


Wigtownshire Old Parish Registers - LDS Film Numbers


The LDS have filmed the Old Parish Registers (of births / baptisms, proclamations / marriages, and deaths / burials). These films can be ordered in to LDS Family History Centres. The content of each film reel is given below. More information is available at the LDS website under 'Library'  --> 'Family History Library Catalog'.

The LDS have also filmed the records of some other churches - their film details are given here.

ParishParish numberLDS Film numberFilm contents
Glasserton8851068036 Items 5 - 6Baptisms, 1700-1854; Marriages, 1700-1819, 1849-1854.
Inch8861068036 Items 7 - 8Baptisms, 1729-1855; Marriages, 1729-1855; Burials, 1843-1847.
Kirkcolm8871068037 Items 1 - 2Baptisms, 1775-1855; Marriages, 1791-1854; Promiscuous Birth Entries, 1831-1854; Burials, 1794-1854.
Kirkcowan8881068037 Items 3 - 4Baptisms, 1788-1854; Marriages, 1822-1854.
Kirkinner8891068037 Items 5 - 6Baptisms, 1694-1854; Marriages, 1694-1854; Neglected Birth Entries, 1847-1850.
Kirkmaiden8901068037 Items 7 - 8Baptisms, 1716-1820; Marriages, 1699-1780; Burials, 1716-1780.
1068038 Items 1 - 2Baptisms, 1820-1854; Marriages, 1779-1854; Burials, 1779-1854.
Leswalt8911068038 Items 3 - 4Baptisms, 1729-1854; Marriages, 1729-1854; Burials, 1729-1843; Neglected Birth Entries, 1847-1850.
Mochrum8921068038 Items 5 - 6Baptisms, 1720-1842; Marriages, 1720-1743, 1809-1828; Baptism and Marriage Index, 1720-1743.
1068039 Item 1Baptisms, 1841-1854; Marriages, 1820-1854.
New Luce8931068039 Items 2 - 3Baptisms, 1695-1854; Marriages, 1694-1856; Burials, 1730-1854.
Old Luce8941068039 Items 4 - 6Baptisms, 1731-1854; Marriages, 1731-1854; Burials, 1732-1841.
Penninghame8951068040 Items 1 - 2Baptisms, 1695-1854; Marriages, 1696-1855.
Portpatrick8961068040 Items 3 - 4Baptisms, 1719-1820; Marriages, 1720-1819; Burials, 1783-1818.
1068041 Item 1Baptisms, 1819-1854; Marriages, 1819-1854; Neglected Birth Entry, 1838.
Sorbie8971068041 Items 2 - 3Baptisms, 1700-1820; Marriages, 1700-1721, 1794-1820; Burials, 1706-1716, 1813-1818; Neglected Birth entries, 1836, 1838, 1840.
Stoneykirk8981068041 Items 4 - 6Baptisms, 1744-1854; Marriages, 1744-1854; Burials, 1778-1792, 1839-1854; Neglected Birth Entry, 1830.
Stranraer8991068042 Items 1 - 3Baptisms, 1695-1855; Baptism Index, 1820-1854; Marriages, 1712-1854; Burials, 1847, 1850; Neglected Entries, 1835-1854.
Whithorn9001068042 Items 4 - 5Baptisms, 1712-1855; Marriages, 1716-1742, 1796-1855.
Wigtown9011068042 Items 6 - 7Baptisms, 1706-1855; Marriages, 1707-1854, 1772-1782; Neglected Birth Entry, 1830.

Data provided by The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints