Berwickshire Gazetteer: H
This page lists those places in the gazetteer which start with the letter H. For places beginning with other letters, please see the main gazetteer page.
Each entry in the gazetteer gives a place name and the parish it lies in. Don't rely on this resource completely though - use it simply as a guide. See the main gazetteer page for further advice on this.
- Hagg - Foulden
- Haigsfield - Eccles
- Hainingrig - Langton
- Hairlawside - Coldingham
- Ha'law - Coldingham
- Halcroft - Coldingham
- Halcrofte - Coldingham
- Halidoun - Coldingham
- Halidown - Coldingham
- Hall Burn - Longformacus
- Hall Croft - Coldingham
- Hallbank - Coldingham
- Hallcroft - Coldingham
- Hallcrofte - Coldingham
- Hallcross - Coldingham
- Hallecrofte - Coldingham
- Halleydown - Coldingham
- Hallidean Mill - Earlston
- Hallidean Mill - Mertoun
- Hallidon Mill - Mertoun
- Hallidoune - Coldingham
- Hallyburton - Greenlaw
- Hallydown - Coldingham
- Hallywell Rig - Longformacus
- Halyburton - Greenlaw
- Halyburton chapel - Greenlaw
- Hammerhall - Bunkle and Preston
- Harcarse - Fogo
- Harcarsehill - Swinton and Simprim
- Hardacres - Eccles
- Hardaikeris - Eccles
- Harden Hill - Langton
- Hardens - Langton
- Hardens Hill - Langton
- Hardiesmill Place - Hume
- Hardismilne - Hume
- Hardlaw - Greenlaw
- Hare Law - Coldingham
- Harecleugh Hill - Westruther
- Hareheugh - Hume
- Harelaw - Chirnside
- Harelaw - Westruther
- Harelawside - Coldingham
- Harelawsyde - Coldingham
- Haresheugh - Hume
- Harit's Dyke - Westruther
- Harlaw - Eccles
- Harrietfield - Nenthorn
- Harryburn House - Lauder
- Hart Law - Lauder
- Hartside - Channelkirk
- Hartside Hill - Channelkirk
- Hassington - Eccles
- Hassington East Mains - Eccles
- Hassington Mains - Eccles
- Hassington Overmains - Eccles
- Hatchednize - Coldstream
- Hatchednize - Eccles
- Haugh - Lauder
- Hawickshiel - Lauder
- Hawkslaw - Coldstream
- Hawthorn - Duns
- Haymount - Duns
- Head Chester - Coldingham
- Headchesters - Cockburnspath
- Headshaw - Channelkirk
- Headshawhaugh - Channelkirk
- Headshawlaw - Channelkirk
- Heatherly haugh - Earlston
- Heathery Carr - Coldingham
- Heckspath - Greenlaw
- Heckspathdean - Greenlaw
- Heiton - Coldingham
- Hen Toe Burn - Duns
- Henlaw Woods - Langton
- Henless - Earlston
- Herdrigg - Eccles
- Herriot Bank - Whitsome and Hilton
- Herriotshall - Channelkirk
- Heugh - Lauder
- Heughead - Coldingham
- Heughhead - Coldingham
- Hexpeth - Gordon
- High Street - Coldstream
- High Street - Greenlaw
- High Strip - Cranshaws
- Highchester - Coldingham
- Highlaw Wood - Coldingham
- Highlaws - Coldingham
- Highlaws - Eyemouth
- Hill Wood - Abbey St Bathans
- Hill Wood - Cranshaws
- Hillburn - Ayton
- Hillend - Coldingham
- Hillhouse - Channelkirk
- Hillknow - Coldingham
- Hillside Lodge - Cockburnspath
- Hilton - Whitsome and Hilton
- Hiltonhill - Whitsome and Hilton
- Hindberry - Westruther
- Hindsidehill - Westruther
- Hirsel - Coldstream
- Hoardweel - Bunkle and Preston
- Hoburn - Coldingham
- Hoburn Mill - Coldingham
- Hoburn Miln - Coldingham
- Hog Hill - Lauder
- Hog Rig - Lauder
- Hog's Law - Lauder
- Holburn - Ayton
- Home Place - Coldstream
- Homebank - Eccles
- Homefield - Coldingham
- Hope Park - Coldstream
- Hopefield - Coldingham
- Hopestead - Coldingham
- Hoprig - Cockburnspath
- Hoprig Shiels - Cockburnspath
- Hordwell - Bunkle and Preston
- Horn Inn - Duns
- Horndean - Ladykirk
- Horndean Cottage - Ladykirk
- Hornend - Coldingham
- Horsecastle Bay - Coldingham
- Horseley - Coldingham
- Horseupcleuch - Longformacus
- Horseley - Coldingham
- Horsley - Cockburnspath
- Horsley - Coldingham
- Horsley Hill - Coldingham
- Horslie - Coldingham
- Houburn-miln - Coldingham
- Houndslow - Greenlaw
- Houndslow - Westruther
- Houndwood - Coldingham
- Houndwood House - Coldingham
- Howbog - Cranshaws
- Howbogg - Lauder
- Howburn - Coldingham
- Howlawrigg - Greenlaw
- Howlaws - Duns
- Howlaws - Greenlaw
- Howpark - Coldingham
- Hum Law - Lauder
- Hume - Hume
- Hume Castle - Hume
- Hume Craigs - Hume
- Hume Mill - Hume
- Hume Orchard - Hume
- Humehall - Hume
- Hunt Inn - Duns
- Hunt Law - Lauder
- Huntington - Lauder
- Huntlaw - Lauder
- Huntlywood - Gordon
- Huntshaw - Earlston
- Hurd Law - Greenlaw
- Hurdlaw - Greenlaw
- Hurker - Coldingham
- Hutton - Hutton
- Hutton-bell - Hutton
- Hutton Castle Barns - Hutton
- Hutton Hall - Hutton
- Hutton Hall Barns - Hutton
- Hutton Mains - Hutton
- Huttonhall Barns - Hutton
- Huttoune - Hutton
- Huxton - Coldingham
- Huxton Cottage - Coldingham