Roxburghshire Gazetteer: P
This page lists those places in the gazetteer which start with the letter P. For places beginning with other letters, please see the main gazetteer page.
Each entry in the gazetteer gives a place name and the parish it lies in. Don't rely on this resource completely though - use it simply as a guide. See the main gazetteer page for further advice on this.
- Palace - Crailing
- Palacehill - Ancrum
- Paradise - Kelso
- Paradise Cottage - Jedburgh
- Parkend - Stichill
- Parkhead - Teviothead
- Parkhead - Wilton
- Parkhouses - Wilton
- The Parsonage - Melrose
- The Path - Wilton
- Pathhead - Wilton
- Pavilion - Melrose
- Peasehill - Melrose
- Peat Wynd - Kelso
- Peebles Road - Ladhope
- Peel Fell - Castleton
- Peel Fell - Southdean
- Peelbraehope - Cavers
- Peil - Kelso
- Pellbend - Jedburgh
- Penchrise - Cavers
- Peniel Heugh - Crailing
- Pennel Heugh - Crailing
- Pennygant Hill - Castleton
- Pennymuir - Hounam
- Pennymuir Inn - Oxnam
- Penyhead - Morebattle
- Percy Hill - Morebattle
- Philhope - Roberton
- Philogar - Hounam
- Piccadilly House - Melrose
- The Pike - Cavers
- Pikethaw Hill - Teviothead
- Pilmuir - Hawick
- Pinielheugh - Crailing
- Pinkethill - Kelso
- Pinnacle - Ancrum
- Pinnaclehill - Kelso
- Pinnaclehill farm - Kelso
- Pirniehall - Roxburgh
- Pirryshiel Sike - Castleton
- Pity me - Jedburgh
- Plea-brae - Maxton
- Pleasance - Jedburgh
- Pleasants - Jedburgh
- Plenderleith - Oxnam
- Plough Hotel - Hawick
- Plough Inn - Lilliesleaf
- Plough Inn - Yetholm
- Ploughlands - Crailing
- Ploughlands - Maxton
- Plouland - Crailing
- Pointfield Lane - Kelso
- Powisholm - Castleton
- Priesthaugh - Teviothead
- Priesthaugh Burn - Teviothead
- Priesthaugh Hill - Teviothead
- Prieston - Bowden
- Priestrig - Wilton
- Primside - Morebattle
- Primside Mill - Yetholm
- Princes Street - Wilton
- Pringle Bank - Kelso
- Pringlestead - Eckford
- Prior Bank - Kelso
- Prior Bank - Melrose
- The Priory - Melrose
- Prumside - Morebattle
- Prumsidemylne - Morebattle
- Puddingburn Ha' - Castleton
- Pylafoot - Kelso
- Pylestead farm - Kelso
Vivienne S Dunstan