


Newspaper extracts for Carmarthen parish


There are many references to this area in the 15 million Welsh and English language articles from Welsh newspapers transcribed by the NLW and viewable on Welsh Newspapers Online
Below are English language articles that have been re-transcribed and extracted randomly to illustrate what is available, there are many that are not extracted here that include names of local people

  •  From  The Cardiff Times 2nd November 1872

CARMARTHEN. There was a spirited contest at Carmarthen. Messrs. T. Mostyn Davies, Roger Lester, W. O. Morgan, and Thomas Thomas Thomas contested the East Ward. In the West there were six candidates to fill the three vacant chairs, viz., Messrs. T. Hodge Lewis, J. Howell, Thomas, and David Edwards, the outgoing Councillors who sought re-election, and Messrs. W. H. Cottrell, John Howell, and J. N. Buckley. The following is the result :—West Ward Hodge Lewis, 309 John Howell, 255; D. Edwards, 245. These three were elected, the others standing in the following order: H. Cottrell, James Buckley, Howell Thomas. East Ward Roger Lester, 379 Thomas Thomas, 296 W. O. Morgan, 62. These three were elected. Mr. Mostyn Davies was out. The Mayor and Alderman Norman presided. The proceeding were as noisy as ever out- side. Mr. Mostyn Davies is a very old Councillor, but did not canvass. The other candidates undertook a brisk canvass, engaged cabs, employed agents, and used every means to bring up voters. The water question was the principal topic forced upon the notice of the candidates, and they all stood pledged to give the subject their best attention.

  • From  The Cardiff Times 3rd August 1872

CARMARTHEN. DOG SHOW.—The annual exhibition of fancy and sporting dogs in connection with the Carmarthenshire Horticultural Society, was held at Carmarthen on Tuesday. It was well attended, and the weather was delightful. The show, financially, must have been a success. The dogs were of a better quality than those shown last year still there is decidedly room for further improvement, and in a country so famous for its sports and where the better class of people are so willing to spend money on anything good in the shape of dogs or horses, we ought to be able to produce animals capable of holding a high place at any show in England. However, as we have men possessing the desire to improve the breed of their dogs and the money to carry that desire into effect, there is no doubt that the Carmarthen dog show will, in time, become of such a character that it will be a credit to win a prize at it. The first show was held last year, and the second showed a full entry and no deminution of public interest The judges were, for sporting dogs, the Rev. Mr. Pearse, of London for non-sporting dogs, Mr. J. Hinks, of Birmingham.

  •  From The Cardiff Times 8th February 1879

CARMARTHEN. DINNERS are still given to the poor children of the town once or twice a week, under the energetic superintendence of the ex-Mayor (Mr Alderman T. Thomas), and other ladies and gentlemen. Mr Thomas has received the following donations during this week :—Mr J. H. Barker, solicitor, for soup kitchen £2, and £1 for children's dinners. For the latter object: Dr Vance Smith, 10s; Mr J. Francis, auctioneer, 10s; Mr C. Finch a quantity of meat.

THE ATHLETIC SPORTS CLUB.—At the committee meeting, held on Tuesday evening, it was resolved that the silver cup, given by Mr R. Mansel Mansel, of Aberglasney, should be competed for in a mile running race, open to Carmarthenshire only, and it must be won three years, though not necessarily in succession, before it becomes the property of any competitor. It was stated that a total of about £60 (including the cup, which is valued at £25), will be offered in prizes at the meeting of the club on Whit-Monday next. It is intended to form a dramatic company in connection with the club.

  •  From The Cardiff Times 24th March 1877

CARMARTHEN. BOARD OF GUARDIANS.—The usual meeting of this board was held on Saturday, Mr Lewis Phillips presiding. The Rev Llewellyn Jones stated that there were no cases of fever in the county medical officers' reports. There were eight cases amongst the paupers of the town, five in St Catherine-street, two in Water-street, and one in Lammas-street. Complaints were made by the master of the quality of the cheese and sugar supplied by the contractor, but as the clerk stated that the contract would expire in a fortnight no action was taken,—A meeting of the Rural Sanitary Authority followed that of the guardians, Mr Williams, Llanginning, presiding. The inspector of nuisances, Mr Israel Evans, reported a case of typhoid fever at Tyrderry, Llanarthney; one at Cadwgan, Conwyl; one at Clynmachan, Conwyl; and one at Fynonlas, Abergwili. All due precautions had been taken

  •  From The Cardiff Times 2nd March 1872

CARMARTHEN. ELEMENTARY EDUCATION ACT.—Much interest and anxiety is felt by the Liberal party here as to the intended vote of Co!. Stepney. M.P., on the motion of Mr. G. Dixon. The gallant Colonel, to the great disappointment of his constituents at Llanelly and Carmarthen, was one of the few Liberals who, when the Education Bill was before the House, supported the Government on all amendments proposed in the interest of the Nonconformists. It is, however, hoped that he will vote for the motion of Mr. Dixon, it being desirable that even if it be lost, the Government shall find themselves opposed to all their usual supporters.

  •  From The Carmarthen Journal and South Wales Weekly Advertiser  8th January 1892

 CARMARTHEN. BANQUET TO THE FIRE BRIGADE.—Last Wednesday evening through the kind liberality of Mr Thomas Thomas, J.P., Wellfield, the members of the Carmarthen Fire Brigade and the Borough Police Force were entertained at a sumptuous banquet, served in host and hostess Williams' best style at the Ivy Bush Royal Hotel. The Company, numbering about 35, sat down at 8 o'clock and ample justice was done to the splendid spread presented to them. The cloths being removed Mr Thomas, who occupied the chair, supported by Councillor D. E. Williams, Messrs Videon Harding, J. Pughe Davies, and W. J. Needle, proposed the loyal toasts in felicitous terms all of which were happily and right loyally accepted. The toast of the Chief Magistrate of the town having been given from the chair and heartily responded to, Mr Thomas next proposed the toast of the evening, viz the Carmarthen Fire Brigade and Police Force.

  • From The Carmarthen Journal and South Wales Weekly Advertiser 13th February 1891

CARMARTHEN. THE PRICE OF GAS. The Carmarthen Gas Company have determined to increase the price of gas from 4s. 6d. to 5s. per 1,000 feet.

  •  From The Carmarthen Journal and South Wales Weekly Advertiser  26th February 1892

CARMARTHEN. MILITIA.-The recruits of the 3rd Brigade (Welsh Division), R.A., will assemble on the Barracks-square on Monday next, for 63 days preliminary drill.

  • From The Carmarthen Journal and South Wales Weekly Advertiser 17th April 1891

CARMARTHEN. FOOTBALL.-Red Stars v. Grammar School.-This match took place last Thursday, in a field behind St. John's Church, and resulted in a win for the Stars by 2 goals, 2 tries, to 1 minor. The tries were obtained by Tom Lloyd (2), D. J. Davies, and D. Bees. Hopkins played a good game for the School.

  •  From The Carmarthen Journal and South Wales Weekly Advertiser 26th September 1890

CARMARTHEN. CARMARTHEN HIGH SCHOOL. —Entrance Scholarships, value £15, as advertised for boarders, have been awarded to Winifred Lewis, Lucy Roch, Florence G. Rees, and Fanny Lloyd.

GOOD TEMPLARY. At the weekly meeting of the Myrddin Lodge, held on Friday evening last at the Assembly room, seven persons were initiated. Mr John James, Mansel street, presided, and there was a good attendance of members.

  • From The Carmarthen Journal and South Wales Weekly Advertiser  22nd April 1892

CARMARTHEN. POST OFFICE.—We are pleased to find that the postal authorities have decided to greatly extend and improve the Carmarthen Post Office. The contract has been let for £ 500 to Mr Henry James, contractor and builder, Woods-row, and is to be completed in three months.

  •  From The Carmarthen Journal and South Wales Weekly Advertiser 3rd June 1892

CARMARTHEN. RAILWAY FACILITIES.—As we lately announced, a new train has been started from Carmarthen at 8.5 a.m. to Cardigan. Its first journey on Wednesday morning did not speak well for the patronage it will receive but perhaps the public have not been sufficiently informed of the railway's concession. Only one passenger started with it, although there were two guards on it.

  •  From the South Wales Daily News 21st January 1884

CARMARTHEN. TREAT TO WORKHOUSE INMATES.—On Friday evening the Mayoress of Carmarthen (Mrs J. J. Jones) gave her third Christmas tree entertainment to the inmates of the workhouse. A large number of visitors were present. The tea-room was tastefully decorated, and a long programme of music was rendered.

  •  From the South Wales Daily News 6th August 1885

CARMARTHEN. WATER SUPPLY.- A meeting of the public works committee was held on Wednesday, to receive tenders and the report of the water committee as to the supply of water for the public purposes. This report was considered quite satisfactory, the committee being of opinion that the pumping was as good as could be expected, taking into consideration the defective draught at the pumping station owing to the stack being too low.

  • From the South Wales Daily News (Third Edition) 12th October 1899

CARMARTHEN. Fishing Board.—To the meeting of the Carmarthen bay Fishing Board oh Wednesday Mr Archer, inspector of fisheries, reported the necessity of obtaining improvements at Cystanog Lead Mines and Rhandirmwyn Works to prevent pollution of the Towy. His recommendation was adopted.

Intermediate Education.—The County Governing Body met on Wednesday, Principal Evans, M.A., presiding Sir Lewis Morris, M.A., Mr Charles Lloyd, and Miss Bessie Thomas were appointed a committee to visit all the schools in the county once in the current twelve months. It was also decided that the old Grammar School boarding-houses, Church-street, Carmarthen, be sold by auction.

  •  From the South Wales Daily News (Third Edition) 14th December 1897

CARMARTHEN. PILFERING.—Boys have been caught pilfering at the Carmarthen Market stalls two Saturday's in succession. Last Saturday a young weaver, Thomas John Lewis, 64, St. Catherine-street, was caught walking off with nearly £ 4 worth of flannel from the stall of Mr George Morgan. The same lad had helped himself to a clock at the Tanners' Arms, an inn close by. For the latter offence he was sentenced to 14 days' hard labour, and for the former six weeks' hard labour.

  •  From the South Wales Daily News (Third Edition) 20th December 1897

CARMARTHEN. MAYORAL BENEVOLENCE.—Alderman H. Brunel White, who was elected mayor last month for the fourth successive year, has just handed to the clergy and ministers of the churches and chapels in the borough the fourth £50 note for distribution among the deserving poor of their missions.

  •  From the South Wales Daily News (Third Edition) 17th October 1899

CARMARTHEN. Larceny.—The maidservant Elizabeth Anne Jones, who was last week remanded by the Borough Bench on a charge of stealing a number of old coins, a lady's dress, and other articles from the house of her employer, Mr Richard Lloyd. Quay-street, in this town, pleaded guilty on Monday to the theft of the dress only, was dealt with under the First Offenders Act, and bound over in her own recognisances for six months.

  • From  the South Wales Daily News (Third Edition) 15th May 1894

CARMARTHEN. The Carmarthen Amateur Sports and Bicycle Races took place on Monday afternoon on the Mansel Athletic Grounds. The weather was wretched, a steady rain falling throughout the day. An excellent track had been prepared, nevertheless the numerous events, which were well contested, were got off under exceedingly trying circumstances, and, numerically speaking, both town and country patrons were stronger than the meteorological conditions warranted., The guarantors disposed of a good number of tickets some days before the holiday. This was a move in the right direction, seeing that they had engaged, at no little expense, the services of Rex Fox, the Canadian Blondin, and the band of the 2nd Glamorganshire R. A., conducted by Mr Paul Draper. Blondin was unable to complete his feats owing to the continuous showers of rain. He will, however, appear to-day if the weather permits. ................................. (part extract) ............

  • From the South Wales Daily News (Third Edition) 24th February 1896

CARMARTHEN. BREACH OF THE CONTAGIOUS DISEASES (ANIMALS) ACT - Wm. Rees, farmer, Llvvyncrwn, Trelech, pleaded guilty at Saturday's county petty sessions to omitting to give notice to the police of an outbreak of scab in his flock of sheep, a dozen out of fourteen being affected, and he was mulcted in the sum of £110, 8d.

  • From the South Wales Daily News (Third Edition) 9th August 1898

CARMARTHEN. SUNDAY DRINKING.—The imposition of such a light penalty as 10s upon Daniel Rees, of Pontycymmer, by the Carmarthen Borough Bench on Monday for Sunday drunkenness induced Mr W. Morgan Griffiths, one of the justices, to remark that he did not think the real offenders had been fined. Rees was not the only drunken man in the town on Sunday as he saw two inebriated vagabonds near his residence, Lime-grove, and the Cemetery, who might have been a terror to Sabbath observers, particularly to respectable young women. Mr Supt. Thomas Smith hoped the magistrates would make proper examples of such defendants. The infliction of a penalty of 10s was nothing at all, for they did not care anything for such a sum. In his opinion such offenders ought to be well punished. Mr W. Morgan Griffiths heartily concurred, and said that if he happened to be sitting on the Bench when a publican was taken before him for a breach of the Sunday Closing Act he would see that he was fined very heavily.—Superintendent Smith: Quite so. A fine of 10s, with, perhaps, permission to pay it within a fortnight, is nothing at all ..........