




"Situation and Extent - The parish of Killearn forms the western extremity of Strath of Blane. This beautiful valley exhibits a landscape, replete with a great variety of striking objects. It is skirted by two ridges of hills, some of which are of considerable height. The fore ground is enriched by the water of Blane, meandering through fertile pastures and well cultiveted fields; whilst the diversisfied prospect, extending over the parishes of Killearn, Drymen, Kilmaronock, Buchanan, &c. comprehends Lochlomond, Benlomond, Benliddie, the Grampian Hills, & c. & c. and at length is lost among the far distant mountains of Argyle and Perthshire, mingling their azure-coloured summits with the clouds. Vast masses of basaltic pillars, exhibiting extensive colonnades, arranged in almost every possible direction, come into view on one hand, and a limpis stream, forming a delighthful cascade, on the other. Here a verdant wood, in the variegated windings, skirts the sides of the hills; and there a deep glen, hollowed out by the work of many ages, lays open to view not a small part of the bowels of the earth. In one point of light may be seen the ruins on an ancient castle, once the well fortified habitation of a rich and powerful family; and in another, a numerous flock, scattered like snowy specks on the verdant declivities of the mountains. Few places in Scotland afford a greater diversity of the grand and picturesque scenes of nature, grouped together in such pleasing varieties. This parish is bounded by the parishes of Strathblane and Campsie on the S.E.; by New and Old Kilpatricks, on the S. and S.W.; Drymen and Dumbarton on the W.; Balfrone, on the N.; and Fintrie on the E. It is by computation about 12 miles in length, from N.E. to S.W. and 2½, at an average, in breadth."

Parish of Killearn (County of Stirling, Synod of Glasgow and Ayr, Presbytery of Dumbarton) By the Rev. Mr David Ure, M.A. Minister, Glasgow (Statistical Account of Scotland 1791-1799)


Description & Travel

You can see pictures of Killearn which are provided by:



See also Edinburgh University's "Gazetteer for Scotland"



The Killhearn Heritage Trail is a fairly new addition to the village and takes a visitor on a heritage walk through the village pointing out various places of historical interest.



You can see maps centred on OS grid reference NS545831 (Lat/Lon: 56.018758, -4.335921), Killearn which are provided by: