




"KILBRIDE, parish comprising Holy Island and most of east side of Arran Island, Buteshire. It contains the post office hamlets or villages of Lochranza, Corrie, Brodick, and Lamlash; and it measures about 20 miles by fully 4½, and comprises 38,985 acres. Real property in 1880-81, £9392. Pop., quoad civilia, 2176; quoad sacra, 1160. Chief features are Goatfell, Glensannox, Glenrosa, Glensherrig, Glencloy, Brodick, Lamlash, Holy Island, and Lochranza, and have been separately noticed. The churches are 2 Established, 2 Free, and 1 Congregational. There are 6 schools for 436 scholars, and 1 of them for 100 is new."

From The Gazetteer of Scotland, by Rev. John Wilson, 1882.


Church Records

The parish church records are held in the General Register Office for Scotland in Edinburgh, and copies on microfilm may be consulted in local libraries and in LDS Family History Centres around the world.

Records in the old parish registers (OPRs) for Kilbride parish span the following years:

Births or Baptisms ~ 1723 - 1854
Marriages or Banns ~ 1723 - 1854
Deaths or Burials ~ no records


Description & Travel

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Topographical Dictionary of Scotland, Samuel Lewis - 1851

BRODICK, a village, in the parish of Kilbride, Isle of Arran, county of Bute; containing 163 inhabitants. It is seated in a semicircular bay of the same name, on the eastern coast of the island, defended at its entrance by the islet of Lamlash, or Holy Island; and to the south is a lighthouse. The castle of Brodick, now called Arran House, stands on an eminence above the bay. A place of worship has been built, and one of the parochial schools is situated in the village. An annual fair is held. See Kilbride.

CORRIE, a village, in the parish of Kilbride, Isle of Arran, county of Bute; containing 222 inhabitants. It is situated on the eastern shore of the island, about three miles and a half north of Brodick bay and castle. There is a small harbour, with a quay, but it is only accessible to vessels at high water. A school has been established in the village.

KILBRIDE, a parish, on the island of Arran, county of Bute, 20 miles (S. W. by W.) from Saltcoats; containing, with the villages of Brodick and Corrie, 2786 inhabitants, of whom 271 are in the village, or kirktown, of Kilbride, called also Lamlash from its situation on the bay of that name. This parish, which derives its name from the dedication of its ancient church to St. Bridget or Bride, was the scene of some interesting events during the wars with England that originated in the disputed succession to the Scottish throne, after the death of Alexander III. In 1306, Robert Bruce, who during his reverses of fortune had remained for some time in concealment in Ireland, landed on the Isle of Arran with a small fleet, and being joined by Sir James Douglas and others of his adherents, assaulted and reduced the castle of Brodick, which was then held by Sir John Hastings for Edward I. of England. Upon this occasion, Bruce, in recompense of their important services, conferred upon his friends many of the lands of Arran, which, however, long since passed from their descendants, and are now the property of the Duke of Hamilton. The island of Arran, which at that time was thickly wooded, became a favourite resort of the Scottish kings, for pursuing the diversion of the chase; and the castle of Loch Ranza, the remains of which denote its former magnificence, was erected as a hunting-seat by one of the Stuarts, prior to the year 1380.

LAMLASH, an island, in the parish of Kilbride, Isle of Arran, county of Bute; containing 271 inhabitants. This island is two miles and a half in length and half a mile in breadth, rising in a conical shape to the height of 1000 feet; it is situated eastward of the main land of Arran, and serves as a shelter to a spacious bay of the same name as itself. Buchanan gives the island the Latin name of Molas, from its having been the retreat of St. Maol Ios; and, for the same reason, it is also called the Holy Island: anciently a monastery of friars, founded by one of the Lords of the Isles, existed here, Lamlash bay, an excellent harbour in the form of a semicircle, on the south-east side of Arran, is landlocked by the island, at the extremities of which, on the north and south, are convenient entrances. At the head of the bay is the village of Lamlash, or Kilbride, a favourite resort for bathing, and having several good inns for the accommodation of visiters. See Kilbride.



You can see maps centred on OS grid reference NR999374 (Lat/Lon: 55.58916, -5.17656), Kilbride which are provided by: