Berwickshire Gazetteer: P
This page lists those places in the gazetteer which start with the letter P. For places beginning with other letters, please see the main gazetteer page.
Each entry in the gazetteer gives a place name and the parish it lies in. Don't rely on this resource completely though - use it simply as a guide. See the main gazetteer page for further advice on this.
- Packet House - Coldingham
- Paddockmyre - Coldingham
- Paddyhall - Hutton
- Paits Hill - Cockburnspath
- Paitshill - Abbey St Bathans
- Park - Earlston
- Parkfoot - Channelkirk
- Parkiswallis - Greenlaw
- Partan Hall - Ayton
- Partonacres - Coldingham
- Partonlaw - Ayton
- Pateshill - Abbey St Bathans
- Pathhead - Cockburnspath
- Paxton - Hutton
- Paxton House - Hutton
- Paxton North Mains - Hutton
- Paxton South Mains - Hutton
- Pearbank - Chirnside
- Pease Bridge - Cockburnspath
- Pease Burn - Cockburnspath
- Pease Dean - Cockburnspath
- Pease Mill - Cockburnspath
- Peath's Dean - Cockburnspath
- Peel Walls - Ayton
- Peelrig - Duns
- Peelwalls - Ayton
- Peelwalls Farm - Ayton
- Pefferlaw - Chirnside
- Peitlesheugh - Eccles
- Penmanshiel - Cockburnspath
- Penmanshiel Cottage - Cockburnspath
- Penmanshiel Wood - Cockburnspath
- Philips Knowe - Longformacus
- Pillmer - Lauder
- Pilmer - Lauder
- Pilmuir - Coldingham
- Pilmuir - Fogo
- Pilmuir - Lauder
- Pinkey - Duns
- Pitilsheuch - Eccles
- Pittlesheugh - Eccles
- Plainfield - Duns
- Playhaugh - Cranshaws
- Pleasance - Duns
- Plendernethy Hill - Duns
- Plewlands - Eccles
- Plough Inn - Duns
- Ploughlands - Eccles
- Plumburn - Hutton
- Polwarth - Polwarth
- Polwarth Rhodes - Polwarth
- Polwarth Woodheads - Greenlaw
- Pottercroft - Coldingham
- Poulterlynie - Langton
- Pranderguest - Ayton
- Pranderguest Loan Head - Ayton
- Prenderguest - Ayton
- Prenderguest House - Ayton
- Prenderguest Lone Head - Ayton
- Prentonen - Eccles
- Press - Coldingham
- Press Castle - Coldingham
- Press House - Coldingham
- Press Inn - Coldingham
- Press Mains - Coldingham
- Presse - Coldingham
- Preston - Bunkle and Preston
- Preston Haugh - Bunkle and Preston
- Prestoun - Bunkle and Preston
- Prestoune - Bunkle and Preston
- Primrosehill - Bunkle and Preston
- Primrosshill - Bunkle and Preston
- Printonan - Eccles
- Printonanhill - Eccles
- Purves Hall - Eccles
- Purveshall - Eccles
- Purveshaugh - Earlston
- Purvishaugh - Earlston
- Putton - Duns
- Pyetshaw - Westruther