


Pigot 1837


Ayrshire Directory 1837
Pigot & Co


Is a port town and burgh of barony, in the parish of its name and district of Carrick; 99 miles wsw of Edinburgh, 56 ssw of Glasgow, 31 nnw of Portpatrick, the like distance nne of Stranraer, 21 s by w of Ayr, 13 n by e of Ballantrae, 12 ssw of Maybole, and 6 sw of Dailly; situate on the left bankof the Garvan or Girvan, near to its influx with the sea and at a point exactly opposite the islet called Ailsa Craig.

The harbour, which is now convenient for shipping, underwent great improvement at the expense of the late Sir H.D. Hamilton, the then sole proprietor; and others, upon an extensive scale, are contemplated, in consequence of, an act to give convenience and effect to, the new line of railroad, and the establishment of a steam-packet direct to Glasgow. Large quantities of grain, of various kinds, are annually exported from hence, chiefly to Liverpool and Glasgow. The consignments of timber from North America to merchants in this town are considerable; the trade in coal and lime is likewise important - the mines of the former and quarries of the latter being numerous in this neighbourhood; but the principal business of the town consists in the manufacture of a variety of cotton and other goods, for the Glasgow and Paisley markets, which affords employment to the bulk of the inhabitants.

The government of the town is vested in two bailies and twelve common councilmen - four of the latter being chosen annually, upon the retirement or otherwise of the like number, on the 12th October; the Duchess of Coigney, or her representative, is superior of the burough. The places of worship are, a church of the establishment (a neat structure, thoroughly repaired some years since), United Secession and Methodist meeting-houses, and a Roman Catholic chapel.

To the parochial school a valuable donation was made by the late Mrs Crawford, of Ardmillan, who left the interest of £1,000 forever to the teachers, for the education of forty children, subject only to the deduction of two guineas, to be distributed in small prizes amongst the pupils; the same munificent lady also left the interest of £1,000 of which £12 are given to the precentor of the church for the instruction of ten of the children in sacred music, and the balance to be divided among poor householders, not receiving parish relief. Here is also a charity school, supported by various donations and subscription from the gentry and others residing in the town and neighbourhood.

A market, chiefly for grain, is held at Girvan every Monday; and there are two annual fairs, on the last Monday in the months of April and October, for stock, hiring servants, and general business.

The celebrated and extraordinary rock called Ailsa Craig is immediately opposite to, and fifteen miles distant from Girvan, rising out of the Firth of Clyde to the height of a thousand feet. It is two miles in circumference; and the top, which is conical, is covered with a luxurious crop of heath, grass and other plants, which feed great numbers of goats and rabbits. In one place the nettles form an impenetrable forest, six feet in height; and all the other plants likewise attain a proportionably gigantic size. All around, on the precipitous sides of the rock, uniformly nestle almost inconceivable numbers of solan geese, puffins, and gannets, which flutter about, and produce incessant deafening noise. On a long terrace or shoulder of the craig, at the elevation of 200 feet from the base, stands a deserted square tower, or castellated house, still very perfect as a ruin. Higher up issue two sparkling and beautiful springs of water, one of which forms a small marshy plain, covered with various plants, amongst others, the "hydrocatile vulgaris" of extraordinary magnitude. The rock belongs to the Marquess of Ailsa, who draws from it a yearly rental of about £30 which is paid by the feathers of the fowls and the rabbit skins. Naturalists and botanists would find a visit of value, in increasing their knowledge of the vegetable world.

Post Office, Thomas Donaldson, Post master - Letters from Glasgow and England arrive every night at a quarter before twelve, and are despatched at a quarter before eight at night - Letters from Portpaatrick arrive every night at a quarter before eight, and are despatched every night at a quarter before twelve - A penny-post to Barr every Monday, Wednesday and Friday morning at eight.

Crawford, Archibald Clifford Blackwell, esq., Ardmillan houseDuncan, Rev. Alex, (secession), Old st
McMaster, Rev. Peter, ManseTyson, Mrs. Mary, Shallock
Wilson, John, esq., (factor to the Duchess de Coigney), Bailock cottage, Bank street 
Frew, Agnes, High stMcDougall, Alexander, the Green
Parochial School, the Green - Rev Cathcart Kay, masterShaw, John, Dalrymple st
Steven, Rev. Andrew, Montgomery stSubscription School, Hamilton st - William Goudy, master
Davidson, James, Dalrymple stDavidson, Thomas, High st
Chalmers, Joseph, Montgomery stFrazer, Hugh, Dalrymple st
Graham, John, Dalrymple stHarvey, John, Down park
McClymont, Alexander, High stMcHowell, Thomas, Hamilton st
Neil, Thomas, Dalrymple stPaul, Adam, High st
Powell, James, Dalrymple stPowell, James, Hamilton st
Powell, John, Dalrymple stTinsley, Thomas, Dalrymple st
Austin, James, High stHowie, William, Dalrymple st
Kelly, Alexander, Hamilton stKelly, Dugald, High st
Murray, John, Knockushion stPeacock, Andrew, Dalrymple st
Powell, William, Dalrymple stThomson, Hugh, Dalrymple st
Ayr Bank (Branch of), High st - (draws on Sir William Forbes and Co Edinburgh, The Royal Bank, Glasgow, and Herries, Farquhar, and Co, London) - Kennedy Brown, agentAyrshire Bank (Branch of), Bank st - (draws on the Royal Bank, Edinburgh and Glasgow, and Williams, Deacon and Co London), William Johnston, agent
Adams, Hugh, Bridge stDeckie, William, Bridge mill
Forbes, William, Bridge stMcCracken, William, Shallock
Wallet, John, Down park 
Ferrier, William, Dalrymple st/McQuaker, Joseph, Dalrymple st
Chalmers, David, Montgomerie stDavidson, Alexander, Dalrymple st
Eglesham, Archibald, High stGillespie & Roxburgh, Montgomery st
Irvine, Samuel, Dalrymple stMcAuley, James, Montgomery st
McCrorie(?), Robert, Montgomery stMcHarg, William, Hamilton st
Steven, Alexander, Dalrymple stWhite, James, Hamilton st
CART & WHEEL WRIGHTS (see also wrights)
Dunbar, Jeremiah, Dalrymple stMcClatche, Hugh Bridge mill
McCracken, Alexander, Beggar knowMcTaggert, James, Old street
Young, Alexander, (and millwright), Vicarton row 
Hannah, Alexander, Down parkMcEwan, Robert, Ailsa street
Conway, Charles (& turner), Montgomery stGardner, Robert, Hamilton st
Goudie, John, Dalrymple st 
Caledonian, Kennedy Brown, High stInsurance Company of Scotland, David Randall Craig, Bank st
Hercules, John Gardner, Montgomery stWest of Scotland (fire) and Scottish Amicable (life) Co., William Johnston, Bank st
McKissock, James, High stMcMillan, Robert, Dalrymple st
Sinclair, James, High stSmith, James, Dalrymple st
Weir, William, Dalrymple st 
Clachar, Alexander, Hamilton stSmith, William, High st
GROCERS (Marked thus * are also spirit dealers)
(See also Spirit Dealers and also Shopkeepers &c)
* Armstrong, James, Dalrymple st* Cathcart, James, Dalrymple st
Douglas, Robert, Montgomery st* Ferguson, David, Hamilton st
Ferguson, James, Dalrymple st* Hannah, John, Dalrymple st
* Hannah, Robert, High st* Hunter, Andrew, Hamilton st
Irvine , James, Knockushion st* McClure, James, Dalrymple st
* McClymont, Samuel, High st* McKechine, Robert, Dalrymple st
Powell, Anthony, Dalrymple st* Robinson, Thomas, High st
* Smith, William, High st* Steven, Thomas, Montgomery st
McCaa, Hugh, Dalrymple stMcCracken, John, Dalrymple st
McQuaker, Hugh, Dalrymple st 
Bryden, Andrew, (and car keeper), Montgomery stClacher, John, (Star Inn, and livery stables), High st
Davidson, Thomas, Dalrymple stForgie, Thomas, Montgomerie st
Harvey, John, (Weaver's Arms), Down parkIrvine, Samuel, Dalrymple st
Irving, James, Knockushion stLyle, Thomas, (King's Arms Inn & livery stables), Dalrymple st
McCulloch, _____, (George), Down parkMcKissock, Elizabeth, (Buck's Head), Dalrymple st
Mantell, David George, Old stPatterson, John, the Green
Powell, Thomas, Dalrymple stSands, David, Dalrymple st
Tinsley, Thomas, Down park 
McIlwraith, Andrew, Montgomery stWhite, William, Hamilton st
Agricultural, Wm. McMorran's, Bank st - William Johnston, librarian and secretaryFerrier, William, Dalrymple st
McQuaker, Joseph, Dalrymple stSubscription, High st - Robert Niven, librarian
Davidson, Alexander, Dalrymple stDavidson, Thomas, (and clothier), High St
Drynan, James, Dalrymple stHaldane, Thomas, (& silk mercer), Dalrymple st
McClymont, Alexander, (and silk mercer), High stMcQuaker, John, Dalrymple st
Morton, William, Old st 
Austin, James, Bridge millTrawburn, William, Shallock
Hannah, David, Bridge stHannah, Robert, Montgomery st
Allen, Alexander, Dalrymple stMantell, David George, Old st
Campbell, Anthony, Hamilton stKennedy, John, Bridge st
Cathcart, James, Dalrymple stFerguson, David (and agent), Hamilton st
McKechine, Robert, Dalrymple st 
Brackenridge, Elizbth, Dalrymple stBrown, Gilbert, Dalrymple st
Chalmers, Joseph, Montgomery stDavidson, James, Dalrymple st
Davidson, John, Dalrymple stDavidson, Thomas, Dalrymple st
Eaglesham, James, Dalrymple stFrazer, Hugh, Dalrymple st
Girvan, Margaret, Montgomery stGuthrie, John, Montgomery st
Hannah, David, Hamilton stHeron, Alexander, Down park
Houston, Ann, Hamilton stLore, Thomas, Hamilton st
Luck, John, Dalrymple stMcCrozie, John, Dalrymple st
McCulloch, George, Down parkMcIlwraith, Helen, Hamilton st
McMicking, Marian, Knockushion stMcNeill, Roderick, Montgomery st
McTaggart, James, Old stMantell, David George, Old st
Matland, John, Montgomery stNeill, Thomas, Dalrymple st
Powell, John, Dalrymple stRalston, John, Montgomery st
Scobie, Mary, Montgomery stScott, Thomas, Montgomery st
Steven, Andrew, Montgomery st 
Henderson, James, Montgomery stMcKnight, Daniel, Knockushion st
SPIRIT DEALERS (See also Grocers)
Dunn, John, Bridge stFerguson, David, Hamilton st
McCracken, John, Dalrymple stPowell, William, Dalrymple st
Ferguson & Wright, Plumb stKnox, John, Dalrymple st
Murrow, Robt. and Archbld., Plumb st 
Eglesham, Mary, High stMcIlwraith, Mary, High st
Ballantine, Robert, High stCrawford, James, MD. Redman lodge
Robinson, Andrew, Dalrymple stRobinson, David, Bogrie hall/
Thomson, Samuel, MD. Dalrymple stWalker, John, Old st
Annan, Alexander, Vicarton stBallantine, William, Montgomery st
Brown, William, Hamilton stCrossan, James, Dalrymple st
Cunningham, James, Montgomery stDavidson, Samuel, Dalrymple st
Davidson, Thomas, High stGammel, Thomas, High st
Hannah, John, Bridge stHannah, Robert, High st
Law, Andrew, Bank stMcClymont, John, Old st
Law, David, Bridge stMcIlwraith, John, Bridge st
Ferguson, David, Hamilton stMcKechine, Robert (and lead), Dalrymple st
Davidson, James, High stGraham, James, High st
WRIGHTS (See also Cart & Wheelwrights)
Davidson, Thomas, Newton KennedyFerguson, James (and cabinet maker), Plumb st
McConnell, Alexander, Knockushion stMcKenna, James, Dalrymple st
Nelson, James, Bank stRoss, David, High st
Brown, Kennedy, N.P. High st/Craig, David Randall, (& messenger at arms), Bank st
Gardner, John, Montgomery stJohnston, William, N.P. (magistrate for Ayrshire), Bank st
Bell, William, gauger, Excise officeCraig, David Randall, auctioneer, Bank st
Crawford, William, druggist &c, Bank stElder, James, principal coast officer, the Green
Gray, Andrew, gardener, Bank stJohnston, William, factor to Sir J A Cathcart, Bank st
Lawson, John, rope maker, Dalrymple stMcAdam, Saml., hair dresser, Montgomery st
McMorran, Wm., bookbinder &c, Bank stMurdock, Wm., coppersmith, Montgomery st
Powell, James, grain dealer, Dalrymple stRandall, David, town clerk, Graig town
Shaw, Thomas, tallow chandler, Bridge stStamp Office, High st - Brown Kennedy, distributor
White, James, town treasurer, Hamilton st 
Church of Scotland, Hamilton st - Rev. Peter McMasterUnited Secession Meeting House, Bridge street - Rev. Alexander Duncan
Catholic Chapel, Montgomery st - Rev. William Thomson, of AyrMethodist Meeting House, the Green - (No regular minister)


To Ayr, the 'Robert Burns', from the King's Arms, every Tuesday and Friday morning at six; goes through Kirkoswald on Tuesdays and Dailly on Friday.

To Glasgow, the 'Royal Mail', (from Portpatrick), passes through every evening at half-past seven.

To Portpatrick, the 'Royal Mail', (from Glasgow), passes through every night at half-past eleven.


To Ayr and Maybole, Wm. Dryden, from Montgomery st every Tuesday To Ballantrae, John McWhirter, from the Star, every Monday.

To Glasgow, Robert Hannah, from Dalrymple st, every Tuesday.

To Stranraer, John Steven, from Vicarton-row, every Wednesday.



To Glasgow, the 'Nimrod' (from Stranraer), calls every Monday, and the 'Loch Ryan' every Tuesday.

To Stranraer, The 'Loch Ryan' (from Glasgow), calls every Friday, and the 'Nimrod' every Saturday.

Coastal Vessels:

To Glasgow, the 'Earl Gray' (Robert McKechine, agent), and the 'Irvine' (David Ferguson, agent) once a fortnight.

To Liverpool, the 'Jenny and Nancy' (Robert Ballantine, agent), and the 'Sutit'(?) (Robert McKechine, agent) occasionally.

This transcript was kindly provided by Keith Muirhead from Queensland.