


Placenames in parish of Deskford, Banffshire

Entries are sorted by the most significant part of the place-name. For example, Nether Whitehill, Upper Whitehill, Whitehill Mill, and Lower Whitehill Croft would all be grouped together under Whitehill.
Exact map references are bold ; approximate or calculated map references are italic.
More detailed information on data and display will be found on the Sources page.
AGrid Ref Source
ArdiecowNJ530612OS Explorer sheet 425
  Ardicow57:38:18N 2:47:20W    NJ530612OS 1896 sheet 96
  ArdocowNJ5306121841 Census ED 4
  Little Ardecownear: NJ5236251851 Census ED 4
ArdochNJ507624OS Explorer sheet 425
  Ardoch CottageNJ510624OS Explorer sheet 425
  Ardoch Croftnear: NJ5046241881 Census ED 1
  Ardoch Farm Housenear: NJ5046241881 Census ED 1
  Cottartown of Ardoch [=Smithy (1)]NJ505626OS Explorer sheet 425
Aultmorenear: NJ4976001851 Census ED 1
  Aultmornear: NJ4976001841 Census ED 1
  Aultmore LodgeNJ491595OS Explorer sheet 425
  Aultmore Shooting LodgeNJ4915951881 Census ED 2
  Croft of Aultmorenear: NJ4976001861 Census ED 2
  House of Aultmorenear: NJ4976001861 Census ED 2
BGrid Ref Source
BackiesNJ498589OS Explorer sheet 425
  Backies Croftnear: NJ5035931881 Census ED 3
  BackusNJ4985891841 Census ED 3
Bagettericknear: NJ4976001851 Census ED 1
BaroneNJ489619OS Explorer sheet 425
Bellcroftnear: NJ4926041881 Census ED 2
BerryhillockNJ505609OS Explorer sheet 425
  BerryhillocksNJ5056091851 Census ED 1
  BerryhilockNJ5056091841 Census ED 1
Blackheathnear: NJ4976001851 Census ED 1
BlackhillockNJ488599OS Explorer sheet 425
  Black HillockNJ4885991881 Census ED 2
Nether Blairock [=Blairocks]NJ510632OS Explorer sheet 425
  Blairochnear: NJ5066261851 Census ED 2
  Blairocknear: NJ5056241841 Census ED 2
  Blairock Croftnear: NJ5046241881 Census ED 1
  Blairocks [=Nether Blairock]57:40:50N 2:41:15W  NJ510632Thomson's Atlas (1832)
  Greens of Blairoch (Deskford)near: NJ5036241861 Census ED 1
  Greens Of Blairock (Deskford)near: NJ5046241881 Census ED 1
  Little Blairochnear: NJ5066261851 Census ED 2
  Nether Blairlock (?)near: NJ5046241881 Census ED 1
  Nether BlairochNJ5106321861 Census ED 1
  Upper BlairochNJ5016291861 Census ED 1
  Upper BlairockNJ501629OS Explorer sheet 425
Bleachfieldnear: NJ5236251851 Census ED 4
  Bleatch Fieldnear: NJ5246251841 Census ED 4
Bloomfieldnear: NJ4926041881 Census ED 2
Bogetraenear: NJ4926041881 Census ED 2
  Bogetranear: NJ4976001861 Census ED 2
Braeheadnear: NJ4926041881 Census ED 2
BraesideNJ492608OS Explorer sheet 425
  Upper Braesidenear: NJ4926041881 Census ED 2
Brigendnear: NJ4976001851 Census ED 1
Broadrashesnear: NJ5035931881 Census ED 3
  Lower BroadrashesNJ513599OS Explorer sheet 425
  Upper BroadrashesNJ513594OS Explorer sheet 425
BroomfieldNJ486611OS Explorer sheet 425
Broomhaughnear: NJ5065941861 Census ED 3
  Brumhauch (?)near: NJ5045921841 Census ED 3
BurnheadsNJ499609OS Explorer sheet 425
  Burn HeadsNJ4996091881 Census ED 2
  BurnheadNJ4996091841 Census ED 1
  Upper Burnheadsnear: NJ4976001851 Census ED 1
Burnsnear: NJ5046241881 Census ED 1
  Lochside of Burnsnear: NJ5066261851 Census ED 2
BurnsfordNJ505639OS Explorer sheet 425
CGrid Ref Source
CarestownNJ517623OS Explorer sheet 425
  CarestonNJ5176231881 Census ED 4
  CarstownNJ5176231841 Census ED 4
Carrotheadnear: NJ4976001861 Census ED 2
  Carothednear: NJ4976001841 Census ED 1
ClochmachreichNJ494580OS Explorer sheet 425
  ClochanacreichNJ4945801841 Census ED 3
  ClochmacreechNJ4945801851 Census ED 3
  ClochmacreichNJ4945801881 Census ED 3
  Clochnacreich57:36:36N 2:50:55W  NJ494580Thomson's Atlas (1832)
Clumpcroftnear: NJ4926041881 Census ED 2
CluneNJ519638OS Explorer sheet 425
  Clunes57:39:41N 2:48:28W  NJ519638Thomson's Atlas (1832)
ClunehillNJ511637OS Explorer sheet 425
  Cloonhillnear: NJ5056241841 Census ED 2
  Clune HillNJ5116371881 Census ED 1
Combs Croftnear: NJ4926041881 Census ED 2
Cotter Townnear: NJ5046241881 Census ED 1
  Cottertonnear: NJ5066261851 Census ED 2
  Cottertownnear: NJ5056241841 Census ED 2
CotterclumpNJ492611OS Explorer sheet 425
CraibstoneNJ496594OS Explorer sheet 425
  CraibstonNJ4965941851 Census ED 1
  Craibston Cottagenear: NJ4926041881 Census ED 2
  CraibstownNJ4965941861 Census ED 2
  Upper CraibstonNJ4905921851 Census ED 1
  Upper Craibstone57:37:11N 2:51:20W    NJ490592OS 1896 sheet 96
Craighead57:38:12N 2:51:00W    NJ488610OS 1896 sheet 96
  Craiglug (?)near: NJ4926041881 Census ED 2
Croftgloy [=Smithy(2)]NJ508606OS Explorer sheet 425
  Croft GloyNJ5086061861 Census ED 4
Crofthead57:37:44N 2:51:38W    NJ487602OS 1896 sheet 96
CultainNJ531620OS Explorer sheet 425
  CultaneNJ5316201841 Census ED 4
  CultianNJ5316201851 Census ED 4
  Little Cullain (?)NJ5376271881 Census ED 4
  Little CultainNJ537627OS Explorer sheet 425
DGrid Ref Source
Deskford [=Kirktown of Deskford]57:38:0N 2:41:20W  NJ509617Thomson's Atlas (1832)
Duffushillock57:38:00N 2:52:03W    NJ483607OS 1896 sheet 96
FGrid Ref Source
FaichyhillNJ496621OS Explorer sheet 425
  FachiehillNJ4966211841 Census ED 2
  FachyhillNJ4966211851 Census ED 2
  Faichy HillNJ4966211861 Census ED 1
The Fieldnear: NJ5236181881 Census ED 4
Free Church57:38:30N 2:50:30W    NJ494616OS 1896 sheet 96
  Free Church Manse [=West Manse]NJ4946161881 Census ED 2
GGrid Ref Source
Gatesidenear: NJ4926041881 Census ED 2
Godholes (?) [=Todholes]near: NJ5066261851 Census ED 2
GreenhillNJ519598OS Explorer sheet 425
  Green HillNJ5195981841 Census ED 3
Greystonenear: NJ4926041881 Census ED 2
HGrid Ref Source
HoggieNJ515602OS Explorer sheet 425
  Hagienear: NJ5045921841 Census ED 3
  Hoggie Croftnear: NJ5035931881 Census ED 3
  HogieNJ5156021841 Census ED 3
  House At Hoggienear: NJ5035931881 Census ED 3
Hollandbushnear: NJ5035931881 Census ED 3
  Holinbushnear: NJ5045921841 Census ED 3
  Holland Bushnear: NJ5065941851 Census ED 3
IGrid Ref Source
InaltryNJ518630OS Explorer sheet 425
  Inaltrie57:39:16N 2:48:28W    NJ518630OS 1896 sheet 96
KGrid Ref Source
Kampycaseynear: NJ4976001841 Census ED 1
KintywairdNJ515594OS Explorer sheet 425
  Kinty WairdNJ5155941881 Census ED 3
KirktownNJ510618OS Explorer sheet 425
  KirktonNJ5106181861 Census ED 1
Kirkton Farmnear: NJ5066261851 Census ED 2
  Kirktown Farm Housenear: NJ5046241881 Census ED 1
Kirktown of Deskford [=Deskford]NJ509617OS Explorer sheet 425
The KnowesNJ522614OS Explorer sheet 425
  KnowesNJ5226141881 Census ED 4
  Knowes of Carestown [=Meikle Knowes]57:38:27N 2:48:45W    NJ516615OS 1896 sheet 96
  KnowsNJ5226141861 Census ED 4
  Knows Uppernear: NJ5236181881 Census ED 4
  Little Knowsnear: NJ5246001861 Census ED 4
  Lower Knownear: NJ5236251851 Census ED 4
  Meikle Knowes [=Knowes of Carestown]NJ516615OS Explorer sheet 425
  Mid Knowsnear: NJ5236181881 Census ED 4
  Middle Knowsnear: NJ5236251851 Census ED 4
  Upper Knowsnear: NJ5236251851 Census ED 4
LGrid Ref Source
LanglandburnNJ491585OS Explorer sheet 425
  LanglanburnNJ4915851861 Census ED 2
  Langland BurnNJ4915851881 Census ED 2
  LongandburnNJ4915851841 Census ED 1
  Longlandburn57:36:20N 2:43:0W  NJ491585Thomson's Atlas (1832)
LeitchestownNJ525637OS Explorer sheet 425
  LeatchiestownNJ5256371841 Census ED 4
  LeitchtownNJ5256371861 Census ED 4
  LetchistonNJ5256371881 Census ED 4
  LitchestownNJ5256371851 Census ED 4
Shooting Lodge Cottagenear: NJ4926041881 Census ED 2
Lornachburnnear: NJ4926041881 Census ED 2
MGrid Ref Source
Maltrie (?) [=Inaltrie]near: NJ5236181881 Census ED 4
The Mansenear: NJ5046241881 Census ED 1
  Mansenear: NJ5036241861 Census ED 1
Mill (symbol)57:36:30N 2:42:30W  NJ495594Thomson's Atlas (1832)
MiltonNJ517632OS Explorer sheet 425
  MilltownNJ5176321861 Census ED 4
  MiltownNJ5176321841 Census ED 4
Moss-sideNJ502621OS Explorer sheet 425
  Little Moss Sidenear: NJ5046241881 Census ED 1
  Moss SideNJ5026211881 Census ED 1
  MossideNJ5026211841 Census ED 2
  Moss-side Parknear: NJ5066261851 Census ED 2
NGrid Ref Source
Newtownnear: NJ4976001851 Census ED 1
OGrid Ref Source
OathillockNJ519611OS Explorer sheet 425
  OathilochNJ5196111841 Census ED 4
OrdensNJ512607OS Explorer sheet 425
PGrid Ref Source
Poolheadnear: NJ4926041881 Census ED 2
Poolsidenear: NJ4926041881 Census ED 2
RGrid Ref Source
RaemoreNJ497600OS Explorer sheet 425
  Ramore57:36:0N 2:42:30W  NJ497600Thomson's Atlas (1832)
Rathiloch [=Oathiloch]near: NJ5246251841 Census ED 4
SGrid Ref Source
Female Schoolnear: NJ5036241861 Census ED 1
Schoolhousenear: NJ5036241861 Census ED 1
Mains of SkeithNJ505604OS Explorer sheet 425
  Little SkeithNJ510594OS Explorer sheet 425
  LittleskeithNJ5105941841 Census ED 3
  Mid SkeithNJ503593OS Explorer sheet 425
  MidskeithNJ5035931861 Census ED 3
  Skeith57:37:20N 2:41:40W  NJ505604Thomson's Atlas (1832)
  Skeiths57:36:30N 2:41:15W  NJ503593Thomson's Atlas (1832)
  Upper SkeithNJ500591OS Explorer sheet 425
Smithy (1) [=Cottartown of Ardoch]57:39:02N 2:49:52W    NJ505626OS 1896 sheet 96
Smithy (2) [=Croftgloy]57:37:58N 2:49:26W    NJ509606OS 1896 sheet 96
SquaredochNJ504614OS Explorer sheet 425
  Little Squardochnear: NJ5066261851 Census ED 2
  Moor Squardochnear: NJ4926041881 Census ED 2
  SquardochNJ5046141881 Census ED 2
  Squardoch Croftnear: NJ4926041881 Census ED 2
  SquaredochNJ5046141851 Census ED 1
  Upper Squaredochnear: NJ4976001861 Census ED 2
Stripesidenear: NJ4926041881 Census ED 2
SwellendNJ496604OS Explorer sheet 425
  SwailandNJ4966041851 Census ED 1
  Swailend57:37:51N 2:50:44W    NJ496604OS 1896 sheet 96
TGrid Ref Source
Tillybreadless57:36:0N 2:43:5W  NJ488578Thomson's Atlas (1832)
  TilliebredlessNJ4885781861 Census ED 2
  TilliebredlysNJ4885781841 Census ED 1
TodholesNJ494619OS Explorer sheet 425
  Tod HolesNJ4946191881 Census ED 2
Tods Cottagenear: NJ4926041881 Census ED 2
Todsidenear: NJ4926041881 Census ED 2
WGrid Ref Source
Wardleysnear: NJ4926041881 Census ED 2
Wellcroftnear: NJ4926041881 Census ED 2
West Manse [=Free Church Manse]NJ494616OS Explorer sheet 425
WestonNJ493621OS Explorer sheet 425
Whiteknowesnear: NJ4926041881 Census ED 2
  White Knowesnear: NJ4926041881 Census ED 2
  White Knowsnear: NJ4976001851 Census ED 1
Woodsidenear: NJ4926041881 Census ED 2