


Aber-porth - Extract from 'A Topographical Dictionary of Wales' by Samuel Lewis 1833

"ABERPORTH (ABER-PORTH), a parish in the lower division of the hundred of TROEDYRAUR, county of CARDIGAN, SOUTH WALES, 5 1/2 miles (N. E.) from Cardigan, containing 485 inhabitants. This parish is pleasantly situated on the shore of Cardigan bay, St. George's channel, and in a small cove near the mouth of the river Howny, forming a commodious, though small port, which is a creek to the port of Cardigan. Several small craft belong to it, which are chiefly employed in carrying limestone from Carmarthenshire and Pembrokeshire, and coal from Glamorganshire and Liverpool. It also participates to a limited extent in the fishery in the bay of Cardigan, in which a few boats and men are employed. In the vicinity is Cribach Road, which affords good shelter for vessels, and has been much frequented by the French, during former wars with that people. The parish consists of two hamlets, the rectorial hamlet and that of Llanannerch, of which latter the tithes are impropriate in the family of Currie who pay annually to the rector one mark at Easter; and it includes the manors of Mortimer îs Syrwen and Mortimer îs Coed, both the property of Thomas Lloyd, Esq., of Coedmore. In the hamlet of Llanannerch, according to tradition, there was anciently a chapel; but there are not the slightest vestiges of it at present. The parish contains one thousand three hundred and seventy-five acres of land, of which about one hundred are uncultivated, being a cold swampy soil: the remainder consists partly of loam and clay, and partly of gravel and peat, which, when manured with lime, sea-sand, and dung, yields barley inferior to none on the coast. It is also tolerably productive of oats, but the wheat crops are very indifferent.The ground for the most part is hilly, with a few vales intersected by rapid streams, the principal of which is called Howny. The living is a discharged rectory, in the archdeaconry of Cardigan, and diocese of St.David's, rated in the king's books at £ 5.13. 9, endowed with £ 200 royal bounty, and £ 800 parliamentary grant, and in the patronage of the Bishop of St. David's. There is neither parsonage-house nor glebe attached to the living. The church, dedicated to St. Cynwyl, is a small plain structure of great antiquity, situated on an eminence about one mile from the village, and commanding a beautiful view of the sea: it consists of a nave and chancel, communicating by means of a pointed arch, and measures in length forty-five feet, in breadth twenty-two, and in height thirty, exclusively of the steeple, which is fifteen feet higher : the font is a square bason, placed on a round pillar; and the sacramental cup is highly ornamented, but has neither date nor inscription. The average annual expenditure for the support of the poor amounts to £95.10."

[Gareth Hicks: 2 December 1999]