


Lanarkshire Cemeteries


Cemeteries and Crematoria in South Lanarkshire

The Cemeteries Service of South Lanarkshire Council will help with all enquiries relating to burials and war memorials.  They also maintain records of lairs (Lair Title Deeds contain details of headstones), and can carry out searches of records for a small fee. Information is available from the cemeteries office at:-

Bereavement Services
South Lanarkshire Council

South Lanarkshire Council cemeteries can be visited on any day of the year
AbingtonAncient Kirkton Cemetery (Closed), A74
BiggarBiggar Cemetery, Carwood Road
BiggarSt Marys Cemetery, Carwood Road
BlantyreHigh Blantyre Cemetery, Cemetery Walk, High Blantyre
BlantyreHigh Blantyre Old Parish Churchyard (Closed),Main Street
BlantyrePriestfield Cemetery, Hillhouse Road, High Blantyre
BothwellSt Brides Cemetery, Main Street (Closed)
CambuslangCambuslang Old Parish Churchyard (Closed), Vicarland Road
CambuslangWestburn Cemetery, Old Mill Road
CambuslangWestburn Churchyard (Closed), Westburn
CarlukeCarluke (Old Cemetery), Carnwarth Road
CarlukeCarluke Cemetery, Carnwath Road
CarlukeSt Lukes Cemetery, Thomson Street
CarmunnockCarmunnock Churchyard, Carmunnock Village (now Glasgow)
CarnwathCarnwath Cemetery, Forth Road
CarnwathOld Carnwath Churchyard, Forth Road
CarstairsCarstairs Cemetery, Avenue Road
CarstairsCarstairs Cemetery, Carstairs Road
ChapletonChapelton Cemetery, The Village
ChapletonQuakers Burial Ground, The Village
CoulterCoulter Cemetery, Off A702
CovingtonCovington Cemetery, Covington Road
CrawfordjohnCrawfordjohn Cemetery, Sanqhuar Road
DalserfDalserf Churchyard, Lanark Road The Village
DolphintonDolphinton Cemetery, Off A702, Dolphinton, West Linton
DouglasDouglas Cemetery, Ayr Road
DouglasSt Brides Ancient Cemetery (Closed), Main Street
DunsyreDunsyre Cemetery, Dunsyre Road, Dunsyre, Carnwath
East KilbrideEast Kilbride Cemetery, Mavor Avenue
East KilbrideEast Kilbride Old Parish Churchyard (Closed), Montgomery Street
East KilbridePhillpshill Cemetery, Westerfield Road
ElvanfootElvanfoot Cemetery, Dumfries Road
GlassfordGlassford Cemetery, The Village
HamiltonBent Cemetery, Bent Road
HamiltonHamilton Old Parish Churchyard (Closed)
HamiltonWest Cemetery, Wellhall Road
KirktonKirkton Cemetery, A74, Abington
LamingtonLamington Cemetery, off A702 to Abington
LanarkLanark Cemetery, Hyndford Road
Larkhall Larkhall Cemetary
LeadhillsLeadhills Cemetery, Ramsay Road
LesmahagowLesmahagow Cemetery, Strathaven Road
LesmahagowLesmahagow Old Parish Churchyard (Closed), Church Square
LibertonLiberton Cemetery, Biggar Road
PettinainPettinain Cemetery, Pettinain Road
QuothquanQuothquan Cemetery, Shieldhill Road
RigsideCarmichael Cemetery, Lanark Road
RobertonRoberton Cemetery, off A73
RutherglenRutherglen Cemetery, Mill Street
RutherglenRutherglen Churchyard, Princes Street
StonehouseGlebe Cemetery, Manse Road
StonehouseStonehouse Cemetery (Closed), Manse Road
StonehouseStonehouse Old Kirkyard (Closed)
StrathavenStrathaven Cemetery, North Street
SymingtonSymington Cemetery, Biggar Road
SymingtonSymington Old Parish Churchyard, Biggar Road
WalstonWalston Cemetery, Oggcastle Road
WilsontownWilsontown Cemetery, Manse Road
WiltonWilton Cemetery, Wilton Road, Carluke
WistonWiston Cemetery, Mill Rigg Road


South Lanarkshire Crematorium Sydes Brae, Blantyre, G7 0TL

Prior to the opening of the South Lanarkshire Crematorium, many South Lanarkshire cremations will have taken place at either Daldowie Crematorium or Linn Crematorium.

Daldowie Crematorium (1955) Hamilton Road, Broomhouse, Uddingston

Linn Cemetery and Crematorium (1961) Lainshaw Drive

It is also worth noting that Clydebank Crematorium in West Dumbartonshire is also used by Glasgow folk.

Cemeteries in Glasgow | Cemeteries in North Lanarkshire | Cemeteries in South Lanarkshire