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"LAMBERTON, a suppressed parish conterminous with the liberties of Berwick, and now annexed to Mordington, Berwickshire. The church stood on an eminence 3 miles north of Berwick, on the road to Eyemouth. The site is still marked by part of the ruin of the outer walls, and is the burying-place of the family of Renton of Lamberton. The marriage-treaty of the Princess Margaret of England with James IV of Scotland stipulated that she should, without any expense to the bridegroom, be delivered to the Scottish king's commissioners at Lamberton church; and she is said by tradition to have been married here, but really was espoused at Windsor, and carried to the King at Dalkeith. In 1517 she returned to Lamberton-kirk a widowed Queen. In 1573 a convention, which led to the siege of Edinburgh castle, was made at this church between Lord Ruthven and Sir William Durie, the marshal of Berwick. The parish of Lamberton was small, and anciently belonged to the monks of Coldingham. After the Reformation it was annexed to Ayton; and in 1650 it was disjoined, and united to Mordington. Lamberton toll-bar - which lies between the ruins of the church and the line of the North British railway, but is hid from passengers along the line - for some time vied with Gretna as a place of inglorious espousals between runaway couples from England. A three-feat seam of coal was discovered here in 1841-2, which is now working. Limestone and fireclay also exist in the district."
From the Imperial Gazetteer of Scotland, edited by John Marius Wilson, 1868.

For details of published lists of irregular marriages at Lamberton Toll see the Church Records section of Mordington parish page.