


Placenames in parish of Fordyce, Banffshire

Entries are sorted by the most significant part of the place-name. For example, Nether Whitehill, Upper Whitehill, Whitehill Mill, and Lower Whitehill Croft would all be grouped together under Whitehill.
Exact map references are bold ; approximate or calculated map references are italic.
From 1851 on, the Census for this Parish was done separately for Portsoy and for Fordyce (the "landward" part of the Parish). For Census placenames, "P" or "F" are appended as appropriate to the ED number.
More detailed information on data and display will be found on the Sources page.
AGrid Ref Source
Airdnear: NJ5916611851 Census ED 1P
  Green of Airdnear: NJ5926621861 Census ED 1P
  New Airdnear: NJ5916611851 Census ED 1P
  Over Airdnear: NJ5916611851 Census ED 1P
Alpine Cottagenear: NJ5606301881 Census ED 3F
Ardenbathnear: NJ5916501841 Census ED 9
ArnbathNJ576657OS Explorer sheet 425
  North Arnbath CroftNJ573664OS Explorer sheet 425
AuchanachieNJ599623OS Explorer sheet 425
  AuchanacieNJ5996231851 Census ED 4F
  AuchannachieNJ5996231841 Census ED 4
  AuchinachieNJ5996231861 Census ED 4F
AuchipNJ551612OS Explorer sheet 425
  AchipNJ5516121841 Census ED 6
Auchmillie CottageNJ590633OS Explorer sheet 425
  Auchmilly Uppernear: NJ5936471851 Census ED 3P
  Easter Auchmillienear: NJ5986421881 Census ED 1P
  Little Auchmillie [=Mains of Durn Cottage]2:41:27W 57:40:10N    NJ588646OS 1896 sheet 96
  Nether Auchmillienear: NJ5906481861 Census ED 3P
  Upper Auchmillienear: NJ5886201881 Census ED 5F
AuchmoreNJ596652OS Explorer sheet 425



BGrid Ref Source
Backgreennear: NJ5986421881 Census ED 1P
Badenochs2:42:50W 57:36:00NThomson's Atlas (1832)
Badenspink [=Lawcroft]NJ591614OS Explorer sheet 425
  Midtown of BadenspinkNJ588606OS Explorer sheet 425
  Sth Badenspinknear: NJ5666031861 Census ED 5F
  Stripeside Badenspinknear: NJ5886161851 Census ED 4F
  Upper Badenspinknear: NJ5906051861 Census ED 4F
BadentoulNJ563623OS Explorer sheet 425
  Baden Tolnear: NJ5606301881 Census ED 3F
Mains of BadenyouchersNJ542580OS Explorer sheet 425
  Badenyocharsnear: NJ5495921861 Census ED 6F
  Badenyoucharsnear: NJ5455921881 Census ED 7F
  Barnyards of BadenyoucharsNJ540571OS Explorer sheet 425
  Barnyards Of Benuchersnear: NJ5455921881 Census ED 7F
Badyinksnear: NJ5495921861 Census ED 6F
  Baddylinks (?)near: NJ5525921851 Census ED 6F
Baley FarmNJ603623OS Explorer sheet 425
  Baley2:39:54W 57:38:56N    NJ603623OS 1896 sheet 96
  Balley2:36:50W 57:38:25NThomson's Atlas (1832)
Barnyards of BadenyoucharsNJ540571OS Explorer sheet 425
  Barnyards2:43:50W 57:38:25NThomson's Atlas (1832)
  Barnyards Farmnear: NJ586621851 Census ED 1F
  Barnyards Glassaughnear: NJ5616411861 Census ED 3F
  Barnyards Of Benuchersnear: NJ5455921881 Census ED 7F
  Barnyards of Durnnear: NJ5906481861 Census ED 3P
  Barnyards of FindlaterNJ541666OS Explorer sheet 425
BaronsmillNJ591599OS Explorer sheet 425
  Barons MillNJ5915991841 Census ED 4
  Barrens2:38:20W 57:36:55NThomson's Atlas (1832)
  BarronsmillNJ5915991861 Census ED 4F
  Barrowmill (?)NJ5915991851 Census ED 4F
Beechbank [=Rumbling Pots]NJ560643OS Explorer sheet 425
  Beechbank BungalowNJ561639OS Explorer sheet 425
Begburn2:45:13W 57:36:16N    NJ550574OS 1896 sheet 96
  Lower BegburnNJ551576OS Explorer sheet 425
  Upper BegburnNJ550574OS Explorer sheet 425
BerryleysNJ539612OS Explorer sheet 425
Binnydarron (?)near: NJ5906171841 Census ED 4
Birch VillaNJ556600OS Explorer sheet 425
BirkenbogNJ536651OS Explorer sheet 425
  Birkenbog CottagesNJ535652OS Explorer sheet 425
  Gardenhead Of Birkenbognear: NJ5406321841 Census ED 2
  Mains of BirkenbogNJ538643OS Explorer sheet 425
  West Mains Of Birkenbognear: NJ5406321841 Census ED 2
BirkenhillNJ535611OS Explorer sheet 425
Blackjugnear: NJ5686521881 Census ED 4F
Blacksmiths Honear: NJ5886201881 Census ED 5F
  Blacksmiths House Burnsidenear: NJ5606021881 Census ED 6F
BogaleeNJ580592OS Explorer sheet 425
  Bogaleanear: NJ5666031861 Census ED 5F
Bogburnnear: NJ5495921861 Census ED 6F
BoggierowNJ572655OS Explorer sheet 425
  Boggierow CroftNJ574652OS Explorer sheet 425
  Bogierownear: NJ5686521881 Census ED 4F
Lodge Bogmuchalsnear: NJ5455921881 Census ED 7F
  Bogmuchle2:41:50W 57:36:20NThomson's Atlas (1832)
BogroyNJ572599OS Explorer sheet 425
BogtownNJ566652OS Explorer sheet 425
  BogtonNJ5666521881 Census ED 4F
  Little Bogtonnear: NJ5686521881 Census ED 4F
  Little Bogtown2:40:40W 57:39:50NThomson's Atlas (1832)
Newmills of Boyne (1)NJ578596OS Explorer sheet 425
  Boyne Bar Housenear: NJ5916501841 Census ED 9
  Boyne Toll Barnear: NJ5986421881 Census ED 1P
  Newmills of Boyne (2) [=Donniemaud]2:42:28W 57:37:22N    NJ578594OS 1896 sheet 96
  Smithy BoyneNJ6066371841 Census ED 9
BrackenhillsNJ584595OS Explorer sheet 425
Brae of FordyceNJ558631OS Explorer sheet 425
Braeheadsnear: NJ5896621881 Census ED 2P
  BraesideNJ542605OS Explorer sheet 425
BrankanenthamNJ544663OS Explorer sheet 425
  Brankanentum2:42:50W 57:40:30NThomson's Atlas (1832)
  BrankenentemNJ5446631861 Census ED 1F
  BrankananthemNJ5446631881 Census ED 1F
BreachNJ546630OS Explorer sheet 425
  Hill of Breachnear: NJ5426301851 Census ED 2F
  Little Breachnear: NJ5416361861 Census ED 2F
  Upper BreachNJ540628OS Explorer sheet 425
Brehaughnear: NJ5406321841 Census ED 2
  Upper Brehaughnear: NJ5406321841 Census ED 2
Bringamknowsnear: NJ5455921881 Census ED 7F
Brodiesord (village)NJ571601OS Explorer sheet 425
  Brodiesord [=Brodiesord Farm]2:43:27W 57:38:0N    NJ568606OS 1896 sheet 96
  Brodiesord Farm [=Brodiesord]NJ568607OS Explorer sheet 425
  Schoolhouse Brodiesordnear: NJ5606021881 Census ED 6F
  South Croft Brodiesord Cottagenear: NJ5606021881 Census ED 6F
  Sth Brodiesordnear: NJ5666031861 Census ED 5F
BroomNJ547665OS Explorer sheet 425
  Buckie on Broomnear: NJ5406621841 Census ED 1
BroomhillsNJ578643OS Explorer sheet 425
BunkerhillNJ583602OS Explorer sheet 425
BurnsNJ556584OS Explorer sheet 425
Burnside (1)NJ555605OS Explorer sheet 425
  Blacksmiths House Burnsidenear: NJ5606021881 Census ED 6F
  Burnside (2)near: NJ5886161851 Census ED 4F
  Burnside Cottagenear: NJ5606301881 Census ED 3F
  Burnside Fordycenear: NJ5616411861 Census ED 3F
  Burnside Of Hillsidenear: NJ5606301881 Census ED 3F
  Burnside Of Portsoynear: NJ5926621881 Census ED 3P
ButterytackNJ569613OS Explorer sheet 425
  Cottage on Batterytacknear: NJ5606021881 Census ED 6F



CGrid Ref Source
Cairnrankie HousesNJ602655OS Explorer sheet 425
CairntonNJ543635OS Explorer sheet 425
  Cairntown2:45:59W 57:39:33N    NJ542635OS 1896 sheet 96
Canterbury2:43:44W 57:37:18N    NJ565593OS 1896 sheet 96
  Canterberrynear: NJ5525921851 Census ED 6F
  East Canterburynear: NJ5495921861 Census ED 6F
  North CanterburyNJ560597OS Explorer sheet 425
  South CanterburyNJ565593OS Explorer sheet 425
Castlenear: NJ5616411861 Census ED 3F
Cathienear: NJ5406621841 Census ED 1
Cathillock2:45:16W 57:38:45N    NJ550620OS 1896 sheet 96
Hill of ChattieNJ590626OS Explorer sheet 425
Clashendamer (1)NJ540617OS Explorer sheet 425
  Clashendamarnear: NJ5426281881 Census ED 2F
  Clashendamer (2) [=Viewfield]2:46:37W 57:38:31N    NJ536616OS 1896 sheet 96
  Clashendamur (?)near: NJ5406321841 Census ED 2
  Headrooms of Clashendamurnear: NJ5406321841 Census ED 2
  Hillhead Clashendamarnear: NJ5426301851 Census ED 2F
  Little Clashendamernear: NJ5406321841 Census ED 2
Claylandsnear: NJ5686521881 Census ED 4F
  Clay Sands (?)near: NJ5616411861 Census ED 3F
ColdwellsNJ551596OS Explorer sheet 425
Cornhill Station2:42:7W 57:37:6N    NJ581589OS 1896 sheet 96
CorrieNJ546569OS Explorer sheet 425
  Corrynear: NJ5455921881 Census ED 7F
Cottonnear: NJ5426301851 Census ED 2F
  Cotton Muirnear: NJ5406321841 Census ED 2
Farm House Cottenhillnear: NJ5426281881 Census ED 2F
  Cotton Hillnear: NJ5416361861 Census ED 2F
CowhytheNJ606655OS Explorer sheet 425
  Cowhyth2:36:40W 57:40:55NThomson's Atlas (1832)
  Hill of CowhytheNJ606661OS Explorer sheet 425
  Hillhead Cowhythnear: NJ5916501841 Census ED 9
CraigiefordNJ566603OS Explorer sheet 425
  CragiefordNJ5666031861 Census ED 5F
  CraigyfordNJ5666031841 Census ED 5
  Sth Cragiefordnear: NJ5666031861 Census ED 5F
Craigmills2:41:00W 57:40:30NThomson's Atlas (1832)
Cranachnear: NJ5406621841 Census ED 1
  Crannach Hillnear: NJ586621851 Census ED 1F
Croftnooknear: NJ5525921851 Census ED 6F
Culbert Rignear: NJ5816621851 Census ED 2P
  Cubberrignear: NJ5896621841 Census ED 8



DGrid Ref Source
DamheadsNJ581635OS Explorer sheet 425
Deepnear: NJ5386621881 Census ED 1F
  Deep Kilnhillochnear: NJ586621851 Census ED 1F
Dinnie Durnnear: NJ5906051861 Census ED 4F
Dinniedichnear: NJ5586411851 Census ED 3F
DistilleryNJ561659OS Explorer sheet 425
Donniemaud [=Newmills of Boyne (2)]NJ578594OS Explorer sheet 425
  DinnimaudNJ5785941841 Census ED 5
  Dunniemaud FarmNJ5785941861 Census ED 5F
DrochedlieNJ559619OS Explorer sheet 425
  DrochadlieNJ5596191861 Census ED 3F
  DrochaidlieNJ5596191841 Census ED 3
  DrochedlyNJ5596191881 Census ED 3F
Drums of MuirakeNJ553572OS Explorer sheet 425
  Drumsnear: NJ5525921851 Census ED 6F
Durn HouseNJ588651OS Explorer sheet 425
  Barnyards of Durnnear: NJ5906481861 Census ED 3P
  Dinnie Durnnear: NJ5906051861 Census ED 4F
  Durnnear: NJ5906481861 Census ED 3P
  Durn Cottagenear: NJ5986421881 Census ED 1P
  Durn Hillnear: NJ5906051861 Census ED 4F
  Durn MainsNJ5856491881 Census ED 5F
  Durn ViewNJ565650OS Explorer sheet 425
  Mains of DurnNJ585649OS Explorer sheet 425
  Mains of Durn Cottage [=Little Auchmillie]NJ588646OS Explorer sheet 425
  Mill of DurnNJ582638OS Explorer sheet 425
  North Mains Durnnear: NJ5906481861 Census ED 3P
Durnhill QuarryNJ575643OS Explorer sheet 425
DykeheadNJ578619OS Explorer sheet 425
  Dykehead Smithy [=Smithy (4)]NJ578622OS Explorer sheet 425
  Nether Dykehead2:42:2W 57:38:49N    NJ582621OS 1896 sheet 96
  Upper Dykeheadnear: NJ5906051861 Census ED 4F
DytachNJ549653OS Explorer sheet 425
  Bog of Dytachnear: NJ5396651861 Census ED 1F
  Dytich Barnyards2:42:10W 57:40:05NThomson's Atlas (1832)
  Little DytachNJ544644OS Explorer sheet 425



EGrid Ref Source
East Toll Barnear: NJ5906481861 Census ED 3P
Ewenstownnear: NJ5906051861 Census ED 4F
Ewing Placenear: NJ5606301881 Census ED 3F



FGrid Ref Source
FC Mansenear: NJ5926621881 Census ED 3P
Barnyards of FindlaterNJ541666OS Explorer sheet 425
FordyceNJ556638OS Explorer sheet 425
  Brae of FordyceNJ558631OS Explorer sheet 425
  Fordyce LodgeNJ541587OS Explorer sheet 425



GGrid Ref Source
Gamekeepers Housenear: NJ5455921881 Census ED 7F
Gardeners Housenear: NJ5686521881 Census ED 4F
Gardenheadnear: NJ5416361861 Census ED 2F
  Gardenhead of Birkenbognear: NJ5406321841 Census ED 2
  Smithy Gardenheadnear: NJ5426281881 Census ED 2F
Glassaugh2:44:25W 57:40:12N    NJ558647OS 1896 sheet 96
  Barnyards Glassaughnear: NJ5616411861 Census ED 3F
  Glassaugh HouseNJ5596481881 Census ED 4F
  Glassaugh Sta.2:44:25W 57:40:35N    NJ558654OS 1896 sheet 96
  Glasshaugh Housenear: NJ5616411861 Census ED 3F
  Mains of Glassaugh (1)NJ555648OS Explorer sheet 425
  Mains of Glassaugh (2)NJ555653OS Explorer sheet 425
  Moor of Glassaughnear: NJ5616411861 Census ED 3F
  Moor of Glasshaughnear: NJ5586411851 Census ED 3F
  Muir Of Glassaughnear: NJ5686521881 Census ED 4F
  Porter Lodge Glassaughnear: NJ5586421841 Census ED 3
Glenglassaughnear: NJ5686521881 Census ED 4F
Gray's Yardsnear: NJ5396651861 Census ED 1F
Greenbraenear: NJ5525921851 Census ED 6F
Greenhillnear: NJ5455921881 Census ED 7F
GreenrigsNJ585614OS Explorer sheet 425
  GreenrigesNJ5846141881 Census ED 5F
  Greenriggs2:41:51W 57:38:27N    NJ584614OS 1896 sheet 96
Greensnear: NJ5525921851 Census ED 6F



HGrid Ref Source
HallyardsNJ549626OS Explorer sheet 425
  Hall YardsNJ5496261861 Census ED 2F
Hallyhillnear: NJ5606301881 Census ED 3F
  Hally Hillnear: NJ5416361861 Census ED 2F
Hill Of Hattienear: NJ5886161851 Census ED 4F
Hayards Farmnear: NJ5426301851 Census ED 2F
Headrooms Slogmaholenear: NJ5406321841 Census ED 2
  Headrooms of Clashendamurnear: NJ5406321841 Census ED 2
HeathcoteNJ537596OS Explorer sheet 425
HighfieldNJ569646OS Explorer sheet 425
Hillbrae2:44:40W 57:40:25NThomson's Atlas (1832)
  Hillbrae Tochienealnear: NJ5396651861 Census ED 1F
HillendNJ555615OS Explorer sheet 425
HillheadNJ599659OS Explorer sheet 425
  Hillhead Clashendamarnear: NJ5426301851 Census ED 2F
  Hillhead Cowhythnear: NJ5916501841 Census ED 9
HillsideNJ570629OS Explorer sheet 425
  Burnside Of Hillsidenear: NJ5606301881 Census ED 3F
  North HillsideNJ573630OS Explorer sheet 425
  South HillsideNJ569626OS Explorer sheet 425
HinksfieldNJ536582OS Explorer sheet 425
Huntly Toll Barnear: NJ5986421881 Census ED 1P



IGrid Ref Source
InverkindlingNJ531579OS Explorer sheet 425
  Inverkindling CroftNJ535580OS Explorer sheet 425



KGrid Ref Source
KilnhillockNJ533656OS Explorer sheet 425
  Deep Kilnhillochnear: NJ586621851 Census ED 1F
  KilnhillochNJ5336561861 Census ED 1F
  Old Kilnhillochnear: NJ5396651861 Census ED 1F
Kinaldienear: NJ5986421881 Census ED 1P
  Kenaldienear: NJ5906481861 Census ED 3P
KindroughtNJ604645OS Explorer sheet 425
  Kindraughtnear: NJ5936471851 Census ED 3P
Knapacksnear: NJ5495921861 Census ED 6F
KnockdurnNJ583631OS Explorer sheet 425
  Knockdurn Croft (1)NJ589632OS Explorer sheet 425
  Knockdurn Croft (2)NJ586627OS Explorer sheet 425
  Knockdurn Moornear: NJ5906051861 Census ED 4F
  Muir Of Knockdurnnear: NJ5886201881 Census ED 5F
Knockhillnear: NJ5455921881 Census ED 7F
Knowheadnear: NJ5406321841 Census ED 2
KnowiemoreNJ553591OS Explorer sheet 425
  KnowiemoorNJ5535911881 Census ED 7F
  Knowiemuir2:44:55W 57:37:11N    NJ553591OS 1896 sheet 96



LGrid Ref Source
Lawcroft [=Badenspink ]2:41:5W 57:38:27N    NJ591614OS 1896 sheet 96
LeggsmillNJ588593OS Explorer sheet 425
LeyNJ534636OS Explorer sheet 425
  Lea Farmnear: NJ5426301851 Census ED 2F
LimestonesNJ548584OS Explorer sheet 425
LinkbraeheadsNJ556655OS Explorer sheet 425
Lintmillnear: NJ5906481861 Census ED 3P
Loch Cottagenear: NJ5455921881 Census ED 7F
Fordyce LodgeNJ541587OS Explorer sheet 425
  Lodge Bogmuchalsnear: NJ5455921881 Census ED 7F
Logie HouseNJ526672OS Explorer sheet 425
  Logie Cottage2:47:38W 57:41:32N    NJ526672OS 1896 sheet 96
LongmuirNJ573615OS Explorer sheet 425
  Longmoor Farmnear: NJ5666031861 Census ED 5F
  Longmuir CottagesNJ572613OS Explorer sheet 425
LongsideNJ597656OS Explorer sheet 425
  Langsidenear: NJ5986421881 Census ED 1P



MGrid Ref Source
The Mansenear: NJ5606301881 Census ED 3F
  FC Mansenear: NJ5926621881 Census ED 3P
  UP Mansenear: NJ5926621881 Census ED 3P
Marble Quarriesnear: NJ5896621881 Census ED 2P
MeadowsNJ536576OS Explorer sheet 425
Meikletownnear: NJ5716061851 Census ED 5F
Midtown of BadenspinkNJ588606OS Explorer sheet 425
Mill (symbol)2:36:40W 57:40:00NThomson's Atlas (1832)
  Mill Croftnear: NJ5426301851 Census ED 2F
  Mill of DurnNJ582638OS Explorer sheet 425
  Mill of TowieNJ524648OS Explorer sheet 425
  Millers Of Towienear: NJ5406321841 Census ED 2
Miltonnear: NJ5906051861 Census ED 4F
  Mill Townnear: NJ5816621851 Census ED 2P
  Millton of TillynaughtNJ598610OS Explorer sheet 425
  Milltown TillynaughtNJ5986101851 Census ED 4F
MosstownNJ530587OS Explorer sheet 425
MuckletownNJ574586OS Explorer sheet 425
  Farm House MuckletonNJ5745861881 Census ED 6F
MuirakeNJ563579OS Explorer sheet 425
  Drums of MuirakeNJ553572OS Explorer sheet 425
  Muirake CottagesNJ568581OS Explorer sheet 425
MuirfieldNJ553642OS Explorer sheet 425
MuiryhillockNJ594647OS Explorer sheet 425
  Muiryhillock CottageNJ591648OS Explorer sheet 425
Muttonbrae2:46:10W 57:37:53N    NJ541604OS 1896 sheet 96
  Upper Muttonbraenear: NJ5495921861 Census ED 6F



NGrid Ref Source
Nesterwardsnear: NJ5906481861 Census ED 3P
Neuknear: NJ5666031861 Census ED 5F
  Nooknear: NJ5716061851 Census ED 5F
NewbiggingNJ532590OS Explorer sheet 425
Newmills of Boyne (1)NJ578596OS Explorer sheet 425
  Moss of Newmillsnear: NJ5666031861 Census ED 5F
  Newmills of Boyne (2) [=Donniemaud]2:42:23W 57:37:22N    NJ578594OS 1896 sheet 96
NewparkNJ544626OS Explorer sheet 425
NewtonNJ545616OS Explorer sheet 425
  Newtown2:45:44W 57:38:28N    NJ545615OS 1896 sheet 96
NewtonburyNJ568599OS Explorer sheet 425
  Cottage Newtonberry Croftnear: NJ5606021881 Census ED 6F
Nicholsons ParkNJ552641OS Explorer sheet 425
N. Mains2:41:53W 57:40:33N    NJ583653OS 1896 sheet 96
Nor West Barnear: NJ5916501841 Census ED 9



OGrid Ref Source
Offices2:46:36W 57:40:47N    NJ536658OS 1896 sheet 96
OrdenhovesNJ546603OS Explorer sheet 425
  OrdinhovesNJ5466031861 Census ED 6F



PGrid Ref Source
Porter's Lodgenear: NJ5616411861 Census ED 3F
  Porter Lodge Glassaughnear: NJ5586421841 Census ED 3
PorterstownNJ551645OS Explorer sheet 425
PortsoyNJ589662OS Explorer sheet 425
  Hill of Portsoynear: NJ5896621841 Census ED 8
  Portsoy South Bar Housenear: NJ5916501841 Census ED 9
Priestcroftnear: NJ5986421881 Census ED 1P



QGrid Ref Source
Durnhill QuarryNJ575643OS Explorer sheet 425
  Marble Quarriesnear: NJ5896621881 Census ED 2P
  Quarriesnear: NJ5495921861 Census ED 6F
Quarryholesnear: NJ5416361861 Census ED 2F



RGrid Ref Source
Redhythe [=Reidhaven]NJ569661OS Explorer sheet 425
  Redhythe CottageNJ572658OS Explorer sheet 425
Reidhaven [=Redhythe]2:43:22W 57:40:58N    NJ569661OS 1896 sheet 96
ReidstackNJ579627OS Explorer sheet 425
  Redstack2:42:18W 57:39:8N    NJ579627OS 1896 sheet 96
Rochillie Cottagenear: NJ5886201881 Census ED 5F
Rose Acre Cottage2:41:31W 57:40:39N    NJ587655OS 1896 sheet 96
RosehallNJ597662OS Explorer sheet 425
  Rosehillnear: NJ5936471851 Census ED 3P
RothmackenzieNJ579589OS Explorer sheet 425
  Rothmakenzie2:42:21W 57:37:6N    NJ579589OS 1896 sheet 96
Rumbling Pots [=Beechbank]2:44:12W 57:40:0N    NJ560643OS 1896 sheet 96



SGrid Ref Source
Salmon Stationnear: NJ5686521881 Census ED 4F
SandendNJ555663OS Explorer sheet 425
  Old Sandendnear: NJ5396651861 Census ED 1F
  Sandend Farmnear: NJ586621851 Census ED 1F
SchoolNJ571601OS Explorer sheet 425
  School Housenear: NJ5386621881 Census ED 1F
  Schoolhouse Brodiesordnear: NJ5606021881 Census ED 6F
SeatownNJ591663OS Explorer sheet 425
  Upper Seatownnear: NJ5916621881 Census ED 4P
SlackdaleNJ548608OS Explorer sheet 425
  Stackdale (?) [=Slackdale]2:42:10W 57:37:30NThomson's Atlas (1832)
Sleepyhillocknear: NJ5525921851 Census ED 6F
Sleepywellnear: NJ5495921861 Census ED 6F
Slugmahole2:41:50W 57:37:40NThomson's Atlas (1832)
  Headrooms Slogmaholenear: NJ5406321841 Census ED 2
  Slogmaholenear: NJ5426281881 Census ED 2F
Smallburnnear: NJ5495921861 Census ED 6F
SmiddyboyneNJ606637OS Explorer sheet 425
Smithy BoyneNJ6066371841 Census ED 9
Smithfield [=Smithy (7)]NJ539585OS Explorer sheet 425
Smiths Housenear: NJ5916501841 Census ED 9
Smithy (1)2:44:23W 57:40:38N    NJ558655OS 1896 sheet 96
  Smithy (2) [=Smithy Gardenhead]2:46:10W 57:40:15N    NJ541648OS 1896 sheet 96
  Smithy (3)2:45:10W 57:39:43N    NJ551638OS 1896 sheet 96
  Smithy (4) [=Dykehead Smithy]2:42:26W 57:38:52N    NJ578622OS 1896 sheet 96
  Smithy (5)2:40:24W 57:38:50N    NJ598621OS 1896 sheet 96
  Smithy (6)2:44:44W 57:37:47N    NJ555602OS 1896 sheet 96
  Smithy (7) [=Smithfield]2:46:31W 57:36:45N    NJ537583OS 1896 sheet 96
  Smithy BoyneNJ6066371841 Census ED 9
  Smithy Gardenhead [=Smithy (2)]NJ5416481881 Census ED 2F
South CroftNJ568601OS Explorer sheet 425
  South Croft Brodiesord Cottagenear: NJ5606021881 Census ED 6F
Spring Wells (1)NJ583621OS Explorer sheet 425
  Springwells (2)near: NJ5455921881 Census ED 7F
Standing Mannear: NJ5426281881 Census ED 2F
Stripeside (1)NJ583612OS Explorer sheet 425
  Stripeside (2)NJ537593OS Explorer sheet 425
  Stripeside Badenspinknear: NJ5886161851 Census ED 4F
Little SummerhouseNJ540600OS Explorer sheet 425
SummertownNJ542602OS Explorer sheet 425
  Little Summertonnear: NJ5455921881 Census ED 7F
  SummertonNJ5426021881 Census ED 7F
SunnysideNJ532674OS Explorer sheet 425



TGrid Ref Source
TillynaughtNJ597617OS Explorer sheet 425
  Millton of TillynaughtNJ598610OS Explorer sheet 425
  Milltown TillynaughtNJ5986101851 Census ED 4F
  Milton of TillynaughtNJ5986101881 Census ED 5F
  Moor Tillynaughtnear: NJ5886161851 Census ED 4F
  N. Tillienaughtnear: NJ5906051861 Census ED 4F
  Tillienaughtnear: NJ5906051861 Census ED 4F
  Tillynaught Station2:40:6W 57:38:43N    NJ601619OS 1896 sheet 96
  U. Tillienaughtnear: NJ5906051861 Census ED 4F
Hillbrae Tochienealnear: NJ5396651861 Census ED 1F
Boyne Toll Barnear: NJ5986421881 Census ED 1P
  East Toll Barnear: NJ5906481861 Census ED 3P
  Huntly Toll Barnear: NJ5986421881 Census ED 1P
  West Toll Barnear: NJ5986421881 Census ED 1P
Meikle TouxNJ545587OS Explorer sheet 425
  Little TouxNJ542591OS Explorer sheet 425
  Toux2:42:40W 57:36:30NThomson's Atlas (1832)
Mill of TowieNJ523648OS Explorer sheet 425
  Millers of Towienear: NJ5406321841 Census ED 2
  Towienear: NJ5416361861 Census ED 2F
  Upper Towienear: NJ5416361861 Census ED 2F
TriangleNJ587624OS Explorer sheet 425



UGrid Ref Source
UP Mansenear: NJ5926621881 Census ED 3P
Upper Mill2:39:30W 57:36:10NThomson's Atlas (1832)



VGrid Ref Source
Viewfield [=Clashendamer (2)]NJ 536616OS Explorer sheet 425



WGrid Ref Source
Walheadsnear: NJ5886161851 Census ED 4F
Wateheadsnear: NJ5906171841 Census ED 4
WellheadsNJ595625OS Explorer sheet 425
Wester Wards2:42:15W 57:41:5N    NJ580663OS 1896 sheet 96
  Westerwardsnear: NJ5936471851 Census ED 3P
  Westerwards CroftNJ580663OS Explorer sheet 425
WestsideNJ576647OS Explorer sheet 425
West Toll Barnear: NJ5986421881 Census ED 1P
Whitehouse2:44:20W 57:39:55NThomson's Atlas (1832)
WilliamstownNJ559601OS Explorer sheet 425
  Williamstonnear: NJ5606021881 Census ED 6F
WillieholesNJ591608OS Explorer sheet 425
  WilyholesNJ5916081841 Census ED 4
  Wylieholes2:38:55W 57:37:25NThomson's Atlas (1832)
  Wyllieholes2:41:9W 57:38:7N    NJ591608OS 1896 sheet 96
Old Windmill2:44:12W 57:40:48N    NJ560658OS 1896 sheet 96
  Windmill (symbol)NJ560658OS Explorer sheet 425
WindsoleNJ553601OS Explorer sheet 425
Windsornear: NJ5495921861 Census ED 6F
WintertonNJ544597OS Explorer sheet 425
  Wintertown2:45:48W 57:37:30N    NJ544597OS 1896 sheet 96
Wood Cottagenear: NJ5666031861 Census ED 5F
WoodendNJ584619OS Explorer sheet 425
WoodsideNJ591630OS Explorer sheet 425



YGrid Ref Source
Yondertown2:41:40W 57:36:50NThomson's Atlas (1832)
Yorknear: NJ5666031861 Census ED 5F