


Adding & Editing a Church or Cemetery Page


1 Creating a Church or Cemetery page


These instructions are aimed at GENUKI Maintainers who need a step-by-step guide to adding a missing GENUKI page for a church or cemetery.  For simplicity, we'll just refer to churches, but where we say "church" this will equally apply to a cemetery, unless common sense indicates otherwise.  For this you will need to know:

  • a GENUKI Username and Password that has appropriate access permissions. 
  • Either the location of the church on a modern map, or the longitude & latitude values for that locaton.
  • The county in which the church lies and the three-letter "Chapman Code" for that county
    (for example LAN for Lancashire, DOW for County Down, BEW for Berwickshire, FLN for Flintshire, GSY for Guernsey).
  • The town or parish in which the church lies.
  • The religious denomination of the congregation.

Ideally you would also know other details about this church, including such things as the year that it opened, whether or not it is still open, what records exist and where they can be found, etc. However, to begin with, we'll look at entering the essential details, without which, a new page cannot be created.

There are two ways to create a new page are the "Cloning" method and the "Add Content" method; so we'll look at each in turn.

Creating a Church or Cemetery page Using the "Cloning" Method

The Cloning method simply makes a copy of an existing GENUKI church page, which you then edit so that the details hold good for the "new" church.  Obviously the more details the cloned church has in-common with the "new" church, then the fewer things you will need to edit.  Whilst cloning may save you some work, it isn't possible to do that if your GENUKI Username/Password doesn't have Editing permissions for an existing GENUKI church page.  In which case you would have to use the "Add Content" method (see below), but you will only have to do this once, since thereafter, you will have a church page that you can clone!

Once logged-in to your GENUKI account, open the GENUKI church page that you want to clone.

It must be a page for which you have editing permissions and, if that is so, then you will see "Edit" and "Clone" tabs in the menu, as shown in the screenshot: 

To create a clone (copy) of the page, simply click on the "Clone" tab:

You will now be presented with a page configured as on online form, with many of the fields already completed with the details that applied to the church you've just cloned, except for the "Title" field, which will say "Clone of...".

Cloning a church webpage

Creating a Church or Cemetery page using the "Add Content" Method

Whilst cloning may save you some work, it isn't possible to do that if your GENUKI Username/Password doesn't have Editing permissions for an existing GENUKI church page; so you would have to use this "Add Content" method.  However, you will only have to do this once, since thereafter, you will have a church page that you can clone!

Once logged-in to your GENUKI account, on every GENUKI page you should see the "Shortcuts" menu up in the top-left corner. To create a new (initially blank) page for a church or cemetery:

  1. Click on "Shortcuts".
  2. Click on "Add content".
  3. Click on "Church".

You will now be presented with a page configured as on online form, which is what you will use to enter the details of this church.

Add church 1


2. Editing the Essential Basic Details

We'll now go through adding the essential details, without which, you won't be able to save your new GENUKI church page.  There's nothing to stop you entering the non-essential details at the same time (for example, what records are available and where they can be found) but we'll cover doing that later.

The Title field

If you created your page using the "Add Content" method, then this field will initially be empty.  If you used the "Clone" method, then the Title field will be pre-filled with "Clone of.." , similar to the upper screenshot.  Either way, you need to ensure that the field is filled-in/edited to reflect the "new" church.

The "Title" field must have three elements, each separated by a comma, and these three elements are:

  1. The name of the church, or it's dedication (i.e. "St Anthony", "Centenary Chapel"), or else the street name on which it is located.
  2. The name of the town, village or locality where the church is located.
  3. The congregation's religious denomination (if a church), or else a suitable description (i.e. "cemetery", "burial ground").

County field

In this field enter the name of the county in which this church is located. If you are in any doubt about the spelling, then it would be best to check-out the list of counties on the relevant country page (here: England, Ireland, Scotland, Wales, Channel Islands, Isle of Man) .

Editing the Church Title

Parent Place field

This field is for the name of the town or civil parish that this church lies within.

If there is a place is already listed (Drumbo in this example) then click on "Replace" if you need to change it. 

If there isn't already a place listed, then just click on "PARENT PLACE".


Add Parent Place

You'll now see the "Choose parent place" box. 

  1. In the "Place" box, type in the name of the town or parish.
  2. Optionally, fill-in the "County" box (to filter the options)
  3. Click the "Filter list of possible parents" button.
  4. Select one place from the list that appears.
  5. Click the "Set parent" button.

If the list of places is long and gives you far too many choices, try entering a county name in the "County" box and pressing the "Filter list..." button again.

Choose Parent Place

Has Graveyard field

From the drop-down selection list:

  • Select Yes if this page is for a cemetery, or is for a church which you know has (or had) any burials at all take place in the church or in an adjacent graveyard
  • Select No if this page is for a church which you know did not have any burials at all take place in the church or in an adjacent graveyard.
  • Select ? if this page is for a church and you simply don't know whether it had any burials on-site.


Church Type Field

This is used for grouping churches & cemeteries on various pages and also for colour-coding church pins on the "Nearby Churches" maps.

Make a selection from the drop-down list that most-closely reflects the main group into which the congregation's religious denomination falls. For example, the Church of England, Church of Ireland and Church in Wales fall into the "Anglican" grouping.  If you aren't sure, you can always select "Other".

Add Church Type

Location field

This field is used to enter the location of this church on a map. You can do this in two ways.

The first way uses the longitude & latitude values for the location of this church.  One way to obtain those would be to open Googlemaps and right-click on the location of this church.  Although be aware that Googlemaps gives the figures with latitude, then longitude, so you'll need to switch them around!

Once you have the longitude & latitude values, then:

  • Enter the longitude & latitude values in the "Geometry data..." field; which must use the format shown in the screenshot, with longitude first.
  • Click the "Replace" button
  • Check the "Precision" field is showing "Exact location..".


The "Precision" field is a drop-down selection list, which has options for the occasions when you do not know the exact location of the church.  For example where the church has long since fallen into disuse and no physical trace of it remains.



Edit Longitude Latitude

The alternative method is to create a pin and move it to the appropriate location on a map.  To do this, scroll to the "Location" map and then:

  1. If necessary, use the zoom control (on the left of the map) and move the map to show the desired location (using your mouse, with the left mouse button held down).
  2. Centre the map  on the general location of the church, then zoom-in until your can make out it's exact location.
  3. If it helps to find the correct location, toggle the map layers between "Street" and "Satellite" views.
  4. Click on the Pin (balloon-shaped) icon on the right of the map, then drag it to the required position.  When you're happy with the positioning, click the Pin icon again.
  5. Scroll down to the "Precision" box and ensure that is set to "Exact location...".

IF a congregation has moved location at some point, it is possible to add BOTH locations to this church entry, and bothmap-marker pins will appear on the maps showing churches in that area.  To add a second location,  simply click on the "Add Another Location" button and repeat the process outlined above.

Edit map location

URL Alias field

This is a short-cut web address that will be used to link this new page with related GENUKI pages (such as the page for the town or parish in which it is located. it must be of the format: /big/XXX/CCC/Town/Church.   The first three of these indicate where the church is located:

  • XXX is the Code for the country (use eng for England, sct for Scotland, wal for Wales, irl for Ireland, chi for the Channel Islands and iom for the Isle of Man).
  • CCC is the Chapman Code for the county or island (e.g. LAN for Lancashire, DOW for County Down, BEW for Berwickshire, FLN for Flintshire, GSY for Guernsey).
  • Town is the name of the town or parish (e.g. "Armagh", "Hamner").

The last element is simply something which differentiates that church from other nearby churches (e.g. "StMichael", "StMichaelRC", "CentenaryChapel").  But ensure that there are no spaces within whatever name you choose!

Edit Church URL Alias

Saving the page

You've now added all the basic details that you must have before you can save your new page.  So finally - for now - don't forget to save your work, by clicking on either of the two SAVE buttons, which you'll find on the left at both the top and bottom of the page.


3. Adding the Other Details

Your newly created page will mean that anyone searching the GENUKI website will now be made aware that this church exists (or at least existed) and where it was located.  That's a great start but, of course, they'd really like to know more; not least of all:

  • the timeframe in which this church has been (or was) in use.
  • what remains of the records for this place and where they can be found.
  • which other websites hold further information about this church.

So we'll next look at adding those types of information.

If you've used the "Add content" method, your new page consists of the bare details, with nothing more what;s in the three-element "Title", together with a map showing the location location of that church.  If you've used the "Cloning" method, then your new page may have additional information in fields labelled such things as "Address", "Church history", "Church Records", "Memorial Inscriptions" (etc.); and there may even be a photograph.  But most (if not all) of that details appled to the church that you cloned, so may well need editing to reflect your "new" church.

Log in to your GENUKI account, open your newly-created church page and click on the "Edit" tab:

Edit Church

The Denomination and Dedication fields

We've already covered the Church Type field and the Denomination field allows you to be a little more specific; especially if you set the Church Type to "Other".  Some examples would be:

Church TypeDenomination
Methodist:Methodist, Primitive Methodist, Wesleyan Methodist, United Methodist
Anglican:Church of England, Church of Ireland, Church in Wales
Presbyterian:Presbyterian, Reformed Presbytian, Free Presbyterian
Baptist:Baptist, General Baptist, Particular Baptist
Other:Salvation Army, Plymouth Brethren, Spiritualist, Gospel Hall

The Dedication field

The instructions below the field (see screenshot) explains everything!

Adding Church Denomination and Dedication

The Picture field

If a photograph is already showing, but it isn't the correct one (e.g. a photo from the church that you cloned) then you should remove the link between the photo and this church by clicking on the "x" in the top-right corner of the photo thumbnail:

Edit Photo 1

If you have a photograph of this church on your own laptop then to upload it:

  1. Click on the "Add Media" button.
  2. In the pop-up window that appears, click on the "Browse" button in the "Add Files" box.
  3. Find the photograph on your laptop and highlight it.
  4. Click "Insert".
Add Photograph 1

In the pop-up box that then appears:

  1. Enter a suitable "Alternative text" for the benefit of anyone with poor eyesight who may be using screen-reader software.
  2. Enter a suitable desriptive title for your photograph.
  3. Select "Church photos" from the "Category" drop-down selection list.
  4. Enter the name of the County in which this church lies ad (below that box, but not visible in the screenshot) the name of the town/parish in which this church lies and, below that, the name of the  copyright holder. #
  5. Finally click the "Save and insert" button to upload your photograph.

# Please note that you must not upload a photograph unless you have the permission of the copyright holder to do so  Normally, the copyright holder will be the person who took the original photograph.

Adding a photograph 2

The Address field

Although it isn't essential, you can enter the postal address for this church into this field.

If you happen to know the relevant website for this church then you can link your page to it in this way:

  1. Use your mouse to highlight the name of the church in the "Address" field.
  2. Click on the "Link" icon (or press [Ctrl] with [k]) and a pop-up box appears.
  3. Enter the website address in the "URL" box.
  4. Press the "OK" button.


Add hyperlink to the address

Fields with Optional Information

Adding Additional Fields

There are a number of "optional" form fields, with the three you're most likely to need on a church page are: Church Records, Church History and Memorial Inscriptions. 

Only the fields that currently hold information will appear on your Editing screen, so you may need to add one or more of these fields if you have information to put into them.  To do that, scroll down until you see the "TOPIC" subheading, then:

  1. click on the "Add another Topic" button, after which you will see a "Topic Type" listed as " -None - "  with a blank "Topic Content" form field. So you can now:
  2. Use the drop-down list to select the "Topic Type" you need.
  3. Enter your detailed information in the "Topic content" box.
Adding a Topic

The Church History field

This field allows you to enter a summary of the history of this church.

Ideally you'd list at least the year that this church opened, whether or not it is still in use and, if it is no longer in use, the year it closed.

If a more detailed history is available online (for example, on the website of the church's congregation, or of a local history group) it would be a good idea to provide a link to that.

How to add a link to another website is explained in the "The Address field" instructions above.

Church History field example

The Church Records field

This field is where you can enter details of what records for this church (for example, baptism, marriage or burial registers) exist.

Try to indicate the nature of the records, which years they cover and where they can be found.  If they are available to view online, try to provide a link to the relevant website and indicate whether the records are free-to-view or if a subscription is required. (How to add a link to another website is explained in the "The Address field" instructions above).

You can use whatever layout of information is easiest for you. You might find it useful to use some sort of template, pre-filled with more obvious local, county, national & internet sources (as that would also serve to remind you of the sources you have yet to check), similar to this one:

At the Church1925 >>1925 >>1925 >> 
XXX local library1860-19251883-1925None 
ZZZ County Archive1799-19251803-19251799-1925 
Find My Past?????? 

Or you could just use a simple list, as in this screenshot:


Church Records Example

The Memorial Inscriptions field

This field is where you can enter details of what transcriptions (or photographs) of gravestone & memorial inscriptions for this church exist and where they can be found. 

If they are available to view online (for example, the Find-a-Grave website), try to provide a link to the relevant website and indicate whether the records are free-to-view or if a subscription is required.

How to add a link to another website is explained in the "The Address field" instructions above.

Memorial Inscriptions field Example

Saving the page

Having now added all of the additional details you had, don't forget to save your work by clicking on either of the two SAVE buttons, which you'll find on the left at both the top and bottom of the page.