


Henfynyw Land Tax Assessment 1798



An assessment made in pursuance of an Act of Parliament passed in the 38th year of His Majesty's reign, for granting an aid to His Majesty by a Land Tax to be raised in Great Britain, for the service of the year 1798.

[From the Ceredigion; Journal of the Cardiganshire Antiquarian Society Vol VI/1 1968]

This is a list of properties in Henfynyw parish  subject to the tax together with the names of the owners and occupiers

Not in alphabetical  order

  Names of Proprietors                                       Names of Occupiers and Tenements                                                                Sums Assessed in £-s-d.                                       
Lewis Gwynne EsqrSlangs


Lewis Gwynne EsqrMeadow Field

Jenkin Davies

Lewis Gwynne EsqrCaehaidd

Jenkin Jones

Lewis Gwynne EsqrPenygarregfawr

Danl. Evans

Lewis Gwynne EsqrPennygarregfach

Thos. Jones

Lewis Gwynne EsqrPenygarreg Ganol

David Williams

Lewis Gwynne EsqrClogfryn

Evan Thomas

Lewis Gwynne EsqrKillfarch

John Davies

Lewis Gwynne EsqrTynyporth

Thos David

£-4-1 1/2
Lewis Gwynne EsqrFfynnon Ddewy

Evan Thomas

Lewis Gwynne EsqrLlyswen

W. Felix

Lewis Gwynne EsqrFfullin

David Joshua

Lewis Gwynne EsqrMwdwl

David Williams

Lewis Gwynne EsqrMelin Llyswen

John James

Wm Lewis EsqrSlangs£-0-9
Wm Lewis EsqrHengyrunt

David Rees

Wm Lewis EsqrPendryn

James Thomas

Wm Lewis EsqrLluest

Rees Thomas

Henfeniw's Tythes

Mr Evans



John LewisSychpant

Thos David

John LewisLofty Boidy

Jenkin David

David Edwd. Lewes EsqrKillkert

Magdalene Evans

Lewis Gwynne EsqrAbarmarles

Madgalen Evans

Revd. Mr Thos PhillipsFfullon

Lewis John & Jen David

John JamesTynlone

Jenkin Pugh

David EvansPark

Michl. Williams

Revd. Mr Jen. BeynonLlaethlue

David Beynon



Gareth Hicks 19 July 2000