


Botriphnie in 1841






Extent, &c.-THE parish is situated about twenty-four miles west from the county town, and extends from north to south about 4½, and from east to west about 3 English miles, comprehending the whole breadth of the county, being bounded by the parish of Glass, in Aberdeenshire, on the south, and on the north by part of Dundurcus, in Moray.

The greater part of the parish consists of one beautiful strath, situated between two hills to the north and south, with the small river of Isla (which takes its rise in the west part of the parish towards Mortlach) running through the middle of it. The banks of this stream are beautifully adorned with alder and birch trees, the natural produce of the country ; several small rills, which fall into it from the hills on each side, are covered in the same manner.

The soil is a black loam, and, in some places, a strong clay. The course of the small river Isla, which rises in the west end of the parish, and runs through its centre, has been straightened since the last Account was drawn up; by which means a large extent of rich alluvial soil, which formerly was covered with bushes of alder or overgrown with rushes, is now in cultivation, and produces, in favourable seasons, immense crops of grain. Besides this very extensive and profitable improvement, a large quantity of land, which was in moor or in rough permanent pasture, has been brought into cultivation, and chiefly by means of lime, of which there is a plentiful supply in the immediate neighbourhood, is turning out well, producing in general very fair crops. The inclosing of the fields with stone dikes, so pointedly recommended in the last Account, has not made much progress,-one farmer only having had the spirit to incur the outlay of enclosing his farm in this way.


Parochial Registers.-The parochial registers are now kept very regularly.

Land-owners.-These are, Rear-Admiral Duff of Drummure ; Earl of Fife ; and Patrick Stewart of Auchlunkart. Valuations, L.2043, 4s. 2d., L.200, and L.76, 15s. l0d.

Mansion-House.-The only mansion-house is Botriphnie House, the shooting-seat of Admiral Duff:


The whole parish is landward.

Amount of population in 1811, 577
  1821, 572
  1831, 721
  1841, 714

Illegitimate births within the last three years, 6.


The number of acres, standard imperial measure, in the parish, which are either cultivated or occasionally in tillage, 4360
The number of acres which never have been cultivated, and which remain constantly waste or in pasture, 3540
The number of acres that might, with a profitable application of capital, be added to the cultivated land of the parish, whether that land were afterwards to be kept in occasional tillage or in permanent pasture, 430
The number of acres under wood, whether natural or planted 1486

The average rent of land per acre is 12s. 6d. Real rental of the parish, L.2743.

There are in the parish 2 masons, 4 blacksmiths, 5 carpenters, 2 saw-millers, 3 shoemakers, 4 tailors, 4 weavers, and 1 turner. The rearing and spinning of flax is now almost discontinued, except for home use. There is also one merchant and innkeeper, who carries on an extensive trade in butter, eggs, &c. for the London market.


Ecclesiastical State.-The number of families in the parish belonging to the Established Church is 133; of Dissenting or Seceding, 4, and in two of these, only the heads of the family. There is one Episcopalian, - an unmarried man. The amount of the stipend is 13 chalders, half meal and half barley, Linlithgow measure, by the fiars prices of the county. The extent of the glebe is six acres ; value, L.10. The manse was built in 1776, and is in tolerable condition, considering its age. The church was built in 1820, and is in most excellent order, the pews and wall having been painted, at considerable expense, a few years ago.

Education.-The only schools are the parochial school, and a female school for sewing, knitting, and elementary reading. Salary of the parochial schoolmaster, L.30. Amount of fees actually paid to him, L.7 per annum. He is also entitled to a share of the Dick Bequest.

Poor.-Each pauper has an annual allowance of L.1, 6s. in money, and from one-half to one boll of meal, as the case may require, also a house and yard rent free. The average annual amount of contributions for relief of the poor is, from church collections, L. 16, 17s. ; meal from Drummure, twelve bolls, besides very frequently blankets and clothing. The same benevolent heritor gives the paupers their houses and yards rent free. Interest on kirk-session funds about L.4.


Contributed by The Rev. W. Masson, Minister, to The New Statistical Account of Scotland, vol. XIII