Roxburghshire Gazetteer: M
This page lists those places in the gazetteer which start with the letter M. For places beginning with other letters, please see the main gazetteer page.
Each entry in the gazetteer gives a place name and the parish it lies in. Don't rely on this resource completely though - use it simply as a guide. See the main gazetteer page for further advice on this.
- McKairston - Makerstoun
- McKarstone - Makerstoun
- McKerston - Makerstoun
- Mackside - Southdean
- Madras Cottage - Melrose
- Maiden's Paps - Cavers
- Mainberry - Smailholm
- Mainhall - St Boswells
- Mainhouse - Eckford
- Mainrig - Stichill
- Mains - Castleton
- Mains - Roberton
- Mainside in Kopup - Hounam
- Maisondieu - Kelso
- Makerston - Makerstoun
- Makerstoun - Makerstoun
- Makerston House - Makerstoun
- Makerstoun House - Makerstoun
- Mangerton - Castleton
- Mangerton tower - Castleton
- Manorhill - Makerstoun
- Mansfield Crescent - Wilton
- Mansfield Gardens - Wilton
- Mansfield Road - Wilton
- Mansfield Square - Wilton
- Marchcleuch - Eckford
- Marchcleugh - Eckford
- Market Place - Hawick
- Market Place - Jedburgh
- Market Place - Melrose
- Market Street - Ladhope
- Marlfield - Eckford
- Marmion Road - Hawick
- Martinshouse - Wilton
- Masandew - Kelso
- Mather's Close - Hawick
- Mautsteep - Wilton
- Mavis Bank - Melrose
- Maxpoffle - St Boswells
- Maxpople - St Boswells
- Maxton - Maxton
- Maxton Cottage - Maxton
- Maxton Cotttage - St Boswells
- Maxton East End - Maxton
- Maxton West End Farm - Maxton
- Maxuell Heugh - Kelso
- Maxwell Cottage - Kelso
- Maxwell Lane - Kelso
- Maxwell Place - Kelso
- Maxwellheugh - Kelso
- Maxwellheugh Mill - Kelso
- Mayfield - Kelso
- Meadowbank House - Melrose
- Megs Hill - Teviothead
- Meikle Whitlaw - Hawick
- Melgund Place - Hawick
- Mellendean - Sprouston
- Melrose - Melrose
- Melrose Abbey - Melrose
- Melrose Bleachfield - Melrose
- Melrose Cottage - Kelso
- Melrose Cottage - Melrose
- Melrose Waulk Mill - Melrose
- Menslaws - Bedrule
- Mercheugh - Oxnam
- Merchiston - Melrose
- Merrick - St Boswells
- Merrylaw - Teviothead
- Mervinslaw - Edgerston
- Mervinslaw - Southdean
- Mid Hill - Castleton
- Mid Row - Hawick
- Midburn - Hobkirk
- Middle Softlaw - Kelso
- Middlefield - Kelso
- Middles - Lilliesleaf
- Middlesknowes - Oxnam
- Midelknous - Oxnam
- Midgard - Kirkton
- Midholm - Bowden
- Midlem - Bowden
- Midlemburn - Bowden
- Midshiels - Wilton
- Mill Path - Hawick
- Mill Port - Hawick
- Mill Wynd - Kelso
- Millbank - Hawick
- Millburnholm - Castleton
- Millenwood Fell - Castleton
- Miller's Knowes - Hawick
- Millheugh - Oxnam
- Millrighall - Bowden
- Millstone-edge - Teviothead
- Milnholm - Castleton
- Milsington - Roberton
- Minto - Minto
- Minto Crags - Minto
- Minto Deanfoot - Minto
- Minto House - Minto
- Minto Kaims - Minto
- Minto Townhead - Minto
- Monklaw - Jedburgh
- Montague Street - Castleton
- Montiviott - Crailing
- Moodlaw Loch - Roberton
- Moorfield - Wilton
- Morebattle - Morebattle
- Morebattle Tofts - Morebattle
- Morebattleheughhead - Morebattle
- Morridgehall - Maxton
- Moss Cottage - Kelso
- Mossburnford - Jedburgh
- Mossend - Roxburgh
- Mosshouses - Melrose
- Mosshouses Moor - Melrose
- Mossieknow - Teviothead
- Mosspaul Farm - Teviothead
- Mostour - Eckford
- Moues - Eckford
- Mouhaugh - Morebattle
- Mount Ulston - Jedburgh
- Mounteviot - Crailing
- Mounthooly - Jedburgh
- Mourhouslaws - Maxton
- Mowhaugh - Morebattle
- Muckle Knowe - Roberton
- Muckle Land Knowe - Castleton
- Muirfield - Wilton
- Muirhouselaw - Maxton
- Murden - Kelso
- Murray Place - Hawick
- Muselee - Roberton
- Muserig - Kelso
- Musrig - Kelso
- Muttonhole - Maxton
- Mylne Quarter - Kelso
- Myredykes - Castleton
- Myredykes Muir - Castleton
- Myreslaw Green - Hawick
Vivienne S Dunstan