Hanes Eglwysi Annibynnol Cymru.
(History of the Welsh Independent Churches)
By Thomas Rees & John Thomas; 4 volumes (published 1871+)
Extracted by Gareth Hicks from the CD published by Archive CD Books (Jan 2008) - with translation
Y Tabernacl Newydd, Caergybi
(Vol 2, p 501)
"Yn y flwyddyn 1866, o herwydd fod y gynnulleidfa wedi lluosogi, penderfynwyd adeiladu capel arall yn mharth gogleddol y dref. Costiodd uwchlaw 1100p. Galwyd ef y Tabernacl Newydd. Talwyd haner y ddyled pan agorwyd ef, a than fod y ddau Dabernacl wedi rhanu gweddill y ddyled rhyngddynt, disgwylir na bydd yr holl ddyled yn hir heb gael ei thalu. Arwyddwyd dymuniad ar fod o leiaf gant o aelodau y fam-eglwys yn ymgymeryd a'r achos newydd. Oddeutu pedwar ugain a symudodd, a'r rhai hyny yn mhob ystyr yn gyfeillion galluog i gadw ty. Yn y flwyddyn 1868, derbyniodd Mr. William Lloyd, Llundain, (Were, cyn hyny), alwad oddiwrth yr eglwys yma i weinidogaethu iddi, ac y mae yn parhau i lafurio yn y lle. Gan mai achos newydd ydyw, nid oes llawer o ffeithiau yn nglyn ag ef i'w cofnodi, ond y mae pob peth yn myned yn mlaen yn dra chysurus."
Translation by Maureen Saycell (Jan 2008)
"In the year 1866, because the congregation had grown, it was decided to build another chapel in the northern area of the town. It cost over £1,100. It was named New Tabernacl. Half the debt was paid when it was opened, and because the two chapels shared the debt between them, it is thought that it did not take long to pay off the debt. A promise was signed that at least one hundred of the members of the mother church would move to the new church. About eighty actually moved, those who did were very able to set the new church in good stead, In 1868, Mr William Lloyd, London, (Were before that) received the call from this church to become it's minister, and he is still labouring here. As it is a new cause there are not many facts to be recorded, but everything is proceeding comfortably."