Roxburghshire Gazetteer: C
This page lists those places in the gazetteer which start with the letter C. For places beginning with other letters, please see the main gazetteer page.
Each entry in the gazetteer gives a place name and the parish it lies in. Don't rely on this resource completely though - use it simply as a guide. See the main gazetteer page for further advice on this.
- Caddroun Burn - Castleton
- Caerby Hill - Castleton
- Caerlanrig - Teviothead
- Cairnmount - Roxburgh
- Calaburn - Wilton
- Caldronbrae - Stichill
- Calfhill - Melrose
- Camieston - St Boswells
- Camp Knowe - Melrose
- Camphouse - Jedburgh
- Camptown - Edgerston
- Camptown - Jedburgh
- Cannon Inn - Jedburgh
- Canongate - Jedburgh
- Canongate House - Jedburgh
- Canongate Woollen Mill - Jedburgh
- Cappuck - Oxnam
- Carlintooth Fell - Southdean
- Carolside Mains - Melrose
- Carrhouse - Morebattle
- Carter Fell - Southdean
- Cartlihole - Melrose
- Castle Cottage - Melrose
- Castlegate - Jedburgh
- Castleside - Ashkirk
- Castleton - Castleton
- Castleweary - Teviothead
- Catshaw Hill - Lilliesleaf
- Cauldcleuch-head - Teviothead
- Cauldmill - Cavers
- Causeway Grain - Teviothead
- Cavers - Cavers
- Cavers Carre - Bowden
- Cavers East Mains - Cavers
- Cavers House - Cavers
- Cavers Knowes - Cavers
- Caversmains - Cavers
- Caverton - Eckford
- Caverton Hillhead - Eckford
- Caverton Mains - Eckford
- Caverton Mill - Eckford
- Cavertoun - Eckford
- Cavertoun Mylne - Eckford
- Cessford - Eckford
- Cessford Castle - Eckford
- Channel - Melrose
- Chapel - Lilliesleaf
- Chapel o' Cross - Cavers
- Chapelhill - Roberton
- Chappell - Kelso
- Charlesfield - St Boswells
- Charlies Cairn - Melrose
- Charpetlay - Kelso
- Charterhouse - Makerstoun
- Chatto - Hounam
- Cherrytrees - Yetholm
- Chesterhall - Ancrum
- Chesterhall - Bowden
- Chesterknowes - Bowden
- Chesters - Ancrum
- Chesters - Southdean
- Chesters Craig - Ancrum
- Chesters Grange - Ancrum
- Chiefswood - Melrose
- Chiritrees - Yetholm
- Chisholme - Roberton
- Clackmae - Melrose
- Clarilaw - Bowden
- Clarilaw - Wilton
- Clarilaw Burn - Bowden
- Clarilaw Moor - Bowden
- Clarilawmoor - Bowden
- Claydin - Morebattle
- Cleethaugh - Edgerston
- Clerklands - Lilliesleaf
- Cleuchside - Oxnam
- Cleughhead - Hobkirk
- Cliffhope Burn - Castleton
- Clifton - Morebattle
- Clifton Cote - Morebattle
- Clifton Hall - Morebattle
- Clifton Hill - Ednam
- Clifton Park - Linton
- Cliftoncoatt - Morebattle
- Clinkhimin - Linton
- Clinkimen - Linton
- Clintwood - Castleton
- Cloughhead - Minto
- Coal Market - Kelso
- Coatgreen - Melrose
- Cocklawfoott - Morebattle
- Cocklaw - Morebattle
- Cocklee - Melrose
- Cogsmill - Cavers
- Cokleheugh - Melrose
- Coldhouse Kipp - Wilton
- Colliforthill - Cavers
- Colmeslie - Melrose
- Colmesliehill - Melrose
- Coltherscleuch - Teviothead
- Comb Hill - Teviothead
- Comislie - Melrose
- Commercial Hotel - Ladhope
- Commercial Inn - Ancrum
- Commercial Inn - Castleton
- Commercial Inn - Kelso
- Commercial Road - Wilton
- Commonbrae - Teviothead
- Commonside - Teviothead
- Commonside Moor - Teviothead
- Commonside Cottage - Teviothead
- Commyslie - Melrose
- Coomb Edge - Castleton
- Cooper Cleuch - Castleton
- Coopers Cleuch - Hobkirk
- Copland - Ancrum
- Corbathous - Morebattle
- Cornelius Close - Jedburgh
- Cornhead - Jedburgh
- Corrie Sike - Teviothead
- Corskirk - Smailholm
- Cotefield - Lilliesleaf
- Cottage - Castleton
- Courtgaite - Kelso
- Courthill - Wilton
- Cowbog - Morebattle
- Craggs - Lilliesleaf
- Craick - Roberton
- Craig Cross Hill - Roberton
- Craigover - Maxton
- Craigsford Mains - Melrose
- Crailing - Crailing
- Crailing House - Crailing
- Crailing Manse - Crailing
- Crailing Nook - Crailing
- Crailing Orchard - Crailing
- Crailing Tofts - Crailing
- Crailingbraeheads - Crailing
- Crailinghall - Jedburgh
- Crailinghall - Oxnam
- Cranshawlaw - Hounam
- Crawford Street - Kelso
- Crealling - Crailing
- Crib Burn - Castleton
- Croft House - Kelso
- Crofts - Melrose
- Crookedshaws - Morebattle
- Cross Keys Hotel - Kelso
- Cross Keys Inn - Ancrum
- Cross Keys Inn - Lilliesleaf
- Cross Keys Inn - Yetholm
- Cross Wynd - Hawick
- Crossbow Hill - Castleton
- Crouchie Wood - Jedburgh
- Crowbyres - Hawick
- Crown Hotel - Hawick
- Crown Inn - Castleton
- Crown Inn - Cavers
- Crown Inn - Kelso
- Crown Lane - Jedburgh
- Crukitshaws - Morebattle
- Crumhaugh Hill - Hawick
- Cudbertshope - Hounam
- Cunzierton - Oxnam
- Curling - Bowden
- Curr - Morebattle
Vivienne S Dunstan