


Scotland History


There are many sites around the web with information on Scottish history.

For a general introduction to Scottish history, see any of the following books.

  • Scotland's Story, Tom Steel
  • Scotland: a new history, Michael Lynch (1992)
  • A Concise History of Scotland, Fitzroy MacLean
  • A history of the Scottish people 1560-1830, by T.C.Smout
  • A century of the Scottish people 1830-1950, by T.C.Smout

The Am Baile website aims "to provide a range of digital resources for anyone with an interest in the history and culture of the Scottish Highlands and Islands."

For information on local history in Scotland, see the following:

  • Scottish Local History - an introductory guide by David Moody, published by B.T.Batsford Ltd, 1986 (178 pages). ISBN 0-7134-5220-X (Hbk), 0-7134-5221-8 (Pbk)
  • Tracing Scottish local history: a guide to local history research in the Scottish Record Office by Cecil Sinclair, published by the Scottish Record Office (now renamed the National Records of Scotland), Edinburgh:HMSO,1994 (167 pages). ISBN 0 11 495231 0

A collection of important Scottish historical documents was compiled by the late Professor Gordon Donaldson. Scottish Historical Documents covers approximately 1000 years of Scottish history and includes extracts from 242 historical documents. The earliest is taken from Bede's ecclesiastical history of the early eighth century, the latest from the Articles of Union of 1707. The collection was first published in 1970 by Scottish Academic Press Ltd, and more recently in paperback by Neil Wilson Publishing of Glasgow. The book is nearly 300 pages long and its ISBN is 1-897784-41-4.

The Atlas of Scottish history to 1707 edited by Peter G.B. McNeill and Hector L. MacQueen was published in 1996 by Edinburgh University's Department of Geography and Scottish Medievalists.

Alastair McIntyre provides some very interesting material on his Scottish History pages on Electric Scotland.

The Burns Howff Club website provides information about Robert Burns, his life, works and his contribution to Scottish heritage.

Finally, for the history of particular areas, see the relevant county page(s).