A Further Contribution to the Commercial History of Glamorgan
Moelwyn I Williams, National Library of Wales journal, Winter 1962, Vol XII/4. pp353-369
Extracted onto the pages of GENUKI by Gareth Hicks with the kind permission of the National Library of Wales
This is the fourth part of this 'Further Contribution' follow up series.
- See also Part I of the original article
- See also Part II of the original article
- See also Part I of A Further Contribution to the Commercial History of Glamorgan
- See also Part II of A Further Contribution to the Commercial History of Glamorgan
- See also Part III of A Further Contribution to the Commercial History of Glamorgan
The following tables conclude the present series concerning the coastal trade between Bristol and Minehead, and Aberthaw and Newton, in Glamorgan, during the 17th century. Throughout the same period Cardiff, Neath, and Swansea were also important centres of trade, the records of which will form the subject of another article. Meanwhile, the record of the coastal trade of Cardiff for the year 1666 is provided by way of an Appendix to this instalment.
In the seventeenth century, as in more recent times, the economic prosperity of Cardiff and its neighbourhood depended to a very great extent on the commercial activities of its port. The post-Restoration period saw a marked expansion in the cross-channel trade between Cardiff and the West of England. The official port book P.R.O. E190/1277/7 (see Appendix) reveals the general pattern of that trade.
The preponderance of agricultural commodities in the list of exports serves to emphasise the character of the principal economic activities on which the people of Cardiff and its hinterland were still dependent in the second half of the seventeenth century. In Cardiff itself, however, it is fairly certain that by about 1666 a new pattern of social life was taking shape which, by the end of the century, and more particularly by the beginning of the eighteenth century, was mirrored in the sophisticated habits and customs of many of its inhabitants. That these influences came in the wake of commercial relations with Bristol cannot be denied. Many of the Cardiff mercers' shops were at this period regularly stocked with wares that had been brought home from the 'Bristol faires'. Some Bristol shops were, in turn, partly stocked with felt-hats, stockings, gloves, etc., made by feltmakers, hoziers and glovers from Cardiff and other Welsh centres.
The late Dr. E. A. Lewis 1 has rendered accessible the facts of Cardiff 's maritime activity from 1550 to 1603. More recently Dr. William Rees 2 has transcribed the entries from the Cardiff port-books for the years 1606-1610.
The entries in the Appendix have been transcribed as they appeared in the port book. All numbers, however, are represented by their corresponding arabic numerals. Additional punctuation marks have been inserted in order to simplify the reading of the original entries.
1. E. A. Lewis: The Welsh port books (1550-1603). London, 1927. (Being No. XII of the Cymmrodorion Record Society).
2. William Rees: 'Port-books of the port of Cardiff and its members for the years 1606-10 with introduction...' S. Wales and Mon. Record Society Publication No. 3, 1954, pp. 69-91.
Pages 354-366 of this article are all Bridgewater Port Book schedules, too onerous to copy here, only the one for 1695 is detailed as it illustrates the ships' cargo with Aberthaw as the destination. The personal names in all these tables are included in the main indexes, see links below.
Appendix, p367-9, contains details relating to shipments out of Cardiff for 1666 and is extracted in full below. [names not included in main indexes]
A list of C17 ships (Aberthaw, Newton, Sully) can be seen in Appendix B on Part I of A Further Contribution to the Commercial History of Glamorgan
There is a separate list of ships taken from the Bridgewater Port Book entries on Part II of A Further Contribution to the Commercial History of Glamorgan together with the main index of names of masters and merchants.
Extracts from the Bridgewater Port Books (Customer and Controller) P.R.O E190/1095/15
Aberthaw is the destination port in all cases below.
- Feb. 23-Blessing of Aberthaw-Arthur Spencer-Arthur Spencer- 2 dickers tanned leather, 12 hundred and fifty sheep pelts (paid duty inwards out of the Falcon, Nicholas Smith,Mr. from Cork. 20th Xbr. 1694) and 16 bushels of wheat.
- Mar. 8-Four Sisters of Aberthaw-Xpher Spencer-Thomas Mathews-5 ps #. woollen cloath
- April 6-Four Sisters of Aberthaw-Xpher Spencer -Robt. Blake-6 ps. woollen Cloath, 1 bushell pease and a small fardle [of] sheeps pelts.
- Aprill 19-Four Sisters of Aberthaw-Xpher Spencer-Robt. Blake-4 ps- of Kersies.
- May 11- Blessing of Aberthaw-Arthur Sweet-Thomas Mathews-6 ps. woollen cloath
- May 25-Blessing of Aberthaw-Arthur Sweet-Arthur Sweet-5 ps. woollen cloath and 2 dozen raw pelts
- May 31-Four Sisters of Aberthaw-John Spencer-Michaell Williams-2 bundles sheeps pelts and 10 bushells
- May 31-Four Sisters of Aberthaw-Xpher Spencer-Xpher Spencer-6 ps. woollen cloath and a dozen pelts
- June 13-John and Catherine of Newton-John Spencer-Michaell Williams-2 bundles sheeps pelts and 10 bushells wheat
- Aug. 26-Prosperous of Minehead-Jo. Williams-Jenkin Morgan-2 fardles Cloath qt. I whole peice and 6 half peices; 2 bundles pelts
- Sept. 7-Four Sisters of Aberthaw-Xpher Spencer-Evan Hugh-6 half peices woollen cloath
- Sept. 21-Four Sisters of Aberthaw-Xpher Spencer-Richd. Jenkins-6 peices cloath and 25 bushells wheate
- [ ?]-Four Sisters of Aberthaw-Xpher Spencer-[---]30 bushells of wheate and three peices Dunsters
- Nov. 11-Four Sisters of Aberthaw-Xpher Spencer-[---]-5 peices Cloath [&] half a peice freez, 1 barrell herrings, 5 doz. pelts.
January 2. The Lyon of Cardiff (burd. 20 tts.) Nicholas Kidnor (Mt. & Mct.)# 200 bushells of barley, 200 bushells of oats, 100 bushells of wheat, 50 bushells of beans, five kkins, & five firkins of Butter,-for Bristol.
January 6. The Speedwell of Cardiffe (burd. 24 tts.) John Brewer (Mt. & Mct.) 30 sheep, three baggs of stockins, 240 bushels of oats, 40 bushells of wheat, 10 bushells of beans, 20 bushells of oatmeale, 3 firkins & 2 potts of butter,-for Bristoll.
January 22. The Speedwell of Cardiffe, (...) John Brewer Mt. & Mct. 20 kkins & 10 firkins of butter & 20 bushells of wheat-for Bristoll.
January 23. The Speedwell of Cardiffe (...) John Brown Mt. & Mct. 40 kkins of butter, 80 raw hides, 10 dicker of tann'd leather, 60 bushells of oats, 50 bushells of wheat, 10 bushells of oatmeale, one casket two boxes of hatts & haberdashirie, 800 pounds in money, and 10 baggs of stockins-for Bristoll.
January 23. The Lyon of Cardiffe (...) Nichl. Kidnor, Mt. & Mct. 100 kkins & 20 firkins of butter, 120 tann'd hides, seavcn dozen of tannd Calve skins, 30 raw hides, 200 kidskins in the haire, 3 fardles of woollen cloth, 100 bushells of wheat, 2 truncks of apparell, 2 fardles of stockins and one hundred wyt of wooll-for Bristoll.
February 15. Speedwell of Cardiffe, (...) John Brewer Mt. & Mct. l00 bushells of oats, 30 bushells of wheat, 20 bushells of oatmeale, six-tonn of lead, 2 baggs of stockins, 35 Casks of butter, one basket of hatts, one hundred wyt of brass-for Bristoll.
February 15. Lyon of Cardiff, Nicholos Kidnor Mt. & Mct. 600 bushells of oats, 100 bushells of Wheat, 2 kkins & 1 firkin of butter and 1 fardle of stockins-for Bristoll.
March 3. The Lyon of Cardiff (...) Nicholas Kidnor, Mt. & Mct. 2 baggs of wooll Cont. 3 hundredwyt, 6 dozen of calveskins in the haire, 1 1/2 ton of lead, 200 bushells of Wheat, 300 bushells of oates, 1 pack of Lynen, woollen & mercery, 2 kkins of butter, 5 sackes of beancs & 10 sheepe-for Bristoll.
March 3. The Speedwell of Cardiff (...) John Brewer Mt. & Mct., 200 bushells of wheat, 300 bushells of oats, 10 bushells of oatemeale, 3 firkins of butter, two casketts of hatts, 4 ffletches of Bacon, 2 baggs of stockins, one truncke, 2 boxes of wearinge aparrell-for Bristoll.
March 5. The Mayflower of Cardiff, (burd. 10 tts.) Thomas [Jones] Mt. & Mct. 2 dicker of tann'd leather, 9 packs one fardle of stockins & Incle, one packe of wollen cloth & 9 dozen of hatts-for Bridgwater.
March 26 The Lyon of Cardiffe, (. ..) Nickolas Kidnor Mt. & Mct. 200 bushells of Wheat, 2 tonn of lead, 400 bushells of oates, 2 baggs of wooll Cont. 4 hundredwyt, 2 kkins of butter -for Bristoll.
March 27. The Speedwell of Cardiffe (...) John Brewer Mt. & Mct.-l00 bushells of beanes, 200 bushells of oats, 150 bushells of Wheat, 6 tonn of lead, two baskets & 2 boxes of hatts, 3 baggs of stockins, 6 dozen calve-skins in the haire, 2 firkins of butter, I kkin of tallow & three tann'd hides,-for Bristoll.
Aprill 11. The Speedwell of Cardiffe (...) Jn. Brewer Mt. & Mct. 500 bushells of Wheat, 300 bushells of oats & 8 kkins of butter-for Bristol].
# Mt.=Master. Mct,=Merchant,
Aprill 21. The Lyon of Cardiffe (...) Nicholas Kidnor. Mt. & Mct. 300 bushells of oats, 1 1/2 tonn of lead, 4 hundredwyt of Wooll, 2 fardles of raw Calveskins, 200 bushells of Wheat, & two tonns of houshold goods-for Bristoll.
May 8. The Speedwell of Cardiff (...) Jn. Brewer, Mt. & Mct 6 tonns of lead, 200 wyt of Wooll, 20 dozen of Calveskins in the haire, two baggs of Stockins, 300 bushells of oats, 60 bushells of beans, 20 bushells of oatemeale, 2 firkins of butter, one box one basket of hatts, & 1 fardle of Gloves & tannd leather-for Bristoll.
May 20. The Lyon of Cardiff (...) Nickolas Brewer Mt., Nickolas Kidnor Mct., 200 bushells of oats, 5 bushells of Wheat, one thousandwyt of wooll, 18 of calveskins in the haire, one trusse of woollen cloth, halfe a tonn household [goods] 1 fardle of Gloves, 3 hundredwyt of hopps, eight firkins of butter-for Bristoll.
May 26. The Speedwell of Cardiff( ...) John Brewer Mt. & Mct 3 tonn of lead, 80 bushells of Wheat, 60 bushells of oats, 30 bushells of beans, 10 kkins & 8 firkins of butter, one box of hatts, one fardle of Stockins, 2 packs of Calveskins in the haire qt 30 dozen, two hundredwyt of Wooll-for Bristoll.
May 31. The Lyon of Cardiff (...) Nickolas Kidnor Mt., Nickolas Brewer Mct, 4000 pounds in money, 10 kkins & 20 firkins of butter, 6 dozen of calveskins in the haire, 5 hundredwyt of wooll, 20 bushells of beans, 2 boxes and 1 trunke of apparell-for Bristoll.
June 19. Speedwell of Cardiff (...) John Brewer Mt. & Mct, 60 kkins & 20 firkins of butter, 3 tonn of lead, 6 packs two pocketts of wooll qt 12 hundredwyt, 40 dozen Calveskins in the haire, 200 pelts, 100 bushells of wheat, 60 bushells of oats, 40 bushells of beans, 2 baggs of stockins, and 10 dozen of hatts-for Bristoll.
June 26. The Lyon of Cardiff (...) Nickolas Kidnor Mt. & Mct, 100 bushells of beans, 12 hundredwyt of Wooll, 500 bushells of beans, 12 hundredwyt of Wooll, 500 hundred bushells of wheat, 1 bagg of stockins, 20 kkins & firkins of butter-for Bristoll.
July 23. The Speedwell of Cardiffe (...) John Brewer Mt. & Mct, 3 tonn of lead, 2 tonn of pewter, brass & Ironwares, 7 packes of upholsterie, 140 dozen of Calveskines in the haire, 30 bushells of wheat, 60 bushells of oats, 60 kkins & 40 firkins of butter, ten dicker of tannd leather, 2 basketts of Satinware, 2 fardles of stockins, 2 hundredwyt of hopps, 1 packe, 2 trusses Lynen & Mercerie, 2 trusse of Cutlerie-for Bristoll.
July 23. The Lyon of Cardiff (...) Nickolas Kidnor Mt. & Mct, 100 kkins and firkins of butter, 15 hundredwyt of wooll, 200 bushells of oats, 2 tonn of pewter brasse and Iron wares, 12 dozen Calveskins on the haire, 12 bushells of beans, 2 basketts of hatts, 2 packes of woollen cloth, 500 pounds in money & 1 fardle of gloves-for Bristoll.
August 5. The Mayflower of Cardiffe (...) Thomas Jones Mt. and Arthur Yeemans Mct 180 stones of wooll,1 bagg & 1 fardle of stockins-for Mynhead.
August 18. The Speedwell of Cardiffe (...) John Brewer Mt. & Mct 3 tonns of lead, 140 bushells of oats, 20 bushells of wheat, 60 kkins & 20 firkins of butter, 20 bushells of oatmeale one basket one box of hatts-for Bristoll.
August 18. The Lyon of Cardiffe (...) Nickolas Kidnor Mt. & Mct, 80 kkins of butter, 200 bushells of Wheat, 100 bushells of beanes, 200 bushells of oats, 2 trunkes 2 boxes of wearing app'ell, 4 hundredwyt of Wooll-for Bristoll.
September 4. The Speedwell of Cardiffe (...) John Brewer Mt. & Mct, 300 bushells of oates, 1 tonn of lead, & 140 kkins of butter, 20 sheepe, 1 h'hd of returnd tobacco & 1 fardle of gloves-for Bristoll.
September 4. The Lyon of Cardiffe (...) Nicholas Kidnor Mt. & Mct, 190 kkins of butter, 200 bushells of oats, 100 bushells of wheat, 200 wyt of wool, I bagg stockins & ten sheepe-for Bristoll.
September 19. Mayflower of Cardiffe (...) Thomas Jones Mt. Arthur Yeemans Mct., 10 baggs of wooll qt. l00 stone-for Mynhead.
September 20. Speedwell of Cardiffe (...) John Brewer Mt. & Mct 2 tonn of lead, 2 tonn of pewter, brasse & Iron ware, 60 sheepe, 20 bushells of oats, 20 kkins & firkins of butter, 30 bushells of oatmeale, 4 hundredwyt of wooll, 2 packs raw calveskins, 1 dicker of leather & 1 dicker of drest calveskins-for Bristoll.
September 20. The Lyon of Cardiffe (...) Nicholas Kidnor Mt. & Mct 6 tonn of lead, 6 hundredwyt of wooll, 40 kkins & firkins of butter, 40 bushells of Wheat, 40 bushells of oats, 2 tonn of pewter, brass & Iron wares, & 2 packes of upholsterie-for Bristoll.
September 25. The Mayflower of Cardiffe, (...) Thomas Jones Mt. & Mct 20 sheepe, 9 kkins & six firkins of butter, 40 bushells of Wheat, & 40 bushells of pillcorne-for Bristoll.
October 8. Speedwell of Cardiffe (...) John Brewer Mt. & Mct 2 tonn of lead, 30 sheepe, 400 bushells of wheat, 80 bushells of beanes, 60 bushells of oates, 60 kkins & 20 firkins of butter, 20 bushells of oatemeale, 2 truncks 1 hamper, 2 boxes of app'ell, 44 rawhides, 10 dozen calve skins in the haire, & 2 baggs of stockins-for Bristoll.
October 10. The Lyon of Cardiffe (...) Nicholas Kidnor Mt. & Mct 3 tonns pewter brass & Iron wares, 3 packes Lynen & Woollen, 4 tonn lead oare, 5 hundredwyt of Wooll], 240 kkins of butter, l00 bushells of Wheat, 1 tonn Grocerie goods 1 fardle of Buckskins, 1 fardle of gloves-for Bristol.
October 16. The Mayflower of Cardiffe Thomas Jones Mt. & Mct 3 tonn of lead ore, 200 bushells of Wheat, 60 kkinn of butter-for Bristoll.
October 29. The Lyon of Cardiffe (...) Nicholas Kidnor Mt. & Mct 150 Caskes of butter, 300 bushells of Wheat, 200 bushells of oats, 20 bushells of beanes & 30 sheepe-for Bristoll.
October 29. The Speedwell of Cardiffe (...) John Brewer, Mt. & Mct 2 tonn of lead, 300 bushells of Wheat, 60 bushells of oates, l00 bushells of beanes, 140 kkins of butter, 2 dicker of leather, 1 dicker of drest Calveskins, 60 sheepe, 10 bushells of oatemeale, 2 baggs of stockins & 70 pounds in plate & money-for Bristoll.
October 29. The Mayflower of Cardiffe (...) Thomas Jones Mt. & Mct 80 kkins of butter, l00 bushells of Wheat, 60 bushells of oats, 40 bushells of beanes, one bagg of stockins-for Bristol].
November 6. The Mayflower of Cardiffe (...) Thomas Jones Mt. & Mct 6 tonn of lead oare, 20 kkins of butter, £2000 in money, ten bushells of Wheat-for Bristol.
November 20. The Lyon of Cardiffe (...) Nicholas Kidnor Mt. & Mct 12 tonn of lead oare, 15 kkins of butter, 150 bushells of wheat, 2 packs of calveskins & Buckskins, 2 hundredwyt of wooll, l00 bushells of oats, 1/2 tonn household goods & 40 sheepe-for Bristoll.
November 20. The Speedwell of Cardiff (...) John Brewer Mt. & Mct l00 bushells of beanes, l00 bushells of oates, 7 tonn lead, £300 in money, 4 dicker of Raw hides, 6 dicker of leather, 30 kkins & firkins of butter, 30 sheepe, 6 dozen of hatts, 60 bushells of Wheat, 20 bushells of oatmeale and oats-for Bristoll.
December 8. The Lyon of Cardiff (...) Nicholas Kidnor Mt. & Mct 2 tonns pewter, brass & Ironwares, 4 hundredwyt of wooll, 4 packs of upholsterie wares, 50 kkins & 50 firkins of butter, 200 bushells of wheat, 200 bushells of oats & 30 raw hides-for Bristoll.
December 11. The Speedwell of Cardiffe (...) John Brewer Mt. & Mct l000 bushells of oats, 40 kkins & firkins of butter, 1 tonn household goods, 40 bushells of oatemeale, 40 bushells of beanes, 6 baggs of stockins, 4 packes & 2 trusses of upholsterie, 4 hundredwyt of old brasse, 3 hundredwyt of wooll, six three [sic] sheepe, one box of hatts, 1 truss of returned mercerie & 200 pounds in Money-for Bristoll.
Will: Poulet Customer (?)