Cardiganshire GENUKI Service providers
The following people have made particular contributions to these pages, as have many others not named, I am most grateful to you all.
If you have information to offer or if you would just like to help in maintaining these pages, then please get in touch with Gareth Hicks (tirbach[at]clara.co[dot]uk)
Area/page | Information Provider |
Cardiganshire - Initial set up in 1999 Developed from 1999 | Gareth Hicks, Peter Abbott, Colin Hinson Gareth Hicks |
Bibliography | Gareth Hicks |
History Book Reviews | Mary Jane Stephenson |
Samuel Lewis's Topographical Dictionary 1833; extracts | Gareth Hicks |
Church and chapel records | Gareth Hicks |
Cardiganshire Place Names listing | Gareth Hicks |
Reports of the Commissioners appointed to enquire into the state of Education in Wales. 1847 | Aidan Jones |
Pigot's South Wales Directory 1830 & 1844 | Gareth Hicks |
Kelly's Directory South Wales 1895 or 1910 | Gareth Hicks |
Welsh Church Year Book 1929 | Gareth Hicks |
Book Indexing Project | Gareth Hicks |
Cardiganshire Families project | Gareth Hicks |
Extracts from The History of Cardiganshire | Gareth Hicks |
Parish based sketch maps of hundreds | Gareth Hicks |
Historic Parishes of England and Wales: an Electronic Map of Boundaries before 1850; extracts Parish maps themselves extracted in 2012 | Volunteers named on project page Gareth Hicks |
Hanes Darluniadol o Geredigion (An illustrated history of Cardiganshire) Vol 1.; partial extract | Gareth Hicks |
1851 Religious Census Extracts | Gareth Hicks |
Hanes Eglwysi Annibynnol Cymru; extract and translation of Independent Chapel data | Maureen Saycell (translations 2008) |
Conversion to Drupal CMS system in 2015 | Phil Stringer, Brian Randall, Gareth Hicks |