Pigot 1837
Ayrshire Directory - 1837
Pigot & Co
Is a small but pleasant village, in the parish of its name and district of Kyle; 54 miles sw from Edinburgh, 49 nw from Dumfries, 37 s of Glasgow, 28 n from Girvan, 22 nw from Sanquhar, 16 s from Kilmarnock, the like distance ne from Maybole, 11½ e from Ayr, and 4 from Cumnock; situate on the south side of the Lugar water, and on the high road from Ayr to Dumfries and Edinburgh.
The country around is delightfully picturesque; and the face of the parish, which is pretty level, with some agreeable undulations, is well watered. The weaving of cotton goods for the Glasgow market gives employment to several hands; the making of snuff boxes, to a limited extent, is carried on here; and there is a considerable manufactury for shearing hooks.
[N.B. The Mauchline ware page has more detail on Mauchline ware as such snuff boxes have become known.]
The great Scottish reformer, John Knox, married his second wife at this village; she was the daughter of Lord Ochiltree, who at that period resided at Ochiltree house, now the mansion of the Dowager Lady Boswell.
The church, like most others in this part of the county, is a plain building, and the only place of worship. The parochial school is well attended. There is a subscription library, which was established in 1836. There are no magistrates, and the village is almost proverbial for the honest character of its inhabitants. Ochiltree formerly gave a baron's title to a branch of the family of Stewart.
Fairs are held on the second Wednesday in May and the first Tuesday in November, for cattle.
John Murray, Post Master - Letters arrive (by penny-post from Cumnock) at half past twelve at noon, and are despatched at the same time.
Boswell, Dowager Lady, Ochiltree house | Boyd, Rev James, Manse |
Morrison, John, surgeon | Simson, Patrick, master of the parochial school |
Syme, John, surgeon | |
Edgar, Andrew | Gemmel, Alexander |
Haddow, Agnes | Lammie, John |
Aitken, Hyndford, stocking manufr | Brown, James, shearing hook manufacturer |
Colville, Matthew, snuff box painter | Cuthbert, Thomas, grocer, cheese factor, and spirit dealer |
Duncan, John, cooper | Fisher, James, boot and shoe maker |
Greenshields, John, baker &c | Hamilton, Andrew, tailor |
Howartson, John, grocer &c | Hutchinson, David, snuff box painter |
Kay, James, joiner and cartwright | Kerr, James, tailor |
Kirkland, David, grocer | McClure, William, saddler |
McDill, William, shoe maker | McGregor, Andrew, flesher |
McKennah, James, cartwright | McMillan, David, boot and shoe maker |
Morton, Hugh, mason and builder | Murdock, Alexander, grocer, spirit dealer and snuff box maker |
Murray, John, grocer & spirit dealer | Pedden, Mungo, fishing-rod maker |
Reid, David, dyer | Rowan, David, slater |
Sloan, William, cartwright | Walker, Hector, shearing hook manufacturer |
Watson, Thos, boot and shoe maker | Weir, John, blacksmith |
To Ayr - the 'Independent' market coach (from Cumnock), calls at Andrew Edgar's, every Tuesday and Friday morning at eight.
To Cumnock - the 'Independent' market coach (from Ayr), calls at Andrew Edgar's, every Tuesday and Friday evening at six.
To Ayr - John Lammie, every Tuesday and Thursday, and James McCrae, every Tuesday and Friday.
To Glasgow - Mary Bryan, every Mon.
To Muirkirk - John Lammie, every Monday and Thursday.
This transcript was kindly provided by Keith Muirhead from Queensland.