


Pigot 1837


1837 - Ayrshire Directory
Pigot and Co


Dailly is a village, in the parish of its name, and District of Carrick; 93 miles south west of Edinburgh (through Maybole and Ayr); 47 miles south by west of Glasgow; 46 miles south-south-east of Portpatrick (by the new road, which is longer by three miles than along the coast); 37 miles north-north-east of Stranraer; 30 miles south by west of Kilmarnock; 19 miles north-north-east of Ballantrae; 15 miles south by east of Ayr; 7 miles from Maybole and 6 miles from Girvan.

The situation of this village is not exceeded by any in the County for beauty; it is seated in a fine fertile valley near to the pellucid water of the Girvan, which is fed by a number of small streams, some of them descending through deep and woody glens admired for their picturesque and romantic loveliness; while the many elegant mansions of the affluent that are interspersed throughout the district, and the hoary ruins of two ancient castles, contribute to the general interest of the scenery.

The extent of the parish is six miles in length by about five in breadth; the uplands are bleak and pastoral; but the more level parts are well cultivated, enclosed and planted. Coal and limestone abound in several portions of the parish. The Duke and Duchess de Coigney, Sir James Ferguson and Sir Andrew Cathcart are the principal heritors.

The old parish church, dedicated to St Michael, has fallen to decay; the present structure, which is neat, was erected in 1766. A parochial, and a Sunday school, for the children of the poor, have been established in the parish, and there are two libraries supported by subscription in the village.

Post Office (Mary Blair, Post-mistress): Letters from Maybole arrive every morning at eight and are despatched every afternoon at three.

Nobility, Gentry and Clergy
Cathcart, Captain Sir John Andrew of Carleton
Ferguson, Sir James, Bart of Killerran
Hill, Rev Alexander DD, Manse
Kennedy, Thomas Francis Esq. of Dalquharran
Wylie, William Anderson (factor to Sir James Ferguson, Bart)
Shopkeepers and Traders
Blain, William - cooperBlair, Mary - clothier and grocer
Currie, John - sawyerDick, Robert - King Arms Inn
Fulton, John - tailorHapple, John - shoemaker
Hunter, Saml - woodforester, WoodendKnox, William - grocer
Lauder, Alexander - blacksmithMcClelland, Hugh - miller
McConnell, James - blacksmithMcConnell, Primrose - blacksmith
McCrindle, Andrew - shopkeeperMcCrindle, Hugh- tailor
McHarrie, Hugh- shopkeeper & spirit dealerMcIlwraith, Ellen - grocer
McMurtrie, David - shopkeeperMcMurtrie, William - shopkeeper & vinter
Rencastle, Catherine - shopkeeperSloan, James - grocer, draper & spirit dealer
Turner, Alexander - shoemakerVass, Andrew - surgeon
Welsh, Robert - tailor & shopkeeperWhite, Samuel - baker & vinter
Willett, Ivie - master of parochial school and librarian for subscription LibraryWilson, Agnes - shopkeeper


To Ayr: Matthew Robinson every Monday and William Harrison every Friday.

To Glasgow & Kilmarnock: Matthew Dickie every alternate Saturday.

This transcript was kindly provided by Keith Muirhead from Queensland.