Church in Wales has become a dead letter, and that the Clergy care for nothing only their salary. I am glad to state, as far as South Wales is concerned, the Church was never in a more flourishing state. It is true that there are some parishes where the attendance is small; but they are not often met with. In some parishes, the Welsh language is wholly excluded from the pulpit. It is to be feared that this has been the means of driving many out of the Church. Considerable increase has taken place during the last year in the following parishes ; Llanbadarn- fawr, Llanychaiarn, Llangwyryfan, Gwnws, Strata Florida, Tregarron, Llangeitho, Bettws Leiki, Gartheli, there are 80 new communicants;  Llanddewi Brevi, 100; the whole of the parish of Silian, Llanunen - the stronghold of the Unitarians — is looking up. At Llandilofawr, great number have joined; in the small rural parish of Llangathen 112 have joined as communicants; Llandebie, 60. Most of the parish churches are crowded with devout and sober-minded hearers. I am, sir, yours obediently, A SOUTH- WALIAN."

  • From the South Wales Daily News dated 10th September 1880

 "THE MANAGEMENT OF WORKHOUSES, To the Editor of the SOUTH WALES DAILY NEWS. SIR,—Permit me to make a few remarks respecting workhouse management, which, if executed, would in my opinion prove beneficial to the ratepayers. There is a general complaint that the rates are high, and my plan would have the effect of decreasing them. Many of the workhouses, as a rule, are more of a prison to the inmates than they ought to be, as they are confined idle within their walls. I firmly and candidly believe, partly from experience, that each workhouse, if possible, ought to have a farm attached to it, of extent according to the number of inmates and the chief necessaries of life—such as milk, butter, cheese, beef, bacon, and vegetables—should be obtained from it; in fact, it should be half self- supporting, if not totally. I am quite positive, from experience, that the cultivation of land pays well, and the health of the inmates would improve mentally and bodily, and consequently the rates be reduced. I have lately noticed that some boards of guardians have taken the subject in hand, and I anticipate ere long to find it general among them.—I am, &c., DAVID MORGANS. Llandilofawr Union Workhouse."