Roxburghshire Gazetteer: B
This page lists those places in the gazetteer which start with the letter B. For places beginning with other letters, please see the main gazetteer page.
Each entry in the gazetteer gives a place name and the parish it lies in. Don't rely on this resource completely though - use it simply as a guide. See the main gazetteer page for further advice on this.
- Back Damgate - Hawick
- Back Row - Hawick
- Bagraw Ford - Castleton
- Baillieknowe - Stichill
- Bairnkine - Southdean
- Baittens - Crailing
- Bamff Mill Cottage - Kelso
- Bankend - Jedburgh
- Bankhead - Jedburgh
- Bankhead - Linton
- Bankhead - St Boswells
- Barbauchlaw - Ashkirk
- Barley Burn - Castleton
- Barnes - Cavers
- Barnes Moss - Cavers
- Barnhills - Ancrum
- Barnhills Castle - Minto
- Barns - Kirkton
- Barns - Roxburgh
- Batts - Oxnam
- Bearhop - Hounam
- Bedrule - Bedrule
- Bedrule Mill - Bedrule
- Beefstand Hill - Hounam
- Beerhope - Hounam
- Belford - Morebattle
- Bellendean - Roberton
- Bellevista Cottage - Melrose
- Bellevue - Jedburgh
- Bellevue House - Kelso
- Belmount Cottage - Kelso
- Belmount Place - Kelso
- Belses Muir - Ancrum
- Belses Quarry - Ancrum
- Benrig - St Boswells
- Bent Miln - Melrose
- Bentmill - Melrose
- Berry Fell Hill - Hobkirk
- Berry Loch - Melrose
- Berryfell - Cavers
- Berryfellplain - Cavers
- Berryhall - Melrose
- Berryhill - Kelso
- Berryloch - Melrose
- Berrymoss - Melrose
- Bettyfield - Smailholm
- Bewlie - Lilliesleaf
- Bewlie Hill - Lilliesleaf
- Bewlie Mains - Lilliesleaf
- Billerwell - Hobkirk
- Billhope Burn - Castleton
- Binks - Teviothead
- Birkiebrae - Teviothead
- Birns - Morebattle
- Birnyknowe - Cavers
- Birselees - Ancrum
- Bishopflat - Melrose
- Black Bull Inn - Castleton
- Black Bull Inn - Jedburgh
- Black Cleugh - Castleton
- Black Law - Bedrule
- Black Swan Inn - Kelso
- Blackchester - Jedburgh
- Blackcleuchrig - Teviothead
- Blackcleugh - Teviothead
- Blackfriars U.P. Church - Jedburgh
- Blackhill's Close - Jedburgh
- Blacklaw - Linton
- Blacklee - Hobkirk
- Blackley - Hobkirk
- Blaclaw - Linton
- Blainslie - Melrose
- Blainslie Roan - Melrose
- Blakelaw - Linton
- Bleachfield - Melrose
- Blindlie - Melrose
- Bloodylaws - Oxnam
- Bloodylaws Hill - Oxnam
- Bloomfield - Ancrum
- Bluecairn - Melrose
- Boathouse - Melrose
- Boghall - Wilton
- Boghouse - Smailholm
- Boldside - Melrose
- Bogliebarns - Hawick
- Bonchester - Hobkirk
- Bonchester Bridge - Hobkirk
- Bonchester Hill - Hobkirk
- Bongate - Jedburgh
- Bongate Corn and Saw Mill - Jedburgh
- Bongate Woollen Mills - Jedburgh
- Bonjedward - Jedburgh
- Bonjedward House - Jedburgh
- Booklaws Cottage - Melrose
- Boonraw - Wilton
- Boose Mill - Lilliesleaf
- Borthaugh - Wilton
- Borthwickbrae Burnfoot - Roberton
- Borthwickshiels - Roberton
- Boswall Cottage - St Boswells
- Boughtridge - Hounam
- Bouhouses - Eckford
- Boundary Bank - Jedburgh
- Boundary Place - Jedburgh
- Bourtree House Seminary - Hawick
- Bourtree Place - Hawick
- Bourtree Terrace - Hawick
- Bourtrees - Jedburgh
- Bowanhill - Teviothead
- Bowden - Bowden
- Bowden Mill - Bowden
- Bowden Moor - Bowden
- Bowdenmoor - Bowden
- Bowismiln - Lilliesleaf
- Bowmont Forest - Eckford
- Bowmont Street - Kelso
- Bowmontforest - Eckford
- The Brae - Jedburgh
- Braehead - Teviothead
- Braidhaugh - Hobkirk
- Braidlee - Castleton
- Braidleehope - Castleton
- Braidley Burn - Castleton
- Brant Craig - Cavers
- Branxholm Castle - Hawick
- Branxholm Park - Hawick
- Branxholmbraes - Hawick
- Brewery Close - Jedburgh
- Bridge Hotel - Hawick
- Bridge Place - Ladhope
- Bridge Street - Hawick
- Bridge Street - Jedburgh
- Bridge Street - Kelso
- Bridge Street - Ladhope
- Bridge-End - Ancrum
- Bridge-end - Ashkirk
- Bridge-end - Kelso
- Bridge-end House - Melrose
- Bridgend - Melrose
- Briery Yards - Wilton
- Brieryhill - Wilton
- Broadhaugh - Teviothead
- Broadhaugh Hill - Teviothead
- Broadside - Ancrum
- Broadwoodshiell - Melrose
- Broom - Ancrum
- Broombax - Jedburgh
- Broomhill - Southdean
- Broomhouse - Maxton
- Broomilees - Melrose
- Broomlands - Kelso
- Broomlees - Melrose
- Brougham Place - Hawick
- Broundenlaw - Jedburgh
- Browndean Laws - Jedburgh
- Brownhart - Oxnam
- Browns Hill - Hobkirk
- Broxlaw - Kelso
- Brundenlaws - Edgerston
- Brundenlaws - Jedburgh
- Buccleuch Street - Hawick
- Buccleuch Street - Melrose
- Buckholmside - Ladhope
- Bucklands - Hawick
- Bucklands House - Wilton
- Burnbraehead - Melrose
- Burnflat - Hawick
- Burnfoot - Ashkirk
- Burnfoot - Linton
- Burnfoot - Wilton
- Burngrove - Wilton
- Burnhead - Wilton
- Burnhouses - Hounam
- Burnmouth - Castleton
- Burnwynd - Jedburgh
- Bush - Edgerston
- Butts - Kelso
- Bye Hill - Teviothead
Vivienne S Dunstan