Entries are sorted the by the most significant part of the place-name. For example, Nether Whitehill, Upper Whitehill, Whitehill Mill, and Lower Whitehill Croft would all be grouped together under Whitehill.
Exact map references are bold ; approximate or calculated map references are italic.
More detailed information on data and display will be found on the
Sources page.
A | Grid Ref | Source |
Airdwell Howe | near: NJ374436 | 1881 Census ED 2 |
Alleinoch | near: NJ375433 | 1861 Census ED 2 |
Alenach | near: NJ400448 | 1841 Census ED 3 |
Allenach | near: NJ400448 | 1841 Census ED 3 |
Ardbrack | NJ374447 | OS Explorer sheet 424 |
Ardbrach | NJ374447 | 1841 Census ED 2 |
Ardbrack Cottage | near: NJ369448 | 1871 Census ED 3 |
Ardgaithey | near: NJ374436 | 1881 Census ED 2 |
Ardgaithnie Cottage | near: NJ374436 | 1871 Census ED 2 |
Ardgaithnie Wood | NJ381447 | OS Explorer sheet 424 |
Auchindachy | near: NJ406456 | 1881 Census ED 4 |
Auchandachie | near: NJ406456 | 1871 Census ED 4 |
Hill of Aulds | near: NJ369425 | 1851 Census ED 1 |
B | Grid Ref | Source |
Bauchelfolds | near: NJ404453 | 1851 Census ED 3 |
Bauds | near: NJ382473 | 1871 Census ED 5 |
Bads | near: NJ382473 | 1841 Census ED 4 |
Bausiebrae | near: NJ369448 | 1871 Census ED 3 |
Bellyhack | near: NJ398425 | 1871 Census ED 1 |
Mains of Bellyhack | NJ404431 | OS Explorer sheet 424 |
Mains of Billyhack | NJ404431 | 1881 Census ED 1 |
Midtown Bellyhack | NJ398425 | OS Explorer sheet 424 |
Midtown Billyhack | NJ398425 | 1881 Census ED 1 |
Belnascoug | near: NJ375433 | 1861 Census ED 2 |
Belnascoog | near: NJ372432 | 1841 Census ED 1 |
Blackhall | near: NJ374436 | 1871 Census ED 2 |
Blackhall Cottage | near: NJ374436 | 1881 Census ED 2 |
Blackhall Croft | near: NJ374436 | 1881 Census ED 2 |
Blackhillock | near: NJ398425 | 1881 Census ED 1 |
Croft of Blackhillock | 3:01:08W 57:28:49N NJ390438 | OS 1896 sheet 85 |
Blackmuir | NJ375432 | OS Explorer sheet 424 |
Blackmoor | 2:59:40W 57:28:20N NJ375432 | Thomson's Atlas (1832) |
Blackmure | NJ375432 | 1851 Census ED 1 |
Blackpots [=Bodinfinnoch (1)] | 3:03:23W 57:30:38N NJ368472 | OS 1896 sheet 85 |
Black Pots | NJ368472 | 1841 Census ED 4 |
Cottertown of Blackpots | near: NJ382473 | 1841 Census ED 4 |
Blacksmith?s House | near: NJ374436 | 1871 Census ED 2 |
Blainerrer (?) | near: NJ405455 | 1861 Census ED 4 |
Bluebauds | NJ374494 | OS Explorer sheet 424 |
Blue Bauds | NJ374494 | 1861 Census ED 5 |
Bodinfinnoch (1) [=Blackpots] | NJ368472 | OS Explorer sheet 424 |
Badinfinnoch | NJ368472 | 1861 Census ED 5 |
Bodinfinich | NJ374486 | 1871 Census ED 5 |
Bodinfinnoch (2) [=Mains of Bodinfinnoch] | 3:02:49W 57:31:24N NJ374486 | OS 1896 sheet 85 |
Bodinfinnoch Croft | near: NJ382473 | 1841 Census ED 4 |
Mains of Bodinfinnoch [=Bodinfinnoch (2)] | NJ374486 | OS Explorer sheet 424 |
Midtown Of Bodenfinnach | near: NJ382473 | 1841 Census ED 4 |
Bogallie | NJ397440 | OS Explorer sheet 424 |
Bomakelloch | NJ414451 | OS Explorer sheet 424 |
Bomakellach | NJ414451 | 1881 Census ED 4 |
Bomakellock Cottage | NJ413449 | OS Explorer sheet 424 |
Bomiecallah | NJ414451 | 1841 Census ED 3 |
Bonniehillock | near: NJ404453 | 1851 Census ED 3 |
Braehead | NJ380437 | OS Explorer sheet 424 |
Braehead Croft | near: NJ374436 | 1881 Census ED 2 |
Breahead Cottage | near: NJ369425 | 1851 Census ED 1 |
Breahead Lodge | near: NJ369425 | 1851 Census ED 1 |
Breezybrae | near: NJ370451 | 1881 Census ED 3 |
Brezze Cottage | near: NJ370451 | 1841 Census ED 2 |
Broadrashes | NJ374479 | OS Explorer sheet 424 |
Broadrashes Croft | near: NJ382473 | 1881 Census ED 5 |
Broadrathes | NJ374479 | 1841 Census ED 4 |
Brodrathes Croft | near: NJ382473 | 1841 Census ED 4 |
Mains of Broadrashes | near: NJ382473 | 1881 Census ED 5 |
Upper Broadrashes | near: NJ382473 | 1881 Census ED 5 |
Broomhall | near: NJ398425 | 1871 Census ED 1 |
Broomhill | NJ392439 | OS Explorer sheet 424 |
Bridge of Burnend | NJ375438 | OS Explorer sheet 424 |
Burnside | NJ350449 | OS Explorer sheet 424 |
Burnside Croft | NJ365418 | OS Explorer sheet 424 |
Butterybrae | NJ409443 | OS Explorer sheet 424 |
Butoebrae (?) | NJ409443 | 1841 Census ED 3 |
Butterbrae | NJ409443 | 1881 Census ED 4 |
Buttrybrae | NJ409443 | 1851 Census ED 3 |
C | Grid Ref | Source |
Cabbachs | NJ369486 | OS Explorer sheet 424 |
Cachanhead | 3:02:28W 57:29:37N NJ377453 | OS 1896 sheet 85 |
Cachanhead Farm | NJ377453 | OS Explorer sheet 424 |
Cauchanhead | NJ377453 | 1881 Census ED 3 |
Free Church | near: NJ374436 | 1881 Census ED 2 |
Cotter of Collisk (?) | near: NJ369448 | 1851 Census ED 2 |
Corrie | near: NJ398425 | 1871 Census ED 1 |
Corries | near: NJ387425 | 1851 Census ED 5 |
Croft Upper Corrie | near: NJ398425 | 1881 Census ED 1 |
Easter Corrie | NJ398421 | OS Explorer sheet 424 |
Hill of Corrie | near: NJ387425 | 1851 Census ED 5 |
Upper Corrie | near: NJ397425 | 1861 Census ED 1 |
Wester Corrie | NJ395419 | OS Explorer sheet 424 |
Cottage | near: NJ372432 | 1841 Census ED 1 |
Cottage R.S. | near: NJ372432 | 1841 Census ED 1 |
Cotterton | NJ369448 | OS Explorer sheet 424 |
Cottartown | NJ369448 | 1861 Census ED 3 |
Cotter Midtown | near: NJ369448 | 1851 Census ED 2 |
Cottertown | 3:03:15W 57:29:20N NJ369448 | OS 1896 sheet 85 |
Cottetown | NJ369448 | 1881 Census ED 3 |
Curlusk | near: NJ383454 | Thomson's Atlas (1832) |
D | Grid Ref | Source |
Upper Dallachie | near: NJ382473 | 1841 Census ED 4 |
Drumgrain | NJ414458 | OS Explorer sheet 424 |
Bridge of Drumgrain | NJ411463 | OS Explorer sheet 424 |
Drumhendry | near: NJ383454 | Thomson's Atlas (1832) |
Drummuir | NJ380442 | OS Explorer sheet 424 |
Drummuir Cottage | near: NJ371450 | 1861 Census ED 3 |
Drummuir Farm | near: NJ369448 | 1871 Census ED 3 |
Drummuir House | near: NJ369448 | 1851 Census ED 2 |
Drummuir Kirk | NJ375441 | OS Explorer sheet 424 |
Drummuir Mains [=Home Farm] | NJ373444 | 1861 Census ED 4 |
Drummuir Ry Station | near: NJ370451 | 1881 Census ED 3 |
Drummure House | near: NJ383454 | Thomson's Atlas (1832) |
Mains of Drummuir | NJ407449 | OS Explorer sheet 424 |
Mansion House Drummuir | near: NJ369448 | 1871 Census ED 3 |
Midtown of Drummuir | NJ383454 | OS Explorer sheet 424 |
Drywells | NJ372477 | 1851 Census ED 4 |
E | Grid Ref | Source |
East Lodge | near: NJ374436 | 1881 Census ED 2 |
Easterton | NJ371450 | OS Explorer sheet 424 |
Eastertown | 3:03:03W 57:29:27N NJ371450 | OS 1896 sheet 85 |
Estertown | NJ371450 | 1841 Census ED 2 |
Lower Eastertown | near: NJ369448 | 1851 Census ED 2 |
Upper Eastertown | NJ370451 | OS Explorer sheet 424 |
Upper Estertown | NJ370451 | 1841 Census ED 2 |
F | Grid Ref | Source |
Forkins | NJ386445 | OS Explorer sheet 424 |
Forkyns | 3:01:39W 57:29:15N NJ385446 | OS 1896 sheet 85 |
Furlhead | near: NJ375433 | 1861 Census ED 2 |
Den of Furlhead | NJ376435 | OS Explorer sheet 424 |
Wood of Furlhead | NJ381431 | OS Explorer sheet 424 |
G | Grid Ref | Source |
Gateside | NJ367476 | OS Explorer sheet 424 |
Glack | near: NJ374436 | 1881 Census ED 2 |
Burnside of Glack | near: NJ374436 | 1881 Census ED 2 |
Glack of Midthird | NJ362420 | OS Explorer sheet 424 |
Glackhall | near: NJ374436 | 1871 Census ED 2 |
Howebog of Glack | near: NJ374436 | 1881 Census ED 2 |
Netherton of Glack | near: NJ374436 | 1881 Census ED 2 |
Glackmuick | NJ369426 | OS Explorer sheet 424 |
Glackmuck | 3:03:13W 57:28:09N NJ369426 | OS 1896 sheet 85 |
Glackmuir | near: NJ374436 | 1871 Census ED 2 |
Glenheath | NJ359453 | OS Explorer sheet 424 |
Greens | near: NJ406456 | 1881 Census ED 4 |
Croft of Greens | near: NJ406456 | 1881 Census ED 4 |
Green | near: NJ400448 | 1841 Census ED 3 |
Greens Croft | near: NJ405455 | 1861 Census ED 4 |
Lower Greens | near: NJ405455 | 1861 Census ED 4 |
Upper Greens | near: NJ405455 | 1861 Census ED 4 |
H | Grid Ref | Source |
Headry Folds | near: NJ404453 | 1851 Census ED 3 |
Hilleys | near: NJ382473 | 1871 Census ED 5 |
Mid Hillays | near: NJ382473 | 1841 Census ED 4 |
N. Hilleys | near: NJ383473 | 1851 Census ED 4 |
North Croft Hillays | near: NJ382473 | 1841 Census ED 4 |
North Helleys | near: NJ374479 | 1861 Census ED 5 |
North Hillays | near: NJ382473 | 1841 Census ED 4 |
South Helleys | near: NJ374479 | 1861 Census ED 5 |
South Hillays | near: NJ382473 | 1841 Census ED 4 |
Upper Hillays | near: NJ382473 | 1841 Census ED 4 |
Hillfold | near: NJ398425 | 1871 Census ED 1 |
Hillfolds | near: NJ397425 | 1861 Census ED 1 |
Hillhead | near: NJ398425 | 1871 Census ED 1 |
Mill of Hole | near: NJ372432 | 1841 Census ED 1 |
Home Farm [=Drummuir Mains] | NJ373444 | OS Explorer sheet 424 |
Howdoup [=Mossend] | 2:59:23W 57:30:24N NJ408467 | OS 1896 sheet 85 |
K | Grid Ref | Source |
Kirkton | near: NJ370451 | 1881 Census ED 3 |
Kirkton House | near: NJ369448 | 1871 Census ED 3 |
Kirktown | near: NJ369448 | 1851 Census ED 2 |
Kirtoon House | near: NJ370451 | 1841 Census ED 2 |
Knowe | near: NJ371450 | 1861 Census ED 3 |
Know | near: NJ369448 | 1871 Census ED 3 |
Kyth (?) | near: NJ369425 | 1851 Census ED 1 |
L | Grid Ref | Source |
Lime Kilns | near: NJ382473 | 1871 Census ED 5 |
Lime Kilin Cottage | near: NJ382473 | 1881 Census ED 5 |
Limekiln | near: NJ406456 | 1871 Census ED 4 |
Loch Cottage | near: NJ375433 | 1861 Census ED 2 |
Lochpark | NJ362436 | OS Explorer sheet 424 |
Lochpark Cottage | near: NJ374436 | 1881 Census ED 2 |
The Lodge | near: NJ374436 | 1881 Census ED 2 |
Lynemore | near: NJ398425 | 1881 Census ED 1 |
Linemoor | near: NJ396420 | 1841 Census ED 5 |
Linmore Toll | near: NJ369425 | 1851 Census ED 1 |
Lower Lynemore [=Smithy (2)] | NJ405441 | OS Explorer sheet 424 |
Lynmore | near: NJ387425 | 1851 Census ED 5 |
Upper Lynemore | NJ407435 | OS Explorer sheet 424 |
Upper Lynmore | NJ407435 | 1851 Census ED 5 |
M | Grid Ref | Source |
Mains | near: NJ397425 | 1861 Census ED 1 |
Mairsnest | near: NJ405455 | 1861 Census ED 4 |
Manse | NJ376442 | OS Explorer sheet 424 |
Free Church Manse | 3:01:15W 57:29:31N NJ389451 | OS 1896 sheet 85 |
Manse Of Botriphny | NJ376442 | 1841 Census ED 2 |
March How | near: NJ374479 | 1861 Census ED 5 |
Marhead | near: NJ400448 | 1841 Census ED 3 |
Marypark | NJ365421 | OS Explorer sheet 424 |
Marypark of Glack | near: NJ374436 | 1881 Census ED 2 |
Maryward | near: NJ398425 | 1881 Census ED 1 |
Masson Lodge | near: NJ372432 | 1841 Census ED 1 |
Mavisnest | near: NJ404453 | 1851 Census ED 3 |
Midthird | NJ369432 | OS Explorer sheet 424 |
Glack of Midthird | NJ362420 | OS Explorer sheet 424 |
Midthird Toll Bar | near: NJ375433 | 1861 Census ED 2 |
Newtown Midthird | near: NJ369425 | 1851 Census ED 1 |
Midtown (1) | near: NJ398425 | 1871 Census ED 1 |
Midton [=Midtown (3)] | near: NJ369448 | 1871 Census ED 3 |
Midtown (2) [=Midtown Bellyhack] | 3:00:19W 57:28:07N NJ398425 | OS 1896 sheet 85 |
Midtown (3) | near: NJ370451 | 1881 Census ED 3 |
Midtown Cottage | near: NJ371450 | 1861 Census ED 3 |
Midwell Howe | near: NJ375433 | 1861 Census ED 2 |
Mossend [=Howdoup] | NJ408467 | OS Explorer sheet 424 |
Myrieward | NJ401428 | OS Explorer sheet 424 |
N | Grid Ref | Source |
Bridge of Netherburn | NJ410435 | OS Explorer sheet 424 |
Newburgh | NJ396445 | OS Explorer sheet 424 |
Croft of Newborough | near: NJ406456 | 1881 Census ED 4 |
Croft of Newburgh | near: NJ404453 | 1851 Census ED 3 |
East Croft of Newborough | near: NJ406456 | 1881 Census ED 4 |
Newborough | NJ396445 | 1881 Census ED 4 |
Newbrough | NJ396445 | 1851 Census ED 3 |
Newrainy | near: NJ371450 | 1861 Census ED 3 |
Newrennie | near: NJ369448 | 1851 Census ED 2 |
Newton | NJ359418 | OS Explorer sheet 424 |
Newtown | NJ359418 | 1851 Census ED 4 |
O | Grid Ref | Source |
Oldlynoch | near: NJ404453 | 1851 Census ED 3 |
P | Grid Ref | Source |
Pachals | near: NJ406456 | 1871 Census ED 4 |
Pauchels | near: NJ406456 | 1881 Census ED 4 |
Parkhead | NJ393440 | OS Explorer sheet 424 |
Paulscroft | 3:01:21W 57:29:08N NJ388444 | OS 1896 sheet 85 |
Pauls Croft | NJ388444 | OS Explorer sheet 424 |
Plainover | near: NJ404453 | 1851 Census ED 3 |
Plainere | near: NJ400448 | 1841 Census ED 3 |
Plairower | near: NJ406456 | 1871 Census ED 4 |
Porters Lodge | near: NJ370451 | 1881 Census ED 3 |
R | Grid Ref | Source |
Regall | near: NJ374436 | 1871 Census ED 2 |
Reyel | NJ359431 | OS Explorer sheet 424 |
Rayel | NJ359431 | 1881 Census ED 2 |
Ryal | NJ359431 | 1841 Census ED 1 |
Roadside | near: NJ374436 | 1871 Census ED 2 |
Roadside (?) | near: NJ383473 | 1851 Census ED 4 |
Roadside Croft | near: NJ374436 | 1881 Census ED 2 |
Rosarie | NJ384500 | OS Explorer sheet 424 |
Roseacre | near: NJ383473 | 1851 Census ED 4 |
S | Grid Ref | Source |
Sauchanward | NJ381441 | OS Explorer sheet 424 |
Sauchenward | NJ381441 | 1881 Census ED 2 |
Saucheward | NJ381441 | 1851 Census ED 1 |
Saughenward | NJ381441 | 1841 Census ED 1 |
Sauchen Stripe | NJ393412 | OS Explorer sheet 424 |
The Schoolhouse | near: NJ374436 | 1881 Census ED 2 |
Old Female School | near: NJ374436 | 1881 Census ED 2 |
Old School House | near: NJ371450 | 1861 Census ED 3 |
Schoolmaster?s House | near: NJ374436 | 1871 Census ED 2 |
Scouge | near: NJ369425 | 1851 Census ED 1 |
Scug Wood | NJ369422 | OS Explorer sheet 424 |
Scullhole | near: NJ369448 | 1871 Census ED 3 |
Sheals | NJ392408 | OS Explorer sheet 424 |
Back Sheils | near: NJ387425 | 1851 Census ED 5 |
Croft of Sheals | 3:01:11W 57:27:06N NJ389406 | OS 1896 sheet 85 |
Little Sheals | near: NJ398425 | 1881 Census ED 1 |
Lower Sheils | near: NJ397425 | 1861 Census ED 1 |
Sheils | NJ392408 | 1871 Census ED 1 |
Shells | NJ392408 | 1841 Census ED 5 |
Upper Sheils | near: NJ398425 | 1871 Census ED 1 |
Skull | near: NJ371450 | 1861 Census ED 3 |
Slogan | NJ389417 | OS Explorer sheet 424 |
Sloggan | NJ389417 | 1871 Census ED 1 |
Sloggan Croft | near: NJ398425 | 1881 Census ED 1 |
Sloggan Upper | near: NJ397425 | 1861 Census ED 1 |
Upper Sloggan | near: NJ387425 | 1851 Census ED 5 |
Smithy (1) [=Forkins] | 3:01:33W 57:29:12N NJ386445 | OS 1896 sheet 85 |
Smithy (2) [=Lower Lynemore] | 2:59:38W 57:29:00N NJ405442 | OS 1896 sheet 85 |
Southfield | near: NJ382473 | 1871 Census ED 5 |
Starhead | 2:59:34W 57:29:48N NJ406456 | OS 1896 sheet 85 |
Starhead Croft | NJ348455 | OS Explorer sheet 424 |
Station Cottage | near: NJ374436 | 1881 Census ED 2 |
Station Master?s House | near: NJ374436 | 1871 Census ED 2 |
Stonieriple (?) | near: NJ405455 | 1861 Census ED 4 |
Stripeside | NJ385439 | OS Explorer sheet 424 |
Sunnybrae | 3:04:51W 57:29:16N NJ353447 | OS 1896 sheet 85 |
North Sunnybrae | near: NJ370451 | 1881 Census ED 3 |
South Sunnybrae | near: NJ370451 | 1881 Census ED 3 |
Sunnybrae Lower | near: NJ370451 | 1841 Census ED 2 |
Sunnybrae Wood | NJ355442 | OS Explorer sheet 424 |
T | Grid Ref | Source |
Tauchars | near: NJ382473 | 1841 Census ED 4 |
Mill | 3:03:02W 57:32:05N NJ372499 | OS 1896 sheet 85 |
Mill of Tachers | NJ372499 | 1871 Census ED 5 |
Mill of Tauchers | NJ372499 | 1881 Census ED 5 |
Tenanton | NJ374451 | OS Explorer sheet 424 |
Tenantown | 3:02:45W 57:29:30N NJ374451 | OS 1896 sheet 85 |
Tennanton | NJ374451 | 1871 Census ED 3 |
Tennantown | NJ374451 | 1841 Census ED 2 |
Upper Tenanton | near: NJ382473 | 1881 Census ED 5 |
Ten Rood | NJ397455 | OS Explorer sheet 424 |
Lower Tenrood | near: NJ406456 | 1881 Census ED 4 |
Tenrood | 3:00:28W 57:29:44N NJ397455 | OS 1896 sheet 85 |
Tenrood Cottage | NJ403461 | OS Explorer sheet 424 |
Tollhouse | NJ364434 | OS Explorer sheet 424 |
Old Tollhouse | near: NJ374436 | 1881 Census ED 2 |
Toll Bar | near: NJ372432 | 1841 Census ED 1 |
Tombreck | NJ400473 | OS Explorer sheet 424 |
Thombeack | NJ400473 | 1881 Census ED 5 |
Tombrack | NJ400473 | 1841 Census ED 4 |
Tombraik | 3:00:11W 57:30:43N NJ400473 | OS 1896 sheet 85 |
Tomnantown | near: NJ369448 | 1851 Census ED 2 |
Tomnaschool | near: NJ369425 | 1851 Census ED 1 |
Torluns (?) | near: NJ404453 | 1851 Census ED 3 |
Towie | near: NJ382473 | 1881 Census ED 5 |
Lower Towie | NJ393458 | OS Explorer sheet 424 |
Mill of Towie | NJ407472 | OS Explorer sheet 424 |
Mill of Towie Farm | NJ403470 | OS Explorer sheet 424 |
Upper Towie | 3:01:22W 57:30:03N NJ388461 | OS 1896 sheet 85 |
Towiebeg | near: NJ383454 | Thomson's Atlas (1832) |
Bridge of Towiebeg | NJ389453 | OS Explorer sheet 424 |
Mains Towiebeg | NJ385456 | OS Explorer sheet 424 |
Midtown Towiebeg | near: NJ370451 | 1841 Census ED 2 |
Towieburn | NJ391457 | OS Explorer sheet 424 |
Towiemore | NJ399463 | OS Explorer sheet 424 |
Lower Towie More | near: NJ375433 | 1861 Census ED 2 |
Upper Towie More | near: NJ405455 | 1861 Census ED 4 |
Turfhillock | NJ402444 | OS Explorer sheet 424 |
Mains of T---y (?) | near: NJ369448 | 1851 Census ED 2 |
W | Grid Ref | Source |
Wellheads | near: NJ397425 | 1861 Census ED 1 |
Westerton | NJ368442 | OS Explorer sheet 424 |
Cotter Westertown | near: NJ369448 | 1851 Census ED 2 |
Westertown | 3:03:21W 57:29:01N NJ368442 | OS 1896 sheet 85 |
Whirlhead | near: NJ369425 | 1851 Census ED 1 |
Whitecow | near: NJ370451 | 1881 Census ED 3 |
Lower Whiterow | near: NJ370451 | 1841 Census ED 2 |
White Cow | near: NJ371450 | 1861 Census ED 3 |
White Cow Stane | NJ361458 | OS Explorer sheet 424 |
Whiterow | near: NJ370451 | 1841 Census ED 2 |
Winnyhall | near: NJ398425 | 1871 Census ED 1 |
Woodend | NJ388450 | OS Explorer sheet 424 |
Croft of Woodend | NJ391452 | OS Explorer sheet 424 |
Greens of Woodend | NJ393447 | OS Explorer sheet 424 |
Woodside | near: NJ374436 | 1881 Census ED 2 |